Satisfaction of Mtg 700-262,263 800K 700 PAGE 262 'N~-S,\ SATISFACTION OF MORTGAGE FORM R. E. 22~ PAN AMERICAN PRINTING CORPORATION MIAMI, FLORIDA ~att!ifarttnu nf !lnrtgagr bearing date the Fth day of January _.A. D. 19_4Q-. recorded in Mortgage 1Kl1l1m 1\11 flrl1 iSl1 w4rsr 'rrsrnts: That AARON J. COBF1I and Sl:CNEY BLUME~lTIIAL the ho]ders of a certain mortgage given by_~~DNEY KOENJGSBi.RG., H:~Fm1'q;T KOENJGSB},RG and 111[' 1O\11S DAKCV~nCK, to AAEON J. CQ.rE.N al:J..cL$lDNEY FLUIU};.NTHAL Book-1.625-page 1, 98 in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Dade County, State of Florida; given to secure the sum oE Ten thousand (~,lC,OOO.OC)------- 001181'8, evidenced by _____. and being m...._ ..._~ one certain note_., upon the following described property, situate, lying County, State of Florida, to-wit: Lots twenty-six (26) anrl tv.renty-seven (27) of Block four (4) of ORCHAlm SUB:::JIV1SICN #4, accordjng to the Plat. thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 25 at Page 30 ofLhe Public P.ecords of Dade County ,Flodda. have received full payment of said indebtedness, and do hereby acknowledge satisfaction of said mort. gage, and hereby direct the Clerk of the said Circuit Court to cancel the same of record. ltt WITNESS__~ur___._..__Jland_1Land sealiLthiL... ;(., 6., ~ .day of Ma rch A. D. 19 ~8. Signed, sealed and delivered j1 the presence of: /~' /hi' /? VL~~lidL~-?U:- Q,iJ- ~/ ca1 \fk.~ (Seal) (Seal) 8UOK 7UU PAG:.2fiJ ............ ~\ . I CJ'