QD-01 Indenture " QUIT CLAIM DEED Hefty's Form R. E. 8. .. Printed and for sale by the Hefty Press Miami. Florida -- --- . r-.. .-, .~~I II ... 7Th. 1'), t ' . · w t5 ..Yuuru urr f Made this....... 2Qth....,.., ..,.., '.'n"'n..., day of ...nn'nnne,c,em:b,e.r,....'n.........'.........n...n'..n....'n . . . A. D. 191.,8....,n, between"..,T.he"..,Q,C.,e.,gJl ..,Ile.n,c,h,n,n,~,?:J.,JYn,..g.Q",---".....A....c.,Q.r.J2.Q.r.,1;l,tJ.,Q,n,..".."..,..,..'.."n'...."n' --L JL:I ;! . I . !if .........nnn..............n..,....~......nn...'n.............n...............................n..,.........nnnn...n..,...... ..,.....,..,.....'....'n..'.....n...!ff.'. .........,:nn,nnn.....,...nn,of the Cou,r ty of ~ . ....,.....,.....nn...,Dade,n..n,..................and State of,.....,3lnrida......n,...,...................n.................part.y,..,... of the firstfpart, and . I .........T.h,e.....,cj..t,y.....Q,fn...Mi..~.mJ...nI?'~,~,c.h.Ln..A...nn~n,~..Gj,p.~,~,~,...,9..Q.r.P.Q.r,~,tJ.Q}L......................n......'.'.....,~..'............n....n I , . ,., of the County oL..n..Dadennn..n...n.....and State oL.....,..Flo,r.i,rlan............................parL,..y.., of the~':dnd part. III -~f~~~:!~~~;fi~;:;i;:i~t;~~;.;;;;;;~~f;;:~;c::~~~n;~:.i: H~ · in hand paia by the said part..yn.... of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl~tedV II I' II . . ha..s..nn, remised, released and quit-claimed, and by these presents do.~,~........ remise, release and quit- , : '. .;.). suc~essors. claIm unto the saId .pariY...nnn of the second part andn......lnt..S,~..............~!nI and assIgns forever, all the . f . right, title, i:rtterest, claim and demand which the said part.y....... of "the first part han!?.......,..n......in and , . i I , , I I . ~. to the following described lot , piece or parcel of land, to-wit: Si tua t e, lying and being in the county of Dade and State of Florida, more pa.r.t.i- cu -l.[t'r-l'y"'..de8'c,r-ib.e,d,..,-a.g..".fo,l--l,o'Wg';,..,..,to'w-i..t':.,....,...ALl:...,;th-e,....lan4....,sh0-''fr-1..,..<-ls.....,.......... streets, avenues, boulevards, drives, roads 8nd alleys, represented an'd".' gho'wn.."o'n'."th~l't"..'c'e'r-t'a'in'---p'lat.."known.'n.B.Trdn..'rl'e.d,i'ca't'e,d,,'.7i:"S""Oc-ea.'n-'..'B-ea.cn-';"..,... II ~.~,g,~.i..~~~;"..,~~i~,.i.,.i,~.~'~h.~'?..(;T?i,c.~P.~,~~,~~~~c~.~'r'~=.g~:,in_;,~..ci,;,~~'i~~,~~u~~,.~..t;"~..---,~,~,., I I anti for Dade County, Florida, inclu ding the, right-of-.way a width of :: t '.{'en.'fy".'{'2'O'}"...f.e.e'f---'iii..'."th'e'.'..c..e'j1':Ce'f---'i)'f'---'ii l'l..."s'il'ch':..'s't'r.e'eTi3..;"---'~ive'n'u'e's'~"'.'o'6'li:T'e'v~ird 8 Ij ; f'~'{h.:""'fI,~,8,i,0,;,~'~'t!.~{~,~,l-i,rQ,~,~.~ir~,~'i'I-~'~1.'o'f'0.'~'a.{'~,~1i~,i;",.~~'r'~.!i}~'e'~~~;'t.;p~,~,~,t~'f' 11: t a ..r.a,i.l,r.Q,a,d,.,..",~I~r~li,~..,.a"r..~~,r_e,~ S..",cf.f---J,ran..r.~t.i!fi}n.,~..wh~~,r.'h..n.......""""" ;I~'" operat'.>.d by steam;) electricity or othe'rvhse., as t.le same app'ears of I. . r ec,o,r.,d..",in..,..th,e.".O'i'.,f,i.~.e---.Q,f".,..t.}.l,@..",C'l,e,r,k,..,.(},f,,~,U4.e...,C,i.r~u-i..t....CQ,u.r_,t-,...in....an4....,f{},);!,..........., Dade County, Florida, i~ the s8id Plat Book ~, page 81. I ,I TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the :am. together with all and singular the appurtenances th~re- I I , unto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and all the estate! !"ight, t~tle, int~rest. and claim ~hat- i :soe~~ro~ te said P:t...,y...n of the ~rst ~~t, -mner .inrawor-e~uitY;t~tlie only 'prop~use. bene-...., , " . . I . t suc,cessors II n.'; ...\,,,,, c.nnn."r\rl Y\n'....f- 1 .!=::; ..1,,_;;"_ ....,..,,.1 n........,.:,..........., .j!"",.""'T....._ I ......................_h__._............n................n.....................__.........................4...................................~......u........n....n...u.........__............n....nun....n..u............n....u........................ ~- ."",.Th,~t."...faJ,.l:ur.,e..",.Q,rrn"t.h,~,....I??-,r..t."..9.:f....,~,~,;i,~,.., .Q,t,."j:;.Y..":t.9.....1),?-,Y..,,~?,h,~.P.:,,..~ u..~..~"~Q,~"...,?:p.,9.tE?".....,.. '- . m,g,JJj;J 9P~..g...,P.:.Q,j;,~,...,',s.b.a..l.l.".,QPe.r.a,t.,e"...a,s"",a.,_,..f.a.,jl1ut,g.,.."Q,f..,..Q,Q,n.Si.,Q,e,,:r. ~t..i.Q,n,..,f,9,;r.....:t.h.i s 'Jf . .. "d,6..6..d .,.,.and..""the.":,g,r.,a.,n:t,Qr.."r.:e"s,e,..cr,e,,s,,~,,~.",li,e"P.. .,.f.Q.r......t.h-.e"..,.P,~,r..G.h*,~....,rr.(Q,P.J,l"Y.,...;r.9.1?,r.,fJ..~.. . . ~ sented bv said no te . !. _ '........n....................................___'..u...................".....................___......n.... n______..........,u............................................................'..'......................'..'__,..,.....__.......,..........., .........,....,..........'u......,...........,........~.......__....uu....,..,..~,.......___..:,~...,__......,.........,..\...___..........~___......,............__,..,......,..................,..,..u......,__............."'.......,..,..!,...__..,...., ~ ~ .. ....,......,...,.......,..,......,.........................,......,......,...............,................,..___..........'n'........'.....u.....,.......,.......,..................___..........,......___,........,........,...,..,...,...........__._____,..__, ... L ~ "..,...,.."...',.,....,.".."............,....,'..'......,......"..",..,......,.,...,..,..,......"'..,.."'..---..,,......"....",....,.."....,.."',"'..."'...'..--......'.."---...."."...'..'..---'..."..'....'......'........'..c.'----...'.......'" .. ' . Ii -A.... ....,..,.,.1 hn~nrd~' n'; "'hn. c...."I~rl Y't.f"'I~.f-'\r .--. . -' - ... ......~...__.. ..dO.. n__ _ ___ ....;..n .__ _..... _....~..............nd.........n__. _........n............__.....un...._____._......__nnn..h.__...___...n_...n._.....~...__:;.n_.:____.~.. __,________________________..,.......L,........................m__.."...................m...............__.....____,..,..__. ...........,__..__..................__,__....,-r-......,__..,:..,__..........,__.....__of the Cou~ ty of , , __...______,..........__Dade,__,............,...,..,..and State oL..__.Flo.ridann....______....n__.....__mnn..........,....part.y....... of the firsti-Part, and .. '......nTh,e.,__..c__j,..ty____,Q,f____JU,!'M!iJ.____~,~,QJ~h,J.....__A...mY.,[I..~,9..~,P.,~'~Jn...9..9..r.P..9.X,~,t.J.Q..D__...____.....____......__...____"'--...--;.......,..,--..--...... f\ . ... I' . of the County oL__..__Dacie,...____________,...and State oL...,__..Flo,ri,d.a,__.....,...________..____...,part....__y,__ of the'i:cond part. I II 'fJa \yITNESSETH, That the said parLY...... of the first part, for and in con~ideration of ~-!;tIftl-(}{ 'I ~1) the SUJl1 of . --=-. .- - -- - ~ t~- ~ ~i~~~J~,~,D,.~~~rti:;~;'~';;'~'~'6i.~;,t'~'~e'~~~~~~i~'t~~'~9.,~"f""c'~'~;'ii'..'~t.t.~c*~.. Jo'~e in hand pai1by the-'-said part. y__..., of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby ackno:fS"'d I I' , II ha--5'------ remised~ released and quit-claimed, and by these presents 'do,~..~...__... remise, release and quit- ; I,..~ ~ . ' ... sue ces so rs ,:'1 I ,. claim unto the said.partY__..:..__ of the second parta'nd__......i.,t__s,~,......,...__,~m and assigns forever, all the . · A. II right, title, iffterest, claim and demand which the said part.y__,__.. of "the first part ha__~.........__,..__jn and I 1'1. .. .... II I,' to the fbllowing described lot , piece or parcel of land, to-wit: Situate, lying ~:,;,t~, ~~ ~';'ri';""'~~:'c'~~~,~~~1t,~,~,f~~i:,\Y:~.~,t~;~,~.~.,."~.~l,i,:,~~,~.~~;~n:~,~~fP\T.n,,,~~.,',.,.,.,"",o 10, streets, avenues, boulevar~s, drives, roa~s And alleys, represented ,I an.d""sho'wn....o.n--'.th-a-t.'mc.e-r't'u'in.--'p"lat'..'known--"a.TI'd'."'d'e'r:h.ca't.e-d"'.ci:'S."'Oc-ea-n""B'ea'ch--j',..,..' , Florida~ Addition No, 3, appearing of record in Plat Book No.2, on .! pag.e"'N6'~'--"8"I';--mTh..mthe--moTT'i'c'e..m6--r"'--tFftf.'.CI 'e:rk...'ci'i~m'them--C'i':'e"c'lrl\'--'Ctrurt'----in--m....--...--.. i I t~~in,{1.,1"i6~)~'~'e~i?t\~,!.1iwr.,!.tJl~{e~t~e~r...~J}~..1dl,i,~,~,~'c~?:,~,t,~.i~~,~,;,?,~,~:'~'~'e'~..;'.~~~'~l~~~-e~~.rd8 i] I ~ fi{h;.ti-~sF;~~t~i-~~}HQ~~~-r-~~i{~~<,lotn%ai~Q1iH;~~/'~he:;~t~p~-i~'~i' II ~ a __r.a,i,lr.Q,a.d,.'m__g~r.~li.~'mQ,r,..!!~,~e,~ s__"d.f.,.:1r.a.n"w..r~t.it1)n...,!I!,--Wh~.~,r.,..,..--'.'~>m'.--' ~. .~ operat~rj by steam". electricity or othe-r'vdselil as t.le same app~ears of' . r ec,Q,r.,d"."in..."th..e..,.O.f,f,i.c..e...,Q.f".,__th€..."C'l,e,r.-k-..,.(},f..~.tl..@.",.c,i..r-c.u_i..tm'CQ'U_;r..t-".,in..--an4,....f{},r-'--m.'.--.. Dade County, Florida, iTr the said Plat Book ~, page 81. '~ unt~ T;l;n~: ::i:~:Y:::P:~~::~~O:~~:: :::he:;:t~~~;~:~:~.t~ete:::::;::::: :~:: ]1: ~soever of the said parL,Ym__ of the -llrst part, eli1;her In law or eqUIty, 'to tlie-only 'propet---use;- bene--4, " .. _ iT.. . I , ' . t suc.c.essors IIIII fit and behoof of the said partym...... of the second part, ..,.....__...~____..2,m....,..,.........:h~iT~ and assigns forever. I I I I . .... ..... .._ _h................ _h.""'" ..................... ... ......n..... on_' ... .......... ..... ..........n...... .................. ......... ......... ._.........n_____........ ....un.un........____._.......... .....-........- ..---....................... .'n',.TJ~.s~t.,..,.fa..i..l.:g.r,.e""__Q,nn":t,h,f')...,,p..?_.r.':tm,.Qf.,",.{?,~.;h<l.,.,' .Q,t..~y"',:!?,9..."F,?:y,..,!~~,h,~,P.:....~ u..~..~,,~h..~......?:P..~~..'o..__.. .. . m,f'),,n,:t.t 9 p5iJL..,l.lg..t.e.,......s.h,a..l,l.,..,Qpe,r.a.t..6....,a.S,...fJ.m.'f..a..:iflJJ.t.G..__..Q,f.....G..Q,nsi..Qoex ~t..i.Q,n....t.9.;r.____:t,hJ S ~ . .. .. ..d.e.,e,.d."".and""":the..,:,g.r,a.,n.:t.Qr__,,.r.:e.,s,e.,rv..e,.s.,~"~,,,.l :),.e.,p, ",f.Q,r,..,.:t,h,~,....n,g.r..G.h*,~.,...1lrQJ1~"Y.,..X,Si..P..r,Q__:::__ . ~ __~,El,P.:~__El'gm'.]:;>'y____,~?:,tq". ,..P:9...~'--~m'.........~.~..--........... m.m.'m...........mm..'.....m__..'.........mm..'.'...__m......'........m..'__..'....'m'.........'o'm__m......__'.....__, " . .... It. .. m..m..'..'..'.....,.... ..mmm..'m'm'......~........__..__om..'m..'~....m.....':'..__m....'..mm__'..'~' .mm.......~..m'm....'..__.__..m........__m..'m__..__m.....m..m'....__'m____' .....omm.__':........m..' " . .. ..__..'..'....m..............m'...__m.m..__.....mm.'.........m__..'........'....'..m......__'...m......'__mm......'..____m...'.....m'm.......'__......' ...____'.__'...'m_____'m......'.'...,...................n...m.__'.'m.. ~. . .- __..._ ....... ...u.. n..........____ n...._..__n...........non.......un..h.........._u_.......... .__.ou.. ....._n. .n..... ,n..n .......n.n...U.... ...n..........nu.............n.....n.u.......n.__.......n.....h......n.--t'.._.h........--.~ .. . ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, TJ-.e said part.y,....., of the first part ha,~......__ hereunto ~,.. ..c.a.u,B,e,d, this deed to i;c execute~ and its corporate seal to 'he affixe~ -hftftti--'ftlt<io~l-- the day and year first above wrltten'The Ocean Beach Realt~ Co .i~l;..;~~~::.~e~:~_l::~:_::=~l ~;J4( . -- ---~ ~?~1>, ,...,(Q-=,~..,Jl~4...,~.....^'...,...~'~..~'m.....'..:mm..~,..f ~ __..m~'~':..!.--o, --Ei'r.y.--...--'~..4~~ (Sea~) -1 I I I , llll I I f I i_~, ,. ..., ~ I I I I 1 I I I ................................... .................... . .. . .... ~ . to, . :-... . 'I4~EB ERTIFY, That1'm this day personally appeared b~fore me, an officer duly author- ,.~ !"t41 . ized to administer 0 \ and take acknowledgments, . '...............'m...........'............'....:.......,....;.................. .....,..............'.......hm........ ........u................n............nhnnnu__....hh...n.__........................................................u........._uuo.....................__nn...................__n......._nu......._........uon_.......___.......___........... described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and ...m:-''''''h..=.....,::..,.....acknowledged before that........................-,..,.......,......executed the same freely and voluntarily for the'purposes therein expressed. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, That ill id..,.........,....,..........,...,..,....................,..............,..,.........L.......,.........,.........,.......,......... ~) .,....'" ~ known to me to be the wife of the said,..............,..,.,.......... ''''''''''0.'"""'''"0.''''''''''''''"""'''"0.,,,,,,,,,,,,, '.................,............,..............m......... , . on a separate and private examination, taken and ma' yand before me, separately and apart from her said husband, did acknowledge that she ex~cut he foregoing Deed for the purpose of relinquishing, alienating and conveying all her righf, title a interest, whether of dower, home- stead or of separate property, stAtutory ar equitable, in and to lands described therein, and that she executed said Deed freely alfd voluntarily and without any , pulsion, constraint, apprehen- sion or fear of or from her said husband. .. . :,._'::.n,,~:' ~:.h'__' .....:~.___.;~;~.. ..'7~:;-........,......:::~....;:..__:......_..nn,~..u.....m:,.. .. County 9~ . WITNESS my hand and official seal at.....,h....,.........h".....m....mhh..'h'..........................h.::.,. , ~ ........m....,......................,..............,..........__...and State of.____..,... ...__::....:0....'..:..,.-::,...::;;;:....,::: th~~ ::...::'::~:..:::...__ qay::. A. D. 191...__......, . (Seal) - :' "'" }:...:~......:.:~_..:.nu..;:.... .... n -'0000010""'-_::___ ...~::_.~n...~.::::. :~......._;:._...n.... .:~..u.._' ........;~ ).. . ~ I · r' ~~-:-:-., ........... · ;._.4:"~~ · AT' i ' ~.:=; . ~. if .. !::, o (1) (1) i . ~ ~ .~, ;.,.~. i.:,:I. I:,' ,8.c .~. _ '00 J ~:,i" .i......... ...~ ;':! L, 71:,.... ...~ I '::,. ,;",:~.. ~ r- \: ~i CO it)'> 10.' r, i, < ~j"""",:: . !f',~. :1",,': ~. +c m 1 \ !r. ~ ~ ~I~ ~ -I::: I ~ ~..J. ~ '1 ~ (j. r ~ rr1 F, ': i.. I: '. 11[~ 'T! (11nr S'<l!;dXD 1.0. 'lrQr1'1 \~ '.. , ~ . i . i, · ',.-'\,'f'C.~I..'Oc .;/ '"fl,1L.j(J'iJ/v.IV, .. 0 . 1i'~'.~ '~F'\O'" ,,~...wo~ :4lr....t..t~~.,~........v~~-)j.....".. ~,""f-..... . -- ~ ~~~ I1II .~~6;,,:,~"':V."'~~Cl~::a:~~,~~~;.~.~ ~!~n '['P1=.IOt.!I JO e~pf+S 't ~ ... ....'_.~ .... - -.. .. ~ I it I ~ ~ ' I !",,'i~1 ,~.'of I ~ ~=~_~ ~ _, It I . ~,J/".....; 1<;\ I r ,~' ~&'I\~~\ I ~ I'%j ~ ''l{f'')'(,,; , O;~ S~J/e : . ;~ 'sr'" :..~ /.~~J I W, I:" 00. /~ ~-- 'l'l './// '~I-' ;,. ,~ .......,1 f' ~ .~I .!~ , ~ ~ ~ l~' .. ,?oM c . l~ ~ ~ I ~ I '. r~~:." I~Ua aPEG-,..' ,. III""""-J 1..G.' " ~ ~ "" o ,"','" ",l..., ~. C,l .... II\' . ---_._._---~--------_._.__._------ -------- I -------.----------- ------...---- ----~-..rr.'-.... '--- - \ ..;.~.~^- --STAT~-OF-~ORIDA ~ . .jf '-'''' .~ ..'. *,~O~NTY OP DADE. - - -, it ..'{\j ,'': : ~ij I H~R~:nT CER'rrFY, T~a t on thi s . d~y P ersbnally app eared ; ;(~J me ,;J j · offIcer duly authorIzed to admInlster oaths an'l take aCkrlowledgmentJ3J J. N. Lummus :U1ri .r. F. Canova, to me wel1 known as rresid'~nt !}nd .<':... B~cret.;'HY resI~ctively of the Dcean ~each Healty. Comr.mny, A cbr:p"'O'ra~,~' tIon, anri RS t1i'e persons "'ho executeri the foregOIng Instrument Rlld , .#. th,ltt they acknol\'}eriged eachforhimself and not the, one j~or the other, II that he executed the sai'l instruT:J.ent for' the uses 8nri purpfses there. in eryresser1 8.nrl ns the act and deeri of;'fmirl rorporntion rl,1y II aut'hori7:ed by its Board of Directors. ' , ! .. :1 II ~ 'VITNESS my hanri I1J1'3 offici:]} se3.1 at lfiarni in the County of .. 1'l.ad.e an~l s.tate of I~loridrJ, thi~ ~.~ ~da of Decen:t:?~ber .A.~~~8~ >~1ll"'~.6....,-",,'~ ..-- IS ....,. r ~~~;""'-II.~!lf'-"~ '. 'flrlAL'" ~-..' ... .... ~. ..~ ~~... , lVof.a,.() T'i.!li:i~ ,~.., .."'J o/"'..."F7t.:JJ-lo"""'tJ, . .' ..' J . .. s ~. J - ~:. .f;'.,((~ -~~, .; ~ ~~~~SJI'J · J 11"~ 1"\ ~l<O -:. ,:- : 'I g.;._ ::."" ! c~:: ~ ('I ~; \....... Ill....... ~ f.. : t.~' ~~ ..'to"'',! .~ I : '" 1\. -:,: "'I ~ ~ ! \( >;:.. ~.~~, . i \ ,- :~.=.~::=>..; j i o 8'- ~: ~~. ~ . - ... ..~,..... .... iii . .. '1 i I I I . ~ , i I i i. '1 j.; i~ i !~ it i .l' 1 i.. i . '';~', "t'or, O..'l;,7::!es Jutb 11, tt:JtJ -.. ~. "Q) Ul ~ ~.'O .-.. C'>..... i "l ~ ~ ~ ~ I I WJ Ci ~ ~. I:: ~ ~.~J U "C 0 ,,,,,,. 0 '~. ~ ~ ~ "'" --i:;l. ,0 .Q) <+-< ~ ~ S ~ ~ ~ ~ r ....i 0') ...-t : . :. ~'i '!' }I {(1 t ~If ll:: .. ~I.. J ' , ~ i, A .. 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'--u..muunmm..mm'pJRS aql JO aJJM aql aq ol all ol UMOU:>{ "~'Jb 'mnnummu'mmnnmu__'nmu"'.nu..muum'mmuumunmmmm'..mm'ummm'....mu'uu,PJ {-l,l lBq.L 'AI.HJ,'H::3:J H:3:H.LHIl.f I aNY 'passa.ldxa uJa.ratn sasod.rnd aql .roJ AH.r'elun{OA puu A{aa.lJ. allUS aql palnoaxanuumm'munm'..mn'mm'u'luq+ a.roJ.aq paZpa{Mou:>{ounm,..,:..m:n,=:.::,mmu il ..