QD-03 Indenture r J -. -,. I ! ! l)J f:j--6 .. '. QUIT OLAIM DEED ~s INDENTURE, Made thi, 21st day of July, A. D~ 1926, B.lljt\.'Vl!U!lN the CI'l'Y OF ~ BEACH, a corporation of the state of Florida, of the Oounty of Dade and State of Florida. partY' of the first part, and Nll:LLIE \' !l. :BEEGU,. Df- the OO'UDt7 of :Beaver end State of Penns:r].Y8D1a, party of the Second part, WITNESSETH, That the said party of the tirst part, for and in cODsideration st the.,. of TeD Dollar. and other good and valuable con- slderat1ons, to it in hand paid by the party ot the 'eoond part, the receipt whereof i8 hereby acknowledged, has read sed, released and qui'cla1med and b;y thele presents does remise, re18ale l\1!1d quitclaim unto the said party of the .econd and her heirs and assigna torever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the party ot the tirst part has in and to the following descrl bed propert;y, Ii tuate, lying and being in the County of Dade and State of Florida, by virtue Qt that certain DEDICATION bearing . date the 3rd day of July, A. D. 1925, running from the Miami Beach Bey Shore COmpaD7 to the 81ty ot Miami BeaCh, said Dedication being filed for record in the office of the Clerk ot the Circuit Oourt in and for Dade Oounty, Florida, under date of July 211t, 1925, under Clerk's F11e No. ~93027: Lot numbered Thirty-two (32) ot Block numbered One (1) of NAUTILUS SU:BDIVISION of the MIAMI BEA.CH BAY SHO'iE OOMPANY as the same is shown, marked and designated on a plat of said subdivision recorded in Plat Book No. 8 at Page 95 in bhe office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for ade County, Flori da. TO HA.VE AND TO HOLD the ,ame together wi th all and singular the appurtenena., thereunto belonging or in anywiae appertaining, and all the es- tate, right, title, intereet and cl~1m whatsoever of the said party of the tirai part, ~either in law or equity, to the only proper uae; benefit and b~ hoof of the said party at the second pa=~t, her heirs and assigns, forever. eon!!l1deraUon ot the It'UID of Tell Dollars and other good and ..-a1'U&bl.. con- siderations, \0 it in hand paid by the party of the second part, the rece1pt whereof i. hereby aekno"le~d, has remieed, released and qui'Claimed and by the.. presents does remise, release Nld quitclaim unto the said party of the seoond and her heirs and assigns toreTer, all the right, title, lnterest, olaim and deml!md which the party ot the tirst part has in and to the tollowiDB d..oribea property, eitu.te, lying and being ln the County ot Dade and State of noriaa, by virtu Gt that ceftaln DEDICATION bearlng .. date the 3rd day of July, A. D. 1925, running tram the },I 1 am! :Beaoh l3Iq Shore Oo~ to the 81t7 ot Miami :Beach, said Dedication being filed tor reoord in the office of the Clerk of the Oirouit Oourt in end for Dade Oounty, Florlda, under date of July 21st, 1925, under Clerk's File No. .A,-93027: Lot numbered Thlrty-two (32) of :Block numbered On. (1) of NAUTILUS SUEIVISION of the MIAMI :BEACH BAY SHORE OOMPANY aa the same is shown, marked aDd dea1gnated on a plat ot 1&1d l!IUbd1v1sion reoorded in Plat Book No. 8 at Page 95 ln ~he office ot the Clerk ot the Circuit Court in and for ade County, Florida. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the eame tog.ther with all and slngular the appurtenance. thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and all the es- tate, right, t1 tle, interest and cl~1m whatsoever ot the said party of the firsi part, e1ther ln law or equity, to the only proper use; benetit and be-; hoof of the said party of the second pa:~t, her heirs and assigns, torever. IN WITNESS WHEREOJ, the part,r of the tirst part bas hereunto cauae4 I I i t8 corporate name and seal to be hereunto nt and affixed by its properly .il authcriBed Oftic'~rs, the day a.nd year rust abaTe wrl tten. I S1gnedfS'al~d &Dd~De11Vered in the pre.~e ~': . &~.' 1ft .,\.7 ~-~'\.'; l?, ~ ~ ?I'{l' \ " ~ STATE OF FLORIDA) t SS COUNTY OF DADE ) . ,J ~ I H:EaEBY OERTIJ'Y that before 'me, a DOta17 public in and for the State of no1'1da at large, this c!q perlOnal17 appeared. LOUIS J. SNEDIGAR !ND C. W. TOMLINSON, respecti.e11 Maror and 01t1 Clerk of the Oit1 of Miami :Beaoh, a oOrporation of Flo?:,ida, to me well known to be such officers, re- speaU vely-,' and to be the person. de801"1 bed in and who aeouted the foregoing ~u1 t Claim Deed, and they 8everal11 aokrowled<<ed before me that they exeouted the st'lid instrument, 88 auch Officers, respeoti.e11, for and on behalf of said oorporation, for all the u.e. and purpose. therein expressed and with full author! ty so to do. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto eet my hand and affixed my official 8ea~ at Uiami :Beach, in said Jounty and State this _ day of July A. D. 1928. ~ o--c--/ 6 . lfota17 MHo State or ~rida at Large. My Conml.slOD ~2:Plre. _ ~ .... Dt/ ~ IJdcJ, ~ ,~ , .; ./ J _ r ~ n- ~ ~ ..-,..j..~ ~ ;-- -,.~ "- - /~- - - _ >- " .J _ -: :: ~ ~:,."' "". 5~d ..,.. ^-.; - ....J ...~ ~~" ~ .::. -- '" ::;. ~ -.'".............. ,c...;..". ';, ~~ - ~v ';: .'-~ ..~. .. l , I "'~ ~- ,I , I I I , ~'.... . :}'" '...-l.- 't. ........ ., .!...!. fI:'I- ~ ~ '0 ~ ~ .. g \.) ".. JIIOIIII...... ~.i. .-::." - -- .... , ~ : ~.. g ~,..- ~ ~ -. .....,.,. - ~"'.-'I 1"""1 .... ~.o'OIl ~ -I . . . ~ ~ i ~~; ~ .. '-~ I l .t~ ," ~ r 4 ~~ :. ,,= - .~~ - , - ,,:: ......- ~ ~ -- ~