QD-06 Indenture QUIt CLAIK DEED rlla DD.:rUU, )lade thi. ;/- Ii' tlay ot April, A.D.. 1934. between Cln C'l1IlAJIl BEACH. a JI1UDioipal cOFporation at Florida, par1tj ot the ti~.t part, and IIIAIII BEACH BAY SHORE COM- PANY, a oorporation organized and en.ting under the laws ot the state of Flo~ida, party of the .eoond part, WITNESSETH, That the said party of the tirst part ,tor .~ and in oon.ideratlon of the .um ot ten dollara and other n.luable oonl1deration in hand paid by the said party at the .econd part, the receipt whereof i. here~ aokDowleclge4,ha. remiaed,relea.ed and quit-olaimed, and by these pre.ent. doea remise,relea.e and ~it clai. unto the .aid party of the .eoon4 part, and its .ucce.- lora and aulgn. torever, all the right, title, interest,claim and demand whioh the .aid party at the tir.t part ba. in and to the tol- 1o;rlng de.crtbet lot"i"e or paroel ot land. aituate,ly1ng and being in the County ot Dade and State ot Florida, to-wita North ten (lO')teet of Lot Thirteen(lS) Block Thirty-one (al) LAp VIEW SUBDIVl- SIOI a. per plat book 14,page 42,publio reooro at Dade County.Florida. ,/ Thi. qult-olala deed il exeouted for the expre.1 purpose ot dive.ting the City ot Miami 8each at any right., title anel interest it acquired in and to the abow 4eaorlo.d property by 'rirtue ot any easement the~eto oreated by the Jliami Beaoh Bay Shore Company \UlGer date at Way 14.1932 and reoorded ~ Dee. Book 1488 at pa~ .,pub- 110 reoorda ot Dade COtmty, Florida. To have and to hold the same, together with all and ain@.1l- . . .. j'." lae the appvte__..' 'thereunto beloDging Or in anywise appertaining, and all the e.tate, right, title, 1ntere.t ani elaim what,oeY8r .t ..,:",.6 .~';;4" _.......'" AI/I..."'.........__~ ~_.. _~....'I...__-. ~_ ,___ __ __....&..__ .L._ '&"'--_ I I , :rRIS mDTUU, _~e th18;,L~ Gay ot April, A.D., 19M, between CIty (I JI1AJII lEACH, a munioipal oorporation ot Florida, partt ot ~he tirat part, and. IIlAllI BEAClI BAY SHORE COM- PANT, a oorporation organized. and exbting under the laws ot the state ot Flo~lda, party ot the aeoond part, WITNESSETH. That the said party ot the tirst part ,tor and in oonalderation of the awn of ten dollara anel other 'Y8.1uable Gonal.eration ill baBel pai. 81' the aaid party of the aecond part, the reoeipt whereot ia here~ aoknowledged,baa remiaed,relealed ani quit-olaimed, and by these preaenta doea remise,releale and f(\Itt el..1. lIDW the aaid party of the aeoond part, and its auceea- aors and a..ign. forever, all the right, title, interest,claim and demand whioh the aaid party at the tirat part baa in and to the fol- inue "'il't~ lot,flUe or paroel of land., ait'--te,lyiDg and baiD, in the County of Daelo and State of Florida, to-wit. North ten (lO')teet ot Lot Thirteen{l3) Blook Thirty-one (Il) LA.I,E VISN SUBDIVl- SIOI a. per plat book I4,page 42,publ10 record. at Dade County.rlericla. ,/ Thil qui t-olala 4eed 18 exeouted tor the expre.. purpose of 'l j j diveating the City ot Miami 8each of QDy right, title and interest 1t acquired ill uel to the abow cle.cribecl property by rl.rtue ot any ea.ement the~eto oreated by the Kiaal Beaoh Bay Shore Company under date at Way 14,1932 a~cl recorded in Deed. Book.1488 at page .,pub- I I 110 recorcl8 or Dade COlmty, Florida. To have and to hold the seur.e, together with all and sinS'l- 1ao the appurteDa." toberounto belonging' or in anywise appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, inter.at ane cla1m what,oeTer of the aale1 party of the rirst part, either in l11W or equity, to the I I I ! -I only proper use, benetit and behoot ot the .aid party ot the .eoond part, its luooe..or. and aesign. torever. IN WIrtmSS WHEREOF. the laid party ot the tirat part ba. oausecl this i:1atl'Ument to be exeouted in it. behalf, the day and ':'__..."<" ..:...:,;.;~"':.,~,~_...;.~..:w ~~~-:-.i'~' ;year tint a})QTe written. Signe4,.ealed and delivered in the pre15ence 9t. C IrY ~ MUla BEACH a munlcipal oorporation ;~I I I I I I JL~~ B11~'~~U~CJI~ It, }layor J.TTES~/) U,/ - /:r..,.,.(;;:? _ ~ City CI.rk. 7J.~,~ COUNTY OF DADE ~ss ) StATE or I'1.011IDA I BEREBY CERTIJ'Y, that on thil day per- lonally appeared betore me, an oftieer duly authorized to adminiater oatha aDd take aoknowledgments, A FRANK KA1'ZENTID aDd C. W. TOJILIN- SON, re.peetively MAYOR and CITY CLiRI ot the CITY OF MUlU BEACH, a DlUD.io1.pal corporation, to me well kn01l'Il and kn_n to me to be suoh ot- \ 1'loer., reapecti 'ftly, and they acknowledged betore me that they exe- cuts~ the toregoing inatrument ... .uoh Gttio.ra, tor and on behalt ot ,ai4 City ot Jiiud Beach, tor all the a.. a" plU"pO.e. therebl expreued, and with tull authority so to do. ~ '" WI1'DSS my hand and ott101al .eal at MIAMI BEACH, in aaid. County an" state, thil /d 48.7 ot Apr .D.. 19M. ',e._, ~ ., _..-ll.ion ..,lrel. 121. : / ~/ 1t2~/' '-~'~ ...~ "~""i '~. :.:.... ",,'~'?'.-.f':"" .Y"'.~, '-~,t ". "fi.- -'~. "'...; 'It ~ ........". ~ ,;,"r & .' . ~:-~~ ~...' '. ; J::1.;' . ~".';~$~~~! ;'. .., ~:~tf ~.-~ .'~.~f- ! .;..,.; -: ,. ~';-5~~ .,,..;'.;~ ,,>"~:I ;~~~l.?~&~ .. ,~'.g\ :',",,'>'~' ,~\,:W~I ~, ~ .:....,.. .~ _.."",'"'~i~' , 'i~.~~?~ ,~~; !, ,..... ;'.:':~; "~~r~5~,J~t:~t;!J~~~~:;~~"