QD-07 Indenture t~ ~ ~ ':'-...~ -........... QUIT-CI.ADI DEED tJl9- A HEFTY PUESS. ING., 1\hAl\([ BOOK1563 PAGE 189 HEFTY'S FORM 8 THIS INDENTURE, Made this 3 6 t:&- day of April , A. D. 193L, Between H. W. Bird . of the County of Dade , part_ of the first part, and Florida and State of Oi tv of Miami Beach t a municipal corporation of F12flfM1county of Dade and State of----E1 ori nA , part~ of the second part. WITNESSETH, That the said part_ of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS~AND-OTHER-- VALUABLE-OGNSIDERATIONS- ---- - -- ---- Dollars in hand paid by the said part_ of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, ha_ remised, released and quit-claimed, and by these presents do_ remise, release and successors quit-claim unto the said part_ of the second part and its :i!jtlxS and assigns, forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the said part_ of the first part ha-----.,;. in and to the following described lot_, piece_, or parcel_ of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Dade , State of Florida, to-wit: / The East fifteen feet (E15') of Lot Seven (7) of Block two (2) of Ocean Beach SnbdiviRion RR per plat recorded in Plat book 2, page 38, of the Public Records of Dade County. Florida ;-:. ./ ~ This deed is executed for the express purpose of conveying to the City or Miami Beach, a municipal corporation or Florida. all of the right, title and interest of the grantor herein, as a mortgagee, of this and other property, and to fnl1y nAn;('!RtA tnp. ahnvp. ne~("Y'ihed prorer+.y 'foY' s+.reet widening purposes as was attempted under that certain deed exeouted by Nettie M. Duncombe and Tyrell H. Duncombe,on May 4, 1927, filed May 24, 1927 in Deed book 1104 at page 165 of the Public n::cuJ. dB uf Dade Cuuuty, Florida. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular the appurtenances there- unto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim what- - _soever-oLthe.said_part_~oLthe first part,...either.in Jawor equity, to_the only prop_er use,_ bene- successors fit and behoof of the said part~ of the second part, its ~s and assigns forever. - - - - Dollars in hand paid by the said part_ of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, ha_ remised, released and quit-claimed, and by these presents do_ remise, release and successors quit-claim unto the said part_ of the second part and its i!jti,xs and assigns, forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the said part_ of the first part ha-----,- in and to the following described lot_, piece_, or parcel_ of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Dade , State of Florida, to-wit: ~ ~ ;-~ -: The East fifteen feet (E15') of Lot Seven (7) of Block two (2) of Ocean Beach 811bdiviRinn RR per plat recorded in Plat book 2, page 38, of the Public Records of Dade CountY7 Florida /' ..-:. ./ ~~ ~ . -- This deed is executed for the express purpose of conveying to the City or Miami Beach, a municipal corporation or Florida. all of the right, title and interest of the grantor herein, as a mortgagee, of this and other property, and to fll11y np.(H~~tp. tnp. ~'bnvp. r'lescl'ihed property f'ol' st"p.et widening purposes as was attempted under that certain deed exeouted by Nettie M. Duncombe and Tyrell H. Duncombe,on May 4, 1927, filed May 24, 1927 in Deed book 1104 at page 165 of the Publl~ r~cuLdB uf Dade County, Florida. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular the appurtenances there- unto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim what- _soever of-the-said_part__of~the first part,~.either inJaw or equity,;. to_the only proper use, bene- successors fit and behoof of the said part~ of the second part, Its blirs and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said part__ of the first part h3.- hereunto set hand_ and seaL the day and year first above written. ~~~ed in the presence of: } .[. ("'~. ). 115 :/0.;1 w i3. f{ D ~. . ~~ /' J .~(l (Seal) ......... ',l). ). 6f,~ 7r~ / ~ iD ~,,~,r \ ~/L.o.-u- 8. /J~ (Seal) y >>,L6j V &A.;~yJ~? 1.s- ' '"d ll' CICl (t) / \ f 0 ~ - (t) '"t \';' I , , '\\~ \ A D 19'3 ( / ,\\IIIII/Iil/. ' , . . ..L..:f::. ,.' . .\~ G I U 0 . /"Y/ . / , "\' i~ (AA~?-ZI7J/rs\..""'"'''' . ~ } ~~.... - . ~ i ~ : "\' \ e ~ .d.,~ - .. ..." Notary Public, State of Florida ati~arri~'1 '. :~,~ Motary Public, Slale of Florida ~t Large._~". f",.". J. . ~ fJ My Commis.ion Expire;; Jan., 17, l~t~ "~6"'" . 'l? \ ......... . ., , ~f7t~i ..,,-.' OK1563 PAGE 190 , J STATE OF Ii 0 f\ /4 d A , D.AdE } COUNTY OF I HEREBY CERTIFY That on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly author- /-IYJI(1lRd . ized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, a )( A (! F:. !3 13 j R d 4Nd to me well known to be the person.s.. described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and ac- knowledged before me that tILl: Ji executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, That the said G f? A c. F- 13, B j R d , known to me to be the wife of the said ;-f W r:r j ,R _ d , on a separate and private examination taken and made by and before me, separately and apart from her said husband, did acknowledge that she executed the foregoing Deed for the purpose of relinquishing, alienating and conveying all her right, title and interest, whether dower, homestead or of separate property, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands described therein, and that she executed the said deed freely and voluntarily and without any compulsion, constraint, apprehension or fear of or from her said husband. WITNESS my hand and official seal aLJil.i A ,11/1 J' , County of D A cl/~ and State of Florida, this 3 (J 1ft.:. day of--A...p R I )... ~jm lYly commission expires: -~;j~ - ~ ~ \)J CD t """",. r~-- (j . Ci>!j! -:.;- :; 0.- "', '" ~ ~~ '~" 0.- '1:,,-- ~ ,:-;. ~ - ~ ~\s:\,' ~ ,~ o 0 1 .; o '1' ~ 0.- o ~ ::l ?-- ~ ::::: . ..,- -': . to I-'- I-j P, ... l-3 PJ 0 ::s p, ~ ~. H:l CD II. , ,e = ..... . ....... I .J, ~ ;; ,." ........ ..., I'%j ~ '1 ~ ri. 0 ,." s~ ..... . 0 :ll a 1:: 00 t:::l ~ (t) 0.- o ~. cT '<j o H:l I I ~~, ~ ~ . t:I r c-t- ::r (t) ~~ I-'- ) PJ r.. a V\l ~. <:> , 0.- ll' '< g, tJ:j (1) ~ ~ --.Q ::Y ~'). ~rcf\ '~~~~ ,;~ rf-,' " ~ ,~ it . I ~~ , '1l'- , f.L'::', ~ " j: . pI ,,. " \:~ \ JlI ,\ ~ r \ - (r\ ,'" - ~ o .a J~ t:J \1\4 \I~ I~ I III 1111 ~ knowledged before me that executed the same freely and voluntarily for the -pur-poses therein expressed. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, That the said G R A c. F- f3. B j R d , known to me to be the wife of the said H W f3 j ,R _d , on a separate and private examination taken and made by and before me, separately and apart from her said husband, did acknowledge that she executed the foregoing Deed for the purpose of relinquishing, alienating and conveying all her right, title and interest, whether dower, homestead or of separate' property, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands described therein, and that she executed the said deed freely and. voluntarily and without any compulsion, constraint, apprehension or fear of or from her said husband. WITNESS my hand and official seal at~jA/\" " , County of and State of Florida, this 3 () 1ft, day of-A..p R I ~ ~Jm D Acl/~ A D 19'3 ( / \\\\\\\1111';1,' , . , ..L..:l:-. .;,:" ~ n I U 0 . ~ ~' ,,,\ ....... Z-zF73~ ...... . . :;. -'l. .' :~. \...\~ : 't') . ... ;;;;/ ~~ . ~" Notary Public, State of Fl.orida at \~a1"g~'-r '. "otar)' Public, Slate of Flonda at larg~_~'. \,. Q'J. ,. E' J 17 1(\~1I:" (/ . My Comll1lS,10n Xpll~:> an, ' "";' -::~ 0"-',,;.... . . ~~.J7t~. . My commission expires: --;-(;:-- ; ~\~ \ ~ CD "',-' oj ~ ~ ~ 0. ~. "'=. ~ 8'~. "~ ':: :: '1 '.R ~ ~ ~. ~ ~>'~ ~~ o '1' :>:;" 0. o ~ ::l '1j ~ OQ CD I i ':l- , ,- l' i,~.; i pI' " \~ i .~ \ ~ '~'l ,\.~r.'l'\ 'l-q, ....::\~ j ~l ~.'f". - "} ~-. . \:~ ~ 1 "- '. i~ ~ .. J .~ li o CD '1 :>:;" ''jI FILE.D FOR RECORD 14AY ?? ,~", ~ " '" "- ",,,,\!t 2~!=i PM ;:- n. LE"T " '-'''-' -."1 HE RI~~ ~J i..Lh.CT.cr ru"(1r- C'", ~ "("",ll..I!: 'UJ u1. ~~. '/. ~ 'y)~ .,.....'::- ~.d.~ --- :~:; . : ~ ~:.: .~-~ ,,' .~ ~... ... I, ,.' ~ (\ \ - (r, ~ ~ o .a ~tI 1',\11 -:J II~ ..