QD-08 Indenture QUIT.CLAIM DEED {FROM CORPORATION) , ~ - 7~~'. .:'J~.{9.-:. ~" ~ 3620, , /}s- I , I ID4i.a lJ1111rl1turr, Made ay oL___ _________________________________________, 2nd January A., D. 19 ______n' between____________________________________________,_________________________________________n_____________________~___ ____________ a corporat~~ existing under y~1i!w?~f 'J/tHteBo~~_?_~________________________________________~_~______, party of the . FLORIDA fi rs t' pa r t , and ______ ____________ ___ ___ ______________________________n _____ ___________________ _______________ _n ______n_~____ ____ ____ ____ _____ _ ____ ____ LEEDEL , INC. . of the County oL____________________________________________and State oL________________________________________, parL~_.__. ___ of the DADE FLORIDA Y - '" Ii 1 second part~ I l I I L I 1 j, 'I 'I: WITNESSETH. That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of _______ ___ _________ ____ _________,;; _______n______n____________~::_~_______~__ ~___ __~____==____ _____ __ n-~___...________________"~_________________ Doll a r s, TEN and 1~/l0Q...- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - in hand paid by the s~icr parL________ of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have remised, released and quit-cla~ed, and by these presents doth remise, release and quit-claim unto the said parL________ of the second part, and______________________heirs and assigns forever, all the right. title, interest, claim and ~emand which the said party ot ~~ first part hath in and to the following described loL_____, . f'.. I .- ' t I piecL____ 'or parceL____' of' land, situate: lying and being III the County oL______________L___________________________, (Dade ,I :1: State oL________ _____________________________________, to-wit: I I 'J 1 'ii Florida _ _ ______ ______ _ _ . __. _ _ _ ____ ___ ___ _______________________________________ _____ _______ _ _ _ _ _ _____ __ ____ __ _ __ ___________ ____ _____ ___ ____ ______ _ _ _______..:___1______ ,---- The Easterly fi va (5) feet of Lot 10, Block 14, Beach - ----- ----view-- Addition-~---and---the---we-8terly--Ttn '--iee-t--o-fni~ot---i:c--o:f-~af(f-'------- --.- ---c----Block--i4---of--~e-ald---B-each--Vfew--iddt tfo-ii---a-s---p-er--Plar--re-OQr<l"itd------------ . --- - - - - --- -- --- - -- --- ----------------- -- - --- ----- - ---- ------------ -- - --- - -- ------ -- - - ---- - -, - --- --, --- --- ----- -------- ------------ .----- --.--. ---- -- ------ - - ----- ------ in Plat Book No. 16, at Page 10, of the Public Records __ ___ ___ __________ __ __~ - - - .... ___ ____ _____ __ __ ______ - __ _____ ~ ____________ _______ ___ __ ___ _. ___ _.... ____ _____ - __ - ___ __ - ____________ ____ _______ ,~______ _____ - ~ _n ____ ____ ___ of Dade County, Florida. , t ; I <~ t 'II ,I' ......, I f I I 'I 'J 1 I I ~ ill :-. :11 TO H~ VE AND TO !!OLD thecsame, tog~,ther wi;h all and singular the appurtenances there- J unto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoeve1r " .. ;, I .....,. of the said party of the first part, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said' part:_______ of the second parL__________nn______________heirs a'nd assigns forever. y its IN WITNESS WHEREOF: The said party of the first part has caused ~ these presents to be signed in its name by its .~tt, and its cor- I b ffi. cf. db' .. xiS:7.7.X po rate sea to e a Xl' ,atteste' y ItL________ __nn'________ __ __ ____ _____ City Clerk 'I I I .' ~ ;;:' ~ ... "I :l the day and year above written. ~ / (Corporate Seal) -- ~. A~est : --e~-!:~n--_________~________~_______ ----------- --Q-~-TJJ~!--~!~!---~~-~Q!I----------- ---------- -f'. -;(~, , ' ___________ ______________________ _____ ________________________~______________________________________ ____ _______________________ ___________"_____.::;c~_oDQ \ \;l "S. TEN and 1~/l0o-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - in hand paid by thc s~id parL________ of the second part. the receipt whereof is hereby acknowlcdged, have remised. rei cased and quit-cla~ed, and by these presents doth remlse. release and quit-claim unto the said parL________ of the second part, and______________________heirs and assigns forever. all the right. title. interest. claim and ~emand which the said pa~ty ot ~~ first part hath in and to the following described 10Lu__. ., l', ,I ,I I piecL____"or parceL____' eX land. situate: lying and b"eing in the County oL______________l-----------------------------, IDade ' II! S ta te of _______________________________________________, to-wit: Florida _ _ _ __~_________. _ _ _ ._. _ _~_________ ____ ___________________________________ _____ _ ______ _ . __ _ _ ____ __ __ __ __ _ __ ___________ ____ ______ ______ ______ _______ __-'___ J__ ____ ---- The Easterly five (5) feet of Lot 10, Block 14) Beach -- ----- ----Viev..---Addition-~---and---the--We-eteriy--Ttn--f-ee-f-o-f---Lot---if--of---~il(f------- ,- - ---c----Biock--i4---of--~e-allf-B-each--Vfew---Additron---a-B---p-er--Plat---re-oQr2fed------------ ___ - - - __ ____ __ - ___ __________________ ___"_____.__________ ____________ __ _______________ - ____ - _, - __ - __ ___ __.__ ____. - _______ - _____ __ ___ _____ __ 0_.. ____ .._______. _ __ _________ in Plat Book No. 16, at Page 10, of the Public Records - - -- - --- ------------ ---- -- ...._-- -- --- ---- ---- ----- ------ --------- ---- -- - ----- ---- ---- -, - -- - -- - ---- ------ -------- - ------- - ---- -------- --- -- ------ - ------ ---------- --- of Dade County, Florida. 'I' T 'I: :11 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD th~ ~ame. together with all and singular the appurtenances there- unto belonging I or in anywise ~~~ertainin~ and all ihe estat'e, right, title. interest and claim whatsoev~ir ~ . . . . . ~. .... , . of the sald party of the first part. either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said' parL______ ~f the second parL____________________________heirs a'nd assigns forever. y its IN WITNESS WHEREOF; The said party of the first part has caused -j" these presents to be signed in its nam~ by its !f~45tt. and its cor- I b ffi cf. d b." X7.X7.XX porate sea to e a xe . atteste' y Its_______ ___ ____'-____ -__________ -___.. _____ . City Clerk the day and year above written, ,.. ;::: ~ is "'I '" '" " (Corporate Seal) -- e:.~ A~est: --C;Z.u/--::.~--------------:--------~------- City Clerk ' ____n__~-- __QI~ __Q~__~!~!___~~_~QJ!____________________ .;'hf r~____ B _ ___ _ -u--~--- ------ ------------------- ------ ------- --- resident, ------ MaJor '.Ii :i 1 II i \. I: 'jl I 1: , 1 1 1 i' f: ' . , , 1 I . I' r 'I, ;1' 1 .' "1' I' l' I ! , ~' !, I r I !; j l' ~, I :1 j l I I I J ,I /; J ,r I' i 1, ~ ~ \. ~ S TATE OF ---"-___FLORI DA-_________________________________ l COUNTY OF __________.DADE____________________________.""____ \ ,/ I HEREBY CERTIFY. That on thiL__2ncL________ day of ___ _______,~.Januaryc---------------------------, , A, D. 1 ~35:----. before me personall y appeared_______"~Q~_~~___~_..___~n~.!!~6.~_________________________________________, , Mayor and __:______g_.___}!~____~9_l!!~_~~_~_~~_____________________________ ________ respective! y Prm~ and-----C-1 t-y.--Cler.k--- of _"_lJ:~h~___Q_~~1.__~!__~~~~_~!___~_!~~!!__________________________________________________a corporation under the laws ,I' I ot'the State oL___F~orlda--------------_m_____m____. to me know~ to be the persons d'escribed in and who ( " - _ )/.xecu ~led t hj' f oregoi n g co n vey a n ce to___m________LEEDEL...__.IRC_~__m__m____m______m___m~n__m__m______mm_m_ and seve~ally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers. for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation. I' - , .. I \ I L ~' !~: I J' I I' I i I .~ ,I I I I i ,I I I I r I I I' I I i , I I ! :/ 1 and ,the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. ~,' WITNESS my signature and official seal at_______J41am1__Be.a.ch________________________________________________ in the Coun ty oL_______m:Q~~~________________________mm___ and S ta te 0 f __n___h!~_C?_~~_<?:~_________mm__m______________ the day and year last aforesaid, ea ) Pires_~--P:--(,,---19;t- ..-.... ---- - -- ----- t;:l '<: n 0 ;;0 :n 0 ""T'o r.> ::: S- f'> ;;- ~ 0 0. r.> ..., ..... 0. ""T'o ~ 'U r.> 0 ::: 0. .... 21 g: .... tP ro 0 r;' f'> .... 0 0 0.: ;;0 0 .... r 0. ?' ro ..... f'> 0 ::r .... ro 0. '" 0 J , , , , , 0 'U 0 , ~ , , aq , , r , , , , , , , 0 .. 0 0 0:' , \0 0 0 N ~ 0 , '<: , f'> 0 .... 0 0 , ~ , ""T'o tJ ~ ..... f'> 0. o , , ~ ~ ~ --- \ ,..,.. \ ~ .1'\ , o o o , , , , , , , , , o , o , , o o o , , f I b n .. , o H t:l o \0 , , o , , o o , o o , o is:: :~ ~ :tIJ --1 :~ o :a ;::I: l' \~ :L' [> \' o o , , o , :0 :H :1-3 !K 10 itxJ :~ :H :> !~ !lJj l~ ~ :0 r::I:" : ..... ~l ( ..,.v..;.. -'l . \ ~ -: ,. ~ ::; .... . - ... ;;J I ~~ .-. ~ .... . a '11 ;;0 o 3: n o ;u 'U o ;u > -l o z~ ~ ;..- ~ ~"'~ ..- ~....,....~~ ~%' .. --- '", ~ -..: =- '. ':;;'. ~ :.. ~~.. ,;;,. I ~ 1/" . I 1; 1 ION. \ I I 1 :f I I f I r 'It I I :1 ,I ~ ~ ,~ ." o '" 1: :u !" l> to> ~ ~. I ~ .,,' ...,. .' " WITNESS my signature and official seal aL_____Jl1am1-_B.s.Qh.--~----~-~--~~----,L---------~-:----------~-~--':;- in the Coun ty oL___n_____p~~~_______________________n________and State of ____ _____~1~~~~~___________________n_________ ,I ~ I ) I' ~Il .-, , t r f I I J t I f r the day and year last aforesaid, ea ) Pires_~--~..-~n-19;(- I. ;;,,~__....--r<'! .- ~- ----- tJ ~ M ('\> 0.. t;l -< n 0 ;N J1 0 ..,.. ,., ::: M (') ;;-' ::l ::; 0 0.. M ,., ..., 0.. ..,.. ~ 'U <':> 0 ::: 0.. '" 'T1 S '" 0 0:: '" n' (') '" 0 0 0.: ~ 0 '" r 0.. :-' ('\> M (') 0 ::; '" ('\> 0.. , CIl , 0 , l , , , , , , , , , , , , 'U , , , , , ~ , , C1Q , , , , r , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ' ' , \0 0.: , 0 , N ~ , , -< '" , , '" , 0 ;>;'" , , ..,.. \0 , , , , , , , , , t:-' ~ ~ -- , ,.,. \ ~ cI\ '" -< ~ > ! z ;; J ~ I ~ I ~ l " " ? I .. " i -.: I I - > I I , I I I (1 'r- I. 'I :l 1 it I t I I " .. , , H ~ Q , , , , , , , , , fS ~ ~ b1 --1 ;~ o :0 :::r: ~ It-zj !~ !> I' , , , , , , :0 :H :8 1K :0 ltxJ ; :~ :H :> !~ !tD !~. ~ :.0 ~::r: , .: ....f:' ( '.~'."''''~ ; t -1- --;:' "," w !,' . , ! ~ ,e = .... ..... I a ...-. ~ .... s ~ ~ ;~ - '11 ;0 o ;;:: () o ;0 " o ;0 ];0 -l o zs ~ ;.... ~:-::- ~ ',~~:..~ ." o " 3: ?' 'Tj ~ o 3: !" .. '" ~ ~. I I ~ ~ --.1-.,....... ~ ~ ! r?~ t.~ .~ :tt.. - ~.p , , ;;; " ~ I t , 'I \ I I I t secon par, I WITNESSETH. That the said party of the first part. for and In .------ ------ ------ ---- h________ _____b____h___ h__n_______.:-__________________.___________________ _____ _ _ .C--__h________________~______h__n___ Doll a r s. TEN and 10/100-- - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in hand paid by the s~id partn____h__ of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. have remised, released and quit-claA'ned, and by these presents doth remise. release and quit-claim unto the 'I ,I :t I 'I I said parL________ of the second part, and_______h__________n_heirs and assigns forever. all the right. title, interest, claim and ~emand which the said party of ~~ first part hath in and to the following described 10L____, ). fl.. I : '. 1 J piece_h___ "or parceL____. of' land. situate: lying arid he ing in the County OL__n____ho._L______________h____h______, 'Dade S ta te oL-----____n_____h__hh___h___o.h_o.______, to- ,vi t : Florida -- -- --.. ------ ------ - - ~-_. - -------- --- -------------------------------------------- ------- - ---- ---- --- ----- - -- ----------- ---- ---.-.--- - ---------. - ---__ __...:-__.J___ ___ The Easterly five (5) feet of Lot 10, Block 14, Beach .--. n--n--vie?i-- AddXt1'oii-~---and---th-e---we-aterlihrfn---f.-ee-t--o-f---Lot'--ilnof---~ii(f------- ..-- ---c----Block--14---ofh-s'i1d---Beach--Vi'ew--Addi.tlo.n.--a:i-.perhplath-reoQr<fitd------------ . - - - - - - - - ____ ___ - __ ________ _________ __ - _0. ____.________ ________.____ _ __ _ _.__________ _ ___ . __. _ _. .___ _ __ ___ ____ _ ___ _________ _ _____ _ _____ ____.___ ______ ______. _ _____ ______ in Plat Book No. 16, at Page 10, of the Public Records -- ----- - ------ -_____ _____ - n____ _ ____ ___ __ ____ _____ _ ____________________ ____ ______._ __ _.. __ __ _____ _ _____ _ __ ___ __ _ ________ ____ ________ ___ __ _____._______ __ ____ ____ __. of Dade County, Florida. -------- -- ------ ----- - - - -----.-- - ------- -- --- -----_.- -------- ------------ - --------------,._- - -- ------- ---- ---------- --- ---- -- -- -- ---- .--- --- -- --- - -------------_._-----~ --- -..-- ------ --- ------ ----- - --------------------------- --- -------- --- - ---------- -------- ---------- ------------ ------- - ----------------- ._- ---------- -------- ----- JT! -------- --- --- --- --- ------ ----- -------.-- ------ ---- --- --------------- --------- ----- - --.--------------- ----- -- .-------- --- -- ---- ------ --~------------ --- ------------- -- - -- --- -- - - - ---- ------------ ----- ----. -------.-------------------- -- --------------------- ---------------- ----- ---------------_.0______- __ _______ _ _________ _____ ____ ----------------- -. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ----- ------- --- ---- ----- ------ -_____ __ _____ u_ _ __ ___ _ ___ --------------..-----------------------------------------------------------------.-----------------------------------------------------------_________0____________ .------ -------- ------ -- ---- - - -----. ----------- ------ ------------------------------ ------ --------- ------------------ - ----------------------- ---~- ---- -------- -- - --- .-- ---- ------ --- - ----- ----- ------------- ----------------------------- ------------ . -- --- - ----------------------------------------------------- --- --- - ------- ---- --- r- TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the' ~ame, together with all and singular the appurtenances there- I r- C q , " unto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and all the estate. right, title, interest and claim whatsoever , . of the said party of the first part, either in law or equity. to the on'ly proper use, benefit and behoof of' . I the said part.'.hh__ ~f the second parL__h____h____m_h________heirs and assigns forever. y its IN WITNESS WHEREOF; The said party of the first part has caused these presents to be signed in its nam~ by its !f~41tt. and its cor- I b ffi cf. db'" XXXXXX porate sea to e a xe . atteste y Its_________.. __._.._._..___0....____ n__ ______ . City Cle~k the day and year above written. ~ ~ II II "" ~ :1' ~ 'it /' (Corporate Seal) - .e::. Attest : --C;Z~-:"..-~--h----n___~________~_n____ -----n-h7--QF.--~~~!.--~!y~Q~ _______h____________ Bcj-~f~fJ:;r / Mayor City Clerk Signed. sealed a~d delivered in our presence: , "_~h__ --'-~nnhh nm.h__.. \ . '" ) .-- -- -- - h__;;; __ _ _ ___ _ __ ::O'_--__o.n_n.n.. _. ___ , ....... -....- ----------- --- r 'I I \ ,I' " " t J 'I 1 I r "'f; , . , J: :1 I I' 'I , 1 f I r 'il ~: I I. I I. I ~' :I, ii J I J I , " I I I ii' l j 'I'