QD-09 Indenture
. .~
FORM R, E, 42
W4iB ltttltttturl'. . Mad~ this------------________L7__~__________________ day of----tlu.17__________________________________.
A, D. 19 -~--, between-------------O.tt7---o1--iu.aml--B.aaoh,___a____Mun10.1p.e.l___aOrpO~atJ.'OA__
-e-~M>w existing under the l~ws of the State oL-___nor.1da_____n___~____.__._.___________, party of the
first part, and___________________ ~~Amt --BeaCh-_BB3share___O_omPSDl________________________.-___:______________________
of the,County oL--c-.Dade.--------______c______________and State oL----____E'J..or.1da_______________, part~_______ of the
second part,
WITNESSETH, That the said party of the first part. for and in consideration of the sum of
in hand paid by the said parL.,._____ of the...second~part. the-receipt whereof is hereby.acknowledged. have
remised. released and quit-claimed. and by these presents doth remise, release and quit-claim unto the
said parL-3--___ of the second part. and-----_1.ta________heirs and assigns forever. all the right, title. interest.
claim and demand which the said party of the first part hath in and to the foIlowing described IOL____,
piecc--____ or parceL____ of land. situate, lying and being in the County oL--------Dade_________________________.
State oL-------FJ.orJ.da_n______n__________, to.....wit:
--The --s.outher-l7--t-1V$---Ca)--.te.et.--ot---Lot.__'l'hl%!te_en_J1.31-l___Bio-ck---SU-__{61t-___-'_
__and nthe--Norther~--.f1Ye-__(51__.te.e_t__.ot.__Lo,t__~0n4t___{lj___o.t-__s.a1.d__Blo.ok______,_______
-- - -- --- ----- - - --------- --------------- -- - ------------------------ -- ---- ------ ----- ------- ----- --- - - -- ----- --- ---------- ------------------ -- -- -------------------- ~
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- - -------- --- - --------------- ----------------- ---- ----- -------- ----- ------------ -- - ------ ---- -- ------- - ---- -- - --------- ---- ---------------------------------------
---- - --- --- ----------- - ----- - - - - ------ - --------.--------------------- ----- --- ------- ---------------------- -- ------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---~
.------ ---------- ----- ---- - - --- --.. --- --- - --- ----------- ------------- ------------ - ._----- --------- ------- ---- ------------------------------------------ - ------- ----
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TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the,)same, 'together with all and singular the appurtenances there-
unto belonging or in a1Jywise appertaining. and all the estate, right. title, interest and claim whatsoever
of the said party of the first part, either in- law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of
the said parL ~--- of the second parL___.1.t.fJ___________ ______heirs and assigns forever,
1#- .,
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said party of the first part has caused
these presents to be signed in its name by its .~, and its cor-
porate seal to be affixed. attested by itL----___JU._~___g;l._~~_________n
the day and year above written,
Seal) ,
om 01" IlIAl4I BEACH
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in hand paid by the said parL~_____ of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have
remised, released and quit-claimed, and by these presents doth remise, release and quit-claim unto the
said parL~_____ of the second part, and______1.ta..________heirs and assigns forever, all the right, title, interest,
claim and demand which the said party of the first part hath in and to the following described 10L____,
piece____u or parceL____ of land, situate, lying and being in the County oL________.Dad._______________n________.
State oL_______Flor-1da_____________________, to-JVit:
,_and hthehNo~ther17__~1.Yeu_(51__.te.e_tu-Ot.__Lo_t___One___ll}___or___e_~d__B1QQk______uh_____
, -
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the,)same, "together with all and singular the appurtenances there-
unto belonging or in al}ywise appertaining. and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever
of the said party of the first part, either in, law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of
the said parL ~___ of the second parL___-1-t.._____________h__heirs and assigns forever,
fI- r'
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said party of the first part has caused
these presents to be signed in its name by its .~, and its cor-
porate seal to be affixed, attested by its________u,g~_w___Q;t_~~_____m___
the day and year above written,
Seal) ,
Attest : ____r._~u"1:k.~~_~~~~_________n____________
01t7 Olem
By _,~_~_~~~__~~__~tY.~~!.~~~~.___________h____
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STATE OF ----.--.Flor1da--------------------------------,-- l
COUNTY OF ,-----------------Dada____________m___________'__ \
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I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on ,this------/f-_______ day of --Jul7------------------,-,~----------------~-:--""
A, D. 19__..35___, before me personally appeared------------L---t.oula--J!..Slwd1gap----_____"__________________"____"
an d ,--------___Cl..W....T 00111nsoft--"-------------------------__ ________respecti vel y fJK2r t and-----Cl t.y--Cl-eK~'~
of --------,-----OltJ--o.:--1I1amJ..-J3.aaoh,--A-ltun1o1pal.--.corparat4CJ11Kl*~_ under the laws
of the State oL-----.F1.or.1da----------_________________, to me known to be the persons described in and who
execute~ the foregoing conveya.nce to------------1U.9.'--B8ach--Bay-sh(')-re--.oom~----------------------~-
and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to b~ their free act 'and deed as such officers, for the
- ,
uses and pU,rposes therein mentioned; and that they affixed thereto tlie official seal of said corporation,
and the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation.
WITNESS my signature and official seal aL,-----------J.U.a.m1.-.Beaoh_________________________________________
in the Cou n ty of -----,-------,------~--_Da.dem---------:-------- an d State 0 f -------J'lol'1da--------------------------------. ___
the day and year last aforesaid,
-----C!-----4./----Naa.c-Q-------------------------- (Seal)
My commission expires_..6:r~~__2~____________19 21h.
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uses and pU,rposes therein mentioned; and that they affixed thereto tIie official seal of said corporation.
and the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation,
WITNESS my signature and official seal aL____________JliamL_.Beaoh_________________________________________
in the County oL___,_______,_________-Da4e____________________cand State of -------J'lor1da--------------------------------,---
the day and year last aforesaid,
-----C-----4/---L1Laa.c-h-------------------------- (Seal)
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