QD-10 - Indenture
cS<9 -J
QuIT-CUlL.; 1.iE~J:J
T dIS II,Jc:-ll ulIE, :la..1e this 9tn .lay 0" Augurt,
A. J. 1935, tetv.l'en OM'OL!) uA~l..I~:iS, INI..-., a COl'lOI"tion ~xlrtin~
':r:~~~' tho lrv,s o~ 1..i1'" .:..('1'1..e 0:',i10r-l'l., ~rty o' Lh "lr~t r{'rt,
....00 I.d....... 01" 1" I lJl'..A",.., :l n.unic..iF 1 corpol':> Lior, 0 t1; Count'
....\;; ~ n. ,Lt.L l. of ,.'10r i 1"', ,'i! tJ O. d!~ seCOI" l"... t,
.l~:;};':'[='l'~:, ~.."'t.. tup ~ail p" t" ir<'(. "'It,
'fur [Id in vOI"'i ernLiol. ()L 1..11 S, 0
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r>L1v (;or, i I'c.tion in 11 nil ,)'11' bj
"'. t f')
- \,;( r.
pal t, L ,t .I. cci!-t ,'11' rt 0"" i ~ III ret. :: Cr..I'O It
..., J L l'j r"l<:cd,
r vi<_:: ~ :. .In
it-c,udr..<;;..., .1", L,y ,u(.. e ,
r~nt~ .ot.. IL.i<-~,
1 1;)1 'a~ e'1n
lit c.l..:llr: \.Inlo '-1_ ~-i~, rt; 0 'f{ ~ec\on"l'I't,'n
it", assibns forever, ail t.lL 1'1 nt, 1..1t1.:-,1nt ,<-t, ::l.qi:r. cn..
demunl WhiCl L.l" sli' 'It.. 0 Cd' _'iI-t
r t ' L.l 1
.1 tot;] ~
to110~in~ e~~ri
10L, . iC'!ce )
'" r eel o. .1.' n~., ! 1 t '
l, IJin~
ani Leu16 in L:,( l-O'lILt;' {,: .', P, ,L. Lf 0: :'10..'i
t 1- it:
Beg1r.nil'l6 -I..'" \.ol1"L ,.l.'- 1 t i~t"l<:"C':('lf11..o i ' Lc,I~J-
. .erly line of Part: ;\('T_~', (..0, ~.1.=-t . t"et) ,.~ ,~. _:...~te~l:r
. ~ liae of Lot On~ (1) hloco{ A (j , t c Am~L ~ _ ..,~, 0" t :.'" Ocean
.... . )'ront Property of t ;H' , ..l..U 1 J.. '.' ,~~. .1."1-'''0 ....~ rt ",01. ,~ny; then~e
'liQrtherly alon-; aliI. 't 1'i · . :>1 ~s t" <-~i LO...lt:.,~.'l:,
';Une of Park Aienue, (no' ~l't ~i.'rE:t) 1..0 a lilr!. l' t 1"
.j:l.~terllne of .sai" t',L;.Dk .r,v~nue (.'~\' ~1~t StrE'(-C); t,nr-nC'e
;....:~terly ...~cn~ t.l).c..~il Cl:nLer.J.....fle of' t'arlt f.,venup (r:.o" l="lst
Str~{'t) ana :' al~ ccnttlr1inIJ l(>p.d La~terl' t ,. in. :",'
Ule low vnter line 0 ~ tne At..l ntic OCEan; !', I' ~ ",,,,,I .Ie.:!: l.J
lIeanderln;" u.lon" t'H' ~'1ii 10 t' t"r line or t. ..' 1 die
Oeean to ; .,oint on i.he ,out... l'1. ,lir.e or Pt. I''' I ; UP (10'"
~lst Street) :)!'ojuce-~ .c :oterl:. ; t hr'nCfI> nesterl... ~ Hr..: sa1:
S~utherly linp o~ Pnrl{ ;'v~nue (r.o" f-1..t ctlf>pt) pro ,carl
_sterly to t]o,~ point of beglrn,.n.; J.f ..~1 ~ ;'( rlt ~ vvr ue,
,L9t and Block. [.re ~ lOrr on n ..l'lt rAcorlej ir: : I'It _oole 5,
..P.ages 7 anJ 8 0;' th1" rutlie heCOl'J.f 0" vOle Count.:', fIori iLl,
/ti2'1d as sai1 21~t ,-!.r-~t 1( mmed snl Jesigr.nteJ 1n Or:itnnnce
Bo. 232. '
>I' "
TO iLAii.... ;.:~... J.0 ,.JL~ tne S84.-:.:, 1..0oi..:tlH,r \, it.. "I.l.1
the arpurterujnCt~ t .ereunto oelong1ng or in any~1sa
und a.ll t.ile liIstq:tt:, ri". t, l.itl., int.erest -n': ~la1u:
, .. ,
. tp ~tf4 t.. 8.14 part,. of the first part, -either iq law ,or.
, ',,,'~~:'.~ it'" J ~r,per '-Ule, benetit and behoof
,'..f;"'t', .ct,' ,\, .,' "
,t~t~i~{~,~q~~ ~~~S81gU forever.
.. ~f It ,~. y ,'~ .-!
i '1.~ Wrl,ltss ~Jl. ~"-.~4 PEl. ty of
of tbe "\
t he first
'( r ni
.i. u. Ii. L. .,
- 'Y'. r,t'n",,!, val.u-
n.LL, (',)fl'i "I, tion 11. . nJ "'i tJ 1
part, L'i . ceii-t .1€;r'C'" ie llt'let> ,(..Tf) l~J ", .rt." I ...1 _..I,
r"l,<.~E-' ,n ""it-Cio.i~"l, n tJ ,u':fb
(;nt! ..ot rc~ine,
1 el ",l~e '1n
l'it cial:: Unlo ,,'j(,. ~-ij . rt; 0 \." fOC~n:l J:~l't, 'n
it~ assi~n5 forever, all LL ri nt, Litl ,int rct, ;18i~ ~n.
dem..nd whic 1 L..12 ~il1 1 ;",rt. 0
".f :ir t
rt ,'-1...1 L
n to tor' 0
tollo\"in,;; '~'r.:r;' ~ lot, .ieee I). "'rcel o. l'n~, ,1t' Il, l,/in~
1in4 be~ng in L!1( C')H.t:' f," ,'. f', t: 1..(' 0: flo_'i ~, t)- it:
~11IU'liD6 -, t :l ! oil'" 1 i...1 '1' ("I' ~[l v ,-C .It..-
l..y 11ne of Pari< ,'\"1,_ , (1.0\ '13t .t' ...1..) " · ~;,,;"te::-1J'
-01. Lot One (1) bloc..;: Aut C. AroC'l' ~. .,.'.t 0' 1,',1';1 Ocean
9\tt Property of tIlE' Ie.. i . '.J~ H Lw"o .... rt vOl' any; thpn"e
, therly alon'; aliI. 't l'i 1 ' ?lJS tJ \ n'i ,-O'.lt.p.'1:'
or Park Avenue, (no' ~l' t ::. Lor'et) to a ,,1rt '), .
, r11ne of sala t;J&k ....V0nue (..v\. ~lst Str€'(,t); I,l..,n( 8
.rl.y .-J.cng tr~"iJ. cur.ler.L...rl::: or Park Averue C10" f'lo;t
'Str~ct) and ~. ail.: ccnttirlln'3 ,- ](000 La,<o:tE'rl' t ' ,. in ""
t.he low water line o,~ tne .ht.J.'I,tic Oc€anj If n ~ ~'J\AtJc.rlJ
aeanderlni' 'J.lon~ t:18 ~'1ii 10 ,. t,'r line of' t!' ,\ 11t1('
OQean'to a yoint on lne ,oul_ 1'.!-. .1.1r.e or Pur".: .. . ;,UP (LO'"
~i.st Street) ~roluce! ,o,~terl:,'; ~n!'nc,," ilesterljl 'Hn" 3fti.
SQutheJ;'ly .line o:!' Park ;'V\:1nue (r.o' :Jl:=t c tl ~E't) pro '.C'eri
.sterly to t..~ point of be~itu.ln,; .:If .~1~ i'rrll: l n:rue,
'...~,t and .clock ['.1'p S JiV'r on n i 1', t l'F'cor led in . l~ t ...ook 5,
,'p.&88 7 nnJ 8 0':- thf> ~"utlic ho::;cOr~!' or vD le Count:" flor11D,
::'.tb1d as sai i 21~t '- tr'"e.t i~ nr,Dwl onl leslgr.:1 td in Ordlnnnce
110. 232.
~' ;
TO i:lAV..... ;..~..:. .v ~1uL~ tne sa.::", l.oxutilU' \,it . rul
the appurt.enfJ.nc( ~ t..ereunto t.plongirg or in any....1se
:iJU.1:Ii.I and all t..ne illS t.~t. t:', r ~ _ .. t, I. it 1., i nt. ('rest ~ nJ clalli'
, ' "
, '~'" 7., ,_ .... . ... .... ...
..'~t tae .a~4 party.ot the first pnrt, ~lther lQ law or
'l' J't ~.~,~ '~tsj orIJi~ ~r.per use, benetit aDd behoof of the s~d
"\~t;tk.'~::\~a:.::.:.:::y of the nr~ ~
..,I ~ ... ;-'" ....'" .~.;/"..
COU:, l' ~ 0:' .Ji,:'E )
I H~~~EY CL~TIFY, That on t ie 9th .D: or
~.Ut l'ELL and
1935, before
me pf'rsonfll1y n j 'll 'lLI ...~V.
Au~ust, A. J.
GOJDMA~, res~ecLi~L1J p~ ti lent
end Secreta.ry of OXFOh..., uAf.D1:.1 '~, L.C., , coT'!'" or' t 1o("[1n Q liH
laWll Gt the State of Flori -'0., to me Kl.0\\ n to ',' to L . ,,",' 1 co
l",.i'cr~l.,' ~ .:.r
C) eVE,C It ,. t,
or 0in con\~, "nee tu
CITY 0. ~1IA.:.u .... . 1...1, '1 mu tei,.1.1 cU"l-ur-cLiOl ,
~ .
nckno\.l"'l,'Cd t h, <.; "€cut 'lor. ' _ ,.(: l ( '.
..l.,.. ....'~, ~
as SUC,'l officers, "0"" t,,, 1) ",e 3n
IU'" ')-( ~ t
l ir.
t i 01. 'i ;
an. t. ,t t:12Y affix"'."] L. '. L'" tOE- offi('~' 1 !'e"1. oS' <'
eoT' ,
n, L.,.t" saie!. ir,:-tl"...!l nt i!: L.,e -; t aT"
. '1 (,
\.ITh-~~ L , i.~n:, tll~'t) ",r" 0
Mia:-11 Liui' C'1 in t.,,~ ~our,v 0
ana year l',c,t ','"... c;" i."
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