QD-11 Biscayne Bay Coast Grd Beginning at a point irL.the",l1ortherly line of Lot 8, Section 2" -Tb\i'r!.~hiIk'53 South, Range 42 East, Tallahassee-f4er,ig~:taI].~"Florida, as established by a survey made~D~lbert Smith, jr., U. S. Cada"stral Engineer;--from May 14, to May 26, 1921, inclusiv:e, ...on file in the General Land Office, Department-of the Interior, Washington, D. C. (said~line being parallel to and distant'five hundred (500) feet northwardly from the souther~y line of _origJ.E-~l ,9o"~~~r:me~t_ J::.9.t ? ,_!~ s~ :,,~~ection,_ - etc.), sala pOlnt of beglnnlng oeing located three hundred fourteen and thirty-one one-hQndredths (314.31) feet westwardly from W.C.A.P.2 U.S.C.G.1.S.S.; thence from said point of beginning along said northerly line nf' T.nt, g ~()l1t:n ~.; lJ'ntv_CI"1TI"'Yl r1I"O'l"I"I"C +-Wl"nt.,,,_f'nl1l" ~....'" ,- '!>';/v <\ f' BISCAYNE BAY COAST REFUGE RESERV~TION GUARD HOUSE OF(;!).6l-11 ~, - Miami Beach, Fla. ' BOOK 1821 PAGE 46 I .If QUITCLAIM DEED WHEREAS the act of August 26, 1935, 49 Stat. 800 CU.S.C. title 40, sec. 345b), provides, in part: " * * * That in the event portions of any Fed~ral building sites under t~e control . or the ~reasury Department are deslred by munl- cipali ties by reason'/ of any duly authorized, comprehensive street-widening program, the Secretary of the Treasury may deed to such municipalities, without cost, such areas needed ... fe\t' s:treet -useS;' a-s-may: be_ded~ca-ted without jeopardy to the Federal ifiterest." .:;;...-.... and WHEREAS, the' City of Miami Beach, Flo:r:ida, has re- quested the conveyance of a portion, hereinafter more par- ticularly described, of the site of the Biscayne Bay Coast Guard House of Refuge by reason of a duly authorized, comprehensive street-widening program, for street purposes, and the same may be dedicated without jeopardy to the Federal interest;' THIS INDENTURE, made this I'~ day of ~ , 1937, between the United States of America, pa~ty.of the first part, and the City of Miami Beach, Florida, a munici- pal corporation, party of the second part, WITNESSETH: That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the foregoing, has remised, released, and forever quitclaimed, and by these presents does remise, release, and forever quitclaim to the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, for street purposes, the following described property: All that tract or parcel of land situated in the City of Miami Beach, County of Dade and State of Florida, and described as follows: '0' ~, " ~yA'- '&: ,:~(i)' ,- i[:;"~"-'~ .~..~.om1V~~h.~S1v:e/l;5:treet-wid'enirig program,~' the , Seci-etary of' the Treasury may deed to such municipalities, without cost, such areas needed for street uses as may be dedicated without jeopardy to the Federal interest." and -_-.:::;;;: WHEREAS, the' City of Miami Beach, Flo~ida, has re- quested the conveyance of a portion, hereinafter more par- ticularly described, of the site of the Biscayne Bay Coast Guard House of Refuge by reason of a duly authorized, comprehensive street-widening program, for street purposes, and the same may be dedicated without jeopardy to the Federal interest;' THIS INDENTURE, made this I~~ day of ~ , 1937, between the United States of America, pa~ty,of the first part, and the City of Miami Beach, Florida, a munici- pal corporation, party of the second part, WITNESSETH: That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the foregoing, has remised, released, and forever quitclaimed, and by these presents does remise_,~ release, and forever quitclaim to the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, for street purposes, the following described property: All that tract or parcel of land situated in the City of Miami Beach, County of Dade and State of Florida, and described as follows: Beginning at a. point i!1_-the..:qortherly line of Lot 8, Sectlon 2~~To~~h~53 South, Range 42 East, Tallahassee'J4eri<l-iatl~.... Florida, as established by a survey made~ oY'Albert Smi th, jr., U. S. Cada"stral Enginee'r ;--from May 14, to May 26, 1921, inclusi~e, pn file in the General Land Office, Department-of the Interior, Washington, D. C. (saicL line being parallel to and distant'five hundred (500) feet northwardly from the squtherlY line of original Government Lot 6, in-. said.d3ection,_ etc.~)~ -said-point -Sf-begirillirtg- De1.ng located three hundred fourteen and thirty-one one-hundredths (314.31) feet westwardly from W.C.A.P.2 U.S.C.G.L.S.S.; thence from said point of beginning along said northerly line of Lot 8 South eighty-seven degrees twenty-four (S 870 24'W) (1921 survey) a distance of ~ -,; -""~. _ _--:.-- 1;0" 800Kl821 PAGE462 -- approximately one thousffi~d six hlliidred fifty- five and seventy-nine one-hundredths (1,655.79) feet to A.P.3 U.S.C.G.L.S.S., on the meander line (1921 survey) of Indian Creek; thence along' said meander line South thirty-nine de- grees forty minutes East (S 390 40' E) (1921 sur- vey) a distance of approximately thirty-four and twenty-six one-hundredths (34.26) feet to another point in said meander linej thence North eighty-seven degrees seventeen minutes East (N 870 17' E) a distance of approximately one thousand six hundred twenty-eight and sixteen one-hundredths (1,628.16) feet to a pointj ~ _thence North two degrees for~t~-three minutes west (N 20 43' W) a distance of approximately twenty-four and two one-hundredths (24.02) feet to the point or place of beginning, being a portion of the Biscayne Bay Coast Guard House of Refuge Reservation in Lot 8, a part of original Government Lot 6, Section '2, etc., . reserved for Coast Guard purposes by Proclama- tion No. 1589, dated March 11, 1921, of the President of the United States of America. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above mentioned and described premises, with the appurtenances thereto belonging, and all the estate, right, title, and interest of the said party of the first part therein, unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns; Provided, nevertheless, that in the event that the above described premises cease to be used for street purposes, all right, title, and interest therein shall revert to the United ,States of America, its successors and assigns. - -IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party aT the-first part ha~' caused these presents to be executed in its name by the~cn/bg Secretary ,of the ,Treasury and the seal of the Treasury Depart- ment to be hereunto affixed this /~~day of ~_ 1937. {I Witnesses: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA I I I f I I I I r-- I I I j I ~lQ six h~!dred fifty ~Ve and seventY-nine one hundredths (1,655.79) feet to A.P.3 U.S.C.G.L.S.S., on the meander line (1921 survey) of Indian Creek; thence along' said meander line South thirtY-nine de- grees forty minutes East (S 390 40' E) (1921 SUr- vey) a distance of approximately thirtY-four and twenty-six one-hundredths (34.26) feet to another Point in said meander line; thence North eighty-seven degrees seventeen minutes East, (N 870 17' E) a distance of approximately one thousand six hundred twentY-eight and sixteen one-hundredths (1,628.16) feet to a point; _thence North t~lO .deg~ees for~ty-three minutes West (N 20 43' W) a distance of approximately twentY-four and two one-hundredths (24.02) feet to the point or place of beginning, being a portion of the Biscayne Bay Coast Guard HOUse of Refuge Reservation in Lot 8, a part of original Government Lot 6, Section '2, etc., . reserVed for Coast Guard purposes by Proclama_ tion No. 1589, dated March 11, 1921, of the President of the United States of America. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above meutioned and described premises, With the appurtenances thereto belonging, and all the estate, right, title, and interest of the said party of the first part therein, unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns; Provided, nevertheless, that in the event that the above described premises cease to be Used for street purposes, all right, title, and interest therein shall revert to the United .States of America, its successors and assigns. I j I I I -IN-WITNESS WREREOF,the party of the-first part ha~ caused these presents to be exeCUted in its name by the otlctu"l Secretary ,of the Treasury an. d the seal of theFTreasUry Depart_ ment to be hereunto affixed this 1~Ht,day of . _ 1937. ' , ' Witnesses: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA I I I I t ~ I ~ l ..' -- /~ r UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ~ DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ~ . - T J · ~~ 1. \) ... ~ ~ IJ"\ ~ (\,;.~ n!:l,,}J~r'" --.... ..t..,',. ~n,th~ers~nally~~~peared before 1A-. " "1/ ('-~) ,~ , a Nota and for the Di~tr1ct of COlu.mbia,~W:i1 ~, S~c~~~~ry ~f the Treas~y~ me well own as the desc,rlbeQ3'ln and,...:who execu;tjed' t ~or goin instrument, ~nvledg~cf ~hat ,he,;U.J i Io:a;c... , '1'.S.~cret4ry of th ~easury, executed the same n e'n- ex res .d:?a.nd as e free act and t~e Unite e tates i~ . Tica. ','/ S....- - -,' ,\00(> ,,\..., IN WITNESS .vm~~d~~I~h~ve hereunto affixed my hand aFfficial seal at Washington, D. C., this I fa" day of . , 1937. , "\ l' J ,'j , ,,1, .',..'.. "/ L .....\..'. .........#' .'... "~ .>.,,' ("'I. -: iJ r \,.... J / I! ~ -.co- ~.. . ~ .. 'Vt. ~ ,~tf, .~'l......r.' .# '::'i) Notary Public, District of Columbia'.' ;,0 ~ ',", ~ , r , ... " .., or. -' ,'l"It. .... ~'!wL /j":-;--'=l'=; '-' AI SSe I ~~ ~. LJ. '1J7 .' ~ ~\0 Dt~l~t ~Fsh~WBIA, ss: t;, {)\f?~ NO..----88.0-3(L-t T ~.. Trr - V" -- .,~ _, Cl k f ~S Co f h D . f CoI b h be Co f Record, having by law a seal, do hereby ~~i;y :hat -..- _ :__~, ~~: ~--~~~~~~-~_m~:_~_ before whom the annexed instrument in writing w,:~e~"t;tir~'l-~riame is subscribed thereto, was at the time of signing the same a NOTARY PUBLIC in and 'f~~d;EYimt~~~in, duly commissioned and sworn, and ~I,,->y. Xu,,> authorized by the laws of said District to ta~~'~~lCnowledgl!lent and p~ '., or conveyances of lands, tenements, or hereditaments, and other instruments in:r ";~~.~' ~ to ~..rlo~.~~s~jP 9f~...~.~t!":nd.. to administer oaths; and that I am . ' well acquainted with the handwriting of ,i.;..:, tary ~lDIic.and "frlly ~l~e{ . ~.t~ the signature to said instrument and I impression of seal thereon are genuine. ~ a:J oi'" - _ ~ J!...... ,; ..." ~ ~ ~A f~ ~ ,';' ,;.,1.. .,~ -;:1'.: . I~ WITNESS WHEREO:: I ha.ve '~~~o SUb~r~d. rrti' name al..~~i;; seal of said Court, at the City of ; Washington, 0, C, the ----.,;.L-j:=..--_~y..9(~_- . ~_'!I/.t E), 193 7 . r;.... - ~:S" E'J. STEWARi . ' . '" S._~ - - ',- ~1, ...;.],!..-., .', ~ -..., . _ ~~'77'J By-i'"- ~ ", _~?_m. ~. ._.___~~..____ .. ~.....-..;..........~. ... - .. ...~I'Y"oP'V"""'!""'...".,.".......JY1..-..~...-----......_..~~~~~.. .......,.,~ Stoil'~ of Florida County of DlId~. This instrument w,aJ.-{iled for record th~~day o~_ J9i:.?'7.ard._J..1I/:M and duly rWJ-:ded in B000..8:.;;{~ c:;=4/", ';T" _ II /, _, . loJ ..., ~ ~ ,n , .. 'i! ~~l~ · · ~: i ~ ~; ,.,.~.'~. 11 ~ ;'0 :.::.-"'~(S~ l ,~~.a i r;r;1.' ,_\ ~~;~.;# ~; ,...y--, -...... ':;- \ ~''O 0 ' ~\; ~~- . ~', ;... '. ~~~' \ '\ ..... -- -;: " ':j , -,- ) ~:: :::- \ ,~-- ~ ~. C -::- r :: I, '~~ '" y l... . ~. ?-.:: ~~-~.... !':......~... \ ~ i. -.:-;;: ........ - i ~ a;:_:':. ~:J . :::-,--~'.. lIL -.. ::--~ ~;:. '-.....1 .... ~ t:.~:':: ~ ~ . .. .)o.~ fry{ ~ i'~. ;~~'tr - ill ,,,.. ~ /""" ~ - _ 1I!!Ii..a.-...-- - ,- ,~ ~ ~ ~\. rX ..... ..~--.....~ '" ., L,; t \ ~ ( " - ... -- ......~. t t:L ~,- ". /. . - ~..... ~ - .... - ..---... "'" ~ '1".:\' Ef'l l-~' I .'" r:('UhD '" r l_ " r.." I'" I........., , , JUL 2~ \9~1 4 ~~:.r~ , E. B.L.EA1HrJ\~.'J\H n..- "'0'" , 'll....rC"f'J'I.,~"..I. I'" ~ 1\.\1'. "fJi.J" --.... . .._u ," - -, P \ (f\ (,J.) \ ,~ -f- \ \' "" l~ <s' ~ ~ ~ \4 ~.j v- ~ ~~ '1" \ - -- -