QD-12 Indenture P. '" ;. J~ ....:..:, ;.; ~' !BIS UDElf'l'U:RE, ..d. thh 16th day of January. A.D.. 1937, b.tween the elf! or MIAJII BEACH, a municipal corpora- j tion or~ized an. exilting under the 1.wI ot the state of Flo~1- . . d., pany ot the tint p.rt, and .1AIII BEACH BAY BIDRE COKPAJiY, · oorporation organized and exbting under the law. of the State of Florida, party of the fir.t part. 'WHEREAS, said Miami Beach Bay Shore Company by its Amended .. Plat of' Garden 'Subd1 vilion recorded in Plat Book 31 at page 9 ot the PUblic Recordl of'. D.de County. 'Florida, ~ng other things re- serVSQ a strip of',land f1v~ (6') f'eet wide of'f the rear ot all lots 1n Block three (S),aaong other property", a. shown by dotted line. on laid Plat, for the perpetual us. ot said City ot Mlam1, Beach or any pUblic utility oompany having . !r.nchi.e trom .aid " City tor the purpo.e ot the installation and ~nt.nance of' .ewer., wat.r-pipe., pow.r, telephone and telegraph lines and tor no other purp-o,., ad WHEREAS, said City ot Miami Beach ha. never used .aid strip of land for the purpose ot the in8tal~ation and ~intenance ot I itewen, nter-pipu, power, telephone 'and telegr.p~,>l1nell, or tor ,~~r,:~; T~. any other purpose, and has determined to quit-ol~i. and release to said Miami Beaoh Bay Shore Co~pany, ~t8 successor. and a8sig~, .11 of it. right, title and intere.t it any in and to said strip, lOW tHEREFORE, WIDEBSETHa that the .aid party of the firlt part, tor and in conlider- atioD ot the lua ot one dollar and other good and valuable oonlide!"_ ation to 1t in hand duly paid by the said party ot the second part, the receipt whereot 1. hereby aeknowle.ge., h.. r..t..., 1'.1..... and qult-claimed and by the.e presents doe. reaise, rel.ase and quit-dab unto tM laid part)' ot the I.oond part and ltl .uoo...or. and aadgn. tor.y.r, all the righ.~, t,ltl., lnt.,reat,' ,laill and d.. maIld it any whioh the lald party ot tM tir.t p..-t ,hal in and to the t~~lowing d~..rib.d prem1I.' .ltuat.d,11~ng an4 b.ing ,in Dad. County,Flerida, to-wtt. '!hat c.rtai~ .td.p ot iand tift (6' )"t.;t wid.' off the r.ar ot ali lots in:1 look Thr.. ,(3) al the lame 11 ,Iho-.n by dotted 11ne. on the AJ:nend- ed plat ot GARDEN SUBDlvtSIOR, recorded,1n Plat " ~l i. look ~l at page.9 ,ot ~he pUblio,recordl ot Dad. C~:unty, Flor1da, ( " ..1 'fo haTe and to hold the .am. togeth.r with all and lingulaI' the &1'- . to .' purt.nance. ,thereunto b.~onging or in anywll. appertalningl and all , .. I . , ~; 1.~,..l th.,..tat.. right. t~'l.. lDt.r..t &Bd olal.~hatlo.?er .t the ,said party ot th....'t~~.t part. .ither in l~. or .quit~,' to the only propel' us.. b.n.fit and beboot of the said party ot the I.condpart, it. luco..aorl and a.aigna toraYer. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the laid party of tho flr.t part haa cauled these pre.entl to b. execut.d In it. name on it. behalt, by it. ottlcial. ther.unto duly authorized and lts oorporate s.al to be hereunto attixed, on the day and year tlr.t aboye writt.n. Signed,sealed and dellvered in the prelence ot. ~rj4 CITY or JlIAlII I EACH By. .2i~ra/A:b~ AfTW7~J -x..-~~- .. 7' CIfY~. -- - -- County ,Florida, to,-wt.tl'; !hatc.rtai~ .trip of' land tl?e (5;) " off the rear of all lots in:1 lock Three (3) a. the ..me 11, .ho~ by dotted line. on the Amend- ed plat ot GARDEN SUB~IVIS~OW, recorded" in Plat Book 31 at page 9 ot the pub 110 ,record. of Dade (. f' f CO,unty, Florida, To haTe and to hold the .ame together w~th all and .ingular the ap- purtenance.thereunto belonging or in anywi.e appertaining, ,and all ,- .. ,,' - I ' , " the' e.tate, right, t~'tIle, intere.t and o1&im "hats","r o.t 'tIhe ,.Iaid party ot t~e"t~~.t part, either in la.' or equit~, to the only propel' use, benetit and behoof of the said party of the seoond, part, it. lucoeaaor. and a.ligns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOr the .aid party of the tir.t parthu oau.ed the.. present. to be executed in it. name on it. behalt, by it. otticiall thereunto duly authorized and it. oorporate ..al to be hereunto affixed, on the day and year tir.t abo~e written. , Signed,sealed and delivered in the presenoe otl CITY or JII,AJII BEACH ~14 BYI, :;i. :.' ~, ..::tl~(t'A~~ AfT~7,d:J X -...~--:- _ 7' CITY~., ~~ S'l'A!E OF FLORIDA. ) ) S8 ) COUNl'Y OF DADE Betore ., a ]Jotary Public in and tor the State of Florida, this 16th day of tJ"anua17, A.D., 193,1 per.on- ...r ',,> ...: ~.