QD-14 Indenture j, m4ill Jubtttturt. Made thiL-__n______l~~_n____________n______________h_ day oL-------_Ap.r11._____n_n________n______. A, D, 1 9 -3-7--. between-----------QIU___Qr___MIANI.__8EAC_H_h_________________________________________________________________ a corporation existing under the laws of the State OLh____nrlo_:rl~______n_______________h_____. party of the first part. andn---~-~th~-!---~-~~~-tI.:I!L.and_n.Jl.fim___L.___~QJj_~rIXJf~--h18_nJri.t_e_____ of the County oL-n------.Dade__________________h___nand State oL---nn_hnorJ.4a_h__________. part.18.-- of the I I' , :, II " 'I ,i 111'1 - -in hand paid by the said parLUa. of the second ~part. the receipt whereof is nereby acknowledged. have I ~ remised, released and quit-claimed. and by these presents doth remise. release and quit-claim unto the ,I said partlU___ of the second part. and----the-l~----hheirs and assigns forever. all the right. title. interest. claim and demand which the said party of the first part hath in and to the following described ~____. ."...._____0095 parcela-___ of land. situate, lying and being in the County OL----n--h.Dade_h_____nhn_____n_n' florida ' .~ State OLn____________________n__n________n_______h. to-Wit, .----------n--------~_~___~Q_~~h~~ll_n~l!~___t~t__~!!,~~___~_~__~~---~~-~~-~~-!~_n~~_~2_~_______________________ .. '--------n----------~1.-~~k---~,q--121_1---.-xo-.p_t_ln_lL-th.e---~ejJ-te~ly---r_1_y_e._J51ht._.~______n__.._______ .-------------n-----~f---~-~-~-4--~j;n_,;_1gb-tt-tILJl&l__and___th~Lno~th-trUn_tl.Y'nJ!it______h______ ,----------n--------t.-t~---o.t..--Lot--..N1ne-taen._..{1_91_f---Jla1.d--B1Qck..--t1fO-__(2..>-..___emet'-t~___________ --------------------lns---th.e-~-JrJl.~er~--~1.y.::--{5_l..-~Jl8t.--or.--BB,14--Lot---ru.ne_te.e.lL_tl-91.____ ae e~~~---~~~---~J!~---~~-~g~-_~~_'-__lI_bg_~~___QrJ___~h~_n~!!1'_nd84 Plat ot n__________n_______n_________ _ , j . _ ---n________n__n_________________. n----n------------~~-~~-!g_~n_~~~~_~_!1@!_Qg~~__~_.,!'_~~4~-~---~-g---~~!!~_J~g_Q~___~_'___~~g~_____________ ------n----------3-l!nfd---thenPubl.10---lieOOr4en~---Da4.e--OOun t7-.---nor.1da.___________________n_____ - ~ second part, WITNESSETH, That the said party of the first part. for and in consideration of the sum of ,_______________h__________~___~___~___~__~___~___~___~___OIl--and--l(oJJ.OOn~--~--~--_~___~__~__~_______________Dollars, q i; . ;1 I! , " " ,I " I !! - ------- ------------------------------- ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ---- ------------------------------- , 'I !he intention of this lnetrument being more partlou1arlr to release -and---qut~cl-a1'.--llnl'--8.nd---1!l1-1:''l''tght-a--Yhlctrt-h.--.tdd_--C1_ty--~--lfla.1Ii.---Be&ch ~:-:.;:Ii-;n~-x=-:u-:::--=::n-g~f:r~~-_:p~tCf~~-bi9~5~.:~dO;e-:~-~e~~r~~B:ed '-BOot---658uat---pa-ge---l1-,---Publ1-C--ftecord.--ath-f)ade--County-,h-Fl-ori-4&-.---m--------n 't !1 il il I II - " - - ---- ---- ---- ---- -------------- ---~-- ----- ------------------ ---~-----;---- ---- - - - --- --- --- ----------------------------- --------------------------------------- TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular the appurtenances there- unto belonging or in aI)ywise appertaining, arid all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever of the said party of the-first part, either in la~. or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said parLle.s of the second parL----the.1rn__________heirs and assigns forever. j I , 'I 'i I, I, ,I 'I I 'j IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said party of the first part has caused these ,presents to be signed in its name by its 11m. and its cor- poratc'''seal to be affixed, attested by its--h-01tT-_Cl.erL__m___________ the day and year above written, 'i , " , (Corporate Seal) .;. CIn or MIAMI BEACH --- --- ---- - ------- ----- ---- - - -- - -- . --- ---- ---- - ---- ---- --- Attest: -------------------n------------n--_______u_n__________nnn_ 01 ty 01 erk ,I Po" ... r-III 'III' 1 r' Ii STATE OF ________~RI~~____n_____________________________ l COUNTY OF n____DADE____'_m___m_mh___________m_____ \ I I i II I II I HEREBY CERTIFY. That on thiL____lat_______ day of n_____Apr.ll.mmmm_____m_m________mm A, D, 19 --31---. before me person all y appeared____~_t}l~___r_L_SNED_IGARnmn______h_____________mn__________n. and __n_g_!__Jy_!__J~Q~l~~tL__m__m_nm___mmmm ~_______ respectiv~l y !:!~.. and___ a1_t~_J::~e.rk..__,_ _of _m___Q~_~mQ_~__!~~~~__~~__M~R__d______m_m_m___m__n_mm_____~___mm_~n__a c'!rporation under the laws of the State oL_________n~~_~_~~_______________n_____. to me known to be the pers~ns described in and who executed the foregoing conveyance to_n~_~~nJ~_!'_J~_~~~~_~_tL_an_d__.MURIAL_J,.,!t_8_EBNSt.EIll, his wite and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers. for the i uses and purposes therein mentioned; and that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation. and the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS my signature and official seal aL__________IIIAlII BEACH.__m__m___h__mmmm___n_mm__ in the County oLum_______~~~_m_________mm_______m__,llld State of ___________rl..Q.~J1A___m__________n______________ the day and year last aforesaid, 'n___hd____n_____n_n_n___ __n___ _____nn___ n__ n___n_____ _n_ (S e a 1 ) My Commission expires____________mnnu_______uI 93____ I I ,,- - -- -- .-.;. - --.. " ~ -- -- -~- I - ---- ~ -- - I t;:l () 0 ;;0 ::n t:l ! , >-n , '< 0 n S>> , ;;- , ::: .... () .... :if' , i~ , ::;-- 0 0- n , :J , n ..... 0- 1-"" , .... 0- >-n , ~ :< 'U '" 0 ~' !tJ:t , 0- ..... , I' ::: () ltxj , 'T1 , ~ ..... !:;d , t;:l n , =: 0" , I c:;' () Ii!::- !8 , ..... 0 0 !e .... .. 0.: :;0 0 ..... ~, ;: ~ 0- :tD iH ,'II ... :-> n !~ :- () , .... ~, I. ~ ;0 I 2 0 , ::;-- 0 ~ , a ." .... , i 3: .. , :ttI 0 '" 0- , :0 'T1 :u '" , '- 2 , " i~ 0 ....... :;: , l.!~ :;0 ::! 0 , tt1 >-J \ 0 ~ '" , -- ~i'l,: 0 ;0 ?' " r , : , ~ :z 0 (J '1l n , !~ .... ? , lm $: 0 !" , a , ""'V: IH ;0 " , z- 1t-3 > , l~ .. .. m !tzJ -oj II> " 'U t-3. :H 0 S>> txj !~ iH z S ~ C1Q i H ltxt z ~ ~ 1~ ~ ! 10 ~ b 0- \0 b- 1= Q , ,\0 -'. ~ , -.. .... i i' , F ' '. ',VJ ,~, '< , n , 0 , , ..... , 0 , ~ , , >-n , I - ~~"-- _._~ -- .