Research Request 2338 Bob Parcher, City Clerk Miami Beach City Hall 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 Dear Sirs: RECE\VED 05 JUL - (, Pf~ t: , , CITY eLf. s Off ICE 6/21/2005 We are professors at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and are seeking your help in collecting data on mayoral elections for research purposes. While one can obtain information on the names of mayors going back in time, there is no systematic data base on their political party affiliation, vote totals, or winning margin. Such data are crucial for understanding the degree of political competition at the local level and how it might have changed over time, in addition to estimating the effects of local politics on various aspects of the community. This is the first time a research institution will organize such data and make its results available to the public, and we ask your help in making that happen. Our one-page survey on mayoral elections is attached. We have already gathered publicly available information on election dates and some mayors names from the Municipal Yearbook. The remaining data to be collected from your city relates to the Total Number of Votes Cast in each election, Party Affiliation of the mayors and 2nd place candidates, and the respective Number of Votes received and Vote Share (percentage of votes received) for the top two candidates. We greatly appreciate your time and effort to take this survey. Please use the envelope enclosed to remit your completed survey (or fax it to 215.573.2220). If election information is not available in your office, we would appreciate your reference to other sources. Local decision makers can greatly benefit from this project, as its subject is of special interest these days. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us by phone or email. Sincerely, tuOJ/rh V ~uL(J 't f1~ Prof. Fernando Ferreira The Wharton School University of Pennsylvania 215-898-7181 fferreir@wharton.upenn.edu Prof. Joe Gyourko The Wharton School University of Pennsylvania 215-898-3003 gyourko@wharton.upenn.edu '", '2 ~ >. en c: c: Ql a.. '0 .?:- 'f! !!! '2 ::J 15 o oS: u l/) c: o 1: '" oS: ~ Ql oS: I- >. Ql ~ ::> l/) en c: o ~ ill ~ l!! ~ '" oS: l/) .$ 0 > lii en .D .$ E 0 ::> > Z '0 c: >- ,9 1: ~ '" a.. IE <( 8 os ii: "C c: N Ql E '" z l!! '" oS: ~ l/) .$ ~ 0 > lii en .D .$ E 0 ::> > Z '0 -;: c: ~ 0 Ql ~ c: '" c: a.. IE ~ <( g os == Ql e e E 1l c: "E '" .8 lii Ql E 0 ~ z c: .D e l!! Q; '" e lii .D E c: c: -5 '6 Q; Q; ~ Ql > Jl! Q; Jl! Q; '9 Q; e lJ.. lJ.. Ql Ql .... Ql E en t') t') "0 "0 U en en Ql lii ~ en ii: 0 ~ 0 ~ '" ~ i: lii ~ .... ::> ::> lJ.. ::E <( 0 0 ro E E 8 oS: ::> '5 0 0 E E 0: 0: J: -; oS: a.. oS: a.. l/) a.. I- 0 ::> '" '" ~ .~ c: 0 0 0 0 "8 "8 "0 "0 -" Ql Ql Ql 0: c: as Ql as Ql "0 Ql "0 "0 Ql ~ ~ '5 e e u ~ ~ ~ g ';; c: ~ c: Ql e Ql e ';; '" ~ x ::> c: c: ...J ...J '" 'S Ql Ql Ql ro ro ::> '" '" '" oS: '" Q; ~ ~ '" '" 0 z l/) l/) <( <( ::E ::E ::E ::E J: J: U '" '" ill ::E ci ci J: ci J: ...., ...., ...., ] 1ii os E u ::> '" Z S ~ 0 > '0 c: .;; 0 ~ c: 0 .. == jjj ...J lJ.. c: -5 0 ... '" (V) ;; 0> I'- 10 (V) c;; 0> I'- 10 (V) ;;; 0> I'- 10 (V) r:: 0> I'- 10 (V) ;;; 0> I'- 10 (V) ~ 0> I'- ii os Ql 0 0> 0> 0> 0> co co co co I'- I'- I'- I'- <0 <0 <0 <0 10 10 10 10 '<t '<t .. CD 0 0 0> ~ 0> 0> 0> ~ 0> 0> ~ ~ ~ 0> ~ 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> ~ 0> 0> ~ 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> .. >- N N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ill 'E '" ~ o N N N <'"i I'- 10 ui N .s x ~ l5 >- Ql ~ ::> en "0 Ql as a. E 8 ... ::> ~ - 'E l!! .s Ql a. o Qi > c: Ql "0 Ql en o l3 c: Ql Ql :5 Ql en ::> Ql en III Ql 9=