QD-15 Indenture .,;-. ; '.' I:' ',..' KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, in consideration of t~e benefits accruing to us by reason of convenient access and a " , lesser cost of the construction of sewers and the desirability of having the things hereinafter specified placed in the locations noted below, and in consideration of $1.00, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby give and grant unto the City of Miami Beach, Florida, its successors and assigns and its grantees operating public utilities, the perpetual right and easement to lay and maintain storm sewers underground across the South ten feet (10') of Lot Four (4) of Block eight (8) of Nautilus Addition, as per Plat recorded in Plat Book Number 8, Page 130 of the public records of Dade County,Florida, more particularlY described as follows: Beginning at a point which is the southwesterly corner of said Lot 4; thence easterly along the southerly line of said Lot 4 to a point which is the southeasterly corner of said Lot 4; thence northerly along the easterly line of said Lot 4 to a point which is ten feet (10') perpendicular from the said southerly line of Lot 4; thence westerly along a line ten feet (10') northerly of and parallel with the said southerly line of Lot 4 to a point which is on the westerly line of said Lot 4; thence southerly along the saId w'e"sterly Tine of Lot 4 to the point of beginning. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals at~ ~ County of ~ State of d~ this /bd day of ~A'A'~--/7~, A.D. 1934. ~' L~~~~ ~%(SEAL) .<'- L) ( SEAL) ( SEAL) ATTEST: (l/~v+A-,' ~ ~. -. ". - :...;- BooK154.o PAGE2 STATE OF FLORIDA l r/\ / _ SS COUNTY OF ~ I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly ~uthoriz~d to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, CHARLOTTE ST. CLAIR CLEMENTS and WARREN A. CLEMENTS, to me well known and known to me to be the individuals described in and who executed the same freely and voluntarily and for the purposes therein expressed. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the said CHARLOTTE ST. CLAIR CLEMENTS known to me to be the wife of the said WARREN A.CLEMENTS on a separate and private examination taken and made by me and before me, separately and apart from her said husband, did acknowledge that she made herself a part to the said instrument for the purpose of renouncing, relinquishing and conveying all her right, title and interest, whether of dower, homestead or ~ .........,',,, ~...,-..,_...~ of separate property, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands described therein, and that she executed the same freely and voluntarily and without any compulsion, constraint, apprehension or fear of or from her said husband. , J "I :i~ .','t~ . '/ ;;" WITNESS my hand and official seal at MIAMI BEACH, JI(I(lIIIII,.~t!'te of d ~ this / h d.. d!'y of /2...,~~-"". ~\\\\I~~,......u.'~~~"9 ~II- ~c/' ~ ~., 'A ~ ~'r: ~ .... \ ~ ~"!"'\OT Ii ~ \ ::. .. ~...,: \''''' '7 a_: !. ':0.' ~ r'lM .' ".....\ lJat\C!:: ~ ~ -.::.r"'" "'"..~ ",c'.".. .,.........., .'. ,..,,-~ .~ L 'i'AI",'\ ~ """..~'Ily Commission Expires: - . - - IIot!'r Public ~ ~ ~~,I,f3C... i a.dmtRi:ster oaths CHA~OTTE ST. CLAIR CLEMENTS and WARREN A. OLEMENTS, to me well known and known to me to be the individuals described in and who executed the same freely and voluntarily and for the purposes therein expressed. AND I FURTHER OERTIFY that the said CHARLOTTE ST. CLAIR CLEMENTS known to me to be the wife of the said WARREN A.CLEMENTS on a separate and private examination taken and made by me and before me, separately and apart from her said husband, did acknowledge that she made herself a part to the said instrument for the purpose of renouncing, relinquishing and conveying all her right, title and interest, whether of dower, homestead or of separate property, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands described therein, and that she executed the same freely and voluntarily and without any compulsion, constraint, apprehension or fear of or from her said husband. WITNESS my h~nd and official seal at MIAMI BEACH,~ Jffl!l/ll..~tll~t. at.e. of d~ this /h X day oCf .-' \\\\i1'~I~},......u..tf~~~~: 9 ..:211- \,~ ~" 'A.. ~ 'r: '!o....' " . ~""/~ 0 T /l JOt \} .. ~ -.,: " '7 ,~: ',0 .. ... . of. ;"'f' . .... ':.....\ ~l.Ja . \C"}: .. -."" '.' L /..... 4> ., .. ......" '" .......-., .,\r....~~ I' ...........\ \. .,lH I' "'//t'".f1'My Commission Expires: ~~.<f3(... .' ~~- If\'l In. b ~ Stat8 01 Florida Cf'lllntv 01 D:j~e. This irl~tnl/l,.."t W<j; fii"j LJr r(J'~ord the,;?,7day 0'..... 9:~_ -I !}~ " at~,.;.I4,M "';Oll 11..lv rt;t'cord,'(J ill Bgok...~~~t,., 2J.~, ,..orn~:~~..,:? t 6 ", F,IIi> No...,/t1..6.y......._ E, R'LFA 11lF:RMA, ~ 2LCl~~J1t4,:t:~f . at ' . ~ ,- ., ,:0. c. !",.-. ~ ~..' i: ; I r I I II '}-' f.!..).. - - -~- -- --- -"'- -- I' I ~T ATE OF _mu___'I_Qtl~__h_m_______m____m________ t COUNTY OF __~_______m~~~._m_________mm_m________ ( " ~ I HEREBY CERTIFY. That on thismuI1um_u_ day of _____________II807___mu_________m___m____m_,__ A. D, 19 __ft___. before me person all y a ppeared__m___~~I,olal.__ P,. ~~----------m-m---------h--h-m--- , and ___mm__.o...~.rOll1J.a._________________________________ ________respectivel y ~~; and__m___Jtl_tJ'___Ol.erk I , . of u______________Ol~z.__gt__M1M1__.B~_aola____mm_______________m______mh_m_____ua corporation under the laws J, of the State oL_____~~~_~~m__m_m_m_____u_m_. to me known to be the persons described in and who I executed the foregoing conveyance to--.w&l'TJULA.Ql.en1;. ____an4c_Oha.r1-o.t.t.4LBt.._Ola.1.r___ Ol...n1;',his wife and severally acknowleaged the execution thereof to be their free act, and deed as such officers. for the i I I ii uses and purposes- therein mentioned; and 'tEat tneyaffiie'd'1hereto the officiar- seal~ of said- corporation. and the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation, WITNESS my signature and official seal aL_u______Ml~__~'.Q~__________,__m__________mm_h____u____, in the County OLmm__P_a.4.___mm__h__________m________ and State of -______m___Fler14a.-m__m_h___m__m_______ , the day and year last aforesaid; ". t;:J "< () 0 o ..... s:: ... =:l ::r' ... <'> "< 'U s:: 'TI 0'" o r;" ,.., ~ :;.::l ?' g o ,.., 0.. '" o ..... :n ;;- 0.. ..... o ,.., ,.., <'> () o ,.., 0.. ... ::r' r I 0.. ~ "< o ..... ;;0 <'> () o ,.., 0.. <'> 0.. tl ~ ... <'> 0.. i I , , , , , , , , I I 9 o , , , '!:{ .~ h.. I~, to o o I 'U ~ CIQ r ! ! I,Q () ;;- ,.., ~ I,Q VJ -------~~ ~m(2~---(Seal) My' Commi"ion '"P;'''')::]']''7..7...,.19 j}() ! ! ~a ~ po..... ll:l :~ ~ it:: b ~ I"."C+- I 1(0 (Dt+ ~ i> i (J)~~ ! ~ g I ::,:::,1 I-' c+ i ~ ,l:,1 ! ~ ! ~ 1 JA I I , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Ja :..... :('t- i~ 10 :~ : l~ :1-" 1~ i...... IlD 1m :\>> !o I~ ~ ::; ~. " ...... ;u . ~~ o ...... ~ ~ "U ~. sa o z i I ." o :a 'l: 'TI :;.::l o $:: --l o :" !" .. " s ~ ~ t:Y l! --,::;-- ,;;;'lI_ ~ ~~~ ::- riU;"',~)\~#e~J...~{:le~cin;. mcn,tipned; and 'that they th'e said -instrument IS the act and deed of said corporation. said corporation, WITNESS my signature and official seal aL__________.1~__~'.QI)____m_____mm_mnn___mm_m______ In the County of...m__np.a.4e_m_________n__m_____mm___and State of _______m___r~or14a.----m--mmm---n.mm the day and year last aforesaid~ ~C? ' \~..;~:L_____m_____m_m:___~--- (Seal) My' Commi"ion exPi",,.r]cL7~.7~...~ 19~<' to () 0 ;:0 :n tl i ....... '< 0 '" ;;- r.> ~ ..... f'> ..... , ' cr- 0 0.. '" i ::l '" "' 0.. , ..... 0.. ....... P'a ~ '< "U <') 0 , ~ , ::: 0.. "' , ~-- ~ J ! 'Tj 2: "' !~ F~ 0" tJ:j '" ~ a ::; ;:;. f'> . , 0 0 .....' , "' 0 "' ::a...., ro ~. ~ I 0: ;:0 r 0.. ,4t :......0 p ci" ...... OIl > ?' '" :HJ ci" !~ '11 z f'> ..... AI . , ~ 0 cr- iCD c+ ~ l> 0 .. "' r :0 3: a '" I " 0.. , : CD ~ !~ 0 ~ , "" : r--.... ! po fi 'Tj 0 :0 , 0 ! , ;:0 .... 3: , >-J 0 z , I : m I !~ ~ " , i 0 AI ?' n , ! c+ s 0 :...... '1l , ~. ? , I :. ('[) !~ ~ 0 , a !" I : a D AI :l: )> .. :....... c+ .. ~ I 1..... -l " I "U i so ~ 0 -" r.> :.... I itIJ z aJ (Jq ~ r : ! ~ I ! co- r '" , , :\>> ~ i / ! a ! ! t-J l :0 ~ ! 'CD ' I~ ~ 9 "1- 0.. \0 : a ! 0 \0 r.> , ! en I <') VJ '< I '-v 1 ~ l 0 "' 0 , : c+ I L ;>;'" , ....... 'In : I ! p;~ .o!I:;::: ) I' I !i .-- ~,.... " r i ! ! wl1in lIttlltttturt. Made thiL____________~1_~_____________u___m________ day of m_umum___llQum_uum_um_m' A, D, 1 9 __~'1u, between _m_mmm__Q1..'rX__9_lo~MU~tI~J1EA._aB.__m_______u_____________m__m___m_u______________uu , ,,' d h I 'f h Sf' Flor1da f h a corporatIOn eXlstmg un er t e aws 0 t e tate 0 ____________________:m_________u____u____m_m_m', party 0 t e first part. and__m_!!~r_'_n.=A_~~1_...J'~_.__Jln4__'O.harl.Qt,_tdt___St,_._ala1r__OJ.e.UinU.._D1..___wlt. of the County oL_____tta4e_m______m_____________mand State oL___~_~~_~~_____~___________u_, parL_~~_~ of the I , , i 1 second part. WITNESSETH, That the said party of th'e first part, for and in consideration of the sum of ! i ,________Q___..'_~~Jt:_Ll0.0---~--~--~u~u-~---~---~--~---"!!__.!'!'!.__!!"___!!"___~___"!!__~__.!'!'!.__.!'!'!.__~___~_~_~u.!'!'!.__!!"_Dollars. I, in hand paid by the said parL~9_'__ of'the second p~rt, th~ec;ipt whe~eof is h;;eby acknowledged, have i, remised, released and quit-ctaimed, and by these presents doth remise., release and quit-claim unto the r ,. said parL!~.!I___ of the second part, and___,_th'1_~______heirs and assigns forever. all the right, title, interest. : I claim 'and demarid"which the said party of the first part hath in a'nd to ~he following describecn~'L____, " ~_~!'!'_~ parcela_:__ of land, situate. lying and being in th'e County of.R~~mm_mu_______um_____u_____. :1 State oLrl.Qr1.4a.----------m----------------, to-wit:- II n!l{~~~--::J\Pi;o-~l~~-Ei;e:~~::mi:~l!tlB~~e;~~~~-~-i:::mi~--~~__~:~llU' ~', I P-Ubl-1-o---reoord.----of---Da4.--eountT,-nor1da-.---Dra~--partlou1ar-l:7--d:esor1-bed--- i _ I aa tq_~1__~,,~_.___JeslM1n&--at,---a-.poa'__wh1.ch--l.--: ":'..___t.hem8Qatbwestter.1.l___oo.mer ('ft-u.ald Lot 4; thenee easterly along the eout.b.er17 llne ot lald Lot ''\ j t-o---a---po-1n-t---whlch---1:.---the--.o~.anerl7--lJOrner--o~u.al'd---~u'-r--tbenoe----( no~~b'_~~__lIJ.ong.__t.htl___e.&8_t,er~--l.1na--Qt---.a1d--Lot---4--~ouJLu-POint.._Jd11ch__1.I_ t. (10) teet. perpendioular troll the lald 8outher17 line ot Lot 4. theno. w-e-I-t,-erlT--a1-ong--a--1-mlJ--1ieD---r-e'.~--{1()1~)--l1o'1'tJ1er1T--o-r--andu_par~1.i--w1'th- ~~lt___'_u4---lout.h.r.l3'--J.1.Damor-~-Lot---4---to--a--po1nt.---wh1.ch--1a-'O'llL--thJLft._~.r..l7 l1ne ot .a14 Lot 4; thenoe souther17 along the .... ....t.r17 line _ __ ~ Qf=l.lOt.---i--:to--:tetLa:-p..Q..~.t~.It~"l)-t.-;==-----:.-:.-u---- ~-----m-,;;----:---:-~-~-::-----::..---------:.---;--:- ~ T he___intentiol~--ofu-thi-S.--ins.trument---being--mo~e---pa.rticular.ly___iAl__~e.Le_aSJL , and quit-claim any and all rights which the said City of Miami Beach has---rn---and---t5---tn-e--a15ove---aescrI15ea:.--r;racf,-s--15y---rerason---o--r---th-at---certaln----- e a8amen.t-__executed---und.er---data..-.o-f~anuaI'-Y----J.-67---1.9..34-,-uan~--r-eco.rd.ed__in.______ D~~_~__~_~!?_~__ ~~~_~____ ~~---~-~~e ~_Pj~(L _ _ _~i___~~~_~~_?___~_~~_~~~~m~~___~~_~~___~~_~_~X~_~~_~~_~d.a Ii i I i I ~ " . " -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the~ s~me, together with all and singular the appurtenances there- , ' unto belonging or in anywise appertaining. an~ all the estate. right. title, interest and claim whatsoever of the said party of the,first part. either iii law lor equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said parL1_~1 of the second parL___t,he1rm__________heirs and assigns forever. I, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said party of the j~8i't has caused these presents to be signed in its name by its ~ftt, and its cor- n porate seal to be affixed. attested by itL___Q_lt.-7-___C_l.~k._____mm_u___ the day and year above written, ,I ! I ,; I, I' ,1 (Corporate' Seal) ------= " .... A ,C~ -h- -~.c:c. ~ ttest, -- -- - Ul-t;,---ariiik----- ___um___=--_ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ;, 'I ::_~:~_~~__~~t;1~f:O~~~~-~~-:-------------- I , ,I/) I' /J ~./ t