QD-16 Indenture u . I : I I I I I! I I I' I ! I 1'1 1'1 I I I I I I J "' 't , I I , ' i ! I I i I I 1'1 II i I Ii! J i i-,t-" r~'-"r.....-;I;~'=--.:J:tJe . . . h' lo~ ~ d f C'l Ct~~~_J~') m--blS "Un I1entute oM ade t LS 'ay 0 .........,....=:- ..::....,.......,.....,............. .........,., ~ ~ T ' ...un...n......... ....n_...............__..__...........______.. ::,;, .1' I . -4 .1..-' " " / :11. lj, 19..:3.rretween,.........CaTY....OF...MrolI....BEAOH,....,a...~Cl~.................,..........,.........,.................... d/corporation existing under the laws of the State 0!-......................Flg,r.,1,QaI.........................,....., party of the first part, and..,...OHARLctrtE....S,T,.....OLAIR....OLEME.NT,S....and..,WARREH..,,A.......O.LE!!E1ITS.."'''''''''''' of the County of............,.......Dade....................,...........and State of.............n.or,1.da..................,........., part,1.eSf the I 'I' I' I II I: I I: I! second part, i WITNESSETH, l'hat the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of \ ..,..,...........,......,...,..,......_..,...,....TlJf...AND....HQ/lOO....~~~,~......~...,~...~~~_c.:~~,~~~~~,~~,~~.~~,~~,~,~~................Dollars in harul paid by the said part.1elt' bhe second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath nmlised, l'eleased and qldt-claimed, and by these presents doth rem,ise, release and quit-claim, unto the said partieSf the second part, and....,....theU....heirs and assigns forever, all the right" title, interest, claim and demand which the said party of the first part hath in and to the following described : I ; I State 0 f.....,......,F..L.OR..IDA,.................,..., to-wit: ..'....'................'........'......"..'....'.'..'..'....:....'........,........." .....,.....,........,..,.....,..,.....................' Ii' ,........,..........,T.h,e.....S,Q:tJ"t,h,...,ffve.....C5,)....,fe,e,t...,Qf...,L~,t,..-3":."B1,OC_k":g,,..,,.liaut:ilus..._.Id.di,t1,6n::..:- r~ and the North f1.ve" (5) feet, -of ,~ot, .4, .Block 8, ,Nautilus . Addn., ....................as....per....pl,a.t,....r-e-oerde~....t:n.:.Pl,a.t,....Bo-ok,~,~No-,......g.,.....I'it-""Page-..:'No-;;,...-J:.3'O.,.....Qf.,.-t he Public Recor>ds.of Dade ~County., FIQriqa. _ h ~ , _,u:~ ,..............................,......,.....,........,...,..............".....................,........,..,........ ,..'~....~_m...,......."....,..,..,...,...,......"'...".._.........."....,.......,....,..,.............. ......, ,... I I .h........__......nm....m....................h.n.....~_....~.~.::~:.::..~..n:...~:-..~--:'..':-:'..:.~:.__L.....n::;....~.~..::..~.....:<....::':'.:.:-...:..J...?..m~--.::..-:..:.":.:.......h__~_.....n.......n.....m....___n_n... I, ....~,~,...P~.~,~,~;A~,~Y.:...~~J~,~~;gg,...@4"..~~,l,J~,~~,~,~,M,"'~y.,.,..,.,al,l,...;r.,tgb.:t......Q;r , ; .....~...~~,:~.t...~~,..,~,a,~4....~b9.ye.....~.:~,;rJb.$.~...p;ODe,1!tY....O,o.nfene:d.,..by....th&t.......:r.ta1!1 .....~,~.,~.~~~...9.(..,~M~~.::'~_:.,k...._lQ.>>.,..,R,..al,t".Y,_..Intt...,..Clv......-A...bi"'..I.... , Ii. ",.!.l~~,Jr.~...~'".~~.J~~::,:~,:!-~:~~~;.;:~I~,,~~:'~~~...'~~l1flt,..:, UbQZ -"'.':-" "Iiii.W i~lt' 6;i/"lQ:M.,~., ...~".~ ,iSiii.,f '...'" ..l'. - . h...n.n_--.............~~:~...~~...~.n..........._~...__...z:.._....n.......~........~~:...;-..~____.:h=~~~...~.....~......__....~_....__. ~u__........n...'...;.n.~..... ...; .....~.h~...~'P.,~.:t.g...,:R~g9.~,4.~.....Q;f....,Pag....I,Q.~:fiy,'..,..nJ~;r14.a...a.,~...,t.Q...,L,Q.t....3.;.....and...b.y.....tha t certain instrument of easement executed by William C. Coffin and Vida '.."H'i....,G.0,r,t,i-n...URde.r-....the...,da.te....ot,...December-....29.th-",l.9,26-;--..'a'nd....f.i,le-d....for...'r'eeord under the date of February 15, 1927, in Deed Book No. 1053, at ~age .....1:r4'...0'r--..the....PubTlc....RiH}.o.ras...'or..D'ad'e....C'Q"liIft.y..;....FTCfrlda:';'....a..s.....t'Q"...L.o.t....4.~............, loL..., piece....., or parceL.., of land, situ.,ate, lying and being in the County of.............DADE..,............................. .......nn.................................................................n.................................................................................................................................................................. I , I TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular the appurtenances bhere- unto belonging 07' i!" anywise appertaining, and all the estatc, right, title, interest and claim, what- soever of the said party of the first part, either in law 07' cquity, to the only proper nse, benefit and behoof of the said part.1.Nf the second part, ..,......t.he..1~,...h;il's and assigns forever, ,i , I , i I IN WI1'NESS WHEBEOF, the said party of the first part has cansell , KayO&' these prcsents to be sL!fned in its name by its ~<(I'ilfJI.;;, and its " t l t b -IY'! _7 .Lf f. ' 7 '-/. eu 1ht c...1"a.-e.'I&... -', I. corpora e sea 0 e alJ~:J.;erJ" Fl.1. ;P_Q ,pn~ m, . ~ the day and year above written, --.:..~ (Corporate ........ ---Seal) I . , I : l j I I I I ;.;".,,; . '"~ 'iii OM -..=. . ..........~-;,.,;- CITY OF'MIAlfI BEACH ......................................................................................n................................ '1""""'~"""'~'C""""'~"~~~~'~!:'"'~~:':':.'~:O;:':':,~:,:,:,~,~:,:,:.."..,...,....,Dollars I I I I I: I I, .1 I! e se~o;~d part, the receipt whereof is hereby ac7cnowledged, hath fl.nd by these p,'esents doth re71tise, release and qnit-olaint unto the '!F1-- 'lfi-Cfi,';iLrttle"f the second part, and.........1iheU,...heirs and assigns forever, all the right,. title, interest, ~." ; .?~ 'claim and demand which the said party of the first part hath in and to the following described ~ , ' - Z6t......, piece...,.. or parcel,...., of land, sitnate, lying and being in the CountzJ oj.,....,......DADE....,...............,........... State 0 j............ ,P.I"OB..IDA.... "................ , to-wit: ....,..,...."..,...."..,...............,..,',....,..,......':....,............."..,.......",.......,....,....,..........,................ ...."...,........."TA,e.....S,QU,t,A,....ffve..,..C5.),....fe,e,t....of...,Lo.t....J,:...Bl,OC.k..,g"..",H,aut-.ilus,..,RcliU,ti,on::J' L and the North t:1ye,. ,(5) .~eet,of 1~o,~..4, Block S"Nautilus . Addn., ......,.....,.......as....pe~....pl,a,t....r-e-col'de~....!bn...Pl.a.t.....Bo0k....,No-,;.....g..~.....I'l.-t.."Page...No-~,...'l'3'O..;'..'.Qf"..t he Public Recor.:,d~ 'Q,f pa,de -County, F1Qriq.a. '._ : ,'_u:~ I: .......nuhun. .......n........... 0....... n.... ..... .........--..... ........ _..un... ...... _.._..... .......... . __0.. __ _...__._u... ____........ _..... __....... __. ":... ..n_Lou._.... h.. un_ ...... __.._ __... ... h_O__... ....... un I - ," '.. _ ,...i . ~ _..n.n....__.__.....n.n.....__...............n_.........~.__....~..:;.n__n~.._.....~:-__.......::..______...__....~.....-::_..._.n__.........__.::..:::~..:.~..~...__.~..:::.:..:.....~.__........~.........................00.._...._..... ..J~,~...P~~,~,~~,+.'1.,..,~~J~~JD.g.__,~~..,.~~,J..l~J~,h,~,~g"..~y,..,....al.l....;1;Jgb.:t.~.,..Qr I I ....:'*...J.~:~~f~:t...;t,~..,,~,ai4....~~.9.ye.....g.~,$.g.;r.ip.e.,~...~~Qpe,r.ty....Q,Qnfe,rred,..:by....tha..t....o,erta1n I i , Ii "...!9..t,~nl,..~f.,"~:~~.~,t..,.~~~~,~.11.,..,~.Y....~l.9.,r..,..R,e.al,ty....lnd~..,..C,Q,."..~..by....J.".. ,H. .;, ': '!f.~J!~l..t...,P.l,,~....~4~~,..~~~....~,~,..,f~.~.~~y....$.,~.....19?,(?,...~~..,f~.l'-,~..,.f.9.~,...;;-:~g.9.~~ ,... I' ~~-,,,.,~,t.. .... -- .,~::',~~'....~J.J.:,,:~',..M?:~~:;..,'~,~.,.J9.,?~.~,..,J~....~~,~.,.~~~.~....~,~.!....9.~,~"..~~"..~~~....~.~~.L__9.~.., I' ...,.- .. ~ - - - 1.~~t~fnt~~s~;,~~;'t~.~~iii~~~.eclJt;;i~~id~a~Q5:1bontnb~;;~h~idJ : .....H'i--mG-a,f,f-i,n...UBde,r-....the-...da-te....or....Dec,ember..--2-9,th .,.l,9-26,;....'and....f,il,e-d....fo-r'..'r'eeord i 'J,.; 'tinder the da,te of February 15, 1927, in Deed Book No. 1053, at ~age , . ':..,q:4----o-r--..tne....P-tihl.iCr...Re'(1.o.rds....O'f...D'ade...'C'Ciufft"j";"..Fl'O'rTalf';.....a:s....t'Ci."L.o.t....l+'~............. h............................._........................._..._...........__.............__.........._..............._..........____...h..............................._.._........................._........._............_..................... ',/ - TO H.liVE .liND 2'0 HOLD the same, together with all and singular the appnrtenanccs bhere- "'i-'tJ beZon!Jin!J 01' in anywise appertaining, and all the cstatc, right, title, intercst and cZaim what~ ~"", , "'-';'fi the, said party of the first part, either in law 01' equity, to the only proper use, benefit and ,..... 1" -~ : 4~~'t~ s.aid part.1.N:y the second part, ....,....t.b.e,1.~.,..h;irs and assi!Jns forever. I II I: ( Corporate -- -&fil) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part has canscd , Ma.yor these prcsents to be signed in its namc by its ~,~ii/J(;""', awl its corporate seal to be affixed, attested by its...__..g.~~,y....9.,!,~,~~...., the day and year above written. : I: I I: I' '/, -I .. . ~." ~~ --..;;;; ......~~~O.;; ,.. I, I, ( I CITY OF' MIAMI BEACH -.................................._.........n........._.....-....._................._...._._.........._........u..... Attest: ..'........................01.ty...Ol.8l.'k...'............................. By,................'m.......,................,...:........,....,.............,...........m....................., P'rfJutenr. -ayar I, I: I ~ Signed, sealed and delivered in onr presence: ' I , I , I _....n....___..._......__......_.............__..................._...................__....._......._...._...... -'~ -- ------ --.-- I I I t -- ---__JL .h......__....__...n.._....._.................._.............n..................._..........._..............._. -- --,----------------,-------,----~---,--------_._--------,_....:. ::.--,..-. ,. . \ ~ ' \ \ I I: \ I , : i I I I I I 1 I .' '1 ... I I I " -, ..,.: '~' ," 1 ':'-.;:-":, ''", cQ .. I ~ " ~ I /::) C;' f;:J >-i I f;:J lJil I (it , (', .,.; N 'On '<t :z: ~ c::'l ~I u.i 0 r.!i I ~ E i= " :J-H 0:: < 4lC D:: ~ ~ rJ...::l ,;:a '..... 0 D:: ~ a.. C) C) '0 0 D:: ~ t-; ~1 II. .... 0 ~ .~ ~ I u (.) Vl ~ ;:a ,~ ! N 3:: 0 ~ 9 <3 lJJ \\ D:: ~I D:: II. roil .; ~ ~ c ....... 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I I I ,......................,...........,..,..,..........................,..,...............10 '911J18 puv........,............,....,.....,....,......."........,......,.....'........'lo fi1Ul10D 91[1 '111 I : VUlHO'Li :laVa I I ..'............................'.........'.............'.....fi...........g.......iN...n.....' ............11J 11JOS 11J101lJo PU1J 9,11111J11p1S fi1.U SSJIJ/',LI .Al I : .f'6t 2I~ Afw no A~tO Pl~S IO Tlounon A~1n 9U~ Aq p9Zt~ -oq!i-n'S Att"90lJloads 8~ C'U01i'i),wU,LOO l'~i'Js fo paw}} P,""1J 10'f; 91[1 s11'l1aw?I,q~'! P1'rJs mL1- p1.11J 'ubn I Q 0 9.W ax 'J) Ji91. 1J PU1J ,'po'1l0111L01.U 1.110,19Y1- sasod.lnd Z~1J saSl1 I : I ;~~;;;~~..~~.~~..~~..~~,~.~..~~~:..~~:..~~:~~..~~~~~..~~..~~...~~.~..~~~~,,:~~~~~O:::::n:~p9:::::l~:,fi::J:~P'::::~'1 tJ · 'If Nm"d1:fVlAGUV 8.LN:EA=rIO 'i{IVf}Q' .T,~ n:r.OlJ'HVHO ~ y , Ii-' . 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Um01l'J[ a'l.U oq. ,....,...........,.......,...,.......yaIHo.rxi.....ooo..jO aq.vq.8 a1{1 jo smvz a1{q. ,WPUl1 uonv.wd.wo. t..,..............t1idi'tj'lffilltooo'\j....,....,.......'.........'iiovtis....fFtVlrf..JO...i;t'Io..........j 0 ......j{ze't6...1ii.o.......puv Q!1J"'Pl""',1.J fiZannoadsa.l......'..'ooo........................nooo..............Nosri'frnroJ:;......lf--.'O''''''''''puv ...,.............,........:......,..........,.....,.........~i!~a:zJ;V5i....i~....;.v....pa..lvaddv fillvuos.L9d aw. a,lOjaq ''''~r'61 'a 'l/' ...........,.....,..................~..,....:...,..,..........-;o fivp.................,..,..........,;:,..,' ,........'...oooooos1'tf.1 'lW q.V1[1 '.,fiI!J/[[:!W .,f[[:f[')J:f[H I Wr...:i~t~:,:~ ':::r \ ~ .~ .; r;; I: " ~ " I. 0 -B .. .... Ii ,:: " .. '" t 8 I , 0 '" I I ~ ~. ~ I ~ oI;l = " .r: '" I I i , I I I I I I: I I ) I ,:l{ 'I , I ~Ol~ ~l41 FlGE186 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRE NTS, That we, in consideration of the benefits accruing to us b, reason of convenient acoess and a lesser cost of the oonstruotion of sewers and the d'sirability of having the things here- inafter specified placed in the locations noted below, and in consideration of $1.00, receipt of which is hereby ack- knwwledged, do hereby give and grant unto the City of Miami , Beach, Florida, its successors and assigns and its grantees operating public utilities, the perpetual right 'and easement to lay and maintain sewers, water mains, telephone and eleotrio conduits underground aoross the ~ five fee t of Lot 'J-, Block 8, Nautilus- Addition, as per Plat reoorded in Plat Book NO.8, Page 130, of the Publio Records of Dade --- County, Florida. :~'i: '.~~ .,>,..,,,,.; 'i"~~"~"~~~";~If>,'f,>...~N '1'lt~t~s. JfBE.REOF_, the TAYLOR REALTY & INVESTMENT COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed in its name by its President and its corporate seal to be affixed, attested by its County ?!J Dade, of dvt, 7 Secretary, both duly authorized, a~ami, State of Florida, this 0 day , A. D., 1926. -"'~"'''''~"'''' . ....\. " ".,. ~..~,..... .. - '. '. --.-,!' ~ Q~~~(S~L)~ A . T" ~;Jr~r/J-/cSEAL) ~~.JhUL . ~~~~_-" L__ R ~ .......~..,'---,~....I'o.- L. "_ --, .' '~ ..., .::~} r,.','\ ~i.,~,,_~ \ "'l,.. "',.. '. RtJOK 941 PAGE 187 , '..'fI' STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF nJDI (( SS: I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally of t e TAYLOR REALTY & INVESTMENT COMPANY, a corporatio~ UDder the laws of the State of J/~ , to me well known to be the persons described 1n and who executed \ the foregoing instrument, and they~acknowledged before me that \' they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes , , therein expressed, aDd that said instrument is the act and ~-,' '\~~~ifi~~~':"a:f4~Ui\:t8'j~~1t.1f.'_. :"'f'~;1 '" ,','" ~., a_A.- , President ""'-M AA ie--t.ry) _ County day of WITNESS my hand and official of ~ ' , State V~(f · A. D.. 1926. seal at ~3':l~ of Florida, this \\\\\..., ...." '\\\\\R \ E r t ' ',.,~ ~'\': ........" o<.,.~ ~~ ~,..,~ t /(~';~.~<'.... ;: ....~ ..".,- *. J.; ..... 2 : .~~~ -. ~' . I::).. :: . y... 't ,.<1~ 14&-- ~ : .. ;: :. ~.c;" : cr.:; ;: (j> : --"': ~: ~~~ ", A.. \~I::,1W Commission expires: ~...r.,A .."" V D 'I ...../. "~~.:" '>..~ '11. ~ ,,".,"'~;."" ~~ 0;... .......... ".~...". '1>,,// P' ( 0 {l \ ~ \\" 1"nlif'tJ~nH'.\" . ;;;r~ {O - , ~~/? Notary Public tll !;t~t~ c' Floolds lit I.a~ Nlltary pu.,!lc f(" .".. 10 1929 / q ~ ,,""", .. E-",.. P,b. . . / ' ' ... .;;. ~-... ~;> r .1i ~ f. J : ~. ~..~t , f: ..._A , President ~.M n. ~el..L~. _ . ' TAYLOR REALTY & INVESTMENT COMPANY. a cOrporation UDder the laws of the State of dr./~ . to me well known to be the persons described in and who executed \ the foregoing instrument. and they acknowledged before me that \. \' they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed, and that said instrument is the, act and deed of said Corporation. County day of WITNESS my Of~ 4J~J ;t~~~ this hand and official seal , . State of Florida, , A. D.. 1926. \\'\\ ,,,'..... \\\\~ \ E r t',', .,~ ,~' n ~ .......,.OC",A .... ~'-'" ,.' ~- Jr " \" , ~~ .... \) l tt~;;'" <' ".,. ::; ..... ~ . '-. '''.:..1~: - ~ . )0"""".. ::: . ~ I::J: :: . .......... "':.... ....s. ~ : ..... . . v ~.." . t:r.: . "-:::'Ul: :~..: ~,..o\. \ A ,~(f/IRt ~.~~ ..... tr" , \ 4. ",~'" ~..\.... ~/: <'~ .... v ~... .... ~ '....... 'l/ ()..~ ................ ''0.... ',~ ,/ " \) \' ',' "'///, po! 0 {l \ """, .f/lltlln:'..,.' , ~~? Notary Publio '--.. _ Nl\tary PU.,ll- fM t~e 5t~te ol rlo-1~s t;2~rte Commission expires: ~~(~ I cj cl?!Cll"fJ":lj~fiO:.I E:~plres Pcb, 10, , . / I ' , = " ~ ~ t, / C;~ f:, AT .3_'..3~ O'CLOCKJ?M FILED, - r- AND RECORDED IN THE COOK NOT-:D ABOVE GEO. F. HCLLY. CLERK CIRCUIT COURT DADE OOUNTY, FLORIDA .'... BOOK1053 PAGE 44 KNOW ALL 1illN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, in consideration of the benefits accruing to us by reason of convenient access and a lesser cost of the construc~ tion of sewers and the desirability'of having the things hereinafter specified placed in the locations noted below, and in consideration of $1.00, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby give and grant unto the City of Miami Beach, Florida, its successors and assigns and its grantees operating public utilities, the perpetual right and easement to lay and reaintain sewers, water mains" telephone and electric conduits underground, across the North five feet of Lot 4 of Block 8, Nautilus Additio~, as per Plat recorded in Piat Book No.8; Page 130, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. IN WITNESS ~EEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and~alS~ ~~I..' 'County Of~~ State Of~~ , this _ 'L~\:*' ~~ day of , A. D., 1926. 6~' (SEAL) 11,,"AA. )y --0r'1A-'.. ( SEAL) 1/1 - (SEAL) ( SEAL) access and a lesser cost o~ the construc~ tion of sewers and the desirability'of having the things hereinafter specified placed in the locations noted below, and in consideration of $1.00, receipt of which is hereby ackno~ledged, do hereby give and grant unto the City of Miami Beach. Florida, its Successors and assigns and its grantees operating pUblic utilities, the perpetual right and easement to lay and maintain sewers, water mains" telephone and electric conduits underground, across the North five feet of Lot 4 of Block 8, Nautilus Addition, as per Plat recorded in Plat Book No.8; Page 130, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and.....als~ ~~. ,County Of~ Sta te Of~~ , this _ 'Le.... % day of ~~_J A. D., 1926. ( SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) ( SEAL) ATTEST: ~13~. v r .... ~ . " . ~', .. .... ~..... , 11/20/26 STATE OF flori i da Dade COUNTY OF BOOf~l 053 PAGE j SS I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally iOt-. ap~eared before me. an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgements, Vida H. Coffin and William C. Coffin , to me well known and known to me to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and they acknowledged before me that they executed the same- freely and voluntarily and for the purposes therein expressed. AND I ~~RTHER CERTIFY That the said Vidn ~_ Coffin known to me to be the wife of the said W i 1:1- jam C.. Cof.fl...n on a separate and pri vate examination taken and made by and before me, separatel!_and apart from her sai~ husband, d~d acknowledge that she made herself a part to the aaid instru- ment for the purpose of renouncing, relinquishing and con- veying all her right, title and interest, whether of dower, homestead or of separate property, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands described therein, and that she executed the same freely and voluntarily and without any compulsion, State of WITNESS my hand and official FIor, i da , this ~ Donstraint~ apprehension or fear of or from A. D.. 1921. oaths and take acknowledgements, William C. Coffin , to me well known and known to me to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and they acknowledged before me that they executed the same- freely and voluntarily and for the purposes therein expressed. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY That the said Vi rJ~ Jj. Cnffln known to me to be the wife of the said W i 1). i am C A Cof.iln on a separate and private examination taken and made by and before me, separately and apart from her said husband, did acknOwledge that she made herself a part to the aaid instru- ment for the purpose of renOuncing, relinquishing and con- veying all her right, title and interest, whether of dower. homestead or of separate property, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands described therein, and that she executed the same freely and VOluntarily and without any compulsion, constraint; apprehension or fear of or from state of WITNESS my hand and Florida , this h A. D., 1921. , \\\,.r'i$.\ r My 6ommiss~o-? expires: ~..' ~.~ ''"II:.. .~r;..~.~...... '. Notary .PublIc, Sfat~ of Florida at ~ ~ .~f~' ~ :f>;. '\ . . t' ~~~~ ,.'j- ,I....(..,~ '. My CQlWllil3eion exp~ Oct. 6, li30 ~.. ,.":, ,It- 4'~'J": ~ j~OTA~ ~ i it .... .~,.. e: ;\ ACrSL\ ej~~ ;t~ t -S:-~ ..... -~, ."~ ~ 1;c 'r,'~ . ....~....~ ''i" '~". ........n."" \.'~.... ., "I~~""~ ~ _,,:> ~ '~;'~t'it..\ a/20!26 ,.' FILFD ML~d.$;;' T ~~.9' (""C..G6~" A.....:O f,FCORdC':D ;N TH= ~COl< NOTED A8UVF, > CEO. F, HO'_L Y, CLERK erR-CUlT COURT DADE COUNTY. FLORIDA .: ..