QD-18 Indenture QUIT.CLAIM PEED (FROM CORPORATION) cS<~9 - / ct FORM R, E. 42 I II II I ; 'i wlps 1Jubeuture. Made this __'___m_1th_________mm___n__m___m_h__ da y of _m___J.una.___mm___hh__m____mm. A, 0, 19 -}1--, between__h_____h__:_______.c~t-7---.ot--lllaal---8ftaChm--m-m-m-_m__m_n________m_mm__m____ a corporation existing under the laws of the State OL____h_r10r..1da.___________mm_m_~m---:. party of the first part. and --nn----H-1oholas--....---SohetlCk--and--P..an-SI---W__---S.ohen.ek..--.hu--Jd.1'.e._m_~__ of the County oLmnmnmD..s.dam_________m__m_and State oL---__m..F1or.1d&_m___mm_' part1_..___ of the second part. WITNESSETH, That the said party of' the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of '_m_______________~___~___~__!'!'.____"!"..__~___~_____O.ne___tUld__.Nol1O"O___~___~___~__~___~___~___~__~__~___~m~______Dollars. " :1 " '; -:- -in hand paid by the said partal-__ of the second part. the receipt whereof is- hereby ~knowledged. have I " Ii I I, il I, I, I ,I II I, remised. released and quit-claimed. and by these presents doth femis~. r~lease and quit-clairl~ unto the said partUS___ of the second part. andm.the.1.r_m___heirs ap.d assigns forever. all the ri~ht. titl~r interest. claim and demand which the said party of the first part hath in and to the following described l~_____, ~m_...wo parceL_n_ of land. situate. lying and being in the County of_____~a4..n______mm_________m_m_. S tate of _m__r~or..1da--------m-------------. to-wit: I' II ! __m___m__m_m_______mm__~___~_Q~lbmf1Y~___f~_~1!__g_rnQ~l~g1nJQ.!___~~~~_~~_~________ __ . _ ________h_______ ______m_________m__m___mn~l_~~mQt___~j,_~._~___ 9_Q~t~'nr~gn~___~~~_~_!t~~_~!!~L_~_~_h__m__~ ' - ---------------- '__n_______n__m____m_______n~fU~--P~a.t---re.o-or.de4..--1ILP..l.-~--J~Q-Q-~---~O_!m.9_'___~~~m____m___m___m___ ___n__n_______m__n_mm__mlS-l___Of___1ih8mPllb~l.o___Reo.o.r~_'L_ot---~$~'____QQ_'_~m_~_l_,___________________m______ ________ _______n__________________F~o.rl.da..____h_________________----------- ---------------------_______________n_n_____________ ___________________ I I; , 'i :! i' j; 'I 1\ I' 'I I, 'I Ii i' ,I ----------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------- ------------------------------------------------------- --- ----------------------- __~~'_:.J~~~,~~_"'~~L_Qt__.1~b_~'___~J!@~_~P__~___~_~__~~~_ ,~~~-~~!_~!:".!~_n~_~__~!~!_~!!_. __~~___q~l~~~1.-..~~n~~---@n-~--~l1----I'lgh.~-~---~h1-.~!'!-h-~h~___q!_~I___~~___~_~_~!__~~~_o_h haa - ---------- nln__&nd__ta__themaboy.e.__des_o.r1.be_d__p_r.Qp_e.r~.1:__l>.I___~-~~g-~___Q!_J~h~~___~~_~~_~!!':_____ _.aument---exe.Q.ut.e.d--under--dat.8---o:!--j;)e.oemb.e.r---2S--l___1.9~J-,-___~~___~~_Q~~~__!-~ ,_P.Jl~_J~oD1t__J.11-2__.at__.Pagen_3g_Q-Io._Pl1bl_l_(L_Re!.'_o.~@___Qt___~~_~~o._Q~_~~~_l_~___~~_~!~. :: Ii ! j 'I i Ii '0\, - - --- ----- - -- ------------- --------------------------------------- -------------- --- -------------- ------------------------------- -------------------------------- :I I TOHA VE AND TO HOLD the same. together with all and singular the appurtenances there- unto belonging or in anywise appertaining. and all the estate. right. title. interest and clain: whatsoever of the said party of the first part. either in law or equity. to the only proper use. benefit and behoof of the said parL1.e.Sof the secon~ parL_~e1.r_______o.______heirs and assigns forrer. ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said party ~f the first part has caused these present~ to be signed in its name by its :mf':' and its cor- porate seal to be affixed. attested by its------Ql_'1;.Y-_J~l_~r~__m__m___m the day and year above written, II 'I I I, I, I I :1 !t 'I I I " ... i;l 1:'. ;! '/ i 'I ( Corpora te Seal) 'nJ~~~X__Q~___~~___~_~_q~____ _o.h__________m_____m_ 'l Attest: -m---m--m-Ol't'r---Cl-es-mm-mnm--m----- By _ _On ,_ _ no. _ _ _______n_ _n __n_n_n_ ---_n__n__n__n________n___ &m~ .-0 or I I I " , I I 'I I STATE OF ________nn~~;~~m-----mm---m------m-- t CO UNTY OF _m___nn_____m_'_____m_n_m____________________ \ I, I, I' I' I I I: I I HEREB Y CERTIFY, That on this_______I~~___m day of __________m!~~____nhmn_____nm__m_______' 37 JOHN H. LEVI ' A, D, 19 m_______, before me person all y appeared -m-m--'-m--n----nn-------n---Ilay-Ott---------cm-m-------m__mmm_ , C. W. raILINSON . 01t1 Clerk, and ____ ___m____n __ ___m_______m_____mnn____m___nm_m_ mnm ____m_ res pec t 1 vel y f'P~~ and _n__n___nn____ _m ___mn__ of m_n~h'__ng~1i_lm~!__~l~J~_!~~~__nmmnm_________mn____m_~___m____n_a corporation under the laws of the State oLmm~~_~~~_mm_mn____mn_m__' to me known to be the persons described in and who . MICHOLAS M. SCHENCK and PAMSY W. SCHEMOI: - ex ecu t e d the f 0 reg 01 n g con v ey a n ce to mn_______ ___m______ _______________________mm____m___m______m________________mmmm__ ii ,! I, I and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers, for the ! II I' ! uses and purposes therein mentioned; and that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation, and the said instrum'ent is the act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS my signature and official seal at_________~~~___~~_~~~_m______m__mm__________m______nn___ . ,Dade Florida III the Coun ty oLc______m___nn____m____n_____m________m_n an d S ta te of _____nmh__m______m_m____n_n____m___mm_m_ " the day and year last aforesaid, ,: I ._________________________________________________~____________________ (Seal) t I My Commission expire~______~__T~~~_n____19~: I, I' I i " , , " ~ilw:::iiift--.,.,,~ ~...; 'I"'" ~- = t;:l n 0 ~ :n 0 ~ 0 ...... ct> ttJ ~ ("0 ~ ~ s:: .... .... ~ .... , ::3 ::r- 0 0- ct> , ,.., 0- (') , ct> , .... 0- ...... , -::: "'d .., 0 , tIl i!i a ~ , , , s:: 0- ,.., , l-4 H E) , , , "T1 g: ,.., I t;"4 Jr: , ~ , 0- t;:l ct> !~ = , ;:;' ("0 :at t ... ....c t::J ! ,.., 0 0 IS:: . 1 .... . ~ 0 ,.., ~ I' ~ r 0- I::; 0 ; ... - '! ?' '" lei . - ("0 .... CQ \ .. :u I 0 ::r- ~ . 0 a ,.., J~ ....\ 3: '" biS ~ 0 , 0- "T1 '" Ii 1 tI> 1.. m ~ ... () ...... 3: 0 I i::f ~ ~ W>-j ~ = ~ 0 ~ I; ...... 0 :u :" I. r- ~ -.,)0 0 '1J , ~ 0 .... . 'I , p- .... a !" , i :u :! , .. ~ .. , > , Q to .. P , -i II> , I "'d ::7' l."t ~ M 0 ~ ~ .... ~ z S , OQ r O'J i I i :If l:Il ~ I ~ I - ~ .... "- I, : 0.. ....... ~ ty I~ I' 9 \0 (!) 'i n \0 ~ !\.Jt.I . I r> , ! VJ ~ , j---J 0 . ! , I ,.., , 0 ~ , ...... Ii II ,I Ii ~ ~--~ ~ -,.; j) I' I: I: \1 I: I , I: I' " !I