QD-23 Indenture t II Ii I i I I _ i I QUIT-CLAIM DEED (FROM CORPORATION) ~S-.:i3 FOR~1 R, E, 42 r wlJta 3Jnlltnturt. Made this--_u___mmmL~_~__h__m___mm__ day Ofmm~-----m--mmu--' A. 0, 19 _~Q__. between_mmm9_1_t.Y-mQ,t__}u'J\Rl_1___Be_achl-__ahHuIl1c.1palu9_Q1',pQr.a_t_1QJ1________ , ., d h 1 f 'h S f Florida 'f h a corporatiOn eXlstmg un er t e aws 0 t e tate 0 h_______________m_h__h____~m-~--m~----m-n---. party 0 t e first part. an d__________~J?:~__~!~lJ?~_@g~__!l~yJ!:QQ~~mQQ~.n~__uh___ _mhh___m~_m-__"____n__m__mm__ of the County oL____~~~~__m_______u_h_______n____and State oLuh_F-l_or.1da_______m_____m. partY-uu__u of the second part, i i WITNESSETH. That the said party of the first part. for and in consideration of the sum of 'm__~_~~m~_l!:~___~'?f'!Q_Q__~__~m~___~___~___::__~___~m~__~___~m~~_ --~---~--c~--,~---~---~---~---::m::--~--Dollars. - - - ii a in hand paid by the said partI___mu of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. have remised. released and quit-claimed. and by these presents doth remise. release and quit-claim unto the said parLYm_u of the second part. and__m.1t.s____mmheirs and assigns forever. all the right. title, interest. claim and demand which the said party of the first part hath in and to the following described 10L_m' piecL____ or parceL____ of land. situate. lying and being in the County oL---~~~~_m____mmh___mu________. State oL_m~lQr.1da._______m__n______m___. to:'wit: ______________________um_n ___~~~___~Q_'!~~_~_r!_Y___Jl!~__J_f?_t_t~~_~___Qf_u~gJ__Th_~_~~~::_E?J~___________~~_ '_nm ,( 36), Block Fifteen A (15-A), and the northerly .m---------mm-----m---m----mrive---r5,---te~-t---ot---i:ot--Thi~-t7:-~e:;~nmC'3-7r:----~~id--------..------- -- ------------------------------------------------ -------------- ------------ --- --- ------------------------------- ------------- -- ---------------------------- Block Fifteen A (15-A) Island View Addition ___n_______u_____n_n_h___n ___n__u___n u__________uu_uuu_____ -----u---,-u--_uu____uuu______u___u____u_h__________'u,_u_u_ __ '_n_____ as per Plat recorded in Plat Book Nine (9), __n ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________m_______~_~_~___9_~~___!!~~~~_~__~~-~~l-~~~-~~--.t~~!~_!___~!__~_~~________u_______m____ _______________________________________~_~~!~_'?___!!,~_~~-~~-~---<?-~ --P-~~~--_Q_~~E..~l_L_~!~!:~~~_m___________________________ The' intention of this instrument being more -n----m--h-m-----mm--m-m-p-artTcuTarIyh-fo--re"leass---ana-nquTt::-cl-itlm--any---ancr-m---u-u _____m__uumm_n__n_mnum_ a-l-l'-Tlg-h-t-s---wh-i-eh-ut-hem8a-i-d~--C-i-ty---e.f-hl.[-i-aml---Beach--m__m__u has in and ,to the above described tracts by -----n--umuu-------mnm-h---re-a:-s-onmofn-thii-t-hc-Elr-ta:Tiimea-sementme-xe-ctftea---llnderm---m--- ___n'_ __n n_nn__nmu__nU______ 4-ate- no-f- JURe-- ---2.g.----------192~-jma-fld---I'e-eo.p.de-dn-1.n---u-m----h-----m- ----mn--------mn--------n--h--~-t~~a~~Q~o~~~-Y/~.;l~~~-a~~-~---~~---~~~---~-~E-~~-~--~-~-~-'?E~-~------- , " 1 I, , I if I II , ~ ; I, 1 .t ~ .., , I' I I' ;, I i! .; I; " . . _ ~._- ----- -- ---------- -------------------------------------------- -------------_. ------ --'-;--------- ----------- ----------- --------------------------------------- TO HAVE AND. TO HOLD the same. together Iwith all and singular the appurtena,nces there- unto belonging or in any,wise appertaining. and all the ,estate. right. title. interest and claim whatsoever of the said party of the first part. either inJlaw or equity. to the only proper use. benefit and behoof of the said part1.nm of the second part..m~J@_________mm____heirs and assigns forever. , :1 'I Ii .. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. The said party of the ff~~~t has caused these presents to be signed in its name by its p~. and its cor- porate'seal to be affixed. attested by itL________q!_~lmq~_!~~____________ the day and year above written, I " 'I " i U I :, rate Seal) CITY OF MIAMI BEACH -- /I " . ,- . ~. . _'.4 _ I . " !L." " t;.:tfM8ia'F if H~ielry' acltt'lowle<igedl. have ..', '~. '<:,~ ". . nB 1 '~. , e ,oan: .'th~ p.te~~' doth remise', release c1nd quit-claim Ulil.to the I... ~~:_~,'~:.;t "a' - , ~... p '. ''':, ;~_~_i.~'-:O'f 'the second. part. andm__.1t..8.___mmheirs and assigns forever, all the right, title. interest, . ~l~im and demand which the said party of the first part hath in and to the following described 10Ln__. piecLn__ or parceLm_ of land, situate, lying and being in the County oL_J?'~~~mh____mm___h___m__un' State Ofm___~.l_Qr_1da.____mm_____m__m__' to.:wit: _, ____n______ ___~~~___~Q)!~!?__~_~!J:__J!~~___1J?_L__t~~_~mQf__J~gJ__!h_~_~tr::_f?_!~___________~__ ________d_m__ ,( 36), Block Fifteen A (15-A), and the northerl;r ,--m---------m---m--------m---ntive---r5}--f~~-t-n~i-i:~t--Thl~-ti:-~~;;n---r37r~-ms;id---m--..-m-n -------------------------------------------------------------------------.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block Fifteen A (15-A) Island View Addition und__nn____n_____________n___d________n_ __n__h____'dh_nn____n___n________n_n_n____n_n_h -, _____m_m_umm_d_ as per Plat recorded in Plat Book Nine (9) ;-- __'___mm__. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ __________n____m____________~_~_!__~_~~___~~~~~_~__~2_~~t-:~p-~~---(-~~!~_!___~!.___~_~~m__n_n___m____n_. _____________________________m_______~_~~_!~_~__~,~_~p_~~_~___<?_~ --p-~~~___Q~~E:~l,,~___~!2~~~~m__________________.________. The'intention of this instrument being more -m------m----------------m---h--p-artTcularly--:fo--re"j~ea8emandmquTt:::-clalmnany---and----m-d-- ____d__ ------------- --- ______m______ a~-l:..-T_1g-h t-s---wh-i-eh---t-he-- -sa-id---C-l-ty ---eor-- -M-l- am1-- Bea-ch--m-________ has in and.to the above described tracts by ----------- ----m-------------re-as-onmo:r-tlia-t---c-e-r-taTn---ea.-semeil"t--e-xe"cu-tea---under------------ .- ----'- -------- ---------- - -------------d-ate-- o-f- JURe-- ---29-----m---l:92.G--i---a-nd---Fe-e.o~-d e-d---1-n----m--_n____n __h__ -----d-----------m--mm-um---~-t~%a~~9~o~~ly~--~;1~~~-a~9-J:---9-~___~~~h_~_~!?_!P:_~__~_~_~!?E~_~m_m - \ "~ I I ~ I ;1 I ji .; I' , , It I' I Ii l ~ I I I - I I ---------------------------------------------------~-;---------------------------------------------------------------------- TO HAVE AND, TO HOLD the same, together Iwith all and singular the appurtena,nces there- unto belonging or in any,wise appertaining, and all the ,estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever of the said party of the first part. either in)law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said partlum of the second parL__~J~_m______h___m_heirs and assigns forever, I 1; IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said party of the P.t~\,g~t has caused these presents to be signed in its name by its p~, and its cor- porate'seal to be affixed, attested by itLm_____g_~_~~mq?:!~~_m____m_ the day and year above written, ;! , I' I rate Seal) ny~ieri:e.,....'~.=- CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ---------- - ------- ---- - -- ----- -------- --- ------------------------------------- I' ---- -- -- - -~-~o~~m II I , " " i' I' i I; Cu:'J1 /' ST A TE OF ---n--..-Flor-ida-------n---h---------------,--,-- l COUNTY OF '_____nnnDade_m_______m________d__m_____ \ I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on thiL..l?l5 day of ..~n~~mm~.m~~n~n......~'~.~~ A. D, 19 ____4()'" before me person all y appeared---m----J-ohn---H-.-Le-vi----------------m---------d_-------------d----__u, and _______nm__C..:w..1'oml-1.nSOD_____m_nm_m__m______ mm__respective! y ~and-m-----C-1tYn-G-l~rk of ---m--C-l-ty--ef--Mlam1---Be-aeh-dmnmm----------------------n---------___m_m_a Jl!~!g~PAitnder the laws of the State oL-------F~or.1.da--------------------------. to me known to be the persons described in and who execu ted the foregoing conveyance to_____the- -l(i-aml--Beaoh--Bay,s-hG-Pe---Company-----d------------m-- and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers. for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation. and the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS my signature and official seal aL_m__1U.am1-__B-each-__m___m_____m___________________mn__n in the County oL_____d___!?_~~_~_________________________________and State of ____J'lor.1d1L__d_______nm____mnm________ the day and year last aforesaid, _d(}~~__~___e.._t~m_ (Sea~) My Commission exPiresm~-7-------m,19~ I I I, :ij --.....-- ~ -- - OJ n 0 ;::::J ;n 0 , , ~~ , , -..:: 0 ....... ,., II> , , n , , t:: ..... ,., ..... ~ , , ::r' 0 0.. '" , ~ , , .... 0.. , , ..... '" 0.. ....... H , , , ~ , -..:: "d ,., 0 , ~ , , , , , t:: 0.. .... , , fi , , ~ , 'T1 g .... , ....... I, , 0:; I ,g , ~ '= , 0' , , , , n 0 0 , b1 8 , .... i:r> ~. I ~ ~ 0 .... r: r 0.. ~ '" ... ?' '" , ..... ~ ~ ;u . ~P.h n 0 .::r' O"~ .... n ~ 3: ' , ,..... !:;.:~ 0.. 'i ~ 'T1 n .-" ! '" ~ 0 i ~ ..., ~ g ~ >leD r I ~ 0 ~ 0 'U ~. '~ .0 $: sa ", I 1 ~ ~~t b: ~ "d b 6 0 ~* . II> Z ! OQ ~ t"'.1 r ~ c+... ,g~ ! p r : g I ..... 0... \0 ~ 0 0 \0 II> , VJ -..:: r~ ~ 0 ,., , [0 .... 0 ~ ....... - ---....- .. My Commission - - -, tp n 0 ~ ~ 0 , , ~l ...... ! , '< 0 ,., l>l , , ~ ..... n ,., ..... ~ , }>~ :T 0 P.- '" , ::s '" .... P.- i ..... P.- ...... H ~ :< "d ,., 0 , i;; , C P.- .... , , ~~ 'T1 g: .... l .... f-1 0' tp '" ~ = n' n 0 0 , b:J 8 ......... .... 0 .... ~ ..... . g~ !: ~ ~ r P.- ~ ....... " ?' '" ~ ." -".. > n ' ..... ~ ;u I ~~t z 0 .:T ~ 0" ~ .... '" ~ n 3: S..' ... P.- , !:;;~ " " ~ ~ 'T1 ~ , '" ! ~ 0 ..... , , ~ 0 , 0 ..... ~ --l ~ ",I]) " , ! 5 0 ;u " , .~ , 0 "ll 0 , p ..... . ? , ~ 0 '" i bj ;u a ~~t " I , I )- .. ! b: ~ -l ~ '1 "d b1 b 0 e~ -' l>l ~ Z ~ OQ t:::j ct..j ! ~ .....~ ! ! , ~ , i p ,8 ~ , , 9 , , , , ..... , p , 0- \0 ~ , , 0 , \0 l>l , , , L.r= ~ , , VoJ '< , r:. , , n , , 10 , .... , 0 , ;>::' , , , ...... , -- - ....--