74-14248 Reso ',)' ..~ ," ~',t ":";~:;;~;:':1~lf}~}lf*;';~f'fg::";:::: ,,:' ':" , i ,. ~1~, '" :\r~~Aytf:Y;j~:}.'ir;;~~:;f, ",' ~ ;:", . ~ < RESOLUTION NO. 74- 1 Lf 2L+8 A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 73-14106. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, That Resolution No. 73-14106, Passed and Adopted on September 5, 1973, be and the same is hereby amended to contain the following additional provision: "That the quitclaim deed authorized by said Resolution No. 73-14106, which contains a provision therein expressly authorizing the Grantee, its successors and assigns to build upon the parcel of land described in said quitclaim deed." And that said Resolution No. 73-14106, as hereby amended is approved, ratified and confirmed. PASSED and ADOPTED this 23 rd day of Janua t'Y 1974. (Signed) Chuck Hal] Mayor Attest: (Si9~cd) Elaine Matthews City Clerk (SEAL) omo 0' CITY ATTOlmV _ ":10 W-'U.INOTON AVlN\J1 - WAJ;U ~OI, n.OIlIDA )) 1)9 r ~-- c;;.;.;..~ RESOLUTION NO. 74-14248 A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 73-14106. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, That Resolution No. 73-14106, Passed and Adopted on September 5, 1973, be and the same is hereby amended to contain the following additional provision: "That the quitclaim deed authorized by said Resolution No. 73-14106, which contains a provision therein expressly authorizing the Grantee, its successors and assigns to build upon the parcel of land described in said quitclaim deed." And that said Resolution No. 73-14106, as hereby amended is approved, ratified and confirmed. PASSED and ADOPTED this 23rd day of January 1974, . ~4IJ-~) Mayor - \ Attest: /,~ / '/ //" ;- ./ ~." (' ( - ,,/;'- , . -- . / ,.... ( / / /. .-// /......... City Clerk O"'CI O. CITY AnOIHlY - " so WASH'NOTON AVlNUI - MIAMI IIACM. I'\O"DA :131 J9 ~ -J~\-;f /,~{:'i..'.~~;;:~ " <-/~'-:\'$-' t. ; ..,:0."- , .: ,_. ), " · :,:o'",IO"-'lfP * t: '(,,!>-' ~ /.~ '<Z',p~<_-:.~,~" ..",!,U? ~ ot?/ttaHd ~eade F lOR o A 3 3 3 9 "VACATIONLAND U. S. A." ,-'R/,I,~. f( ~...PLrJ(.:E COUNCIL MEMORANDUM NO.~' CITV HALL 11'10 W^~~HINl:.'rON AVENUE rl:lLPHONE: l.,'1-" '">11 . f . "'. F '. 1 (I I .... ~.1 " r J ,~ ( ~ I. I ( . I , " An ^ '.1 I' TO: CITY C OU NC I L August 31,1973 FROM: Frank R. Spence City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FROM ISAAC SKLAR & ASSOCIATES FOR ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF UTILITY EASEMENTS WEST OF LOTS 1 & 2, BLOCk 4, MIAMI BEACH IMPROVEMENT COMPANY'S AMENDED OCEAN FRONT PROPERTY (WOFFORD AND BOARDWALK HOTELS) The owner of the Wofford and Boardwalk Hotels plans to demol ish the existing buildings and construct a high-rise condominium project. On behalf of the m'mer, Isaac Sklar 0- Associates has requested the City to abandon uti I ity casements to facil itate the proposed construction. The property of the util ity casements adjacent to and west of Lots 1 and 2, Block 4, Miami Beach Improvement Company's Amended Ocean Front Property, was dedicated by the City to the owners of the adjoining property in exchange for property on the west side of ColI ins Avenue to facilitate real ignment of ColI ins Avenue. No purchase vias involved. The City retained an easement of the property dedicated because of existing util ities. Presently there exists a twelve-inch water 1 ine, 12-inch sanitary sewer, and six-inch gas 1 ine. The City could abandon a portion of the easement and al low the owner to bui ld as requested, provided the fol lowing conditions are met: 1. The City retain the west ten feet of the easement of both lots and the north ten feet of the easement of Lot 2 for underground utilities, 2. That the owner obtain releases from the gas, telephone, and power companies. (The util ity companies would be agreeable to this as it will be more desirable to stay within the new right-of way), 3. That the owner pay the cost for relocating the existing gas 1 i ne. ( 4. That the owner either cause to have the City's water 1 ine and sanitary sewer relocated at his own expense or post funds in advance based on the estimate of $35,000 to relocate the sanitary sewer, and $13,000 to relocate the water 1 ine, The owner will be required to pay the full cost of such relocation. Should the actual cost be less than the estimate, a refund would be made, Based on the above, the Administration recommends that the counCI) authorize the preparation and execution of an agreement to all,O'" the abandonment of a portion of the easements to allovl for the proposed construction. ( -'"J, :__ FRS:DAS:mar AGEr~DA ITEI1 DATE . '..,\iED ", !\i Ii; 1 -, fll'"t ':1 d 9 1'1- cI(,t , t, N' :, I. ,. \\ j \, \ . , \ h,d\ MV', August l3, 1973 Mr. Frank R. Spence City Manager City of Miami Beach 1130 Washington Avenue Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Res Wofford Hotel Boardwalk Hotel Sewer Relocation Dear Mr. Spences This letter is to inform you that at this time our office is preparing plans for a high-rise condominium project to replace the above mentioned buildings at Collins Avenue and 24th Street. At the time, when Collins at that location was re-routed to the west, the city and owners made an exchange of quit claim deeds in which the owners gave up land to the west, while getting land to the east of new Right of Wayo The city retained some utility easements for sewer and water, which now creates a hardship for the proper development of the property in question. I consulted this matter with Mr. Bergacker, Mr. Aymonin and Mr. Rodriguez, and Mr. Bergacker expressed to us that the Puhli~ Works Department has been studying the relocation of the sewer lines for some time and he would recommend and cooperate to accomplish this relocation of sewers. My clients would like to initiate whatever proceedings are nec- essary to vacate the easement and relocate the sewer lines at their expense. Your prompt attention to this matter will be greatly appreciat~j to expedite the construction of a new structure to replace the Wofford Hotel, which constitutes an eye sore in the heart of Miami Beach. . Isaac sklar & associates architects, incorporated 1300 lincoln road miami beach florida 33139672.8896 I: 5:'.T~~ · , ."- .. - , ~ .. Page -2- August 13, 1973 If we can he of any help or a meeting is required to discuss the subject, please don-t hesitate in contacting us. Respectfully yours, j Isaac Sklar ISsdw CCI Mr. John Bergacker Mr. Gilbert Sens Mr. Jaime Pino \ . Isaac sklar & associates architects, incorporated 1300 lincoln roed mleml beech floride 33139672-8896 ~ '. . -------_. --- .- - --------.- .---- . , .-'..~..' . " ____ ,/c.':;-;::::-/ ....--- .-. ...... .....- .::~~>::'.-' -.----- ,'\. --------'" ----\--:-0. "- I '~"_ "- : ~ " '" ",.". " " ,. .~ ~ " ~ , , i ' ,I, ,i ; t ~' I, 1 I l 'l . ' J' I I . , ,I ! I I , I ~ . 1. , ~ / /, , i I . , " I , ~, t/)' ,~ ' N I ! , I i ! I !. . , ' i " I I ' 1. ; I i ,,' i i I ( l ',' 1--- F::J ,\1' L,..~ ... 2401 WAFORD BEAC,H HOTEL I ~ I I 2f-t25. i BOARDWALK , i HOTEL I . . I/. LOT ~ - ' LOT 2 , . ;~ 8LC CK 4 + ~ . , , i "\ I 95l 70