QD 24-2 ~""'40._ __.~_....,__. -. .... i I I I I I I 1 I "";~~~C 'J9I351145 , this Oult-Cbta Jut' E.-""'..... 11t:b...7., I , , II CITY OF MIMI (IF'.ACH. a Municipal corporat.ion of t:he County of Dea. "n~fo of Florida. · . THE RIVIERA. a Florida par~nership. 11000 Collins ^venue. Nor~h Miami {\l"ach. rlorida 33160 "'"0''' ,.,'> I" It.-" nJ.I..... is ).tYVtltl p"r!~': ,\,,.....~" .~ \or....,,, ,,-,,, ,~"'" .'''r..t ~h" ......t . .....-. p.......- ."-..1 ...,.;...\r ,.,....~- ~ ,.,..~. ~, t..... I rlP".....n'.."'~f.I"C"'. ..nd .","",",,~.t 1"-",,,..!>t.Jik,. ,...... :"of' ,..........n .....1 ......_.. ...-.......,........ .........,....... ..... '....k,. Mad..." ... ~nn..) Ul~~n('sstlh. TI..., II,.. "".J fi,.~ ,,,,,,,,.I.-r nrul i.. . nmifl~.Pi'N' ..( II,.. ...". 01 So 10.00--- - -- --' i,. I,n..,' miJ ")' II... .oiJ ....,0...1 '''~'/)'. II,,. tffrip' ...".,.......( i. I.",,,,,,. 0,1'1011.1.....1:/...1. .I...,. "..,A'T tv."..... ff- I I..",.. ~"J ,~..i/..IQi"" ....:'" ,',t' .niel ..........,,' ':"') I.Nr.'..., nil II..., ri:I"'. iii I... I"IN"". ..Ia:", ....'.~'IIW...l ..,r.~ 11... se.J 1."" p."IT J.". ... "...I '0 ,',t' I"rr"..'<nu ,f..",,,""" 1..1. P'''''' or mrrrl ..1 r"...1. ..lu"I,.. I,.<ng ...,1 ki.... in "... {'"",,Iy 01 Dade SIn'" 01 Florida .'0 .....; ,I I 'I I LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON EXIIlBIT "A" ATTAna:D HERETO 1,NO MADE A PART HERF.OF. " I I i I I THIS IS A CORRECTIVE DEED. correcting that certain Quit-Claim Deed I from CITY OF MIAMI BEACH to THE RIVIFRA. a Florida partnership. datedl I: December 5, 1979. and recorded Decer.hcr 6. 1979. under C1c'rk' s Fi Ie i " No. 79R-345734, of the Public Recoras of Dade County. Florida. Due I 1,\ to a scrivener's <,rror. the nalT1<;~5 of the persons executing said Dc-cd I on behalf of the grantor were c 'ttco from the acknowlcag;cnt on said, Deed. . II il Ii Ii 'I " " ,j ... STATE-c--;:--F~CRfoA' g...2Cwr.,~NIt.a...(~"",~TAMP T r..Y I lJ(l': ,'. ptEY!'wl '~.'9.':::)f,1. ,1.-'-- _ _ .~1..~ I ~ .~ == M:I/7i~1.~~~:: 0 0. ~ 0 I =!';':!1 ~.;"t'l. t _ ________7_____ r rU ~~ - - !: To I~a"t and to HDld II.,. .om.. 10g..'I,.... y'i'" all onJ .ingul.... ,I... oppurt.....nN'S ,~ '...lonoi"9 .... In any-wis.. appco,/oining. ,mJ all tI... ..,/0'''. "r.'.,. 1iI1... in/........ Ii..... ",w11 .n.J cL.iM .,.,.... .'N""'" 01 .I... UJld lirs' par/y. ..i'I.... I.. Iou. .... I'<,ul/y. '0 ,I.,. OIIIT pro,....,. bU. I.......,ir .nd fw.J.oeI ;., .... ~ s....onJ pa"y /or......... In WilntSS liJhtmf. TI... ."id Ii,., pa.ly ',a, ,inn...' onJ 5f"C'...f lI.n.. pn-srnls ,~ cI., ....I ~ lirsl af>al'f' u.ril/em. .G~~~~'" :;;t:;,::!:.d<.<.-Lww (;0\,::\'1"\' OF DADE II I, BLACH. a Municipal he County of Dade } , II II 1 IIEIlEB.... CERTIF\' .~t on daiJ Ulo a...fon -. - off~rr ~'.:J~ i. .. Sulr a/or.....id and in th. Coun., af.......Hf ... tal. a(Lnow\.-di;T:~n... Jor.-1Iy appr.M ..~~ yo Meyerson. Mayor. and ELAINE r.tAn-HEWS, City Clerk. of - . , AMI BE~ a Municipal corporation of the.CQuntv of Dad · ,~ ~"I;;J i.. and who rxrcurrd liar forr~,.;n~ int..um...t and t~y ..~_1rdc;e4 ~..-... r~... eK'tcial ...al in Ih.. {".oullty and Su... ..... .fur.'''ld da" 11 t.h ...,. ., ";D.1.79 . N Y UBLIC. state of Florida My Co~~ission Expires: Wi...."' i"....r~;;.. '): ...l ~, 'llo---....;)4 ...T l- ..A. aA' (.......\......':....lvN ...", .1IoL~ J' 1 I.... ~ ......, ~."". ""'~_..It~ J. ABRAMOWITZ. ESO. U1U t1~1 ----"._""'"'-~'.....-.-....--,~._---" -,_..-,".. -"--- "-, ""........ . . ;::. 10595 KZ739 "t.b....., ~~ t,~ ~t-,~.' t "..~~_';'-,;""l ~.. -1f[, '.:- ~"', ,,:y ;.~'-;' . - ;..- ......- :-::: ;...... -... ....... .1....' JULJl A JW t., 8"" \ J:.f.Rt ~... .......... ~..,... ~"(HIBIT - A' 'I'Q QUIT-CL.U!'4 DEED 1 RO'... CI'!"Y OF MI,\....t BEACS. a ~unicipal corporation of the Cou~ty of Dade. St~te of Florida. to THE RTVIER'. a FIQrtda qeneral oartnershlo PA.RC~L ..J..: That tract or parcel of land Ooc1ced on the north by the northerly line produced westerly of Lot 1. BlOCK 4. of the A.I,fE~mED :AJ'.P OF ~!-::: OCEAN FRONT PROPERTY OF THE MI.~~' SEACH n-~PROV~.E~T CO:~?;"'''-Y: Bounded on the south by the sout erly line produe'3d ....esterly of s3id Lot ~ Bounceu on the east b: the easterly line of Collins Avenue: and Bounued on the west ~y a line de~cribed as follo....s: Beginning at a point which is 9.5 feet southerly of the ~outherly line of Hotel Place (now 24th St~eet). and 1.5 feet easterly of the easterly line of that portion of said Collins Avenue Im~ediately southerly of said Hotel place (nQw 24th Street): thence in a 9~neral no~therly direction along a circ~lar curve deflectinq to the riqht. said circular curve bei~q tanqen~ to a line 1.5 feet easterly of and parallel with the easterly line of that portion of ~aid Collins Avenue i~~ediately southerly of ~aid Hotel Place (r.ow 24th Street). and said circular curve having a radius of 190 feet. a central ~r.qle of 39 degrees. for a distance of 129.33 feet to a point of reverse curve: thence in a general north. ,ly direction along a circular curve deflecting to the left ~av ng a radius of 595 feet for a dis- tance of 73.60 feet. more or lese. to a point on the said northerly line of Lot 1 produced westerly. As said Lot. Block. Property. AVE 1ue a~d ~lace are sho~n on the Amended Map of the Ocean Front Pr~perty of the Miami Beach Improve- ment Company recorded in Plat Boc< 5. Pages 7 and 8 or tt~ Public Records of Dade County. Florida. PARCEL 2: ALL THAT CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND bounded as follows: Bounded on the northerly side by the northerly line of Lot 2. Block 4 of the AMENDED MAP OF THE OCEAN FRONT PROPERTY OF THE MIAMI BEACH IMPROVE- MLNT COMPANY. according to the Plat th~reof, recorded in Plat Book S. at Pages 7 and 8. of the Public Records of Dade County. Florida. extended westerly: bounded on'the southerly side by the southerly line of Lot 2. Block 4. of the aforesaid subdivision. extended westerly: bounded on the easterly side by the easterly line of Collins Avenue as the same is shown on the Plat of the aforesaid subdivision: and bounced on the westerly side by a line described as follows: . BEGINNING at a point which is 9.5 fe~t southerly of the southerly line of Hotel Place (now 24th Street) and 1.5 feet easterly of the easterly line of that portion of said Collins Avenue i~~ediately southerly of said Hotel Place (now 24th Street). thence in a general northerly direction along a circular curve deflecting to the ri~ht. saic circular curve being tangent to a line 1.5 feet easterly of and parallel with the ea~terly line of that portion o! said Collins Avenue i~~ediately southerly of said Hotel Place (now 24th Street) and said Circular Curve having a radius of 190 feet. a central ar.gle of 39 degrees, for a distance of 129.33 feet to a point of reverse curve~ thence in a qeneral northerly d~rect~on along a c1rcular curve deflec~lr.~ to the ~c!t hav~ng a radius of 595 rt~t for a d1stance of l5:.9q feet. ~0re or les~. to a point on the saH~ northerly line of Lot 2. prod~,=c-::: . '5te:-l y. as sale Lot. Block. Property. Avenue and Place are 5:-0'.. :r. ~.. ~ ,;...v!:~;D::L' ~';',; OF TEE OCE~': F?.O::T oROP::RTY OF TEE ~'-:r"'- ~"c~,=.'::::~::~;7 C::-." recorded in Plat Book 5. at P~~ ~~e p~~llC ~ of Dac~ Co~~ty. Florlca; r..-:-, 'T~'--" .' - . ~ - -. : ;~ :~ ~~.::~~l~~ i~ ~3~~~ o~ ~~n :l~~ ..:--;. E~'a("~ a:-.::: ),~5~~.e!':t a':';:):-::: ,-- -;" ~~~pa~les ~2V:~~ f~2~-~':~f C-__ ~ .:":.1l. , .. .-, ......'- t. r : :),~..:.:-c~' -:. :-~: ..'~ '- .~ , . c .. ....-.,r"',--,..... . ,-. ~ .... . . '. ~. ;:~L':'~ -ti.V. WP't.~ 'v .--~-......."~~'-:. f i- t 1 ~ . ~ F - .--- , , [ t t ,. the City Council shall then and thereafter, by its resolution, duly authorize the return of any sums deposited with the C~ty by the owners, in excess of that required to accomplish the construction and exchange of easements as hereinabove set forth. Attest: PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of September, 1973. Jj}~ Mayor . "'\ .-:J -" ~'I'/'" .'" ..~,~.r~f ---J '~",z 4'!/,..,. U ~// /1 (( /J". ',;, Acting City Clerk (SEAL) , , '. ' 't. ( '.... i \. "', ( \ . II... ... I , . \1 ' \ I, I L' ~ ' ~ ') , i , ,'( ,\ I! III .1 .: ". -...,';- ~:~~~:::::: " STATE OF FLORID~ COUNTY OF DADE: \, ELAINE MATTHEWS, City CIerI< of !t\e City of Miami Beach, Florida, do hereby certify that the above and forego1ng is a true and cor- rect copy of the original thereof on file in this office. WITNESS, my hand and the seal of said City this <Q t~day of ~ I A.D. 19 '7 q . ELAINE MATTHEWS City ~ierk 01 the City of Miami ~ac'), Florida 'iYl OMd. fl ~~ By: Deputy - 2 -