QD 24-2 Quit Claim Deed 1940
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BOOK2066 PAtiE272
THIS IIIDENTURE, Made this 18th day of April A. D. 1940, between
AVALON CffiPQHATION, a Florida Corporation, party of the first part, and
CITY OF MWU BEACH, a Municipal corporation, of the County of Dade and State
of Florida, party of the second part;
WITNESSETH, That the said party of the first part, for and in
consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable con-
sideration, in Imnd paid by the said party of the second part, receipt whereof
is hereby acknmvledged, have remised, released and quit-claimed, and by these
presents do remife,~release and quit-claim unto the said party of the second part,
its successors and assigns, forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and
demand which the said party of the first part has in and to the following described
parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Dade, State of Florida,
Bounded on the north by the norther ly line, and said
northerly line produced wester~, of Lot TWo(2J, Block
Four (4) of the Amended Ocean Front Property of the
Miami Beach Improvement Canpuny.
Bounded on the south by the southerly line, and said
souther~ line produced wester~, of said Lot Two(2).
BoUnded on the east by the westerly line of Collins
Bounded on the west by a line described as foll~ls:
Beginning at a point which is nine and five-tenths
(905) feet southerly of the southerly line of Hotel
Place, (n~l TwentY-fourth(24)Street) and eight and
five-tenths(8.5) feot westerly of the westerly line
of that portion of said Collins Avenue immediately
southerly of said Hotel Place,(nm1 TwentY-fourth
(24th)Street); thence in a general northerly direc-
tion along a circular curve deflecting to the right,
said circular curve being tangent to a line eight and
five-tenths(8.5)feet westerly of and parallel with
the westerly line of that portion of said Collins
Avenue immediate~ southerly of said Hotel Place(now
Twenty-fourth(24th)Street), and said circular curve
'h~'t'ri"""('I' ~ _n~~,!,~ ._.D .1. ...... ~_~,__",.,._,
~TTNESSET.H. That the said party of.the first part, for and in
consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable oon-
I .
sidoration, in hand paid by the said party' of the seoond part, receipt whereof
is hereby aoknmvledged, have remised, released and quit-claimed, and by these
presents do remi~e,.release and quit-claim unto tho said party of the second part,
its suocessors and assigns, forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and
demand which the said party of the first part has in and to the foll~ling described
parcel of land, situate, lying and being in tho County of Dade, State of Florida,
Bounded on tho north by the norther ly line, and said
northerly line produced westerly, of Lot TWo(2J, Block
Four (4) of the Amended Ocean Front Property of the
Miami Beach Improvement Canpany.
Bounded on the south by the southerly line, and said
southerly line produced westerly, of said Lot Two(2).
Bounded on the east by the westerly line of Collins
Bounded on the west by a line described as foll~/s:
Beginning at a point which is nine and five-thnths
(905) feet southerly of the southerly line of Hotel
Place, (now ~ventY-fourth(24)Street) and eight and
fivo-tenths(a.S) feet westerly of the westerly line
of that portion of said Collins Avenue immediately
southerly of said Hotel Place, (nm1 TvrentY-fourth
(24th)Street); thence in a general northerly direc-
tion along a circular curve deflecting to the right,
said circular curve being tangent to a line eight and
five-tenths(a.5)feet westerly of and parallel with
the westerly line of that portion of said Collins
Avenue immediately southerly of said Hotel Place(ncwl
Twenty-fourth(24th)Street), and said circular curve
having. a radius of two hundred seventy five(275)feet,
a central angle of thirty-nine(39)degrees, for a
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distance of one hundred eighty-seven and nineteen
one hundredths (lS7.19)feet to a point of reverse
Thence in a general northerly direction along a circular
curve deflecting to the left having a radius of five
hundred ten(SlO) feet for a distance of ninety-three
(93)feet, more or less, to a point on the said northerly
line of Lot Two(2) produced' westerly.
.As said Lot, Block, Pr operty. Avenue and Place are shawn
on the .Amended Map of the CXlean Fr ont Property of the
Miami Beach Improvement Company, rec orded in Pla.t Book
Five(S) at Pages Seven(7) and Eight(S) of the
Public Records of Dade County, Florida.
The premises herewith remised, released and quit-claimed
are remised, released and quit-claimed unto the City of luami Beach far
street purposes, and the title thereto shall revert to the party of the first
part, its successors and/or assigns, whenever the use of the said premises
as and for a street or higmv.ay, is discontinued either voluntariLy or by
operation of la.w.
The grantor heroby grants the right and privilege to said City
of Miami Beach to construct a concrete sea'wall for the use and benefit of the
grantor westerly of said aboVe described westerly boundary in such a position
that there will be at leas. as much area bet'ween said westerly boundary and said
seawall as now exists between the present westerly boundary line of Collins
Avenue and the present seawall, and said grantor also hereby grants the right
and privilege to said City of Miami Beach to place fill between said above
described westerly boundary and the said above described proposed sea.v.all for
the use and benefit of the grantor.
L'1 consideration thereof, the gr-antor hereby agrees that no
buildings or structures of any kind shall ever be constructed or placed
between said above described wester ly boundary and the said above described
proposed seawall excepting that fences or walls not exceeding five feet above
grade, along, on or immediate~ inside of the boundary lines, gates, gateposts,
operty. :venUe and lace are shown. .
on the Amended Map o:f the <X:ean Fr ant Property o:f the
Miami Beach Improvement Company, rec orded in Pla.t Book
Five(S) a.t Pages Seven(7) and Eight(8) of the
Public Records of Dade County, Florida.
The premises herewith remised, released and quit-claimed
are remised, released and quit-claimed unto the City of baami Beach far
street purposes, and the title thereto shall revert to the party of the first
part, its successors and/or assigns, whenever the use of the said premises
as and for a street or highway, is discontinued either voluntari~ or by
operation of law.
The grantor heroby grants the right and privilege to said City
of Miami Beach to construct a concrete seav~ll for the use and benefit of the
grantor westerly of said above described westerly boundary in such a position
,":>' .
that there will be at leasv as much area betvieen said westerly boundary and said
seawall as now exists between the present westerly boundary line of Collins
Avenue and the present seavmll, and said grantor also hereby grants the right
and privilege to said City of Miami Beach to place fill betweeh said above
described westerly boundary and the said aboVe descr~bed proposed se~wall ~or ,
..-, .
the use and benefit of the grantor.
L'I1 consideration thereof, the grantor hereby' agrees that no
buildings or structures of any kind shall ever be constructed or placed
between said above described westerly boundary and the said above described
proposed seawall excepting that fences or walls not exceeding five feet above
grade, a~ong, on m' immediate~ inside of the boundary lines, gates, gateposts,
landscaping or landscaping improvements, fountains, shall not be construed as
buildings or structures within the meaning of this restriction.
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, Bool<2C66 PAGE274
The property covered by this ~~uit Clam Deed is a.ll that
area sh~m in shaded or cross-hatched lines on a plat or sketch heroto
attached and made a part heroof.
. ..
TO HA.VE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular
the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anyylise appertaining, and all
g the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever of the said party of
the first part, either in law or in equity, to the only proper use, benefit
and behoof of the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns
IN WITNESS V~EOF, the said party of the first part has caused
these presents to be signed in .its name by its President" and its corporate
voTi tten.
seal to be affixed, attested to by its Secretary# the day and year ~r~ tJat~~. "~'1i
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(Corporate Seal) AVALON cmpORA,:'J.Q1!.'". ". . d.~ h l~.1j
.~ _. ~. ,-. . ~ <ji 'fJ .:J <) :-~.~'
BY ~ ~~~~~ .lbJ
PresJ.dent ~r":". . ' ..."~:
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in the presence of:
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a' As to President
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t:. A. to Seoretory.
Stllte of Florida. CO\lntv of Dade <f'd~f .___
Thi$ inslrument was filed for record the___. .1V 0 - ,----
19"n .:?: S; Z ~ "'nd duly recordd in - .-.-- ----
"TV. aL_____ ---,... . ::;:2, _.:< ~ "1/~/
Boo~~_~~_~on Pag~2.z_F,le No. ,-::~.- ----
E. B. LEA T . MAN,
Clerk u rt
B ~- .J ~___D. C.
__J. -~-~ -----..----
I hereby certify tha~.~s.;2b..r:t- day of ~~.A..D. 1940
before me personally up'peared .' ~ a:::;zz ~
respectively President and Seoretary of Av on orporation, a co;rpora on under
the laws of the State of Florida to me knO\'ID to be the persons described in a.nd
who executed the foregoing conveyance to City of Miami Beach, a Municipal Cor-
poration, and severally acknO\vledg~d the execution thereof to be their free act
and deed as such officers. for the uses and nurposes therein m~ntioned! l"lTld "that
and behoof of the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns
IN VilTNESS 'Y.HEREOF, the said party of the first part has caused
these presents to be signed in.its name by its President, and its corporate
seal to be affixed, attested to by its Secretary:, the day and year f~S: 'J5je.I'~1'11
_~ ~, ~ ~",~'<,i,."<i ~ ...~.
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(Corporate Seal) AVALON CCllPORAr:L()].q. "'Ij h;'\'-.e
~. ~::. . ~. .~ Y1 .:J <) .:-~'
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BY 7-0 . ~c.~~~ "."~
President // ; r:.. , ....~..:
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in the presence of:
~ X, ~/f~
d As to President
~ ~'~A~
STaTE OFA;~I::;r.:;ry.
State of Florida. County of Dade < f'd~f ___
Thi~ instrument was filed for record the____ .1V 0 - ,-- ---
19"(\ ~.. S; 2 ~ -<>nd dulv record..d in - ----- ----
'TV. aL_____ --.,.. . :h.::z ~ ~~/
Book:-:?f!..~_t!-on Pag~.z-:Z_F,lt' No. .-::,,--~---
E. B. LEAT ~~'AN'
Clerk u't rt ..
B}-<__J- _=_ _ _~___D. C.
I hereby certify tha..t j)l-}' this.20~. day of .;.0~ , A.D. 1940
before me personally appeared ~ ~ ~~ ~
respectively President and Seoretary of Av on orporation, a co:r;porat;. on under
the laws of the State of Florida to me knmm to be the persons described in and
who executed the foregoing conveyance to City of Miami Beach, a Municipal Cor-
poration, and severally acknmvledged the execution thereof to be their free act
and deed as such officers, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and that
they affixed thereto the offioial selll of said corporation, and the said instru-
ment is the act and deed of said corporation. '
WTINESS Il\Y signature and official seal at Miami Beach,
of Dade, and State of Florida, the day and year last aforesaid.
in the Connty
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