Reso 80-16370 .. ~.~- .'~J: 1 .r . . RESOLUTION NO. 80-16370 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A QUIT CLAIM DEED OF A CERTAIN PORTION OF COLLINS AVENUE AS ORIGINALLY DEDICATED ADJACENT TO THE EAST BOUND- ARISS OF LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, BLOCK 5 OF THE AMENDED PLAT OF THE OCEAN FRONT PROPERTY OF THE MIAMI BEACH IMPROVEMENT COMPANY; ACCEPTING A PORTION OF THE OUT LOTS ADJOINING COLLINS AVENUE LYING WEST OF THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE PROPERTY OF THE MIAMI BEACH IMPROVEMENT COMPANY AND PORTION OF PLATTED PROPERTY ADJACENT TO 26TH STREET. WHEREAS, for the reasons more particularly set forth in Cornmisl::ion Memorandum No. 8452 the Ci ty Commission of the City of Miami Beach deems itli1 the best interest of said City to execute the Deed attached hereto as Exhibits "A" and accept the deeds attached hereto and marked Exhibits "B" and "C"; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has recommended that the City execute and accept said deeds and the City Attorney has approved same as to form and legal sufficiency; WHEREAS, the grantee of the parcel of land described in Exhibit "A" has agreed to certain conditions most clearly described in the attached letter dated August 28, 1980. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CO~~ISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute the deed in the form attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and accept the deeds in the form attached hereto marked as Exhibits "B" and "C", subject to the conditions described in the attached letter dated August 28, 1980. PASSED and ADOPTED this 3rd day of September , 1980. Attest: , ~ \ '\ ... v ..- MaYQr ~.~ r' -- \ \ /f/~ 7?v~J City Clerk FORM APPROVED LEG~L DEPT. By _-L-'L~tX:~ ,\~ I ':.' ~~:1r- 1." I ('1 [f.) X LTA/jb OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY. 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE - MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 / ,....,....,..n:f':t\'~l "V ACA TIONLAND U. S. A." rlr t' ,I 4\ 4 ~ ~ di -~~ ~("/~ {I \~ ./ /j, J 1\ o/,Ul.o ["6th" ifH//' -i:c C'I'J U"l-~ (; ~ /' rC' ? d'..;.t- ~ d..~r "'. 1 ~D/~~ead FLORIDA 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER HAROLD T. TOAL CITY MANAGER CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE TELEPHONE: 673.7010 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 3t1~ DATE: September 3. 1980 FROM: TO: SUBJECT: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A QUIT-CLAIM DEED FOR A PORTION OF CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY PROPERTY: AND ACCEP- TANCE OF QUIT-CLAIM DEEDS TO OUT LOTS AND PLATTED PRO- PERTY. The current developers of the ocean front property between 25th and 26th streets (formerly the Algiers Hotel) have proposed, by the attached letter, the conveyance to the City of certain out lots and platted property to which they hold title in exchange for a portion of the City right-of-way adjacent to their development (see attached survey). The property involved in the exchange is as follows: The right-of-way consists of approximately 3,000 square feet, in exchange the developer will offer the City a quit-claim deed to 8,760 square feet of out parcels (876 running feet approximately 9-101 wide) bordering Pan Coast Lake. The developer further agrees to landscape and maintain the strip and maintain the seawall in perpetuity. The developer will accept an easement from the City to cross the property and lease the waterside rights for boating purposes. In addition the developer has agreed to exceed normal landscaping requirements for the property along Miami Beach Drive, the Collins Avenue right-of-way, the Cul de Sacs and the 25th and 26th Street ends. These are a part of the additional requirements of the Zoning Board of Appeals. The developer also agrees to relocate the sewer line from the easement at his ex- pense, to the street from the center line of 26th street to the center line of 25th street. This will upgrade that section of sewer from a 12" line to a 15u line. These considerations, combined with the other require- ments of the Zoning Board of Appeals, represent con- siderable considerations for project improvements on the part of the developer. Such exchange is requested so that such property may be utilized for required setbacks. The City Attorney has reviewed and approved the proposed deeds for form and legality. THE ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDS: Adoption of the resolution. HTT:FC:sc a!---". ,.- 2 , .. AGI~~~A If - :3... B Attachments. DATE~ I