QD-28 --- 'I I il I i . - , QUIT-CLAIM DEED (FROM CORPORATION) -~e -?t aO~f<2548 PA~E FORM R, E, 42 :1 I !I d W ~ta 11 ulleuture . Mad e th is_____m___m__Z_5_IJL_______ __hm____m_m__ day 0 L___m____~_~_I:_y_m____mm__ m__m__h_' A. D, 19 -_4.5._. between u--M-L-b..ttt__.B-EACHmlMP..RD-\LEM.ENT___C_Q.MJ~,AJ~.r(___m_____m__m_umm_______n__m____ I I ,I :1 a corporation existing under the laws of the State oL_m_EL_QJLU;tAmh_h_m______m______h___. party of the first part. anduu__Q_t_I~(__QE_JAJ_A.Ml___~f,;_~g_fj__L_~___~_~_~_~_~--~_~_~_~m_<2_9_!!_~_2.!!_~_.1.:_!_~_~___~~___E_~~_~__I__~_~ of the County oLn_____h_llA_O_E___________m___h_____and State oL___El,,_9JLLQA__m___mm_____' part_X_m___ of the second part, I r- WITNESSETH. That the said party of the first part, for and In consideration of the sum of ,__9__~_~___g_9_~_~_A_~____~_~_Q_nQIJ:L.f;;_'.L_G_O_.QJ!___A-N.R---YAI..JLAJH.,_~___~_Q_,!'L$_l.Q_!;:_RALLQ_.!HLm____._____------~~H'*S\ In hand paid by the said parL~C______ of the second P3rt, ,!he reseipt whereof IS hereby acknowledged. have ~ ~ - t::r ' remised, released and quit-claimed, and by these presents doth remIse, release and quit-claim unto the S U G C.E S so R S said parL'l'-_____u of the second part. and__Lt_s.___n__n___)h~I~s and assigns forever. all the right. title. interest. claim and demand which the said party of the first part hath in and to the following described IOL_h_' plece______ or parceLm_, of land, situate. lying and being In the County oL----__n_DAD.E___mm__________h___h. State oL____u____ELQR-LD-A-_________mm_h_. to-wit: ____n_______m___AtL_U_N..Rll.M_8_EJlEJL_.l.._O_L_J,.,.YLN_G___J2_~TW_I;_~_~__J__~_Q._~_~_!!.___Q_~_~_~_I$____~_~g___L~_~!~_!_~_~_~_____ ..___DB_LVE-nA.tLOmB'O_ll.N_D.E.D___'O_N.___T_HE__SJlll_T_H.___6X-nTJ:L!;;--J~-Q-RI_tl_m~_U.L~___Q_f.._hLQ-,!'m_L______m_.._m___ .____8 .I.._O_.QK__Z;____O_N___I.J:LE__W,E.5_I.___8_Y___Ll:l_E.___E_A.S_L__k_Li'i_!;;___RE___ EJ,--A-~J-_~_g_Q___Q_~_~__\{_~_t___2.~__m______m. ,--- _l: .l-l-E-~N OR-T-~ ---B-y----T-H. €---S'O'V-+-W-n-k-~-_N~--_O_F_---l.Q-T----l-r--Bt.-O-.cK-- 3.--A-lllO-__D..N___IJ.:LE__EA_S_I._m______ . .____8_Y___I.J:LE___ W E_S_I.ERL_''--_.5Ji.Q lt E_S___.Q ,L__ L_N..D_J_Alf___c.RJ;:_ E-~-.)..-__~_~___~_~_tJL__QB_~g,_I$_,'____Q_~_L_\{_~_____________ ____AN..D___La.I_S.__A.RE__S.KD.,W1L__O_N.___LHE.__J?_LA_T____QE_-E.-L.MJ..Lf~j._.Q___LI;._~_B_~_~_~___~_~_!L!? _l__,{_~__~_! _~_~________ _____R.E.c_Q~J).EJ).---L-N.--P-L-A-L-B-o-O-K---j-O---A-T---E-A.G.E---3~me.u-aLLc-_J~J;;_C..Q_RR_$____QE___J!_AJ~_L__g_Q_l!_!!_~_'!.. , ____ELD_R_LD.A_._______n_____________________________________________________n_ ____ ______________ ________________________ ___________________________~___ , :1 .j I ! " I I -------- ------------ ---- --------------- ------- ------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------------- ------- -----------. _S_U_.6_~__I;_C_I._~---!LQ-W..E_Y...f;;JL..__ -LQ---A_I.,_~___IA)LI:;_?_.1.___~J_~__~_?____C!_~___~_~_~_~_~_~--~-~-~-~_~_~___2~____~_~. COR , i ,I I d I) I I I I I I ------ -------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------- -------- ------ ----------------- -------------------------------------------------------- -- - - -- --- ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------ --------- ----- ---- ------------------------ --------------------------- ----- - --- ----- - --- - ------------ ---------------------------------- ------------------ ------ -------------------------------- --- --------------------------------------- TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same. together with all and singular the appurtenances there- unto belonging or in anywise appertaining. and all the estate, right, title. interest and' claim whatsoever of the said party of the first part. either 111 law or equity. to the only proper use. benefit and behoof of SUCCESSORS the said parLY______ of the second parL_____LI_S_______n___m_Jkks and assigns forever. ,''''?:\ZlVttt ..: t '.\ ...".......u..,......;,., <'", ~"....'. .. v> """ly ".. , 'I' U A r f 0'" 0 'I t' ., , Q .... ~v ~ I~" ~~,:., 2~~~ :< '-- - '-- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said party of the first part has caused these presents to be signed 111 its name by its president, and its cor- porate seal to be affixed. attested by its__~_~_~_!,_~_:_~_~_:____~_~_~_~__~_~_~_~_~ the day and year above written, ,. :a: """ ,~ .". ~ ~ _ L!) \ 1J.(S::o~pora~ _ _ _ . - '.... ..... S'e~al) (:EI J T. ..ftJ"'i.'~. \)A ~4"J? ~iA ' Attest.- --~8-8i8tan-t Seore &ry--n-m-- n__~J..L~ r.~J__n~_ ~-~-9-~----I-~\~~Bg_~~_~~E_;_~J___Qg_~~!:_~ ~!~__ =-:::> B~ __J!:-!~__~__~_~~.~____~_~____~_~__~_~_~_~_~=_':_ President, j I ,I Sign~ealed and delive~resence: ~ .1 =::==:_~~;C::=_:=:::::=:) I (; I i i I i ~ --.... -. - l .......". . 11 ! -~ , - .. I , 1 i I ~I , i i .... I , , : I I ,I ! 'I ! I I \ I , 'I 'I : , ! i , I - , l'p I J I: ,./ I' '_.-~,,-. BOOK2548 PAGE 12 I I - ,. - --- ~-.,-=",,~;;.z-~- ---~~ STATE OF -m-hu--ELClR-LO-A-______________n7___m_______ l COUNTY OF m----J;L~J)J:;n_'hnn__hnm___hn__m__m___ \ I i I, II i I , I I I I I I: I, I I j II Ii II and --hE-~-~-l"mKVJ~L$_g,.tL!JS'mn_nm________~____~_m_n_______ _~______respectively President and__A..ss_T_ ..--SE-C.R-E-T-A R : i I , I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on thiL--nj,.l-__m__ day of --h---J-U'J..-yh_hh___m_h_hm______mnn___..___ A. D, 19 _-4.5_h_' before me personall y appeared-------RUSSElL--I-__--l'-AN-C.Q_A.S_Tmh___h_m_hh__m_________nh, 'of nhm-h-h-h--mM1At\ltLn8..E.A.cH.___LM.PJ{Q_VJ.~J\11.E.J'tL_.c_O_MEAKY.h_h_h_____hha corporation under the laws of the State OLmh_h_EJ.._ClR_LD...A__n______________m__' to me known to be the persons described in and who execu ted the foregoing con veyance to----nn------..c-LLY-'hD..E___~t~-A.iL!--__8.E-_A-C-H-------_m___h_h-----__________m__h_n_ '. and 'severally acknowledged the eX,e~ution thereof to be their free act an~ deed as such officers, for the .. 1 I' ~ses a~d purp;ses therein - mentio~ed; and that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation, I i' '~nd the 'said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation, " J i I WITNESS my signature and official seal aL----------M-U..M-L-B.E.A-c-H.m____h______h_nh__hmh______hnh__ I I II in the County oL-h--mD_A..D_E.m___m_m__mmn___m_____and State of --n---------ELQRJ~D"L__________hh__hhmn"_.. '\ .~.,..' " ,..J~./ .:; ',the day an<3;.~year last aforesaid, [i "':l \) '"i ,\}' ~ ", -: ,'" :, -: ,.; . ,~ r, .... v.: ~,'''. ........' '\~' "~ ,. ~ '. ~ ". '"'"/. . \ \:\ h ,- 1. t;i -..:: kl l"-., ~ I " I! II - , () g, II! g M · ~ ;r III -< 'U l:: . :TI ~ r Q (:;' ~ fr r -{ :a a. I ~ '" o I'I~ :l1 ~~ )$ ;iJ ~ '" ,.., o '"' 0. '" 0. -.... () ;- '"' ;>;" :n ;- 0. ....... o '"' '"' '" ,.., o '"' 0. ..,. ::r' i r 0.. ~ -..:: o ....... .'. ~ -----h-----m~-mr.;:.:--n-----~-------m~n\-- (Seal) M y Co~sio~ expires____'2v~_,h~..:3____m___ I 96;:j- t:l ~ .... '" 0. i : r :5: :- I)> '? !~ :OJ 1m ::r> in !:r: : :- :~ I" ,Al [0 :< :M :.,.. ,~ :m !z i-i :0 :0 :? l=U :r> z -< r- , , , , , , , , , , , , , r: H r< ~ :;,. ,~ l- I> ~ l- OJ M ::r> p ! s ~ ~ , , , , , , , :c.. Ie :r l' il\) I"' ,/ .J ~ = .... ." .-+. ;u _I ~a g ~ ;u ra '1J .... ~ a. -I ( "'I o Z 9-' J1 --l o 'Tj :::0 o $: .{: J\ ...... \0 !~ IUl ,.... .(:. ' r/ . ". '('/' f/ /'- # ~'.:~:-" ':" '. /,' '" 'it' _. " /' , (~ '%; ^' {'~ > {)J ..,'(C';.. < (: -: /l....<J/'. .... / ~ / I .<24'/f', "r /';. ",)., (.....~. /~ < ,//~ ./J,,-, v,-/ _ /y /',' 1 "'''i ,I .:, [I' l ." o '" 3: :0 :, I, III :1 I! Ii II Ii II II I , I , , ~ -.. - c.J c.J ~ ~, ~I ~I ~; - j !" .. N Ii: Iii ~ , i !i I ,I ! i Granado, Rafael From: Torres, Gisela Sent: Wednesday, May 24,2017 11:05 AM To: Milisits, Mark; Mowry, Bruce;Granado, Rafael;Williams,Allison Cc: Silverstein, Eva; Carpenter, Eric; Boutsis, Eve;Aguila, Raul; Brooks, Kathie;Bellino, Brian Subject: RE: New City Folio No.02-3226-002-0145; Lot lying between Indian Creek Dr.and Flamingo Dr., between 28th and 29th Street Please note that the folio number is 02-3226-002-0145. The folio ending in 0150 was the old folio number. Sorry about that. Thanks. Regards, 4'l,d Naneon`Jove MIAMIBEACM 61ssla Namara Torras,Senior Assistant City Attorney OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY 1700 Convention Center Drive-Fourth Floor,Miami Beach,FL 33139 Tel:305-673-7000,Ext.6955/Fax:30&673-7002/91SBIafOff05C�mlamlbeaChfL00V We am commiaed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live work andplay in our vibrant tropical,historic community From: Torres, Gisela Sent:Tuesday, May 23, 2017 12:34 PM To: Milisits, Mark; Mowry, Bruce; Granado, Rafael; Williams, Allison Cc: Silverstein, Eva; Carpenter, Eric; Boutsis, Eve; Aguila, Raul; Brooks, Kathie; Bellino, Brian Subject: New City Folio No. 02-3226-002-0150; Lot lying between Indian Creek Dr. and Flamingo Dr., between 28th and 29th Street Please update your records to indicate that the attached folio was recently assigned to the attached City property. This City property was inadvertently part of a private owner's folio and now has its own separate folio number. I will have the City's address corrected. This folio needs to be added to the list of City folio numbers/list of City Properties. Ralph, I believe that the deed may already be of record in the Clerk's Office. Please forward to any additional necessary parties, as you deem appropriate. Thank you. Regards, MIAMIBEACM Olasla Kansan Terns,Senior Assistant City Attorney OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY 1700 Convention Center Drive-Fourth Floor,Miami Beach, FL 33139 Tal:305-673-7000,EM.69551Fax:305-67&7002/(71SC atOff05(CDmlamltlBaChfl.00V We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who Iwe,work and play in ourstmint,tropical,historic community. 1 Granado, Rafael From: Torres, Gisela Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 12:34 PM To: Milisits, Mark; Mowry, Bruce; Granado, Rafael;Williams, Allison Cc: Silverstein, Eva; Carpenter, Eric; Boutsis, Eve;Aguila, Raul; Brooks, Kathie; Bellino, Brian Subject: New City Folio No. 02-3226-002-0150; Lot lying between Indian Creek Dr. and Flamingo Dr., between 28th and 29th Street Attachments: Warranty Deed for Folio No. 02-3226-002-0150.pdf; Folio No. 02-3226-002-0150 Lot lying btw Indian Crk and Flamingo Dr btw 28th and 29th St.pdf Please update your records to indicate that the attached folio was recently assigned to the attached City property. This City property was inadvertently part of a private owner's folio and now has its own separate folio number. I will have the City's address corrected. This folio needs to be added to the list of City folio numbers/list of City Properties. Ralph, I believe that the deed may already be of record in the Clerk's Office. Please forward to any additional necessary parties, as you deem appropriate. Thank you. Regards, q6da.Namon.I aue,6 MIAMIBEACH Gisela Nanson Torres, Senior Assistant City Attorney OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY 1700 Convention Center Drive-Fourth Floor,Miami Beach, FL 33139 Tel:305-673-7000, Ext.6955/Fax:305-673-7002/giselatorres(a-),miamibeachfl.gov We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. 1 Best Copy Available a Z.. ylk:l$$. +*�'�' �rte"='C=; `• .!�2 {,,k 3 +. ?t�ryICF •, _ j S �' _- ��. �....Y.n - -- .4X-•.c: 1 a '.i a •-•.+.,i,.r- r + '�s�. jj _.3 1 Sr j 3V J =i�ltfist►tldt,l Made this_ STli _-- _._day.of t a `19.i7. 19:_45_,lbesavecn...1�i.A t1t11_�E�I CEI:'_71 Mp R QY ESI 11 L&D_M P A- __---- --- t !,a:,cwy"ration exiiting trader the laws of the State of._ party of the first 3„rt, and..._.___C__1�TY__C":.r 1.-A_AIi: BIRCH A MUNICIPAL CORPORATtoN OF FLORIDA . _.._-_-�-----_____.___ I of th, :)unty of......:..._IlA.Q£___.-_.____-.._.__--and State of......F!..pR I•QA•_•-- part_Y..__._of the sucird part. WITNESSETH. That the said party of the fast part, for and in consideration of the sum of _Cr{f �o f.L•A q ,p N.P..._Q.T_!i�R-_G R.O-;t---�IIQ---Yllt.y FJS_Rw ---x_0!+3 1.R FPJ.d 2!i S..__---'---._JMYJ A j i:'.band paid by t1je said parLY_—.-.of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have remited, released and quit-claimed, and by these presents doth remise, release and quit-claim unto the SU C•ESSORS I said nart.y.-- of Lite second pan _1 , and. .T.S...-....... iiiits and assigns forever.all the right,title,interest. claire and demand which the said party of the first parr hath in and to the following described lot......, { piece..... or parcel of land, situare, lying and bring in the Ceunry of iA 0 1• State of r.Ltlft i.J 4 to-wit: :. 1 ...An UNhV!d.0.EP.E0.. L0.T. 1 ".NG 4ETr,EEU. 1.N.OtAN. L.R.EEK Art0 FLAt1iNGo E •,,,C-R tYE .PN.G BA.UyQED. 0,r..T.HS._S.QL►TH_.8Y TME. -."to RTO L!r;E. ac .Lar._.1., . . �f l lr1-0CA 2: 01: T51E Y/F_ST 8.Y L I 4.17 Or FL AMI Nr:0 DR-1 VC; fl►t. - _ I JH r- NORTH 8Y THE 304J 7•- L I-AI-E. OF--.-LOT _1 11.0CX- J A.UC .3H-- TtiE, EA.i.r._ l { a THE :>=.STE.KL.Y .5WOF,GS OF N0 1 AN GRt CK, As 5?-1 5 ; BECK� DR I VE !' 1 Rho LOTS A?E SMO"-:11. .Ofi T11E...N.1-A.7 or FLAktj.h_;0 rCPRaCE SVAaIVIslat. RE..QROE7. 1 t4 FLA. BOOK. i v .A PAGE �,. PV.eLt�._...E.c.p.RR�._-p Q..A.E---au_ .T_! 1 I :'LO.t?I !5A. a'J6JECT, K0'RC.VER, T0, ALL TAXE_5�- LIENS OR ENCOMLaRANCES "F kECC,ORI ± I. TO HA VI= AND TO HOLD the same• togcilter with all and singular the appurtenances there• unto belonging or in anywise appertaining. and all the c:7tatr% r;ght, title,inrcrest and cl.zim whatsoever I I of the said party of rhe firsr part, tither in la-,v or cquih. to the only proper use, benefit avid behoof of f � SUCCESSORS { 1 rbc said part Y. ..of the second part 1 TS ]hefts and assigns forever.rt.jr. IN kVITINESS WHEREOF, •Dile said party of the first part hss caused � v I tbese presents to lit signed ;n its name by its president, and its cor- r�r� > - poste acaE to lea affixed, attested by its A s 11 s IS T A N T---S ECR CT AR Y • '�`� - r�� the day and}ear above writt gin. - - -• -_•-- ----•_-- to "'.•••-a� MIAMI BEACH 1 l:PROVEVENT COMPANY Attest. - Jsaitlltroltt a.ar. >h► B �►'• '��:.•�-�-v�... President. Signed scaled and dclivcrq to our presence: C .,/ -...f {/.L Jr ti 'r .� ••y•y. ..•`,.:.+•. ry„�-,•' 7('T:}.=•4•�i• 7' is •�- »G'. l. ."=-f•:>y�°`•+'J r �t��.ir;y.;•�,+`i.1ty +...>.•.`" •h.'.'y 7r�l •, :w_ ..` 7: ���, f �,� y'��s4,,1 ;?"e•.r�^�•.;r:�__ �,�, 4.�F�i:+..71'x• ;�,N��`��.si: ••��, t s!ri•t'•�" �•'-ti ka! °�',',•any;� t �'e 't'' t�J 5�.7 ri,M11,. �..,�rip a_i./y��r7[� r'ji���,.1•`,1V��v^•, .7''Ti�(�.7 f, S.Gwiw '-� ` `Y ,Y -O .•Ca r.t :T.• ✓4 • • T ,� C�t i S aRy. a t .7''v {�.r �•• ..Zi+ fir. •!T_ �.. ,.r.R.�7�5� _ •R• '�.�'� .'S�Ct r:l "�„C��^.� .1�*•.••{.:L•T�:��..1.-: •�.,,���• 21.I� 'I.wd}' _ lti.y _ •.1• `:A•. •f•1• -.- a. :t - •s:'l; -1'1:. t,<• •!•."' A'—2,..�� �:,•r��,�,�,,, .,:..�'. - •_^.�;.,:a��n�C1-:y��'�7 x .....•.r• � ��'}[�r��� �xf c.:': -'•t Y�.}.t :.7_t•tf .ill^";'~ ��_ 'y'�+� � "t�� �"'.-Y� 11��-•��'�'f L�1-.'� :�C� �F. A�. •.'i T _l .'•1.. ): z � r-},cJ-�iJ31c.) l�.F firf t••�`• a r F�1 -: S'TA'T .OF'.:_l_._.,- t�p�t' r.al; ::ss:� x•` r; ,t ., �r ,. t,'r, r• i — r.. r a R. ?4•;'= E, t t ` '-W i ; "YI day oft I_rLuLY A. ;'Y _ 5:_.,befdre'm: iersaaaity,appeared.; $USb'ELL:.T W l _ f ,_P_AXCaAS-T�-- 1,UL' KUNSCk, •�, .--__._._ ..._,_::respertively...'Preeident and::AssT_.,-St:�k�r�R of. P►_A.;;.l "=AD-H— TRD-RE -VjJ.,•C.4ttidP.ANY_ ......--.�a coiporation under the laws 44 tlk State oI - F t-O kAAA_._.___......--,..- to me known to be the persons described in and who II executed the foregoing Convt ince and Uveraliy aektiow}rdged the•rxecutiOtt thereof to be.then free act and deed as such officers, for the t a flies and purposes th rt•i_ mentioned; and, that they affixed tlseteto the official val.of said corporation. ind the ataid instrument is the acr and•deed of said corporation. 1 1 WITNESS my signature and official seal nt -:.;,,.t_A;,a i._i3E ac H .. ._.._......_..- ' ir1 tbC.COtInty of J AD.t: .....,._.-.. ..._. _. ..and State of .FLQR izk.... ._ . 1' 'tile day and year last aforacaid, ' -(Seal) 1 I MY coI 1551071 PxpICCS f t Z. 4 I f !1 f � '• � _9 y �� = I Q i I atJ., • Tri tI In < 0 'I M to ? II 1 a j �M i Y - .•:•((; �;. •_ . J �i r:{ iv 4 • ' A ''� 'K I jtn • i'Yi. ••'.'�f t 'i'�•1 .....};.L+1',�i^�If.j I1 tt-;r:;��M•.,` a.+ 1 w�.?,iti.' �;~'` 1,• „I yl�- 7.sr, :'ra�� s y �•.:GRX ,�•;�,;•���.. �sf:— ,t.};�,�4•��F:c r �Yt•; .;.T;'�E4f•'.. 'y.''.�1 �:,'•s,.'g1�+1-•t1 :►F?�.j::�.. a. h�.r91'•*�'r',t'y '"� �•.a� ��� 't' '�� . "`1t'••'�.y:'. _.:;: � :;+• _ lcillildlv Pin :11 \ \ V r� 3� s ¢ 3oa of It Q n j i I d N ` A 41s Ci �o o w° •" ' s /60 O ss�2 EST V � ',� � ♦ �' /62. N INN N 1 y 8 .A � ►V N � W 9j Q.� 'r 0 is 23y,.45 � b is 2 f k p�p F t E t 3 j} f f tqC iY � �q a f k ~ A lit mw t.. 1 «. • i r l' iN Propet � Search Application - Miami-Dade County Page 1 of 1 OFFICE OF THE PROPERTY APPRAISER Ito Summary Report Generated On 5/23/2017 Property Information ; Folio: 02-3226-002-0145 • A lA Property Address: Owner CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 1700 CONVENTION CENTERS DR Mailing Address MIAMI BEACH,FL USA PA Primary Zone 0000 Primary Land Use 8080 VACANT GOVERNMENTAL VACANT LAND-GOVERNMENTAL t Beds/Baths/Half 0/0/0 Floors 0 Living Units 0 fi ^° Actual Area 0 Sq.Ft Living Area 0 Sq Ft Adjusted Area 0 Sq.Ft Lot Size 793 Sq,Ft Taxable Value Information Year Built 0 - - 20161 20151 2014 Assessment Information County Year 2016 2015 2014 Exemption Value Land Value - Taxable Value Building Value School Board XF Value Exemption Value Market Value Taxable Value Assessed Value — City Exemption Value Benefits Information Taxable Value Benefit Type 2016 20151 2014 Regional Note Not all benefits are applicable to all Taxable Values ii.e. County Exemption Value School Board,City,Regional) Taxable Value Short Legal Description Sales Information FLAMINGO TERRACE SUB Previous OR Book- __ `Price Qualification Description SUB PB 10-3 Sale Page AN UNNUMBERED LOT LYNG BETWEEN 07/25/1945 $0 2548-0011 Sales which are disqualified as a result of INDIAN CREEK&FLAMINGO DR& examination of the deed BOUNDED ON THE SOUTH BY THE The Office of the Property Appraiser is continually editing and updating the tax roll This website may not reflect the most current information on record.The Property Appraiser and Miami-Dade County assumes no liabiky,see full disclaimer and User Agreement at http J/www miamidade gov/info/disclaimer asp Verson http://www.miamidade.l�i,ov/propertysearch/ 5/23/2017