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THIS INIENTURE, made this~daY of October
, 1958Jl by
. and between the City of Miami. Beach" a municipal corporation existing under
the laws of the State of Florida, acting by and through its Mayor and
Council (hereinafter referred to as the City),!) and Mt. Sinai Hospital of
Greater Miami, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as Mt. Sinai Hospital), a
non-profit corporation organized and existing under the laws of the state of
Florida, with its principal office located in the City of Miami Beach, Dade
County" Florida,
WHEREAS, by quitclaim deed dated the 3rd d~ of January, 1949,1) and
recorded the same date in the public records of Dade County, Florida in Deed
Book 3096, pages 2 to 16, inClUSive, between the United States of America,l)
acting by am through the War Assets Administrator as grantor,l) and the City
of Miami Beach, acting by and through its Mayor and Council (hereinafter
referred to as the City), there was conveyed to the City certain property in
Dade County, Florida more particularly described in snd quitclaim deed and
known as the Nautilus Veterans Administration Hospital,l) including islands in
Biscayne Bay known as Collins Island and Johns Island; and
WHEREAS, by amended deed dated the 15th day of December, 1953 recorded
on the 13th da;y of Jam~.aryJ 1954 in. Deed Book 3867, page 257, an extension of
time was effected wi thin which the City was to have performed certain con-
ditions as more fully set forth therein; md
WHEREAS~Jthe'aforementioned quitclaim deed was made in consideration~
in pertinent part, of the agreement of the City to accept and fulfill all the
terms md conditions contained in the said quitclaim deed and the City
received a public benefit allowalce of one hundred per centum (100%) of the
fair value of the said premises ald property by reason of the use to which
said premises and property were to be devoted; md
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WHEREAS, the aforesaid quitclah deed contained certain conditions,
reservations and restrictions, binding upon the City, its successors or assigns,
including a prohibition against the sale>> lease or other disposal of the
property thereby conveyed or transferred without first obtaining the written
authorization of the War Assets Administration or ita successor in function>>
to such sale, lease or other disposal, and
WHEREAS, the aforementioned quitclaim deed was executed and delivered
upon the understanding and containing the express provision that the City
would utilize the property thereby conveyed in accordance with its application
dated July 21, 1948 and as thereafter amended, and also in accordance with that
certain memorandum of agreement entered into by and between the City and the
Mt. Sinai Hospital under which said agreement, inter alia, Mt. Sinai Hospital
was granted an irrevocable option to purchase,ll not sooner than 20 years.\> nor
later than 25 years from the date of the aforemen tioned quitclaim deed.\> the
property together with all improvements,l) appurtenances,l) and personal property
upon the payment of the sum of $1>>400,000,1) receiving credit.9 however.ll against
such purchase price for all monies expended by Mto Sinai Hospital for altera=
tions, repairs, and for the construction and equipment of buildi~s and perma=
nent improvements placed thereon during its period of operation and management
under the said memorandum of agreement, and
WHEREAS, the City is desirousJ) prior to the expiration of the said 20
year period, of conveying and transferring to Mt. Sinai Hospital.!' in accord=
ance with the provisions of the resolution of the City Council duly adopted
at a regular meeting of the said Council on the 19th day of March.\> 1958, the
premises and property described in the aforesaid quitclaim deed for the pU1pose
of enabling Mt. Sinai Hospital to continue therein the sQllle public health
purposes for which the City acquired said property and premises and for no
other purpose, and to enable Mto Sinai Hospital to undertake the construction
and the financing of a nurses v training home on the aforementioned Johns
Island; and
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~~[f~JI065 PAGE 533
~rrmREAS, the City and Mt. Sinai Hospital have taken action to effectuate
the continuance by ~~. Sinai Hospital on the aforesaid property of the public
health program and plan for which premises and property were acquired by the
City; and
WHEREAS, the City has made application for the written consent of the
Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, as successor in function to the
War Assets Administrator, to the transfer and conveyance at this time of the
aforesaid property and premises to Ht. Sinai Hospital for the aforesaid purpose,
and no other purpose, and in connection therewith, for the release of the City,
but not the property or premises aforesaid, from all of the covenants and condi-
tions set forth in the aforesaid quitclaim deed of January 3, 1949 and amended
deed of December 15, 1953; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Federal Property and Adminis-
trative Services Act of 1949 (63 Stat. 377), as amended, (hereinafter referred
to as the Act), the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, acting by and
through the undersigned, has determined that Nt. Sinai Hospital is an eligible
public health institution within the meaning of the Act, that the above-
described use of the said premises by Mt. Sinai Hospital constitutes a public
health use within the n~aning of the Act; and
WHEREAS, by Consent Instrument dated the 17th day of
, 195~
the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, acting by and through the Chie~
Division of Surplus Property Utilization, has granted his consent to the con-
veyance of the prop3rty,-more particuJarly described hereinafter, to Mt. Sinai
Hospital; and
WHEREAS, notice of the action hereinbelow described has been given to
the General Services Administrator in accordance with the provisions of the Act
and he has advised that he will int~pose no objection thereto.
Na{, TlillREFORE, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and
other good and valuable consideration to it in hand paid, the receipt whereof
is hereby acknowledged, the City of Niami Beach has remised, released and
forever quitclaimed, and by these presents does remise, release and
forever quitclaim unto the Mt. Sinai Hospital, its successors and assigns
forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the City
- 3 -
. .
mtr~J 1065 P^GE 534
, has'..iri and to the following described real propertyS! to witg
All those tracts or parcels of land lying and being in Dade Countgr.9
Florida,\) and more particularly described as follalisE
~Lot number 41 of Block number Is Lot number 11 of Block numb~
\.....6 and Lot number 1 of Block number 7 of Na.utilus SUbdivisicn of
the l-fiami. Beach Bay Shore Compmy as the 5 ame are shown.ll Inarked
and designated on the plat of said subdivisi. on recorded in Plat
Book 8,\) page 95 in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court
of Dade County>> Floridas which property is more particularly
described as follows&
From a pipe monument at the southeas.t comer of Goverrunent Lot
4 of Section 22s Township 53 Souths Range 42 East>> run westerly
along the south line of said section;l the bearing of which is
South 88 deg.. 18 mino West as shown on a map entitled !1)Map of that
portion of Township 53 Souths Range 42 EastD lying between Bisc~e
B~ ~d the Atlantic Ocean in Da.de County $JFl.orida,9 Bliss & Watson,\)
Engineers9 dated February 1918>> Recorded in Plat Book 5.11 Page 40,\)
Public Records of Dade COlmty.9 Florida", a distance of 641 feet to
an iron pipep thence run North 17 deg.. 28 mino 38 see.. West a
dist:ance of 951..54 feet to an iron pipe on the westerly line of
AI ton Road9 said point being the Southeast corner of Lot 1,\1 Block
7:; Nautilus Subdivision as shown on above mentioned Plat :and being
the point of beginning of the tracts herein described..
1 ~ Lot number 19 Block 7. From said point of beginning run
South 66 deg. 03 min.. West along the South line of Lot 1 and the
north line of Lots 2 and 26>> Block 7,\) as shown on aforementioned
Plat.ll a distance of 142..32 feet to a point on the easter~ line
of North B~ Road,l) thence run in a Northeasterly direction along
the Easter~ line of North Bay Road on the Arc of a circular curve
deflecting to the right with a radius of 210 feet>> a central algle
of 6 deg.. 11 min.. 53 sec.. a chord of 22871 feets! bearing of chord
being North 16 deg.. 01 min. 03 sec.. East a distance of 22..72 feet
to the point of compound curve.ll thence continue along the arc of
a circular curve deflecting to the righ t along the easterly 1ine
of North Bay Road with a radius of 600 feets a central QIlgle of
13 deg. 42 mino 56 see.. a chord of 143..29 feet~ bearing of chord
being North 25 dego 58 min.. 28 see.. East a distance of 143063 feet
to ~he Point of Compound Curve.ll thence continue along the arc of
a circular curve deflecting to the right with a radius of 20 feet.(1
a central angle of 135 deg.. 27.. min. II sec...\> a chord of 37002 feet!)
bearing of chord being South,.:'l9 deg.. 26 min.. 29 see.. East a distance
of 47028 feet to the foint of Reverse Curve,9 said point being on the
Westerly line of Alt.on Road.\> thence continue along the arc of a
circular curve deflecting to the left along the Westerly line of
Alton Road with a radius of 598..49 feet a central angle of 8 deg..
35 min.. 13 seco.\> a chord of 89861 feet.!) bearing of chord being
South 16 deg. 00 min.. 30 seco East a distance of 89..70 feet to the
point of beginning containing 0824 acres more or less; also
2 - Lot number 11,9 Block .6,9 From an iron pipe on the West line
of Alton RoadS! the Point of Beginning of the tracts herein described.\>
run in a Northe:r~ direct,ion along the arc of a circular curve
deflecting to the right with a radius of 598049 feet~ a central
angle of 23 deg.. 59 mino 09 se~...!) a chord of 248..72 feet~ bearing
of chord being North 8 dog.. II m:i,l1.. 3405 seco West a distance of
250055 feet to the Point of Tangency of said curves t.hence run
North 3 deg.. 48 min.. 00 sec6 East a distance of 125030 feet to the
~a~~u 1065 P,'\GE 535
point of beginning of Lot ll.<) Bleck 6.!) said point being on the
West line of Alton Road!) thence run North 3 dego 48 min., 00 se~B
BaSt along the West line of Alton Road a distance of 115048 feet
to' a point" said POirLt being the Northeast corner of Lot 11.!) Block
6.9 as shown on aforementioned Plat of Nautilus Subdivision>> thence
run North 86 dego 12 mino 00 seeo West along the dividing llns
between Lots 11,9 10 and 12>> Bleck 6.!) as shown on, af or anen tion ed
Plat of Nautilus Subdivision.!) a dis tance of 151018 feet to a point.!)
said point being the intersection of the last mentioned course with
the east line of North Bay Road>> thence run in a southeasterly
direction along the arc of a drcular curve deflecting to the left
with a radius of 600 feet.!) a central angle of 16 dego 55 min. 32
sec.Jl a chord of 176.60 feet.!) bearing of chord being South 38
deg. 20 min. 33 sec. East a distance of 177.24 feet to the Point
of Compound Curve,9 thence continue along the arc of a circular
curve deflecting to the left with a radius of 20 feetp a central
angle of 129 deg. 22 min. 46 seeo.9 a chord of 36.16 feet.') bearing
of chord being North 68 deg. ~9 min. 23 sec. East a distance of
45016 feet to the Point of Beginning of the tract of land herein
described containing 0.29 acres more or less.
3 = Lot number 41 of Blco,ck 1. From an iron pipe on the west line
of Alton Roads the Point of Beginning of the tracts herein
described run South 66 dege 03 min. West a dis tance of 26004 feet
to the point of beginning of Lot 41.!) Block ls said point being
the intersection o:f the last mentioned course with the westerly
line of North Bay Road" thence run North 44 deg. 12 mino 30 seco
East a distance of 5408'2 feet to a point>> said point being at the
intersection of the last. mentioned course with the arc and bisector
of the central angle of a circular curve with a radius of 10eO
feet.!) a central angle of 142 dego 50 mino 40 sec,,>> thence continue
in a Northeasterly direction along the arc of said curve deflecting
to the left with a radius of 10sO feet.!) a centraJ. angle of 71 dego
55 min.. 20 sec" a ('.hord 01: 11.,74 feet,9 bearing of chord being
North 45 deg. 49 min. 30 secs East a distance of 12055 feet to the
Point of Reverse Curve.!) thence run along the aE'~ of a circula.1r
curve deflecting to the right with a radius of 27000 feet,.!) a central
angle of 9 dego 11 mino 54 se~09 a chord of 43.3 feet,9 bearing of
chord being north 14 deg. 21 min.. 47 sec. East a distance of 43..35
feet to the point of compound curve) thence run along the arc of
a circul~r curve deflecting to the right with a radius of 66oeOO
feet>> a central angle of 20 dego 57 min. 06 sec..!) a chord of 24000
feet.!) bearing of chord bearing North 29 deg.. 32 min" 17 sec" East
a distance of 241034 feet to the point of reverse curve.!) thence run
in a northw'ester~ direction along the arc of a circular curve
deflecting to the left. with a radius of 7,,57 feat,9 a central angle
of 135 deg.. 15 min.. 10 sec. a chord of 14.0 feet>> bearing of chord
being North 27 dege 36 min" 45 seco West ,a distance of 17.,87 feet
to the point of tangency of said fcurvej thence run North 5 dege
14 min.. 20 seco West a distan.~e of 70.0 feet to the point of curve~
thence run. in a Northeasterly dj,rection along the arc of a circular
curve deflecting to the left, with a radius of 7..57 feet.!) a cent,ral
angle of 135 dego 15 min" 10 seeo a chord of 14.0 feet.!> bearing of
chord being North 17 dego 10 min.. 05 sec" East a distance of 17087
feet to the Point of Reverse Curve; thence run in a northwesterly
direction along the arc of a circular curve deflecting to the right
with a radius of 660.0 feet.!) a central angle of 20 deg.. 57 min.. 06
sec. a chord of 240.0 feet9 bearing of chord being North 39 dego
56 mine 57 sec. West a distan.ce of 241.,34 feet to the point of
compound curve" thence l'W along th<E' arc of a circular curve
'F"11065 506
~fttp,;; P^GE c)
deflecting to the right with a radius of 343..23 feets a central
angle of 7 deg" 02 mino 04 sec".9 a chord of 420ll feets bearing
of chord being North 25 dego 57 mino 22 seco West a distance of
42.14 feet to the Point of Reverse Curve, thence run along the arc
of a circular curve deflecting to the left with a radius of 10.0
feet a central angle of 71 dego 05 min" 35 seco,!) a chord of 11.63
feet,!) bearing of chord being North 57 deg" 59 min" 07..5 sec" West
a distance of 12041 feet,!) said point being the intersection of the
arc of said curve with the bisector of a concentric circular curve
wi th a radius of 1000 feet and a central angle of 142 deg" II min..
10 sec., thence run South 73 deg.. 48 mino 00 sec" West a distance
of 41.9 feet to a point,\l said point being the intersection of the
last mentioned course with the North. properv line of Lot 41 and
the West line of North Bay Road, thence run North 86 deg.. 12 min"
West along the dividing line between Lots 40 and 4109 Block I.\! as
shown on the aforementioned Plat of Nautilus Subdivision>> a distanc3
of 243 feet to a point.') said point being the intersection of the
last mentioned course with the center line of the bulkhead on the
easterly shore of Biscayne Bay, thence meander said bulkhead in a
Southwesterly and Southerly diredtion a distance of 1.')000,,7 feet~
plus or minuss to a point,\l said point being the intersection of the
said bulkhead with the south ptopert~ line of Lot 41, thence North
57 deg. 56 min" East along the dividing line between Lots 41 and 42..,
Block I, as same is shown on the aforementiooed Plat of Nautilus
Subdivision>> a distance of 280,,0 feet,!) plus or minus,!) to the Point
of Beginning of the Tract herein described.., containing 7.55 acres,!)
more or less"
Also - an island in Biscayne Bay known as Collins lsl and.') situated
in Government Lot 4,<) Fractional Section 22 and Government Lot 1,9
Fractional Section 27.9 Township 53 Souths Range 42 East.') City of
Miami Beach,!) Dade County,!) Florida,\) more particularly described as
follows g
From an iron pipe monument at the southeast corner of Government Lot
4 of Fractional Section 22,!) run Westerly along the south line of
said section.\! the bearing of which is South 88 dego 18 mino West
as shown on a map ent,i tIed "Map of that portion of Township 53
South, Range 42 East,!) lying between Biscayne Bay and the Atlantic
Ocean in Dade County.') Florida.') Bliss & Watson Engineers.') dated
Febru~ 1918.9 Recorded in Plat Book 5>> Page 40 Public Recordss
Dade County,!) Florida",!) a distance of 641 feet to an iron pipe.') thence
continue along said section line 774058 feet to a nail in the center
of concrete bulkhead of island!) the Point of Beginning of the land
herein describedg= thence following the bulkhead in a Northerly
direction along a circular curve deflecting to the left.') wi. th a
radius of 494042 feet, a central angle of 16 dego 07 min".') a chord
of 138,,94 feet,!) bearing of chord being North 14 dego 34 min" 30
sec.. East,!) a distance along the arc of 139007 feet to the Point of
Tangency of said curves thence run North 6 deg.. 31 min.. East a
distance of 19005 feet to the Point of Curve of a circular curve
deflecting to the left with a radius of 165075 feet>> a central angle
of 18 deg" 10 m1n.. a chord of 52034 feet>> bearing of chord being
North 2 deg" 34 min.. West a distance along the arc of 52...55 feet
to the Point of Tangency of said curve.., thence run North 'n dege
39 min. West a distance of 15605 feet to the Point of Curve of a
circular curve deflecting to the left wi th a radius of 71079 feet.9
a central angle of 38 dego 24 min.. a chord of 47.22 feet.., bearing
of chord being North 30 deg. 51 min" West a distance along the arc
= 6 =
~~m01065 p~GE537
(Ji: h.8..11 feet to the Point 01' Tang6ncy of said curve, thence 1"1111
North .5'0 dego 03 min" West, a di.stan{:5 of 05703 feet to the Point.
elf Curve of a c:l..t'cular Cl!..":'Ve deflecting to the lef't wit,h a radius
of 199011 feet>> a central angle oi' 28 dego 44 mino~ a chord ot:
98,,81 feet:l bearillg of chord being North 64 dego 25 mirJa West a
distance along the ar,~ of 99..8,S feet, to the Point of Ta.'1gency of
said curve, thence run. North '78 deg" 47 min" west a distance of
4502 feet to '~he point of curve of a circular curve deflecting to
the left with a radius fJf 371,,61 .feet.\) a central angle of 1.4 dego
25 min" a chord of 93026 feetj bearing of chord being North 85 dego
5'9 mino 30 sec" West a distan\~e aLong the arc of 93050 feet to the
Point of 'rangency of said curve:J thence run South 86 deg" 48 nrl.no
West a distance of 5407 feet to the point of CU:rve of a circular
curve deflecting to tile left with a radius of 391018 feet.l) a cent~al
angle of 11 deg" 58 mino a chord of 81055 feet~ bearing of chord
being South 80 dego 49 mino West a distance along t.he arc of 82070
feet to the Point of Tangen~y of said curve$) thane,s run. South 74
d'sg.. 50 mir.., vlest a distance o.f 41..7 feet to the Point cf CUI"le of
a circular curve deflecting to the left with a radi1la of 118075
fast a cent~a1 angle of 14 dego 02 min., a chord of 43..67 feet~
bearing a chord being South 61 dag.. 49 m.ino West,? a dista.nce of
43078 feet to the Point. of Tangency of said cUr1re:l t.hence run South
60 dego 48 min. West a distance of 27..7 feet t~ the point of curve
of a circular curve deflectL'1g to the left with a radius of 294055
feet,? a central angle of 29 dago 18 mino a chord of 148099 feet.l'
bearing of chord being South 46 deg.. 09 min" West,? a distance along
. the arc of 150063 feet to the Point of Compound Cl.ll"Ve~ thence con-
tinue along a eir cular curle deflecting to the left with a radius
of 358..85 feet~ a central angle of 10 dego 02 min,,~ a chord of
62..76 feet, bearing of chord being Sou'th 26 dego 29'mino 00 sec..
West, a distan*7ls along the ar~ of 62084 feet to t.he point of com~
pound CUl"l!9,9 thence cmtinue along a circular curve deflecting to
the left with a radius ~f 200..07 feet9 a central angle of 42 dego
03 mino, a chard of 143056 feet,? bearing of chord being South 0 dego
26 min." 30 seco West,9 a distance along the arc of J)..J.6083 feet to
the Point of Tangency of said curve$ thence run South 20 dego 35
mino East a distance of 303..0 feet to the Point of Cl~ve of a
circular curve deflecting to the left with a Tadius of 290060
feet a central angle of 31 dego 20 mino a chord of 156..94 feet>>
bearing of chord being South 36 dego 15 ~o 00 5eco East a distance
along the arc of 158092 fe'st, t.o 'the Point of CompollJ."1d Curve9 thence
continue along a circular c~rve deflecting to the left with a
radius of 189008 feets a central angle of 23 deg. 29 mino a chord
of 76,,96 feet,,? bearing of chord being South 6.3 deg.. 39 mino 30 s,eeo
East a distance along the arc of 77050 feet to the Point, of Tangency
of said curve.l) thence run South 15 dego 24 mino East a distance of
59,,5 feet to the Point of curve of a circ'ular curve deflecting to
'lihe left wi. th a radius of 156063 feet a central angle ,of 18 deg.,
5J. m:L"1" a chord of 510.30 feeti) beating of chord being South 8~ dego
49 mino 30 sec" East a distance along the arc of 51053 feet to t..~e
point of tangency of said ~7~9 thence run North 85 deg" 45 min..
East a distance of 5903 feet t.o the poillt of curYe of a clrculat.'
curve deflecting to the left wit,h a ;;radius of 195056 feet., a central
angle of 28 dego 08 min" El, chord of 95..06 feet.ll bearing of chord
being Nonh 71 dego 41 mino 00 seco East a distan<::a along tm arc
of 96..03 .feet to the PoL'1t of Compound Cur1re~ thence continue a1.op.g
a cirmllar curve deflect,ing to the left with a radius of 566098
feei.~ a central angle of 8 dego 32 mi...'1" a chord of 840.37 feet'J) bearing
of chord bei.1'lg North 53 dego 21 min. East a dist.ance along the arc
of 84044 feet, -co the point of compound C1ll"V8... thence oontinue along
- 7 <:>
~:rCL 1065 plrr r;18
RELnRD '. .\u[ u~_
a circular curve deflecting to the left with a radius of 203840
feet,? a central angle of 26 dego 27 mino a chord pf 93006 feet..., bear.i.ng
of chord be:ing North 35 deg" 51 mino 30 sec.. East a distance along
the arc of 93090 feet to the point of compound curve.\) said point
also being the point of beginning containing 1088 acres~ more or less8
Also ~ an island in Bisc~rne Bay known as Johns Island 51 tuate-d
in Government Lot 4.9 Fractional Section 22.9 Township 53 South>>
Range 42 East,\l City of Miami Beach>> Dade County.l1 Florida.\) more
particularly described as follows8
From an iron pipe monument at the southeast corner of Government
Lot 4 of Fractional Section 22>> Township 53 South.ll Range 42 East>>
run Westerly along the South line of said Section,\J the beat'ing of
which is South 88 deg. 18 mino West as shown on a map entitled !SMap
of that portion of TOi-lnship 53 South.? Range 42 East.!) lying betvleen
Biscayne Bay and the Atlantic Ocean in Dade County.9 Florida,\) Bliss
and Watsonj Engineers,!) dated February 1918>> Recorded in Plat Book
5 j Page 40.!) Publi c Records.\l Dade County.9 Florida!., a di stance of
641 feet to an iron pipe~ thence run North 1 deg. 42 mino West a
distance of 1200 feet to a point,\l thence run South 88 deg. 18 min..
West a distance of 968023 feet to a nail in concrete '~ullchead of
island.!) said point being the point of beginning of the tract of
land. herein described8~ Thence following the bulkhead in a North....
westerly direction a1o~ a circular curve deflecting to tIE left
with a. radius of 112093 feet a central angle of 46 dego 29 min.. a
chord of 89013 feets bearing of chord being North 58 dego 23 min..
30 sec. West a distance along the arc of 91062 feet to the point
of Compound Curve; thence continue along a circular curve deflecting
to the left with a radius of 207056 feet a central angle of 24 dego
20 mino a chord of 87..49 feet,!) bearing of said chord being South
86 deg. 12 min.. West a distance along the arc of 88015 feet to the
point of compound curve; thence continue along a circular cut'1Je
deflecting to the left with a radius of 146028 feet a central angle
of 56 dego 21 min. a chord of :138013 feet,\1 bearing of chord being
South 45 deg. 51 min. 30 sec.. West a distance along the arc of 143087
feet to the point of t,angency of said curve.ll thence continue South
17 deg.. 41 min. West a distance of 40025 feet to the point of curve
of a circular curve deflecting to the left with a radius of 136..79
feet a central angle of 39 deg. 25 min. a chord of 92..26 feets
bearing of chord being South 2 dege 01 minD 30 sec.. East a
distance along the arc of 9401 feet to the Point of Compound
Curve~ thence continue along a circular curve deflecting to the
left with a radius of 74..69 feet a central angle of 66 dege 48
min. a chord of 82..23 feet)l bearing of chord being South 55 dege
08 min. East a distance along the arc of 87008 feet to the Point
of Tangenqy of said curve~ thence run South 88 deg.. 32 ndn.. East
a distance of 185850 feet to the Point of curve of a circular Cl.1.l"Ve
deflecting to the left with a radius of 55.17 feet a central angl~
of 97 deg.. 35 min. a chord of 83..01 feet)l bearing of chord ben1g
North 42 deg.. 40 mino 30 sedo East a distance along the art:; of
93096 feet to the Point of Tangency of said curve9 thence I"lJn NorU1
6 deg. 07 min. West a distance of 11406 feet to the Point of Curve
of a circular Cu:r1re defle cting to the left with a rad1.US of ll9.. n
feet)l a central angle of 29 deg.. 02 mino a chord of 60002 feet~
bearing of chord being North 20 degg 38 minD West a distance along
the arc of 60.67 feet to the Point of Tangency of said curve>> thence
run North 35 dego 09 min. West a distance of 709 feet to the Point
of Curve of t.he first mentioned curve)l said point being the Point
of Beginning of tract herein described containing 107 acres ma.l:'e
- 8 ~
'. .
~~trf~;ll065 P^Gf 539
or less; all of which tracts are delineated upon a map attached
hereto and made a part hereof.!> together with all riparian rights
and water privileges appertaining to the above described propertys
and all right.!> title and interest in and to the bridges to Johns
and Collins Islands in Biscayne Bay and the streets or right-of=vlays
within or adjacent to said land which are now owned by the grantor.!)
sUbject to easements of record~ together with the Nautilus Hotel,9
cottages.9 buildings>> improvements and docks.!) now situated thereon,!)
also all machinery equipment,!) fixtures.ll furniture and furnishings
of every kind and description.l' and all other personal property
appertaining thereto and contained in the buildings upon the premises
above described.
Following described submerged land>> situate>> lying and being in the
County of Dade>> state of Florida>> to=wit~
From a two (2) inch galvanized iron pipe on the South line of
Section Twenty-two (22) in Township Fifty=three (53) South of Range
Forty~two (42) East on the shore of Biscayne Bay-a run forty (40)
feet West, tmnce North fifty (50) degrees thir'tiY' (30) minutes
West for one thousand (1000) feet to the point of beginning; thenc~
the following traverse,\l -
North eighty-five (85) degrees no (00) minutes West = two hundNd
and fifty (250) feet; South eigtlty=three (83) degrees thirty (30)
minutes West = nine hundred and fifty (950) feet; South fifteen
(15) degrees no (00) minutes West = Five hundred and ninety (590)
feet; South eighty-two (82) degrees no (00) minutes East = ten
hundred and forty (1040) feet; North seventy=six (76) degrees
thirty (30) minutes East = three hundred and ninety (390) feet$
North eight (8) degrees thirty (30) minutes East - four hundred
and twenty (420) feet, North twenty=one (21) degrees thirty (30)
minutes West = three hundred (300) feet to point of beginninge
Containing twenty-one and five tenths (21.5) acres a more or less.!)
together with full riparian rights,\l except that certain part
thereof comey-ed on March 9>> 1923 by that certain indenture of
the Miami Beach Bay Shore Company.!> a corporation to Bay Shore
Corporation,\l as appears of record in 'Deed Book 340a page 459
public official records of Dade CountY$) Florida.
Together with all utilities, including but not limited to water,l)
sewage>> electrical distribution system and canmunication systeme
Being the same property acquired by the United States of America
by deed dated December 29>> 1942,9 from B~ Shore Corporation to the
United states of America.!> said deed being recorded in Book 2262>>
page 462 of the public records of Dade County.9 Florida.!) and a deed
dated December 21,1) 1942 from Miami Beach Bay Share Company recorded
in Book 2277 ~ page 133 of the public records of Dade County.o Floridao
SUBJECT,\l HOWEVER,\l to each and ever,y covenant,l) condit1on,\l reservation9
and restriction contained in the aforementioned deeds dated the 3rd day of
January.ll 1949 and December 159 1953>> between the United states of America and
the City of Miami Beach and reserving to the United States of America each and
every right and privilege provided for in the aforenentioned deeds,jJ which rights
"" 9 -
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REtDi~ v P;~GE - ~
and privileges Mt. Sinai Hospital hereby expressly covenant.s and agrees shall
be exercisable by the said United States to the same extent as if such rights
were originally created in this conveyance and predicated upon the obligation
of the party of the second part to perform and observe all of the terms~
covenants, conditions, reservations~ and restrictions as if the same were
created by instruments between the United States of America and the party
of the second part.
SUBJECT, FURTHER, to all outstanding ri~ts of third parties of record.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular:! the
appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertainingj> and all the
estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever of the party of the first
part, either in law or in equity, to the on~ proper use~ benefit and behoof
of Mt. Sinai Hospital9 its successors and assignss forevero
IN WITNESS WHEREOF" the City of Miami Beach has caused these presents
to be executed as of the day and year first above writteno
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The foregoing Quitclaim Deed is hereb,y accepted and the undersigned
agrees, by this acceptance, to assume and be bound by all of the obligations.ll
conditions, covenants, and agreements therein set fortho
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I, an officer authorized to take acknowledgments of deed according to
the laws of the state of Florida, duly qualified and acting, HEREBY CERTIFY
thatj~.(.(dt (J.J~ andbIM_ f. oJlAu.-,. respectively Mayor
and City Clerk of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, to me personally known.ll this
d~ aclmowledged before me that they executed the foregoing Quitclaim Deed as
such officers of 'The City of Miami Beach and that they affixed thereto the
official seal of said corporation; and I FURTHER CERTIFY that I know the said
persons making said acknowledgments to be the individuals described in and who
executed the said agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and official seal at Miand,
Beach, said County and State, this.J1J:l...daY Of_(Q,~... >> A.D., 19580
~V'~ (). ~~
otary Public
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State of Florida, County of Dade.
- lJhis Instrument was filed'for record the_~~__day o~~. .
1958 at(('~~~M. and duly recorded in OFFICIAL RECORDS
Book .L~__~_os'--:'__ on Page~ '-!..t. File # 58R. __t.4.'!!.~,::..-!..~.:::..
~CUit Court
BY____J___~..___.-----D, C.
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