Consent Instrument J ..."......- --~ """"I -cot ?~~ , -. .:.... -, \ ~~t~~Jl065 p^cr:542 (9 f) -.5/(} ~,--.. l . CONSENT INSTRUMENT ,~\ WHEREAS, by quitclaim deed dated the 3rd day of Januaryp 1949, and recorded the same date in the public records of Dade COl.Ulty, Florida in Deed Book 3096, pages 2 to 16, inclusive, between the United States of .AlIlerica, acting by and through the War Assets Administrator as grantor J) and the City of Miami Beach, acting by and through its Mayor and Council, (hereinafter referred [" to as the City), there was conv~ed to the City certain property in Dade COl.Ulty, Florida, more particularly described in said quitclaim deed and known as the Nautilus Veterans Administration Hospital, including islands in Biscayne Bay known as Collins Island and Johns Island; and WHEREAS, by amended deed dated the 15th day of December, 1953 recorded on the 13th day of January, 1954 in Deed Book 3867, page 257, an extension of time was effected within which the City was to have performed certain conditions as more fully set forth therein; and WHEREAS, the aforementioned quitclaim deed was made in consideration, in pertinent part.ll of the agreement of the City to accept and fulfill all the terms and conditions contained in the said quitclaim deed and the City re- ceived a public benefit a110rlance of one hl.Uldred per centum (100%) of the fair val ue of the said premises and property by reason of the use to which said premises and property were to be devoted; and WHEREAS, the aforesaid quitclaim deed contained certain conditionsp reservations and restrictions, binding upon the City, its successors or assignB; including a prohibition against the sale, lease or other disposal of the property thereby conveyed or transferred without first obtaining the written authorization of the War Assets Administration or its successor in fl.Ulction, to such sale" lease or other disposal; and .6L o ~ ....... C" , ", 'F'"1 1065 5 A3 Rrt:iR;: . Pi\GE 'i: ". '.. WHEREAS 9 the aforementioned quitclaim deed was executed and delivered upon the understanding and containing the express provision that the City would utilize the property thereby' conveyed in accordance with its application dated July 21~ 1948 and as thereafter ~ended.ll and also in accordance with that certain memorandum of agreement entered into by and between the City and the Mt. Sinai Hospital of Greater Miami.ll Inc. (hereinafter referred to as Mt. Sinai Hospital.l1 under which said agreement~ inter ali~Mto Sinai. Hospital was granteQ an irrevocable option to purchase not sooner than 20 years.l1 nor later than 25 years from the date of the aforementioned quitclaim deed... the property together with all improvements.l1 appurtenances.ll and personal property upon the payment of the sum of $1>>400,9000.11 receiving credit>> however>> against such purchase price for all monies expended by Mt. Sinai Hospital for altera= tions.!! repairs!) and for the construction and equipment of buildings and permanent improvements placed thereon during its period of operation and management under the said memorandum of agreement~ and WHEREAS, the City is desirous!) pr~or to the expiration of the said 20 year paiod.ll of conveying and transferring to Mt. Sinai Hospital.ll in accordance wi th the provisions of the resolution of the City Council duly adopted at a regular meeting of the said Council on the 19th d~ of March.ll 1958" the premiS3s and property described in the aforesaid quitclaim deed for the purpose of enabling Mt. Sinai Hospital to continue therein the same public health purposes for which the City acquired said property and premises and for no other purpose$) and to enable Mt. Sinai Hospital to undertake the construction and the financing of a nurses v training home on the aforementioned Johns Island; and WHEREAS, the City and Mte Sinai Hospital have taken action to effectuate the continumce by'Mt. Sinai Hospital on the aforesaid property of the public heal th progr8lll and plan for which premises and property were acquired by the City~ and WHEREAS.\l the City has made application for the written consent of the Secretary to the transfer and conveyance at this time of the aforesaid ~ 2 ..., " '" - ~rt;fLl065 P^GE 544 ." I <., property and premises to Mt. Sinai Hospital for the aforesaid purposeJ) and no other purpose!) and in connection therewith, for the release of the City>> but not the property or premises aforesaidJl from all of the covenants and conditions set forth in the aforesaid quitclaim deed of January 3.11 1949 and amended deed of December 15.11 1953; and WHEREAS~ the Secretary.l1 acting by and through the undersigned>> has de= termined that Mt. Sinai Hospital is an eligible public health institution within the meaning of the Act>> that the above-described use of the said premises by said Mto Sinai Hospital constitutes a public health use within the meaning of the Act, and that the granting of the consent hereinbelow set forth will carry out the purpose for which the said premises were conveyed to the Ci ty and is in the public in terest ~ and WHEREAS, notice of the action hereinbelow described has been given to the General Services Administrator in accordance with the provisions of the Act and he has advised that he will interpose no objection thereto~ NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged!) the United States of America.ll acting by and through the Secretary of Health>> Education!) and Welfare by the Chief.ll Division of Surplus Property Utilization,\t under and pursuant to the authority contained in the aforementioned Act hereby:! . (1) Consents to the transfer and conveyance by the City to Mto Sinai Hospital of the property and premises described in the aforesaid quitclaim deed of January 3, 19499 for the purpose described in the provisions of the aforesaid deed, application, and memorandum of agreements said transfer and conv~ance, however" to be subject to all the covenants!) conditionstl restric= tions and reservations set forth in the aforesaid quitclaim deed of January 3>> 1949.11 as amended by said amended deed dated December 15, 1953" such covenants~ conditions>> restrictions.') and reservationsJ) all to remain in full force and effect as provided therein, (2) Releases only the City but not the property or premises conveyed by the aforesaid quitclaim deed of January 3.11 1949.11 nor aqy successor or - 3 ~ ~f~,f~;:1065 PAGE545 -" assign of the said City from the covenants, conditions, restrictions" and reservations set forth in the said quitc1aiJn deed of January 3, 1949, and said amended deed of December 15, 1953. IN WITNESS WHEREOF" the United States of America has caused these presents to be executed in its name and on its behalf b.r the Secre.ar,y>> acting b.r and through his duly authorized representative, who has hereunto affixed his hand this 17th day of April , 1958. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Acting . by and through the SECRETARY OF HEALTH, EDUCATION.') AND WEIF ARE By a/r:-'Mc.~.. .; Acting Chief, Division of Surplus Propert,y Utilization WITNESSFSg ,C) !dwMJ};, hM~-~~" ~-"~.~. - 4 - ... < . . \ .~. ~Hif~Jl0B5 p.\GE546 ., . <..:.... ACKNoo.EDGMENT ) )ss DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ) I, 5~~ <_...L). ~.~ CITY OF WASHINGTON ~ a Notary Public in and for the District of Columbia.ll do hereby certify that on this~day of CI~~ 1958~ before me appeared U. 1". j(-(L.<-T~.J.. ~ to me personally known :1 and known to me to be the person who executed the foregoing CONSENT INSTRlJ... MENT in the name of the United States of America and acknowledged the said CONSENT INSTRUMENT to be the free act and deed of the United States of America. .- " Given under ~ hmd this /"7 day of ...t \ "'" 1 .. ; --...--. ~ ,'- \ . -, Cc~ I >> 1958. ~\-t\" ~ 1~~ ~ . ;C-LC-~~ Notary Public My Commission EXpires ~h~~ fUr /ysc; - J...... - - S - State of Florida, County of Dade. This Instrument was filed'for record the_~-L..__day of~_.. 1958 a~:,_~~~:. M. and duly recorded in OffICIAL RECORDS Book__L<?_~~.:::-on Pag~~~File # 58R-~~~~=-!.:~_____ E. B. LEATHERMAN Clerk Circuit Court By .~~_.___.._____D. C, - .._-~~~_.r-"""--- ~ ........ .... .... ":::1 _.-~. /~-.~-- , ,~ " ~, C.:; r.' lo...._ tl' ~ lJ? M CD ~ Q:: ~ ~~ c: '--':> LLl a:::: c:: (:J ....., ------------ \.D ..., - -' ..,... :;;:: M C\J I- (.) o i:?i ~ <t z...... "":;::0 ZU to' t.JJW _".0 ~<( <CO w . _Jt; (.1) f"'; .U tol . :s: ~ (.) 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