QD-32 Indenture ~. I QUIT-CLAIM DEED r- -~ , ;./ ,.. THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FlORIDA, a Mlm; c:ipal corporati on ~ . ~ of the County oC Dade ~ --Becond part. - WITNESSETH, That the ~d part i e~ nf the first part, for and in consideration of the /sider atio eum:'of TEN AND NO/100THS ($10.00) oottARS and other good and valuable con ~ , } ~ ~ ~ l.r;;..~ PAPCO'S FORM 8 P'AP'CO "UIILISHINQ CORP'OItATION IIIAIII 8.. !'LOIUM wl1is 1fu~tuturtf Made lhi. 19th day of January BETWEEN MILTON STEINHARDT and ESTHER STEINHARDT. his wife _ ---A. D. 19.5.3... _._.of the County 01 Dade Flarida , partieS_of the fim part, and 1 and State of , IInd State of Florida 1 part S--_oC the in h,and paid by the said part y of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hAve remisetl, released and quit-claimed, and by these presents do remise, release and quit. succ~ssors . D1a, and assIgns '. i".. clai,thunto the said pllrtY' of the second part anl~ itl'l 1._ . f~~rer, all tht. "ight, title, interest, claim and demand which the part 18!. "1,' of the first part hAve in 'shd to the Collowing described 10L-, piece-., or parceL of land, situate, lying and'being in the , ",-:1 County of . ,;' Dade ) State of F1 OM nit The South" h81iof .the following described property taken together:..,- as a~sing'l~ unit, to 'wi~: ! j. .. : ~ .:' ... ~. ' .. . ,to'tsl,,2 and 3 of Block 20" of BISCAYNE POINT FIRST ADDITION, "'-,' ::II"'.,.ordine _to the Pla.t -thereof" as recorded in P1a.t Book 26" at Page 63, of the Public Records of Dade County" Florida" and Biock 18 of BISCAYNE POINT" a Subdivision" according to the PI at . thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 14, at Page 35, of the Public Records of Dade County" Florida. It is the purpose' and intent of this Deed ..to clarify ;ahd';'cot-re'6.t;' ~hy" airibigili:ty c9ptained.inth~t .c~rtain instrument entitled "Agreement and Warranty Deed" where- in HESKIYA 'COHEN and EUGENIE COHEN" his wife, and MILTON STEINHARDT and ESTHER STEINHARDT" his wife, conveyed each to, the other certain properties" of which the above described property was a part, which instrument was dated March 16, 1945" and filed in the public records of Dade County" '~F1orida" on March 21" 1945" and recorded in Deed Book 2488" at Page 306 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. The Grantors herein acknowledge that:. i rwas not the intent of that in- strument to split each lot a!x>ve described and block 18 into a North half and South half but rather to split the tract as a whole so that the Grantors herein would acquire the North half trereof and the Cohena would acquire the South half thereof. This intent has been followed in the subsequent conveyances of the Cohens above mentioned, and the Grantors herein. \\' TO HAVE AND TO HJ)LD_the same_together_-With~ill and singular the_appurtenances there- unto b~loDging or in anywise appertaining, and all the estate, right., title, interest and claim what- 80ever of the said part ies of the first part either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit successors o.f the second part, its ~and assigns forever. and behoof of the said party IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said part~ of the first part hlOle.- hereunto set t,np.; 1" halld~ and seaUL the day and year first above writ ten. cd and del'vered in presence of us: I 1_ ~_ r (.). ,fit ., J~4 if ur ,,' ,/ I'; j'" I t\ ,-_ ~ ~ ~ ~--- _ ~~__L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ".. ~~~~ , .. '\:J "" 'ft,~ ~ ~ ~ 'S . .". ~ , :-1.. . '...... ..... := 9- co ;::; D:: o LL Ul o U Q. < Q. ~ "".. '. ..:.' ~ 0' " -, .....;::.. ~- ~ ,-.. .. . 0 " /J ,( ~)! hr!'ll ' .. ~~ ~. ; ....~ ... ~ - c. 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I '-es--61 '0 'v ' L.l.tHLUtf P jO A~?P epl,I01.!l, jO 9lBlS pUB jOAlUIlO:)' ap-e a ., qo-eaa lwe ~w , tB IBas IUP!JjO pUB PUB'l AOl SS3NJ.IA\. , 'puuqslUl P!'~s .Ia'l OlO.lj .10 jO .Illaj .10 UO!sualla.lddll 'lU!ll.llSUOa 'UO!sludOloa AUll lUOlll!^\ puu AI!.Ill1Utl[OA pUll Alaa.lj paap P!BS a'll paluaaxa alls ,luql pUll 'u!a.lalIl paq!.Iasap spuBI alIl 01 pUll U! 'aIqul!uha .10 A.lOjlll111(j 'Al.lado.ld alluudas JO .10 pnalsaOlO'l '.IaM.Op .IaqIa'l^\ 'ls~u,hu! pun all!1 'lq~!.1 .Iaq IP~ ~UIAaAUl?a pun ~u!qs!uhu!Ia.l '~upuuoua.l jO asod.lud alII .I0j paap PIllS 01 AI.lnd II J{as.lalI apum alIs IlHp a2p'1Ai.ompu PlP 'pUl~qsmI P!US .Iaq OlO.lj l.ludu puu AlalU.ludas 'am a.lojaq pUll Aq apum puu ua1J.lll uO!luu!wuxa aluApd pUll aIu.ludas u uo ' .LClliVHNI:U,S NO.L'IIW p!US a'll jO aH'" aql aq 01 ~ " (' " , ~ am 01 UM.OU~ ' .LUHVHNI&LS HIDf.LSiI P!l?S alll luq.L 'A..H.LH3::> H3H.LHD..i I ONV 'passa~d -xa u!a~alll asod,llld alll .10) AIPulunIo.'\. puu AIaa.l) amus alII palnaaxa Aaq,+ lUl11 am a.lOjaq paflpa -I^\ompu puu 'paap ~u!o~a.lOj alll paluaaxa oll'" pUll U! paqpasap Suos.lad alll aq 01 u,"ou~ na^\ am 01 a]lJ.l S-pr- . · .LmIVHNI&LS H:IDU,S:3: pue J.CmVHNI&LS NOJ.'IIW '8Iuam~paIM.ou~au a~ul pUll ,slllUO .IalS!U!IlIPU 01 pazpOll1l1u ^P1P .laa!Jjo uu 'am a.lojaq pa.llladdu Auuuos.lad AUP S!lil UO Ilnll AaILH3:J AmnI~UI I { apea ..10 .AUJ[lC)] ap'p:ou .>10 :'IJ.V.lS ~ z o i= <C I: o .. rr: O. II . z i . ';1 . :J '.. t 'oC ... ", ...- -< o ~" .. .. .. II i <C i .... ~;::;l-.J ~ QS -3" ~ << OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY December 20, 1954 TO: FROM: C. W. Tomlinson, City Clerk RE: Ben Shepard, City Attorney Purchase of the south half of that certain single unit of land made up of Lots I, 2 and 3 of Block 20 and all of Block 18, BISCAYNE POINT. The City purchased the above property late in the year 1948 and about 4 years later we were furnished with a Quit Claim Deed from Steinhardt and wife. This was not recorded until recently but I now hand it to you herewith for your files. ~&- y 3 B JS : ap