Special Warranty Deed A. D., 1042, botk. oon CiY~ OF ~iIA~.~i O~kCh, F~C~Z~A, ~ municipal
c~,~o ..... ~cn o~. t}'~o Cc:'~ty of Dado,
· - ~a~ of l"lo~lda, of tho
whoso ?oz~a~:.e:~t address is ~la':~i Do'~ch, Dade County, Florida,
of t} e second ~art,
~-~,,~.,n,~.: Tha0 tho said i:~arty of tho first l~art,
for and iu consldoratton of the su~ of
la~;ful money of the United States o'C Am~rlca, to it in hand paid
by the said party of ~;ho second part,
~;nd delivery of those presents, t~':e receipt ~;,he:~eof ls hereby
ac,-no~',lodge~, and in consldo~'ation of other good and valuable
considerations acc~In~j .to tho par~y of tho first part~ has
gr~ntcd, barcained, sold, alloncd, renisod, released, conveyed
anC conflr;uod and ty these presents does r~rant~ ba~ain~ sell,
alien, re,also, rolouso, convey and ccnfir:~ ~to sail ~ar~y of
the second part and its successors and assigns forever, all tho
follcv~in/ piece, ]~arcol or tract of land situa~e and lyl~ in
~.liami Seach, Dado County, Florida; and more particularly described
as follows: "
Lot [:'oar (4), Dlock Twelve (12),
~ bdiw. slon of part of FractiOnal
Soctions Thi~y-throe (33), an.'J
Thirty-foup (04), To~nship 53 South,
[fannie 4Z ~las2, according to ~he plat
t~or~.of, ~ -,
~ocor~,~d in Plat i~ock .~:,
f'af:o ll..~, of the Iublic Records of
Dado County, Flc, ri~la;
to!jo~hor uith all ua:.i sin~.:ular tho tenements, h~..~rodita~onts
and ai:.pur~onancos thereunto bolon:~in,2~ or in uny~lso apportain-
In,.~, ~,nd tho rew.,rsion, rove~.uicns, rc:~aI~der anq remalndors,
rents, i~]sucs ~,nd ~'o~'lts thereof, ~.,~,d al..;c ~11 tho estate,
"" 04
righ-~, title, intcr.~st, claim and demand whatsoever, as
well in luw us in equity of the said party of the firs~
of, in and to tho sam~, and every purr a:r! i~.arcel thereof
with the a~.~purtona~'~ces.
1fO ~;Vh A.~) TO ;;OL~ the above granted, bargalnod
and de~:crlhed p~'omlsos with the ai~i~'teaanccs, un~;o the
sai~ ?arty of the second part~ l~s successors and
to its own ~:ro~ar usc, benofi~ and behoof forever.
And the sai:l party of t~o first part, for itself
a~d its succe...-,...~s a~d assigns, ,~
moos heresy covenant,
promise and agree to and with the said party of the second
part, its successors and assigns', tha~ the said par~y
:;he first part, at the time of the ensealing and delivery
o~' those presents, is lawfully seized of and in all and
sln!ular the abo~e granted, bargained and described p~e~ses
with tho a~urtona cos and has good right, full power a.ud
lawful, authority to g~an~, bargain and sell and convey the
same in the manner and fo~ aforesaid. And ~he said party
of the second par~, i~s successors and assigns, s~all and
~y at all times hereafter peaceably and quietly have, hold,
use, occupy~ possess and enjoy tho above granted premises
and every parcel thereof with the appurtenances, without
any let, suit, trouble, molestation, evlc~lon or disturbance
of t~o said p~rty oF the first part, i~s successors
ass~ans, or of any person or persons lawfully clai~ng or to
claim the same b/', ~hrou~[h and under the grantor heroin,
And the said party of the first part, For itself
and for its successors and assl~.:::s, the aho~e described
and hereby .zran~od and released prom:sos, and every part
and parcel thor:of, with the a~purtenauces, ~to ~he said
party of the second part, its successors and assigns,
aga'~nst the sa.rd party of the first par~ its successors
and a~:~i~>~s, an:t asainst ull and every person or persons
whomsoever lawfully claimlns or to clash tho same by,
throu~b and under t}~e grantor hcroin sl~ull, anf[ ~!il warranB
an'~ by thoss Fresont~] forever defend.
i~ '~'~i['~SS .~_~th~(~ the said crantor has caused
those ~rc:~ents to ~o slz~.cd i~ !t~ na:,~e by its L::~yor, and
its corporate sc~l to L~O afflnod, attested Ly its City
Clerk, on this tho duy and date .~irS~ ~,Covo urltton.
City Clerk.
Signed, Sealed and
Delivered in the
Presence of~
__ Q/o v .............
) ss:
I iiE~b~BY CERTIFY that on this ~/ ~ day of
~~ .. , A. D., 194~; before me personnlly
nppo~vod VAL C. CI~;AR~ and C. ,,. T01,i~NGON~
City Clork~ ros~)oc~ivoly, of
FL0~t~OA, bo mo known to be ~he povson~ described
who oz~cuteQ ~ho fovogoing convoy~nco to ?,;L~tI DhACn POST
f/85 of tho A!,~:,[~ICA',~ L,sGION~ and severally acknowledged
the executlcn tber,.~of to bo their free act and deed
such officers for the uses and purposes therein mentioned;
that they affixed thereto the officlal seal of the City
of ~dtumi ~cach, Florida, and that the said Inst~en~
the act :,nd deed of said municipal corporation.
c C6
~J~T~.~S~ my slcnnturo and official seal at
I~la~ !!!oach, Dado County~ Florida, the day and yoa~
last aferosaid.
at largo.
~!y co:nmisslon ox~:iros: