Agreement2,.58 8 8R30 + I
~ '~:;,~G REEMENT
! 3010 - 3
In recognition of the concerns of the City of Miami Beach and of the
'undersigned regarding the future development of that property more
particularly described as:
A tract or parcel of land and accreted land located in Section 10,
Township 54 South, Range 42 East, Dade County, Florida being more
particularly described as follows:
For a Point of Beginning commence at a 10-inch-square concrete
monument located on the northerly boundary of the U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers Reservation, being the westernmost corner of Lot 6,
Block 4 of~uth_B~eac~b~9.~,__~g s shown in Plat Book 6,
Page 77, of the public records of Dade County; said monument
designated "C" having grid coordinates of X-784,440.39 and
Y-521,912.47. Said monument also lies approximately South 24°27'26''
West a distance of 592.30 feet south of and North 65o35'16'' East a
distance of 554.97 feet west of the northeast corner of the northwest
1/4 of Section 10, Township 54 South Range 42 East. From said Point
of Beginning run thence South 24025'50'' West a distance of 420.~3
feet, more or less, to the Mean High Water (M.H.W.} line of the
northerly shoreline of the "Covernment Cut" for the entrance channel
of the Miami Harbor; thence North 65o35,19'' West ~long said M.H.W,
line a distance of'261.59 feet to a point on a bulkhead; thence North
31008'28'' West along; said bulkhead a distance of 242.83 feet to U.S.
Ar'my Corps of Engineers Monument "Virgil" having a grid coordinate
of X-783,902.72 and Y-521,845.63; thence North 57o41,41" East a
distance of 226.20 feet to Monument "West" having a grid coordinate
of X-784,093.91 and Y-521,966.52; thence North 87o38'37'' East a
distance of 208.58 fee? to Monument "G", having a grid coordinate of
X-784,302.32 and Y-521o975.14; thence South 65o35'12" East a
distance of 151.63 feet to Monument "C" and the Point of Beginning.
The above-described tract or parcel of land contains 3.~0 acres, more
or less. The bearings and distances stated herein are based on the
Mercator System.
In consideration of ten dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable
consideration from the City of Miami Beach, the receipt of which is hereby
acknowiedged, and in order to bind the City of Miami Beach to negotiate a
Development Agreement in good faith, Cook Inlet Regin, Inc., {hereinafter
CIRI), hereby agrees to enter into a Cooperative Development Plan with the
City of Miami Beach, whose address is 1700 Convention Center Drlve, Miami
Beach, Florida 33139, upon formulation of plans for development of the
above-described property.
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
(305) 673-7470
1. In the regular course of development of the property, CIRI will provide a
coastal walkway easement, of a width of up to 75 feet as determined by the
site plan, linking the City Park and the City Marina. Within that easement
CIRI will build, at its cost, a walkway or promenade that will include
appropriate landscaping, street furniture and pedestrian-oriented amenities
as part of its overall site development.
2. CIRI will also include in its development some facility appropriate for use
by the community such as a pavilion, a gallery or facility that would be
compatible with the commercial activities of the CIRI development,
provided that the provision of such a facility shall not affect the size, etc.
~'f the projAEt that CIR! could otherwise develop if the facility were not
incorporated (i.e., the facility shall not be included in density
determinations, lot coverage limits and other applicable land use
3. ClRI further agrees to provide the City with an easement where
Washington Avenue serves as ioint access to the property of both CIRI and
the City.
q. No development of said property shall occur without the above three
interests being included in such development.
ClRI agrees that the provisions contained herein shall inure to the benefit of
the City of Miami Beach and shall run with the above-described property and
be binding on all successors in Interest and assigns of CIRI.
DATED this ~_.~r-day of August, 1985.
l~ii~l~ctMoCr?e~_,a~d planning& Development
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ,/z~7~ day of
August, 1985 by Kirk McGee, Director of Land Planning and Deve op--~'~p-~nt, Cook
, Ihlet Region, Inc., an Alaska Corporation, on behalf of the Corporation.
ar,~r~[~r the State o¢ Alaska
My (r.o'm~ission expires _~