78-15789 Reso ~~_~~~~~~.~ ~::.:,.~. 7. ....-...~ ~ HE;;OLUTIOU r-;o 7B-lS 789 A HESOLUTION AUTHORIZING & DIRECTING OUR CITY 11ANAGER 'TO TAKE ALL STEPS NECESSARY TO APPJ~ FOR AND ACCEPT FR0l1 THE GSA & DEPT. OF INTERIOR TilE PROPERTY KNOWN AS U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, MIAMI BEACH RESERVATION, DADE COUNTY, MINH BEACH, FLORIDA, GSA CONTROL NUMBER D-FL1\-7 39, 15.5 ACRES, ADJACENT TO GOVERNr.~ENT CUT. Whcre41S, certain l'U 1 rroperty owned by the lInt tccJ States, loea ted in the County of Dade , State nf Fl.orida . has been dcelorE:d 6urplus and at the discretl..,n oC lhi.:' l:encral Services A.J,:llniof.:ration, mU}' he 8~slsned to the S~cretary flf the Interior for dt~ro8Dl for public r~rk or.recreation purposes. unrlcr the provls1on~ ' CI~' Section 203(k)C2; of the Fedel'al Property anc' ^c1l1\lnistrative Servlcu~ A~t' of 1949 '(63 Stat. 3R7). as amended, and rules and l'ceulatlons pl'C"lmul- t:t tcd pursuant then.t.., nlore particularly 118 d~scrJ bcd, In paragraph 1, Part "8" of this 8ppHcnti.on. Whereas, City of Miami Beach, Florida' (Lc~~l Nama of Applicant) nc)cds and willutllizp. said pl'operty 1n p~r,C?t"Jt.y for 0 public pad. ,lr r~crcotlon arca 06 set forth in its ap~licQtlon 6r"1 in accordance ~ith the requ1.rement6 of Bold ^ct and the rules 0011 re~ulntions promultated tht!'C'cullder; - .-, Cit? of Miami Beach~ Florida (Legal Naolc of Applicont) shall make appl lcntlon to the Secretary of the lntcrlor for and securc t;l.~ transfer to it of the abovo-m(:ntloned property (or said use upon and subject to such exceptions, rcservationa, ttH-..:;, covenants. agreements, cOf)cJitions. and restl-ictions as the Secretary of the Interior, or his ll'ltho~hed rcpresent,J,tlve. may require 1n connection ,.,ith the disposal o ~ G",ld property under Act nnd the rules nnd ref,1I1.1tions issued pursuant tl,crcLo~ and Dc It FHrthcr HCliolvcd that rJ...tY-SJf; Hiil.mi Dei:J.ch. Florid~, (l'(:c:~ill Name of ^ppl icant) hilS leg.)l €luthority, is ",illin~ and is in 8 flo:dtion to aso\lnle immediate c.:'C and maintenance o( the property. aod that _.!t1r. Gilvin W:. O'Brien (Name of Official(v) lloIJ. Therefore. u~ It Resolved. that __. Ci ty Han_ager Authorhcd) (Title or~.Of(fci.al(s))' 'be onJ he 10 hereby authori2:cd, for nnd on behalf of ,the , Beach, F lor i(ia ,..-...- ~ j,\,llne of ^~)plic:ant) .00(\ thlnc~ which may be ncceo3ary to C'.nrry out the forenoing resolution, includinG the preparinG. /Tlu1dnr.. and fl11ne of plans. application:;, reports', llnd other documentG. thc execution. o<:ceptnnco, delivery. and recordatIon of ll(;rCCmcntG. deed5. and other 1n:Jtrllm~ntG pcrtail\tnf; to tho traorofcr of {i.:;id property. !nclu(Hn[; the UUof; of copies of tho'application nnd the cr,nvcyancf; docwrr.mto 10 tho x'eco1:do of the Govcrninc hody, nnd the pAyment oC an, nnd ni,l Dum:> ncc;csc;ari' on nccount of lho purchaoc price thcr~of or I . \ to do anti City of r-1iami (Legal . . pc~form ony and all acts :: . . . , ~9 - -..---..--.;.'-' ....~. -- .-. ""'~' ,'," ., -,' ...;;....';...~t~. ...'":r .~1'~~ '. fCCR or costs incurred In conn~ction ~ith tile transfer of said property for survey, till(' 1l(,i1rc:h'~5, r~c.ord.ltinn of int;t rUl:'.c-nts , or other costs idcntifh.d I.'ith the F~dcl"al Rurplu9 propl'rty llequisitioll. I',\SSED and AnOrn:O this 6th d.l)' of D('l:cr:lber, 197b. i/ t \. Mayor I, " I ; ,i,~ I, ' t ATTEST: A.1~j- /J{a;:;;lw.~ City Clerk CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA City Manager's Office City Hall 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 STATE OF FLORIDA: COUNTY OF DADE: I, Elaine Matthews, hereby certify that I a~ the City Clerk of the City of Miami Be~ch, Floridn, and that the foregoing resolution is a true and correct copy of the resolutlon adopted by the vote of a majority of the members of said City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, prescnt at a meeting of said body on the 6th day of Decemher, 1978, at which a quorum was present. Wln;r~s~,; HY Hl,:'iD and the offidal seal of said City this 6th day of December, 1978. //. "~ ___.Zl:.r~:.~r....~.;-a.{d~:._..>...).---- eH,y Clerk 50 -2-