US Dept of Interior Corresp. 0;lJ-3[ 2401 (D-FLA-739) United States Department of the Interior HERITAGE eONSERVATION AND REeREATION SERVIeE SOUTHEAST REGIONAL OFFleE 148 International Boulevard Atlanta, Georgia 30303 IN REPLY REFER TO: January 10, 1979 Dr. Leonard Haber Mayor City of Miami Beach City Ha 11 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 RE: (P) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Miami Beach Reservation Miami Beach, FL (D-FLA-739) Dear Dr. Haber: Enclosed are an original and two copies of a quitclaim deed for the above referenced Federal surplus real property for conveyance to the city of Miami Beach, Florida, for public park and recreational purposes. Please execute the deed, have it recorded and return the two copies to this office as soon as possible with evidence that the deed has been recorded. The original should be retained for your files. The Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service is endeavoring to meet the needs of the handicapped. Therefore, in order to comply with the Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 (Public Law 90-480), we request that you note that this is one of the conditions in the deed of conveyance. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Robert . Baker Regional Director Enclosures ~ 05 1IUaHd ~ead an - 36 FLORIDA 33139 'TAC.4 TlOSLAND U. S. A. .. CITY HALL ELAINE MATTHEWS 1700 Convention Center Drive CITY CLERK TELEPHONE: 673-7411 January 29, 1979 Mr. Robert M. Baker Regional Director U.S. Department of the Interior Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service 148 International Boulevard Atlanta, Georgia In re: 2401 (D-FLA-739) U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Miami Beach Reservation Miami Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Baker: The quitclaim deed has been recorded by me in the Office of the Circuit Court, Dade County, Florida, in the OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 10271, pages 1068 - 1075, inc. on January 16, 1969 at 10:29 A.M., their file 79 R 15150. I am enclosing a photocopy of the recorded deed for your records. Yours very truly, F ttt~-<" }tt/L'ZZ;(/t { Elaine Matthews City Clerk I -.L-/ cc. City Attorney Public Utilities Director - F. Aymonin Public Properties Director - R. Rumbaugh Recreation Director - J. Phillips Ci ty ~!anager (Messrs. Bell, Young and 0' Brien) Redevelopment Agency (Nessrs. Steve Siskind and Joe Dei Santi) Economic Development - H. Toal Q iJ ,r 38 ~ oI11ttami ~e~ FLORIDA 33139 "V ACA TIONLAND U. S. A, .. CITY HALL ::-.!iV C.LER H. U lUNE t.~ATTHEWS TELFf'HONE: 673'7411 1130 WA~HINGTON AVENUE February 2, 1979 Mr. Robert M. Baker Regional Director U. S. Department of the Interior Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service 148 International Boulevard Atlanta, Georgia ATTENTION: Mr. William Huie In Re: 2401 (D-FLA-739) U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Miami Beach Reservation, Miami Beach, Florida Dear Sir: In accordance with your telephone request today, attached is an addi- tional copy of the quitclaim deed for the above described property, as required by you. Very truly yours, C '" ), . " ,I .<.. .> .(.. ..~.. I l tl....-.-<.. / i I l,~l ." t'-' Elaine Matthews City Clerk fh '- T;~.1ri GJ71 '9' r1 / '1 '1 5' . CITY OF MIAMI. BEACH CVG- 3 ~ r .' TO: Joseph Wanick, City Attorney DATE: January 17, 1979 FROM: Gavin W. O'Brien, r~ WD City Manager ~ SUBJECT: SURPLUS PROPERTY DEEDED TO THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH FROM THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT I Now that the deed for the subject property has been executed and is in the process of being recorded, it occurred to me that the city should make every attempt to protect itself from an adverse action by the Dade County Property Appraiser. On January 1, 1979, the property was still under Federal ownership and therefore exempt from the 1979 Tax Roll. The 1980 Tax Roll will present the first opportunity for Al Blake to put this property on the tax roll. While portions of the property are presently leased for various public purposes, it is possible that on January 1, 1980, other portions will not continue in current uses and will not be developed for parks and recreation purposes. Based upon the sort of logic, or absence of logic, which is used by the County in interpreting Florida statutes pertinent to this subject, there is some risk that the property will be placed on the 1980 Tax Roll. I am therefore requesting that any fonns or official requests for tax exempt status which need to be filed be prepared by your office and submitted to the Dade County Property Appraiser. GWO:JEB:lb cc: Dr.-Leonard Haber, Mayor and Members of the City Commission ~ Elaine Matthews OCM #413-78/79