85-18082 Reso ~ 1985 MAY 24 PH 4: 24 .. ~'-,RESOLUTI~N NO. 8SRIS6768 2~~ 1 2 5 2 0 PG 467 . 85-18082 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA TO EXECUTE THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT ON A CERTAIN CORRECTIVE QUITCLAIM DEED IN WHICH THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR IS GRANTING 16.87 ACRES OF SURPLUS GOVERNMENT PROPERTY TO THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach wishes to develop a certain parcel of land at the Southern end of Miami Beach, hereinafter referred to as "South pointe Park: and WHEREAS, the United States of America Department of Interior wishes to deed that same parcel of land to the Ci ty of Miami Beach: and WHEREAS, as part of the schematic plan for park development a restaurant will be placed at South pointe Park for use by park patrons: and WHEREAS, the Ci ty of Miami Beach has the approval of the Department of the Interior to place same in the South pointe Park and the Department of the Interior has prepared an Amended Quitclaim Deed allowing same: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA that the Amended Qui tclaim Deed is hereby accepted and that the City Manager is expressly authorized to acknowledge same and accept on the City's behalf. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of May, 1985. ~Q~ ' MAYOR ATTEST: 4A2t~ ~ I3k CITY CLERK LDH/dme fORM ApPROVED LEGAL DEPliJ BY.-:11l. ~ I.J~ s: ~()-rS- Date " ~- " ~ ,V L1 r.~ .... STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF .DADE: , l."o :... -1 . I, 'E~fNE,'M~~I(.ER. City Clerk of the \Ci'ty.ofMlami:&'aCh,. Florida, do hereby certify '--~-jli~h~..a~vean~..l6r'egoing is a true and cor- .. . ;rect,.C{)py~ef'tnEtor~inal thereof on file in this ~office. \ ~R 1\ q ~' .~ _ t. \rrfJlSs. ~y' hartd, ~rid the seal of said City $bis.!!~ . ~~,/ I A.D. 19P.)~ , .,~ -:~nu"<ELAINE M. BAKER . 00 Clerk of the City of Miami Beach, Aorida /f~ut$. JtL<-.'/J;A,/ '" By: Deputy lIllo_llto '" 01 OAor COlI OtffefAr ~fl:oI!OI ~feoRD Vr~ ~TY. FtORI01.. a.Jo::. ",nrJ IlIClJARD p CLERK " BR.JNKE'. C1Rr:UIT C ~ ~ . OURT . -.. ,/