Report of Excess Real Property STANDARD F0RM 118 1. HOLDI 3ENCY NO. DATE RECEIVED (GSA use only) DL:CEMBER 1953 tttPORT OF EXCESS JAX- I 15-C PRESCRiBED BY GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION REAL PROPERTY 2. DATE OF REPORT GSA CONTROL NO. (GSA use REGULATION 2-IV-201.00 12 Jun 80 only) 118-102 3. TO (Furnish address of GSA re/lional offices) 4. FROM (Name and address 01 holdin/l a/leney) General Services Administration U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Property ~mnagement & Disposal Service Jacksonville District 1776 Peachtree St., NVJ, Atlanta, GA 30309 Jacksonville, Florida 5. NAME ANf ADDRESS OF REPRESENTATIVE TO BE CONTACTED 6. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CUSTODIAN Dona d L. Burchett, Chief, RE Div. S. Butrimas, Area Engineer U.S. Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Army C of E, Miami Beach Reservation Jacksonville District Miami Beach, FL 7. PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION 8, PROPERTY ADDRESS (Give lu/1location) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Government Reservation ~1i ami Beach Reservation South End of Collins Avenue 9. SPACE DATA 10. LAND USE NUMBER OF FLOOR AREA NUMBER OF FLOOR LOAD CLEAR (From ACRE OR BUILR(NGS (Sqiztt.) FLO~RS CAP~~ITY HEA9~OOM SF IJ8b) SQUARE FEET A. OFFICE Z 7,103 A. FEE 16.87 B. STORAGE Z 497 B. LEASED - C. OTHER (See 9 F) 10 5,323 C. OTHER - D. TOTAL (From SF IJ8a) 14 12,923 tfI D. TOTAL 16.87 E. GOV'T INTEREST: F. SPECIFY "OTHER" USE ENTERED IN C ABOVE (I) OWNER 14 12,923 (2) TENANT 0 II. COST TO GOVERNMENT 12. LEASEHOLD(S) DATA (Use separate sheet il necessary) ITEM SCHEDULE COST A. TOTAL ANNUAL RENTAL S A. BUILDINGS. STRUCTURES. UTILITIES. B. ANNUAL RENT PER SQ. FT. OR ACRE S AND MISCELLANEOUS FACILITIES A (Col d) S 1 05. 177 C. DATE LEASE EXPIRES B. LAND B (Col. I) 2.379 D. NOTICE REQUIRED FOR RENEWAL C. RELATED PERSONAL PROPERTY C (Col. h) - E. TERMINAL DATE OF RENEWAL RIGHTS D. TOTAL (Sum 01 IJA. IJB, and IJC) S 107.556 F. ANNUAL RENEWAL RENT PER SQ. FT. OR ACRE S E. ANNUAL PROTECTION AND MAINTENANCE COST (Government-owned or G. TERMINATION RIGHTS (in days) leased) LESSOR GOVERNMENT 13. DISPOSITION OF PROCEEDS 14. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Pennanent 15. HOLDING AGENCY USE 16. RANGE OF POSSIBLE USES Area Engineer Office for Varied U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 17. NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF INTERESTED FEDERAL AGENCIES AND OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES CORRECTION 18. REMARKS The purpose of this report is to furnish a revised legal description for Parcell. 19. REPORT AUTHORIZED BY NAME OONALD L. BURCHm SIGNATURE TITLE Chief, Real Estate Division U. I. GOVERNMEPn PRIHTlHe O"ICE 16---698.0-2 REPORT OF EXCESS JAX- 115 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Miami Beach Reservation Parcel One A tract or parcel of land and accreted land located in Section 10, Township 54 South, Range 42 East, Dade County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: For a Point of Beginning commence at a 10-inch-square concrete monument located on the northerly boundary of the U.S. Corps of Engineers Reservation, being on a bearing of S. 650131 E., and a distance of 16.62 feet from the westernmost corner of Lot 6, Block 4 of South Beach Subdivision as shown in Plat Book 6, Page 77, of the public records of Dade County, said monument designated "C" having coordinates of X-784,440.39, and Y-521,912.47. Said monument also lies approximately South 24027126" West, 'a distance of 592.30 feet South of and North 65036116" East, a distance of 554.97 feet West of the northeast corner of the northwest 1/4 of Section 10, Township 54 South, Range 42 East. From said Point of Beginning, thence run along the northerly boundary of said land South 65036116" East, passing through a monument 'designated "A," at a distance of 713.87 feet, a total distance of 1,476.52 feet more or less, to its intersection with the erosion control line established for the Miami Beach renourishment project~as shown on Dade County Plat File Number 24-5342-12, Sheet 1 of 14, dated 25 July 1977; run thence South 2304111211 East,. along said' erosion control line and its exten- sion, a distance of 630.14'feet, more or less to the Mean High Water line of the northerly shoreline of the "Government Cut" for the Entrance Channel of Miami Harbor; run thence Northwesterly along said Mean High Water line, on an approximate bearing of North 65035119" West, a distance of 1,945.66 -feet more or less to a point on the Mean High Water line which lies South 24025150" West, a distance of 50 feet more or less, from U.S. Corps of Engineers monument "Wigginsll; thence run North 24025'50" East, a distance of 50 feet more or less to monument IIWiaa;ns"; thence continue North 24025'5011 East, 370.43 feet to monument~iiC,1I and the Point of Beginning. The above-described tract or parcel of land contains 16.52 acres more or less. The bearings and distances stated herein are based on the Mercator Grid System of the East Zone of Florida. Reserving to the Government a perpetual easement over the southerly 50 feet of said tract for maintenance of the riprap and jetty which lie on the northern shore of the Miami Entrance Channel. EXHiBIT "A" -'~'..c__.___.' ,-~_..---. --~-_._...----- - -_.- ~ _'~_" _...._. '_-:"._ ~..-. - ---:-- "..- -- .._--... "~., ._.'- _'-.. __