Commission Memo 7705FLORIDA 33139 "VACATIONLAND U. S. A."---- OFFICE OF TI~E CITY MANAGER GAVIN W. O'BRIEN CITY MANAGER COMM,SS,O. MEMO,A.OU "O. DATE TO: FROM: Dr. Leonard Haber, Mayor a~/ GavinW. OBrien /~ ~-0 City Manager ~ SUBJECT: TAX EXEMPTION FOR CORPS OF ENGINEERS PROPERTY~ CiTY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE TELEPHONE: 673-7010 September 5, 1979 Attached is a resolution which represents a formal request to Metropolitan Dada County for tax exempt status for the subject property pursuant to Florida Statutes Section 196.199. The City' has officially t~ken title to the property and presently has a Federal grant pending for development of the property by the Redevelopment Agency as a public park. As you may know, the Florida Cabinet has already recommended approval of our $1.5 Million request. Further approvals in Atlanta and Washington are still ~required, however, State recommendations for grant awards in this par- ticular grant program are usually adhered to. Based upon the difficulties we h~ve had relating to other City property held for municipal public purposes but placed on the tax roll nonetheless by the County, it is our opinion and that of the City Attorney that an official resolution may be helpful in the case of this parks property. ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATION I't is recommended that the attached resolution formally requesting exemption from ad valorem taxes for the recently acquired Corps of Engineers Property be adopted° GWO:JEB:lb Attachment AGENDA ~..., ~--~,... C~ ITEM