Dept of the Army Permit --1", DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY DACYl11-4-68-2 __: PERMIl: ~OOTHI;:R .FEDERAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT OR AGENCY TO USE PROPERTY ON CORPS OF ENg~~~~~.,. .~:~~ .~~Aq~. ~E.~~YA~~~~~;,. .~~_~ )3~.A;~~,. Jt'.L.O.RIDA . UUITBD STATES COAST GUARD (7TH COAST GUARD DISTRICT) 1ITAMI, FLORIDA "";1$ heTeby grant,cd~, 'p'e~~ti,t-fo;:~ tei'm of f~ ,~o (5Y' 'ye';'rs- ., ..' ".: " beginning '. '. 1 October .,~ ;,-,-", " , 1[/>7- -", and ending 30 Ser>tember - -1'9 :.72- ,. , . ' , but revocable at will by the Secreta1'y of the A1"1I~y, to, construct, operate,' maintain and restore a radio direction finder calibration station on Corps of Engineers Roservation, Miami Beach, Florida" .. ,', ..... .' -.... ,.....- ,-' -, ~ ::' :'as' s}wwn substantially in red on Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof, rrzrJ'b-h'T'f:rvtiJJ:IJrl :i .D!l&::Jtd~;ftDC oont~il1ing '..01 acre;' more or ~ess, \ ~ogether w:!- th: rieht of ingress J:, . and egress thereto over'ex:i.st:l.ng pa.ved roa.d' and through the easterl;r- gate ::'..;':;' of"the Reservat~ol1, as shovm in green on attached map, and the further '....:; "'right to install electrical ijower and telephone poles and rela.ted, . ,facili"t:i.esupon 10,: foot righ~-o~-""lay, ~ a.s.. shovnl in. yellor;' on attached.. map ~ J . .' ,'. 'I . . ,'~ t .-. ~ " . . . ',-.:::.:1::' ,',.,....:. ','." I:'.. :, "~ . _',.-:. :r.::"_ ( . ('" . ,', .,., '. .:.~ . #;.....: ,,~ :. . . J" . . .." :;", :," "~.}..' ~ , ,. - .-. -", -~ - ; . - ,.. ",' -". . , ' '..' . \- T. -' " ...." . ",'. ..'-." . " .:'J .._ .,' , '~:. : ,. .....:., '. . , "':. -; :_, '~ 1) '. ." '.~ .. ... '. ' ~ ...,' :'" ,"--' .~. . . . ,; . ' THIS PERMIT is gTg.,nted su,p.7'ect to the fojlowing con.ditions: \i . :.,1',' . '. " ...: .. , 1. That the use and occupation of the said l)1'emises shall be 1HJUwut cost 01' expense to the Depa.rtm.ent of the Army, under the gencral supervi:,don and, snb;iect to the approval of the office'/' having immediate jurisdiction ove)' the preniises, and subject also to such 1'ules and. ?'egulations as he mall [rom timc to time lJresc1'ibe. , 2. That the pennit,tee shall, at its own e:r]Jense and without cost or expense to the Dep(Lrhnent of the Army, maintain and keep in good ?'c1JQ,1:r rwd condition the preniises herein authorized. to be used. .1. That. any interference with a)' dama.ge to property under control of the Department of the tlnny incident to the eUI"(;ise o!lhcpl'ivilcges herein granted shall be prOin1)tly c01Tectecl by the penn~tteG to the satisfaction of the said officer. ' 4. That. the pC/'mittee sha./l ])al; the '~ost, as determined by the said officG):, of 1Jr"oducinrj aml/or supplying any utilities amI. other services furnished by the Department of the Army or tJW01lgh Department of the Army facilities for theusc oj Uw 1Jennittee. [HG rOR~1 I hi" R 57 1362 PHEVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OASOLEH (ER 405-1-875) (y' ! ~J /~', ' 5, Tlud no additions to 01' altc'rations of the premises shall be made without the prior consent of the ,said officer. 6, That 1'f for any reason it should be deemed necessary or expedient for the Department of the Army to pe1form functions and/or render services which are the responsibility of the permittee, the sai,d officer may, in lieu of rcimlmrsement, require the 1Jennittee to furnish t.he per'sonnel and/or materials l'erruircd for the 1Jcrfonllance of said functions and/or for the 1'endc1'in.[J of said. services, In addition to fur'nishiny personnel and/or rna,terials, t.he permittee shaUrcimbw'se tlie Department of the A1'1ny for any costs incurred by the Dcwu't,ment of the A1"11111 in connection with sai,d func- tions and/O?' services, '}S:J,[Y.~.:f:I.Ii.-a;,,~wrx:~..JfJJiJp.,[]l1Y}Jitx:tl1;m:rhm.-roz.' Selection of s1~ch 1Jersonnelwill be subject to the approval of the said officer. 7. Tha,t on 01' before the date of expiration of this pennit or its 1'elinqldshment by the per- mittee, the permittee shall1.Jac(lte the said premises, remove Us property therefrom, and restore the prcmises to a condWon satisfactory to the said officer, ordinar]! wear' and teat' and damage beyond the contl'ol of the permittee e~;cepted. If, however, this 1Jermit is 1'evoked, the permittee shall 1!acate the premises, renwve its proper'ty therefrom, and 1'estore the premises. as aforesaid within such time as the Secretary of the Anny ?nay designate. " 8. That it is understood that the requiroments of this permi'l; pert.aining to maintenance, repair m1d restoration of tbe premises and reimbursement for utilities and other services, shall be effective only insofar as tbey'do not. conflict with any agreement, pertaining to such matters, made bet"'leen local repreoentati vas of the permittor and permittee in accordance with existing regulations. 90 That the Department of the Army has granted Lease No. DA-08-123-ENG-1768, dated 12 April 1955, to the City of Miami Beach; Florida., for the use of land on the easterly portion of the Reservation, including land shovm in red and yellow on Exhibit "A" of thic: Permit, for period of fifteen (15) years ending 30 April 1970, for public recreational purposes~ 10. rfhat the City of Mialni Beach, Florid?-, by exeouting this PormitT horeby con- sent 6 to. 'the: exerci se by the - Uni ted - St ato s Coast Guard, of the right s and privilege s granted by this Pern1it~ insofar as 'che above said leasehold iritorest 'of the City is concerned.. ,: ,- '. .' -- '.'. ' ", 110 Prior to the execution:-'of ih1.s perrrri:~,- Conditions Nos. 8, 9, 10 'arid 11 were added a.nd the words, , "such' as for supervision and/or equipment- furnishe,d" 'were , , deleted. . ' , IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have here1mto set my hand by authority of the Secretary of the /' 6 day of -5y'7?-;::'J.,,.-;-U7f'/- ,19 7 , .. , r'~~~~' .: ,-' '.~ .. G. Lo FRYER Chief, Real Es'tate Dilrision U. S" ]l..rmy Corp s of En'gineers Jacksonville; 'Florida District , This permit is heroby consentod to'by tbe City of Miami Eeach, Florida, insofar as tbe leasohold interest of t.he Ci t:r, as recitod in Concli tions Hos. 9 a.nd 10 is concerned, this 19th da.yof Ju~y, . 1967. , ,FOR (:L~! Camy OF, MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA \ f/.. ) " BY rl'- "'^' \' _ _UAu...' ~ __ .( SE.A.L) \j~~'\laYOr Army this // /?> '. ~. .. ~ ..- i.' ATTEST:, .. _ _ AZc-/ffkZ~-<,<,~~ Ci ty Cler},-F inance Director " '. \ I j '. ..' 1 . f. l. " ... ,..-) ,") C E R T I 'F 1_ C~ A~ I, Ruth B. Rouleau . certify that I am the city ClerJ.;::. and F In'd.Dce Dlrector of the municipality na..TJ1ed in the a.ttached Permit; that Jay Dermer , who signed said Permit on behalf of the said municipality( was then Mayor of said municip~lity; that said Permit was duly signed for and in behalf' of said municipality by e..uthol'ity of its governing body and is 1nthin the scope of its corporate pOWBro. 1?d-5 ~(CO=TE Ruth B _ Rouleau 1 . -.... :...-..---. --....."...... ...... '--"~-'--.- ,,---- .-.- .. /-~-".LCOR. ... //\ ./ \, \ ./ \ \, \ \ N.W. 1/4 SEC. i'.), T'NF. "- ' J " ~ ~." ~ RGE.4~:E. \ \ ,/ / .-\ '. \ \ , ',-0 \,' l' ,(>, ,0', \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 'I \ \, \. \ \ 1:> .---. - ') r"'-) :,1: \ \ \ ..... \1J\ . f"" ,'/\ . ,....; '"-' () -\ \ \~ \~~ \,~ \-<, 3 . ~ '." :.,} .;' \ .. \. ui. \ \ \ };~ ,\ ~\ '\ \ ,/'!f. .t'r~ '~A '., .,,7 . .-...,..: - ,- ~ t r. J L L''..' '-' , '. r ","1,.M 6 AD ;.;. ~ -' ~ ~ f';" .c., t ~ n', ~.: ,', ., , . ~ ,\ \'"1 S ;. r. -~ I : ~ .. r I... F h G . (:l' ~ :-. . (. ~l;" .\ ~ r 0 i.j ~~,.. ~ . .. ..... ..-- -....---.\. ---------- , , I ~~. r y j..",; Ij r~ ' . . )". - - ......;..um~~r : ",',. . "':. . '/i'--~\~""" .. l,~l FF~ijCE OF R~<3r':,'/;'\Tl0N :.\'-MON.;'\, ......,.n. t ' . - ...--... .. -----. J", ;1 -. ...r~ . ~ .~ . --- - -._-- ._-.. -. -.-.-.--- ..- 1 l ,i ~ I l i l I I ! I I 1 I 11 bl 1 I I I h ~ ~H' \ ,____L_ 'J! i ,:... r ',\ _ ~ USE] I ~~~;.\ ~I[ ST ^,-'~ , \ \ ..........-~"-lil<.:.. \, \\ \ \ .) \ -., ,.c:::... -\ lu r - ~ :l IT f P /'('1 i .,\ ~'l cl' '"1 j;-' \ \ <a' \ \ ~~~l.._------------_._.._- c-..... ). ': , . f -,""---l ~.~ ...r-' .'/ : ',. ----~~ --- -- - ", - /PERl,l': ~O,:);.CW 17-4-68-2 TO U. S. ..... COAsr l1U.\;';C-, Lt::l l.:.f.":(} :1>'<[(: C'J ~ "ii.'t tl (,..._.~t'.Qt.~.,,::.', 5";".\:~. L'~.;< : &)7 ~0'" \.~ 72 1,:(.1,'-.,.. \. '--. E t'. -.!' 1>;.-' 1'\': -: ,;, \ . t 'f~' . I'" (OJ ~...~, <l '~,-. ?,... :.;. ti ,,"A,...t: H€...\(l-t F:';,i{ .~ ,1'..$ 4 ?'.\. ~ 1 .:. :' ~ -f.. .'of' , ,. ""....-----..... I. !\ \ 'I 1-1 \ I ...... j \, \-/ ..~I I "-..-. /' Cy C) ..D' ~ \ \1~ -, \. ~t " . T. \,., EX H t-b I T ~A'I Q , , .