Quit Claim Deed OF F i'.'0551 243 The City of ~ B~, Florida, ~ its d~y au~riz~ ~yor, Dr. ~n~d H~ a co~b~o, ~x~s~n~ uaJ,~ ~ ~a~ o~ Florida . ~u~ne~ a~ ~ ~ach, Florida, ~ ~a~2. ~ EST~ ~S N.V., a Ne~l~ds ~tilles ~ration, ~ivid~ 12/13~ ~t~est; ~ ~SE ~LLq, ~ to ~ ~ivid~ 1/13~ ~est- u. Ao~, ~os~o~ke aJJ~%~ ~ c/o Jose V~ls, 2000 ~h D~e Hig~ay, ~; Florida second parly: (Wherever used herein the terms "first party" and "second party" shall include singular and plural, he;rs, le~eal m admits or requir~.) in ~a~ pa~ ~ ~e sa~ secon~ parl~, f~e ~eceip~ m~ereo[ is ~ere~ ac~n~m[e~ge~. ~oes [ease an~ qu~t-c~aim unto t~e sai~ seeon~ parl~ /oreuer. a~ l~e r~g~l, tilde, i~teresl, c~aim t~e sa~ ~ part~ ~ ~n an~ fo t~e ~o~om~ng ~esc~e~ ~ot, piece or parcel of ~an~. situate. in t~e Co~ty o] D~e Stale'o] Flori~ . to u,lt: T~t ~on of original ~ll~s lva~ ~a~ly ~jacat ~ ~e West ~~ of ~t 17, Bl~k.1, of ~~ Plat of Se~ ~ F~nt S~vision, Plat ~k 28, P. 28 o ~e ~lic ~r~ of Dade ~ty, Florida, ~re ~i~ly descr~ ~ foll~s: ~rd~ on ~ West ~ ~e ~rly l~e of ~11~ A~ ~ r~i~; ~~ on ~e E~t by ~e ~rly ~e of ~11~ Av~ ~ s~ on Plat ~k 28, Page 28; ~~ On ~e ~ by ~e ~sion W~rly of ~e I~~ly l~e of's~d ~t 17; ~er~ on ~e ~ ~ ~ ~ion W~ly of ~ ~~ly l~e of s~d ~t 17, all .~ s~ on ~e c~ss-~tc~ ~on of ~ at~ch~ s~ey - ske~ of s~d pro~y, w~ch s~ey sketch' is ~it "A" h~e~. The ~r res~es ~ itself ~ ~ ~tee s~ll ~e s~j~t ~ ~ e~t for ~st~g ~~o~' u~lities. ~ce~'wi~ ~ ~it~ ~t of ~e City ~g~, ~ r~rd~le fo~, ~e City's ~er~o~ wa~r ~ s~er f~ili~s ~e ~ ~ ~ ~e City, its s~s~rs o~ ~si~, ~e ~tee s~l ~t~, at i~ ~, a s~face .~evation of ~ ov~ 's~d facili~es, or wi~ ~ee .(3) feet ~f w~ch is at. le~t (3) f~t ~ve s~d faciliti~, or such ot~ p~ion for s~d f~ilities w~ch is a~ep~le ~ ~e City ~g~. The ~e s~l ~t all~ ~ ~ ~~c~ ov~ or wit~ ~ (3) f~t of s~d facilities ~y s~ct~e or ~v~t ~cept l~sca~ ~g or sid~ or ~iv~ays w~ch s~ll ~ at ~e ~s~g s~face el~va~on ~ess ~ ~~ s~l ob~ ~e ~itt~ ~t of ~e City ~g~ ~ r~~le fo~. ~ ~e ~t it ~es n~s~ ~ ~se s~d wa~ or s~ faciliti~, ~e ~t~ s~ll ~ ~e ~st of res~r~g ~e sid~a~s, ~iv~ays, or l~scap~g. ~ ~e ~t rel~a~on of s~d faciliti~ ~s n~s~ or des~le ~ r~n of ~y scion or pro~s~ action of ~e ~tee, ~e ~e s~l ~y ~e act~ cost of ~el~a~on of s~d facilities. ~ ~cept~g ~s de~, ~ ~~ b~ i~elf ~ co~ts ~ ~e ~~o~ ,~e~. ' s16~6~"~[ ~e ~a~'~.~i~ ratty, either in [aw or equity, lo the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said ,z..,,,v - ~ · :;'.;' , . · ~ ~ ' ' enls to ~e execute~ in ils name, an~ ils corporale seal lo ~e ~ereunlo ' :' ~,,~ . ~-',~,,' kN ~ ~y its proper o[[icers t~ereunto duly aulhori:ed, t~e day an~ year [irsl a~ove ........ .... Elaine Matthews, City Clerk ...... ........................ STAT£ OF OOU. N~ OF ltEKEBY CEKTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State and County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, · p, .... e-. Hichael Friedman' ~d El~e ~t~s ~th~hy 'dply 'veste~ in them by ~id co.oral,on and th~t the ~1 affixed thereto is the true corporate ~al of ~id corporation. ~TN~SS ~ :':~; ,l..< ;.~m..c.~/,.~,,m'd/gu ~ H. ~Dr~r. C~ef ~puty City At~ey 1700 ~nv~tion C~r Drive, ~ Beach, Florida 33139