Commission Memo 118-89 ~b(i~~ I '> ~ ~ ?1tiaHd ~ead FLORIDA 33139 "V AC A TlONLAND u. S. A." OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER ROB W. PARKINS CITY MANAGER CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE TELEPHONE: 673.7010 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. ~ 9 March 1, 1989 DATE: FROM: Mayor Alex Daoud and Members of the City Commission -- J / Rob W. Parkin~.., '.~~ / City Manager ':V' '/ " " TO: SUBJECT: ABANDONMENT OF REVOCABLE PERMIT AND ISSUANCE OF QUIT- CLAIM DEED FOR A PORTION OF A CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT WEST OF LOT 45 STAR ISLAND The State of Florida and the City of Miami Beach came to an agreement on the amount of property required to construct a new bridge to Star Island. The City had a Revocable Permit with the owners of Lot 45 on Star Island. Some of the property that was required by the State involved cancellation and termination of said Revocable Permit. The owner had a wrought iron fence and ficus hedge upon said land. In working with the owner and the State, the City worked an agreement where the owner would vacate a portion of the area needed by the State. The City would Quit-Claim a small portion not needed by State, or City, back to the owner. The City would retain a utility easement over said area. ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATION: The Administration recommends that the City Commission authorize the adoption of the attached Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the Quit-Claim Deed with the reservation of easement. RWP/RLR/mlw ( Of~~1\,~ISSION rt~EETlNG "' _. ' ~> ; rl', i~ R 1 1989 LG'jJ\Y ;OF .MJf\MI .BEACH 10 AGENDA ITEM C_ -4 -]) ~ - l - ~Cl DATE ~: ," ....~".- ;-';;A;;29"':"~iii -:--,...8'9;10.866;,....... II . '" Bff: '4[)S(JC 699 / ,-It, QUIT-CLAIX DEED AND RU~ATIO" or 2AsEMEtn' THIS QUIT-CLAIM DEED AND RasERVATION or EASEMENT, executed this 2nd day of H~tch, 1989, by the CITY OF HIAHI BEACH, 0 Florida ~uniclpal corporation, in Dade county, State ot Florida, (Grantor) to FLORIDA SERVICI,.G AND MANAGEMCNT CORP., a Florida corporation, whoGO post oftice addreD. i. 1110 brIckell Avenue, Hiami, Florida 33131, (Grantee): If I T N B SSE If HI That tho said first party, f~r an~ in consideration or ths sum of Ten and 00/100 ($10.00) Dollers 1n hand paid by the sald second party. the recoipt of ~hJch 18 hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, release and quit-claim unto the party ot the second p~rty forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and dnmand which the saId party of the first part has in and to the following described lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Da~e, state of Florida, to wit: A part of 8RIDGE ROAD as shown on the CORRECTED PLAT STAR ISLAUD aa t"ecorded in Plat Book 31 at Page 60, of the Public Records of Dade county, Florida J be! 119 lIlore particularly described a5 !oI1ow5: Commence at the intersection of the Northe~sterly extension of the ~asterly line of 8ridge Road and the Westerly extension of the S~~therly line of taat Driv. ol .aid CORRECTED PLAT STAR ISLAND; thence S~3.~9'55RW, along the Easterly Right-ot-way line ot aald BRIDGE ROAD, for 10.995 feet; thence run along the W..terly 1 ine of PARCEL 1, U described in that certain QUIT CLAIM OtED AND RESERV"TION 01' EASEMENT recor4ed 1n Official Records Book 11256 at Page 1866 of the Public Records ot Dade County, Florida, S26D48'26MW, for 24.95 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continue along the weaterly line of said l>>ARCtL 1, S26" U'26"W, for 101.63 feet: thence N6~ OS'31"W, for 7.13 feet; thence N21- Ol'4l2"E, for 7.19 feetr thence N29~28'19"E, for 92.51 feet, thence NB2.07'22"E, tor 4.01 leflt to the fUINT OF BEGINN1NG: containing 559.40 .quare feet or 0.0128 acrea, more or leas. (Described a. Porcel lO~ on the .urvey attach"td heJ'eto as [~hlblt " and by ~e[eJ'once thereto incorporated hereln.) Thh conveyance h lIIade .ubject to any and dl eKhtlng r19hte-ot-way. ea~.ment. and covenant_ and .9ree~ent. aftectin9 the above-described premises, whether or not the .a~e now appear 1 ['klcumc:n\.l'" t~~rn-:. ':tll,~~~.-.J , . .~ I _! (L~~. .c:! I ~ :.,", .. ~~'J "",., l)l ,':c.\, . ",.--' C' .. "t2' ,',' ,., ." 1_..-. ::~,:;~ '" ;~;;>>~!& ot record. r.. ..... '... . ~'-'- n If... :, . . . on. m. 14 (fi(JC 700 RESKRvtNC unta the Grantor herain, it. aucca.aor. or ...i9na, an undar9round euellent or ......nt. for any bnd all edsting ar future public utiliti.., auch a. water, ..wer and telBphone. It belng understood that 11" lhe exerci8. af ita right ta u.. aald easA..nta, Grantor ahall nat be liable for restoration of the land to the land8cap.~ .tat. it wae in prior to the exerci.. of auch right. There are .xcepte~ from thi. conveyance anJ re.erved to the Grantor, and iu ''''1g''., all 011, (Ju, and other .inerl'lt. 11", undor and upon the land. hereln conv.ye13, tQgether with the r iqhte to entar upon the land for the purpo.. ot minlng cH.d removing the .a~e. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with all and .ingular the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywleo appertelnin9, and all the 8atate, right, title, intereat, lien, equity and claim whatsoever of the Grantor, either 11" law or equity, to the only proper use, benetit and behoof of the Grontee. tN Wl'I'N'ESB WHEREOF, thll aaid Unt party hilS .19nocS and sealed the.. present. thed~y and year first above writ~.n. Signed, sealed and dellvered In presencQ otl I R'KRKBY CbTl PI ..4( 1"0.('" (t.( ;"{Ui'"",_ ' "wltneu 1: _ ~~ ~. . .. STAT! or rLOR1PA) h. COUNTY 0" bADl ) duly aulhorlzed In the State .ror...ld and .In the County atoresal~ to take acknowledgements, peraonally appeaTed Alex Daoud and Elaln. H. Baker, the Mayor and the City Clerk ot the city Comml..lon of the city of Mlaml BeAch, Dade county, FlorlcSa, 2 ......... .... ~ J...~_ ......~ . :,. . . t . I~: '14ffiQC 701 known to .. to be the per.on. de.cr1bed 1n and Who executed the for~olng QUl~ Cla1. ~ed, and they acknOW1.dged before .. that they executed the ...., on behalf of and .. euthorlzed .1qnatorle. of the city of Mlo.1 Beach, Dade County, Florida. WITNESS ..y ha,\d and Oft1c1al ..al 1n the County apc! State laat afor,..ld, thl. ~ day Of My co.-l..lon Explr..z M.f '7 U~ l'1f7 1..... , '. :\\~l,r~,', .' f."" 1 . ~~. I.,. t " ,Il .1 ,.4'O~..':,,,, 'l. . ;'t:- :.~":::.. "4'';~.~~'' 0, r ". . ~ . 0 , . " J' (;" . ,; i .: . .a ", \.. t .' , ~ IJ :"~\' ~fiJC t 1'1 i:..t'('I" ,",,-, (.,. .~J ~, r-., .) I MOTARY .U8LIC, 8 .,,(.' I rlorida at Larg. "..,';;.t-:': <' ~ ,., .... !'(Arch , PUp8n4 byl ~ C~(() IH..fRtl I>f G". Du1'l" oftice ot the City Attorney city of Ml..l Beach 1100 Convent1on center Drlve Ml..t Beach, Florida 3Jl)t (305) 673-'7"0 REFI16\FLASERV.DEO JUt/rh, ,~,..., --..-.,. Ii...,....' . .,... _...............~ :\ . , \ -'.. ...-/ .aMbi' ~-I ,.,t" , 1.1' 'j', :. "'IJ 1t1I~lIill '., (Iii itJOu, lIRD.. ,"U/'IA ..-011. .......... l~ ~ 51 ~'IJ P. it o. "'0 '" rP~ ~~ .. . ':\. .. (JJ ..1J I /II .;:1 l' f , . , ~l I .', '; \ I 6 ~ , , ~ ll" Ii , , ~ I\~ .' .... II. ' ,; ~ ' " .\ . JI I ' .. .~\ ',' t~ l$l II H . ,'" t JI / , I I( P / ~. II '_"Pllt 6 .'.4:4...",~ ...... .. \ - - U. -- '. --~ .. ~... '~':'--_.._- 1104..""",, - - -:=-._-----.. -- I \.,. I , J., If I ~I I, 'I l . Exhibit A r ::!,:R I'D p1 ifG i~ '; 11 5f ~! I:~ CO^~M'SSI MEETI~! -if "f ~ I I f ,~J t . " R ~ 2~ i~ J ~ o J~ Ie ... ... it r~ MAR 1 19 9 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 1. I h~! -- faU i it::~ i \, ~ ~ I J U~ 'Hie/-lint!. :'Ullll-I"~liIJ ~ I :::;~!:I I if i JI.: t I~;~:~I 1 . .! 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