Commission Memo 9272 10/15/81 . , ~. . ~ ~ 1Itiami '8ea<:A FLORIDA 33139 "V ACA TlONLAND U. S. A." OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER HAROLD T. TOAl CITY MANAGER CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE TELEPHONE: 673-7010 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. q112-- DAn:: Octobe~_.}-5, 1981 FROM: Mayor Murray Meyerson and ~J~m rs .o~ thtt. \c~ com.miSSion . . ?';hr;)'A~ ~U Jr.). raid T. Thai City Manager TO: SUBJECT: Request for Excess Right-of-Way and Issuance of a Revokable Permit for the City-owned Land West of Lot 45 on Star Island The owner of the above property has a residence under construction and has claimed ownership of the right-of-way at the west side of his property, which is the parkway area of the northeast approach of the bridge onto Star Island due to an error in locating the Star Island Bridge within the existing right-of-way. The existing bridge to Star Island was constructed over 40 years ago and was located to the west of the center line of the existing right-of-way on Star Island; resulting in excess right-of-way to the east. The City has always maintained that this area is part of the right-of-way, however, due to passing of time and occupancy of land in the vicinity by other property owners to the east, and upon advice of the City Attorney, it was concluded that the City would have far more to gain by negotiating a settlement with the adjoining owner rather than litigate the matter. The Administration, after review of the entire matter, taking into consideration future replacement of the existing bridge to Star Island, 'existing and future utilities on Star Island, has declared a portion of the right-of-way surplus which it can deed t~ the adjoining property owner, however, retaining an easement for some existing and possible future underground activities, also that the City could grant a re- vokable permit for a portion of the area that is not immediately needed but would be required for a future replacement bf the Star Island Bridge, the area utilized under the revokable permit would be vacated upon demand by the City and at no cost to the City. This area will be fenced and the owner will landscape it, making it an appropriate entrance to Star Island. The City Attorney has prepared the attached resolution deeding the excess right-of-way and granting a revokable permit for occupying a portion of the right-of-way as shown on the attached sketch. The area to be deeded includes the retaining of easement for underground util{ties. The revokable permit specifies that' only a fence and land- scap{ng will be permitted as shown on the sketch. The Administration recommends that in lieu of litigation the Commission authorize the deeding of a portion of the right-of-way, which is surplus, and granting a revokable permit as indicated above. HTT/FA:pk Attachments 13 AGENDA ITEM (- ,-(r DATE Ib-l)"''''-'t( i.. . . " PAUL & THOMSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1300 SOUTHEAST FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING MIAMI, FLORIDA 33131 October 6, "1981 I-Ll\i~D DELIVERY Mr. Harold Toal Ci"t.y Manager City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 TELEPHONE. (305) 371-2000 TELECOPI ER (305J 374-1005 INTERNATIONAL TELEX 44-1201 CABLE: DPSP (VIA ITT) Commission Meeting of october 15, 1981 Dear Harold: .I. In addition to the matter which I previously wrote you about would you place me on the agenda for the City Commission Meeting of October 15, 1981 for the following matter: Deeding of excess right-of-way and granting of revocable per- mit adjoining lot of Fernando Labrada on Star Island caused by original platting and survey- ing errors. Sincerely, ~A1- ~~ ::': ':-:>/1 .. _ _' _ m Ms. Lucia Allen Mr. Frank Amoynin AGENDA ITEM DATE c,- S-- .. V - l I c....{.;-...8' c~ co -<(. ~ --- .- ;"::>- ,--:> -- ( ) ~". ~ - , .. - C. r rc' en , ... ~ ...... ~" v, -, P' I .. ":: " j C' '1 .f'..>. C -.1 r- 14