QD-45 Revocable Permit .... \ cQb -'/ ~ ~. REVOCABLE PERMIT OFF II;J. S'fo pc-I8'7/ /fee THIS AGREEMENT, made on this 15th day of October 1981, by and between the CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, hereinafter called the "City" and FLORIDA SERVICING AND MANAGEMENT CORP., a corporation, hereinafter called the "Permittee." WITNESSETH That the City, for and in consideration of the restric- tions and covenants herein contained, hereby permits the exclusive use of a City right-of-way easement as described on Exhibit A at- tached hereto for the period of fifty (50) years commencing on Octo- ber 15th, 19~ IT IS FURTHER MUTUALLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED BY THE RE- SPECTIVE PARTIES HERETO: That the recitations, statements, covenants, warranties and agreements hereinabove captioned and set forth hereinabove and in the attached articles are true and binding upon the respective parties hereto. ARTICLE I USE OF DEMISED PREMISES BY PERMITTEE The Permittee shall use the demised premises for the con- struction of a fence, connecting wall and landscaping in the exact configuration as described on Exhibits A and B, attached hereto and incorporated herein, unless approved by the City Commission or other City Agency. ARTICLE II IMPROVEMENTS BY PERMITTEE The Permittee shall have sole responsibility for obtaining all regulatory approvals, permits or licenses required for the con- struction of such improvements upon the demised premises. All im- provements made by the Permittee shall be removed from the premises at the expiration or termination of this permit. Removal by the City of any improvements made by the Permittee shall be at the sole expense of the Permittee and governed by Article IX hereunder. -1- 37- I (j ('Ir rWf nr Tlif ("11 Y ^'I 'I ('IGNfV 17(Y) ("(',\,"fNTI('I'\! ("I N1rH PHI"f ~,'I^MI nf^("Ii, rl 0t:lfI^ ~'lJ9 ARTICLE I I I CONDITION OF PREMISES AND MAINTENANCE The Permittee, at its own expense, shall cause the demised premises to be in a state of good condition from the commencement of this permit. The Permittee shall maintain and keep the entire de- mised premises in a neat, clean condition, free of refuse and de- bris. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a live, healthy, and growing condition, properly watered and trimed. Determination of the condition of said premises shall be made by the City. ARTICLE IV INDEMNIFICATION AND HOLD HARMLESS The Permittee does hereby agree to indemnify and save the City harmless from any and all claims, liability, losses, damages and causes of actions which may arise out of this revocable permit, or the Permittee's activity on the demised premises. ARTICLE V NO LIABILITY FOR PERSONAL PROPERTY All personal property placed or moved on the demised pre- mises shall be at the risk of the Permittee or the owner thereof. The City shall not be liable to the Permittee or owner for any damage to said personal property. ARTICLE VI CITY'S RIGHT OF ENTRY The City or any of its agents, shall have the right to en- ter upon the demised premises during all reasonable working hours for the purpose of inspecting or to gain access to or repair any utili ties located wi thin any Ci ty easement. Such right of entry shall, likewise, exist for the purpose of removing structures, im- provementst alterations or landscaping which do not conform to this permit. Any removal of the above, or damage to the allowed improve- ment or landscaping made by the City and necessitated by the Permit- tee's use of said premises, shall be at the sole expense of the Per- mittee. Further the City shall not be responsible for the restora- tion of the premises; its fixtures, fencest walls or land- " -2- 0rrll'r "r y,,r ,'11\' .\1 Inr,NfY, 17M ("nNvrNTlnN r.rNTfr, f'r;I\'F, /,'1,\',11 r.rl\("H rl nnlf'^ 111)~ scaping, in the event such are damaged or removed by the city in or- der to inspect, repair or gain access to its utilities located in either Parcell of Attachment A or the land which is the subject of this revocable permit. Additionally, any expenses incurred by the City, but not paid by the Permittee, in removing such improvements or landscaping shall become a lien upon the Permitee's abutting pro- perty, which may be foreclosed within one year of its filing. ARTICLE VI I REVOCATION OF PERMIT It is understood and agreed between the parties hereto, that the City may, upon ten days' written notice to the Permittee, cancel or terminate this permit if the City in its sole discretion needs the property. ARTICLE VI I I NOTICES It is understood and agreed between the parties hereto that written notice addressed to Permittee and mailed or delivered to FLORIDA SERVICING AND MANAGEMENT CORP., located at 1110 Brickell Avenue, Miami, Florida 33131 shall constitute sufficient notice to the Permittee, and written notice addressed to the City Manager and mailed or delivered to the City of Miami Beacht 1700 Convention Cen- ter Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33119, shall constitute sufficient notice to the City to comply with the terms of this Permit. ARTICLE IX SURRENDER OF PREMISES At the expiration of this Permit or cancellation thereof, Permittee shall, without demandt quietly and peaceably deliver pos- session of the demised premises free of any walls, fences or other like fixtures. The Permittee shall be responsible for the expenses of putting the premises in said condition. If said premises are not in such condition, at the expiration or cancellation of this permit, Permittee hereby agrees to allow the City to restore the premises to such condition. The expenses incurred by the City in so doing shall A -3- ,,' ~,_.,' ,-,! nrl\lr "'^'.'! flr^CH, r\ ()lll{)^ :n13~ '- -become a lien upon the Permittee's abutting property and may be foreclosed within one year from the filing of such a lien. PERMITTEE FURTHER STATES THAT HE HAS CAREFULLY READ THE FOREGOING REVOCABLE PERMIT AND KNOWS THE CONTENTS THEREOF AND FULLY REALIZES ITS MEANING AND SIGNS THIS REVOCABLE PERMIT OF HIS OWN FREE WILL. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto executed this Revocable Permit for the purposes herein expressed the day and year first above written. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ATTEST ~\~ ( S6^ 0 1~L DeputY,City Clerk ~~JW. ~r J/ /J / /~ ' I./., " ,.. ---?x,--z. ~c:._lo.~ /"-L~ ""()-.L......J ,(..L~...-:1 Witness In the presence of: /I) SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me ULTO.!J~IC- , 1981. this -::tL / h - day of My Commission Expires: h~~~? /~ Notary Public, State of Flo~a at Large (SEAl-') .LTA:mp NOTARY PUaJC STATE IF ~ AT L>>a! MY ~ EXPIRES IWl No ... BOf<<)El) THRU GENERAL INS. lJNDERWRm:RS. By APPROVED LEGAL DEPT./) 4 ,_ _~ \f I'. ~----. ' ,'-, t. .,'--. --'".f ' /(.r I ;.:. . (f\ 0<3:3 'f--.^ -4- 0ffl('f (If THf ('ITY ^Tln~~rY 17(\:> ('(I','V,NTin", rC':T!'fll'''IVr, r.lI^'.~ll'r,\('H fl onl[,).\ 1,13<1