Recorded Revocable Permit \ acaping, in tbe event .ucb are d...ged or r.-Dved by the City in or- ..~ to lnepect, repair or gain acce.. to it. utiliti.. located in .ltber .arcel 1 of Attac~nt A or tbe land wbich i. the .ubject of tbi. r.9OO8b1. perait. Additionally, any e.pen.e. incurred by tbe Cit7, but DOt paid by tb. ..r.Ut.., in rellOVing .ucb illpr09...nU or laDlIacaping ....11 beeoM a U.n upon tbe Per.U.... abuUing pro- pert7, wbicb .r be foreclOHCl witbin one year of iU flUng. ~~ IIZ~;; 1813 U'l'ICLK VII UYOCA'I'I~ or Ps.lI'I' It i. und.ntoed and agreecJ bet..en tb. parti.. her.to, tbat tb. City .y, upon ten day.' writt.n notice to the ..r.itt.., caacel or ter.inate thi. perait if tbe City in it. .ole diacr.tion need. tbe property. U'l'ICLB VI I I IIO'l'ICU It i. und.r.toed and agreecJ bet..... the parti.. b.r.to tbat wriU." notice McIr...ed to ..raiU.. and .Ued or "U..red to rLOUM nanclm aim .....,....,. COD., loc.~ .t 1111 kioU11 ......, 111.-1, Plorid. 33131 .b.ll con.titut. ..fficieat .otioe to tbe ..raUt.., .... wriU." notic. .cNr..... to the Citr ......r ... .11.. or "U..r" to the City of IIl_i ..ecb, 1'700 c:oa...U_ c.- t.r Dri.., lIi..i ..acb, Plorld. 3311', .b.ll coaatitut. auffloie.t aotioe to tile Citr to coaply wltb the t.r.. of tbl. "r.lt. U'l'ICLB II IV""" or ...IIU .t tb. e.plration of thl. P.r.lt or cancellatlon tllereof, hr.itt.. ahall, wlthoUt ....nd, quietly and pe.ce.bly dellver poa- ....ion of the deai.ed pr..i.e. fr.. of any wall., f.nce. or other like fi.ture.. 'l'be ..r.ltt.. .ball be r..pon.lbl. for tbe e.pe..".2of ,.tti.. the pr..l... in ..ld condltlon. If ..ld pre.l... are not i. 88Gb oonditlon, at the ..pir.tion or cancellatlon of tbl. per.lt. hraltt.. Ilereby .,r... to .llow the Clty to r.-t"r. tb. pr..l... to ..... ...iUon. ,.... ....~... lnouned by tbe cny 11. 80 dol.. ..11 m'1256;';'874 beco.e a U.n upon tb. ..r.itt.... abuttinej property and ..y be forecloaed witbin one y.ar froa tb. filing of .ucb a li.n. .DIU'l"I'BB rull'l'Ua I"rA!'a 'l'IIA'I' D BAS CAUPULLY DAD 'I'IIB fOUQOl. UV'OCA8LB ''''1'1' AlII) DOllS 'I'IIB ~_.. ~ AlII) lOLLY DALIIBS 1'l'S .uII1. UD llGa ftll UVOCULB ''''1'1' or 81S c.- na WILL. I. WI~ ....-or, tb. ~rt1.. bav. b.r.unto ..ecated the purpoa.. b.r.in ..pr...ed the day and CI'l'Y or IIIAIII HACB 1~y~ Clerk -:1:"': tC- I. tbe pE."DOe of. ~.- ;t;t ;f)_.. ~ '10 AlII) luucalUD before - tbla ~ d.y of ~..ICL , 1111. MY eo.ai..ion ..pi~... L"A... -~ . -- .- - -.. - I ~ lUll;'" ~~, / ,'~ :;:".. ". I' .. -....... ~. ". '.. . ,,/...~".~ ..... i.. ::...... " . ... -..., .. ~'-. . , ~.:.:..... .. ....... .... ...... ""~ . ; "~, .... I I , '. &. '~. 4 ! " ~o:'\'" A~ ... I / -~....o- ... '. .:. ...oc.^-rll:.~ --.- --, coi ... L - ."h....l,l,.. '" (!)D -'i~ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE ) ) ss ) I, RICHARD P. BRINKER, Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit, and County Recorder in and for the County of Dade and State of Florida DO HEREBY CER- TIFY that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a l(~cP~ ~~A~ FILED in my office this 3 tt) day of A.D., 19f1 and recorded in Official Records Book at Page /R 7/ /i;:J ~~ //.:LcC IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal of said Court, this .1l day of ~ ~~../L ,A.D., 19 XL . RICHARD P. BRINKER Clerk Circuit Court & County Recorder By /JJ? 4~~XJA- Deputy Clerk CT. CT. Seal CIR{CT{REC 33 -