QD-48 226 Collins Avenue t;0 I~.! " _'\f ~ I ~~ ~, ~ 8 ~.t ~~ E='o ~1~ ~!;~QC3 - 25 ~ ~:x: ~~~ ~;z "'0. 9 :::. """.---1 8 a 5 (,,) (.,) :~gC2 1985 NOY 26 AM 9: 49 8 5 R 3 6 8 6 9 3 . t/S' 1 QUIT.CLAIM DEED RAMeo FORM 8 ~m. f?711YG I ~1h r~ This fluH-tlalm 'lJu'd, Executed this /8 day of N,a/E~(JU'... , A. D. 19 8J', by NATHAN SPIEGLE, a single man first party, to THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FIDRIDA, a municipal corporation, whose postoffice address is 1700 COnvention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 second party: (Wh~rever used herein the t~rm. "Iirst party" and "second party" shall include sinflular and plural. hein, legal representatives, and assigns of individuals, and the successors ;lnd assigns of co~:p(l1"alions, wherever the context so admits or requires.) 1tI:titntssdh, That the said first party, for and in consideration of the sum of $ 10.00 in hand paid by the said second party, the receipt whereof is hereby ac~nowleJged. does hereby remise, re- lease and quit-claim unto the said second party forever, all the right. title, interest, claim and demand which the said first party has in and to the following described lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Dade State of Florida ' to-wit: IDt 5, in Block 8, of cx.::E:AN BEACH, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 2 at Page 38 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. I I i 'I II [I II II il !I I StJBJ'EX:T to conditions, restrictions, reservations, easercents of record and taxes for the year 1985 and ensuing years. THIS TRANSFER IS A GIFT 'ID THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH. THIS GIFT IS BEING MADE VOJ:lJN'mR!LY AND AT GRAN'IOR' S aVN SUGGESTION. GRAN'IOR HAS Nor BEEN IN ANY WAY COERCED OR INFI1JENCED 'ID MAKE THIS GIFT. THIS IS A VACANT LOT. -0/" SURTAX Documentary stampa 1l~IIQatud' , ~CJ .;olle"ted $ :>"cte County RIchard p, Brinker Clerk. Circuit & Coun~ Cou Documentery Sta toO , .. ',~ly l' B(O;'::O"_ COUrts / /~ ~ .._.~~A-;; By , , " I, il Ii I, il I I I ~ To Haut and to Mold the same together with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and all the estate, right, title. interest, lien. equity and claim what- soever of the said first party, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said' second party forever, In lttfitntss 1aIhtrtof, The said first party has first above written, Signed. sealed and ckJivered in presenc;: of: ~~~ ...........~0\;d~~72.................................. signed and sealed these presents the day and year -4-' r ...~~'<:~t<<.~..~....._ NATHAN SPIEGLE ............... ... ........ ......... ..........................,.................. .... .... } SATE OF FLORIDA, OUNTY OF DADE I. I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, persol!,uly' appear,ed ,:..'.' (':\ '.p' " . ,..>'\...' J.'....l.:..~.. j ;'/1". "," .,.. () ,.....~ J) ~:-:' ackn04~ged.,-,:, ;;'~ :'-/ .; $>:) " ' /8~Cf.. d ~ ot E J = ~ cO ~ ..( ay 0: ::- .~~.??~.~".~~~.~."...~;~..".~.~(,~ i NOTARY PUBLIC, STA'IE OF ~fA1 ,\' , , ; ~ l , \ " l\ NATHAN SPIEGLE, a single man, to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing before me that he executed the same. instrument and WITNESS my hand and official seal in A/"a/E"~~ Err. A. D, 198"'5: the County and State last aforesaid this MY CCM-fiSSION EXPIRES: ;lJv6vsr 1'9/ /98B 'l7lis IlIstrument prepared by: Address Arnold M. Weiner, City Attorney, City of Miami Beach 1700 COnvention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 -- ,~ ~cj1( RESOLUTION NO. 85-18323 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH,FLORIDA REQUESTING TAX EXEMPTION ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 226 COLLINS AVENUE, MIAMI BEACH, ACQUIRED THROUGH DONATION BY MR. SPIEGLE FOR PUBLIC USE. WHEREAS, on December 18, 1985, the City of Miami Beach, Florida, acquired for public use the following described property: Lot 5 in Block 8 of OCEAN BEACH, to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 2 at Page 38 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA that the Ci ty of Miami Beach, Flor ida, herewi th formally requests exemption from taxes as of date of the acquisition of the property herein set forth, pursuant to Florida Statutes, S196.28. BE IT resolution be Commission, its Collector. FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this transmi tted to the Metropoli tan Dade County County Manager, its Tax Assessor and its Tax PASSED and ADOPTED this 18th_ day of December, 1985. ATTEST: ~A~ CITY CLERK FORM APPROVED: .1i1,~(]~ Legal Department ",/ DATED: PNB/lsc OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY .1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE. MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 -c. ....,'--~".:~.,-<-"....,.-~-~,~~----_._-"- - ~ // RESOL UTION NO. 85-18322 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE DONATION OF THE REAL PROPERTY AT 226 COLLINS AVENUE AND THE LUMP SUM OF $17,000 FROM MR. NAT SPIEGLE WHEREAS, Mr. Spieg1e contacted the City of Miami Beach with the intent of making a donation to the City; and WHEREAS, the form of the donation was real property located at 226 Collins Avenue, a cash contribution of $7,175 to pay for the demolition of the structure on the property, and a cash contribution in the amount of $9,825; and WHEREAS, the City Commission is desirous of accepting such donations from Mr. Spiegle. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the City Commission of the City of Miami Beach accepts the donation of the real property located at 226 Collins A venue and the cash donation of $17,000 from Mr. Nat Spiegle. ' PASSED and ADOPTED this , 8~h day of npC"pmhPT , 1985. ~l1 ,'" '~\ :<~''':'J\=-tD I fl.....'l,~~.........~I- ;CLJ Attest: ~~/h~ City Clerk RWP:CBT:jh ~~~~ead FLORIDA 33139 "V ACA T10NLAND U. S. A. " OFFice OF THE CITY MANAGER ROB W. PARKINS CITY MANAGER CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE TELEPHONE: 673.7010 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 73~ -'1.5 FROM: DATE: December 18, 1985 TO: Rob W. Parkin City Manager SUBJECT: PROPERTY AND CASH BY MR. NA T SPIEGLE In July of 1985 Mr. Nat Spiegle contacted the City of Miami Beach regarding his property at 226 Collins Avenue. Mr, Spiegle indicated tlMt he wanted to donate the property to the City of Miami Beach and that the structure located on the property was 40 to 50 years of age and needed to be demolished~ The building had been the site of several fires and had several code enforcement violations. In addition, the City was unable to secure the building from access by the public. After several discussions with Mr. Spiegle, and after Dade County had declared the building an unsafe structure, a contract for demolition was awarded to Wildcat Wrecking Corporation. The building was subsequently demolished in October, 1985. Mr. Spiegle then donated the property to the City, reimbursed the City for the cost of the demolition of $7,175, and has given the City an additional cash contribution of $9,825. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: The Administration recommends that the City Commission approve the attached resolution accepting the donation of the real property located at 226 Collins Avenue, the reimbursement of the cost of demolition in the amount of $7,175, and a cash contribution of $9,825 from Mr. Nat Spiegle. In addition, the attached resolution requesting a property tax exemption should be approved. R WP:CBT:jh Att~t 2 AGENDA ITEM R -7--$ DATE -12- , 8 -~s