QD-50 Indenture/Sats. of Mortg. ~ \ lJ) :> "M 0'1 $04("") ~.-l ("") $04("") lJ) ~ ell ..s::O"Cl C,) lJ) 'M ell U $04 r:x:i lJ) 0 ~P::)O.--i Z 0 rz.. H'M'M f:;;l S ~ ~ ~ellO..s:: 'M lJ) C,) . ~ :> ell ~ 0 lJ) 4-IO~ ~OU H 'M o >,0 S ~ ~ 0 ell .M...... 'M U~=:: .. o E-t :>< H P-< ~ r:x:i 1981 JUN 25 PH \: 23 87R241tl~70 Q;) f$:5; 0 . QUIT.CLAIM DEED RAMCO FORM 8 ~~t 1332 4 ~; 3206 This @uit-tlaim ))eed, Executed this 17 day of June Rafael Behar and Raquel Behar, individually and as trustees Enterprises, Inc., a dissolved Florida Corporation, first party, to Isaac Surujon and Matilde Surujon, his wife ,A.D,t987.by for Behar whose postoffice address is 1175 Stillwater Drive, Miami Beach, Florida second party: (Whrrevrr used hrrein the terms "first parly" and "second party" shall include sinl!ular and plural, heirs, legal representatives, and assigns of individuals, and the 5llccesson and assigns of co~;ponuions, wherever the context so admits or requires.) lltltitnessdh, Tlwt the said first party, for and in consideration of the sum of $ in hand paid by the said second party. the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise. re- lease and quit-claim unto the said second party forever, all the right. title, interest. claim and demand which the said first party has in and to the following described lot. piece or parcel of land. situate, lying and being in the County of DADE State of FLORIDA . to-wit: East 100,06 feet of Lot 7, in Block 100 of OCEAN BEACH ADDITION NO.3, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 81, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. I I I 'I II II ,I II :1 11 I ,~7J DocKmental1' Stampl Qollec~ REC~DE~ IN OfFICIAL RECORDS B~ of DAOE COONrt, FLORIDA. RECORD VERIFIED RICHARD P. 'BRINKER ClERK CIRCUIT COURT Jo Halle and to Mold the same together with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. and all the estate, right, title. interest, lien. equity and claim what- soever of tje said first party, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said second L~y forelJer, J i es first Sig //'" he said first party has signed and sealed these presents the day and year ,nc, 011 yJ::? ",.."..,...,...' ......,...,.......,j.~.........,. Ra ael ehar; indIvidually and as t~e i.... ..... ,......:.. ..,L..~....................... iRaq 1 Behar, individually and as trustee }' .. . STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF I office-r duly authorized in the- State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to Rafael Behar and Raquel Behar, individually and as to me known to be the person described in and who execu ted the for before me that they executed the same, WITNESS my hand and official seal June A. D, 19 87. IOTARY PUBLIC ST~TE OF FLORIDA IV COMMISSIO~ EXP, DEe 25,1987 BONDED tHRU GE.E~AL lIS. UNO. 'j71is /lIs/rnmen/ prepared by: Arnold M. Weiner City Attorney Add~H City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 // 2 'r)~~i Q) :> 'MO"I HC""'l Q..... C""'l HC""'l Q) -i-JcO ,C !::'U U Q)'M cOUH ~ Q) 0 [.i:I pq !::r-l Z O~ H'M'M [.i:I 13 -i-J ft :::: cO !::,C 'M Q) U .::;:: :> cO ~ P OJ 4-l 0 pq QOU H 'M 0:>-'013 Z-i-JOcO P:: 'M .......M <U.....?-: o H ~ ::::J E-t ~ WAII"NTY OIlD ITATUTOI' " I, ''',02 :his jfldent"r~t ~~t 13324 PG 3205 (Wherever u",d herein the lerms "lint party" and "second party" shall include sin_ular and plural, hei.., le..l repffte!,tatiVft, &-:-d aui.n. of individual.. and th~ succeuon and ..i.n. of corporation.. wherever the context so adm,ts or ffClulrrs,) <.:5d ,-c:. "AMeo ~O"M ~\t MnrlC' litis 24 clny 0/ June , A. D, 1987 BETWEEN Issac Surujon and Matilde Surujon, his wife <:5 ex,) ..... of lilC' COllnly 01 Dade ill the Stale of Florida CITY OF MIM1I BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation of the first part. and 2: z I',) en , parlies of lile Coullly of Dade in Ihe Stale of Florida P.O. Bin 190000, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 . whose post office address is -0 :;:: - .. parly of III<' second pari, N eN Uitntssttht That the said parI ies of the first parI.. for and in consideration of the sum of TEN and -------------------------------------------------00/100 ($10.00) Dol~". 10 them in hand paid by Ihe said parI y of the second part, the receipl whereof is hereby aclmowl- edged. have granted, bargained, and sold to the said party of the second part, its successobeirs and assigns forever. Ihe following described land, situate, and being in the County of Dade State of Florida . to-wit: CX) -... ::0 ~ ~ ..po- -I="" 0") CD East 100.06 feet of Lot 7, in Block 100 of OCEAN BEACH ADDITION NO.3, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 81, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida Subject to conditions, restrictions, limitations of record, taxes for the year 1987 and subsequent years and applicable zoning ordinances. t _~~~ .dd Documentary Stamps Collectw Dade Ccunty /; -~_ 171 Richald P. BrInker 1 f Clerk. Cir I & CouDty Cou $J/~U'4 SUPTA;{ -. Dade County Il Dl.;curr:eniilry Stamps Coliou.. ~ Richard p, Ddnller ti-d?5-17 ,jJ.- CI~rk' Ci~C(;fo.unty Courts By.. ....~"n)4f/7~.' . .. . ..21::- .. .~, eti?.. . OF ,,^ DOl, IN OfT'ICIAl " -Dl: COUNTY "f()qR/)~ fl'll) RECOfll) VEf/IFIED' FlORIDJI. ~ RICIiltfID P "''''IN1tE. '- -." r. f~n . .D,Ll. ~L~"K Clfl'~IJ'T ' ~F ", I CCUr;J And Ihe said parI ies of Ihe firsl part do hereby fully warrant Ihe title to said ~rid, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, In 1ttitness 1tfhtrtoft The said partieS of the first part have hands and seal s the day and year first above written. hereunto set their '~n.2). . ...........-...........--..........--............ --....-.---.-----....--...------.-..-.-...--..--.......-.---......------.......-..--------- ..... ,. ,..-......,.......,. Matlld Surujon ...,...... .,. -..",... ,---'.......... .,... ,..,.......,..",. ..,..",.......... ,...,... ,. ."....."..."".._.........."_..".,,..,..,....,..,,....',........,..".,.""".",.". .--...-.....---.--....--..--.._.____________......____--..--------...----------......-_____.1 ST A TE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE } I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, per.onally appeared Isaac Surujon and Matilde Surujon, his wife In and who executed the foregoing in'strument and to me known to be the persons described before me that they executed the same, WITNESS my hand and official seal June A, 0, 19 87 they acknowledged in the County and State last aforesaidt~,is ~V~"--'" d"v 01 " ,:.~ttl,;'1Ulr,III', lJ~ ~~t;~..-r."~!(\ _.-oJ" C: .",.. ~~ ... 1ARY. j>iJlit1C;...STKn;O'F...~;;--AF*~ ;.... g l' UJ: ,- CJ. !J.,. ;, "'-.-". 0 4 "tUl.: This Instrument prepared by: Arnold M. Weiner NJiARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA ~':,j \., ~ ,,' City Attorney ~\ COJlt~rssroN EXP. AU. 27,lS,O '., "',';: (,~ ' City of Miami Beach eOHDED THRU GE~ERAL l~$. ulm, ",,' 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Address ~I Q) :> '..1 H o H Q) .l-J ...c: p U Q), cOU p::: Q) rz:lpqp Z 0 H "..1 '..1 rz:lS.l-J ~ cO P "..1 Q) I .:::::: :> ?-: p \4-1 0 OOU H o ,:>, 0 ~ ~:2. 4lU...... .. o E-l Z g E-l rz:l p::: \937 JU)L.2 5 PH I: 23 a 7 R 2 tl 4 7 I ~~~ 1332 4 ~;' 3207 RAMCO I'ORM aalll .ATI.I'ACTION 01' MORTGAGI: 'satisfaction of mortgage Know BlllRtn Jy These :presents: Thal..Re. .Rafael Behar, and Raquel Behar individually and as trustee for Behar Enter~rlkes, Inc, a dissolved Florida Corporation, Ihe owner s and holder s of a cerlain morlgage deed executed hy Isaac Suruj on and Matilde Surujon, his wife to Behar Enterprises, Inc. bearing date the 9th day of October . A.D. 1973 , recorcled in Offidlll R~cortls Book 8481, page 1482. in Ihe office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Dade Counl,. Stale 0/ Florida, .ecuring a certain note in the principal.um of Two thousand, one hundred and ----------------------------------------------------------00/100 ($2,100.00) Dollar.. and cerlain promi.e. and ohligations .et forth in said mortgage deed, upon the properly .ituale in .aid SIale and Counly de.cribed as follow.. to-wit: East 100.06 feet of Lot 7, in Block 100 of OCEAN BEACH ADDITION NO.3, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 81, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. RECOf.OED IN 01 HI,; ,,\l. I<EI,;OHflS 600~ Of DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, RECORD VERIFIED RICHARD p, BRINKEB ClERK CIRCUIT COURT herehy acknowledge s / l payment and satisfaction 0/ said note and mortgage deed. and surrender s the the Clerk 0/ the said Circuit Court to cancel the same of record. 17 1"" jay ,0/, ' .,'" June,..", . A. D. 19 " I. 1 ,: J 'i' j ~_/ ! VI ~ r k..fi[/iit~iii&~~t;~~t. ~l." ......"L:..~_____.................,... V aq 1 Behar, individually & as trustee Presence 0/: STATE OF flORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE } I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid, to take acknowledgments, personally appeared RAFAEL BEHAR and RAQUEL BEHAR, individually and as trustees to me known to be the person s described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and they anwledged before me that they executed the sam.. ,/~ /~ ! WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State layaforesa'~ this 17th},)~<. ;:','~ay of A D 19 87 ' W " \.",.., -', , , VJI ! } /) / ;.;.";" ,.~,.~,~\ tlOTAPY flu!1lIe surE or HemS l -': -x f ...J : L' tlY CO~!'i1~3J::;'~ [::>. ~fC is,bB7 '" ",. ' . . "", ';:':4 ',...- tj'L1 "". 6CNDED Th;u GEICRAL INS. UND, = . . . ~ ..... ~ ~ to'" \... -:...~ ,&. ..~ t!J #,tJ -;~ </ "-''''r '~,.,. " ~,~ Pi .a.....' I.~.~". if;' ~ .'':'''1 June 17I1S IlIslrtlll/t'1Il prtPllmllry: Arnold M. Weiner City Attorney Address Ci ty of Hiami Beach 170u Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 // I] (]) :> 'MO"I HC""l r:::l..-l C""l HC""l (]) 4JcO ...c:~'"Cl () (])'M cOU H P:: (]) 0 ~p::j~rl Z o~ H'M'M r:4 13 4J ~ :3 cO ~...c: 'M (]) () .~:>cO ~ ~(]) 4-;Op::j r:::lOU H 'M 0>013 Z4JOcO P:: 'M r-- 'M <U..-l~ .. o E-i ~ P E-i ~ P:: 8 7R 2 4 ~~ 72 ~~~ 13324 p':;' 3208 ICl~1 IU!.~t; PM I: 23 .ATI...ACTION 0.. MO,,'rO"ACI. r ~. RAMCO "ORM au, Jatisfaction of mortgagt I\nDw JUI Bltn Jy 1htSt 'rtsmts: That..l'le.....E.thel Zebitz and Elsie Givner, as . (I. We) asslgnees ,he owner sand hoLJer s 01 a cer'ain mor'gage deed executed by Jack Toledo and Zelda Toledo, his wif e ~ Clara Chaiken, a widow bearing date ,he 31 day 01 October . A.D. 19 68. recorJecl in OfficiJJl Records Book 6164 ,page 93 . in the olfice of ,he Clerk of the Circuit Court 01 Dade Coun'", . Sta'e of Florida, securing a certain note in the principal sum 01 Twenty four thousand, Two hundred and fifty and --------------------------------------00/100 ($.24 250,00) Dollars, and certain promises and obligations set lorth in said mortgage deed, upon the property sdUGt~ in .ald State and Coun'y described as follow., to-wit: East 100.06 feet of Lot 7, in Block 100 OCEAN BEACH ADDITION NO.3, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 81, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. RECOH~Ff) IN o~fICI^L REGaRDS BOOII OF DADE COUNTY, flORIDA. REGORD VE\llnED RICHARD P, BRINKER :.1 nn\ CIRCUIT COURT hereby acknowledge s full payment and satisfaction 0/ said note and mortgage deed, and surrender.s the same as cancelled. and hereby direct s the Clerk 01 the said Circuit Court to cancel the same of record. day of . A, D. 19 87 . 1f~~....(~...............u..... ,~q..:~,-~~--..........._,......._..............,--. rffii~vner~nnu , ST ATE OF flORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE } I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an oHicer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid, to take acknowledgments, personally appeared Ethel Zebitz and Elsie Givner to me known to be the personS described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and they acknowledged before me that they executed the same. F ";."":,a; tjldal ...11. the Coo.ty a.d State la,l alo'...ld Ihl. J-V~,,~.U,!!fl,,?!,,",., J~I? /~~~J::1{:~~f. - z ! - · , . 'c' ~ ~ \ 0 9 ~ ;.- ~ ~,". -/ ~... < ~ 0' -.t...... ... T #" L.., r,., 1, Jo-,? ... "' .-' ,'.; .- ~.ao": 1/ ..~~.i". ,,,:','" ,t .........--:.:t .'.\:-'.. "~I / 'If;:,' / ~ IOTM;Y PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA /Ii C0~~rSS!ON OP, AIJG 27,1990 BO~[)tD THiiU Gt~ERAL INS, Uiili. 1'//IS /lISlrtI//It'1Il prtptlmllry: Arnold H. Heiner City Attorne:y Address t17'oty of Hiam+ Beach . U.Conventlon Center Drive Mlaml Beach, Florida 33139