86-18564 Reso .~ ----- RESOLUTION NO. 86-18564 A RESOLUTION OF tHE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AWARDING THE PROFESSIONAL APPRAISAL ASSIGNMENT TO LEONARD A. BISZ, M.A.I., AND EDW ARD M. W ARONKER, M.A.I., APPRAISERS FOR THE PROPERTIES NEEDED FOR THE EXPANSION AND REOPENING OF THE SOUTH BEACH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA; WHEREAS, the City Commission approved the expansion and reopening of the South Beach Elementary School; and WHEREAS, a proposal for professional appraisal services has been solicited and received from Leonard A. Bisz, M.A.I., and Edward M. Waronker, M.A.I. Appraisers, in anticipation of condemnation for the following parcels: 1. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, Block 100, Ocean Beach Addition No.3 (The half block west of Michigan Avenue to the alley between 3rd and 4th Streets). 2. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, Block 101, Ocean Beach Addition No.3 (Which is west of Michigan A venue to Alton Road between 3rd and 2nd Streets); and WHEREAS, the City Attorney has reviewed proposals for professional appraisal services from Leonard A. Bisz, M.A.I. and Edward M. Waronker, M.A.I., Appraisers; and WHEREAS, Appraiser Leonard A. Bisz and Edward M. Waronker's fees for professional services will be fourteen thousand dollars ($14,000), for a total of twenty-eight thousand dollars $28,000 each, and said services are to be completed on or about the second week of November, 1986; and WHEREAS, the funding for this project is to be taken from the South Beach Elementary School Land Acquisition Project. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that Leonard A. Bisz, M.A.I., and Edward M. Waronker, M.A.I., Appraisers, be awarded the professional appraisal assignment for the properties needed for the expansion and reopening of the South Beach Elementary School. PASSED and ADOPTED this 3rd Attest: ~L~~ City Clerk j ., Legal Department '-0 '-" r .. -',,-. ," r.... . "" " r~ roo, h;';, ... ~.. ~ ~.', \.: 'j ~~~:- L..: Dated Lr:(7:/; 'r-:--:F-" . - .". . - >;-! Ii IJ By -l>>J~,._~ lic!~: _ a-";J /--f-'-_ ea, ~ ~ Bead FLORIDA "VACATIONLAND V. S A." OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER ROB W, PARKINS CITY MANAGER 33139 CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE TELIPHONEI IJl.J010 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO, 5S7-ft DATE: September 3, 1986 TO: FROM: Rob W. Parki City Manager SUBJECT: BID AWARD F PROFESSIONAL APPRAISAL SERVICES TO DETERMINE THE FAIR MARKET VALUE OF PARCELS OF LAND WHICH WILL BE NEEDED FOR THE CITY'S CONTRIBUTION TO THE EXPANSION AND REOPENING OF THE SOUTH BEACH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BACKGROUND: The City Commission, at its meeting of February 5, 1986, authorized the City Manager and City Attorney to initiate procedures for the clearance of Bond Funds to purchase the property surrounding the Dade County School Board Property located at 335 Alton Road and to proceed with negotiations and methods necessary to accomplish the purchase. In order to initiate the acquisition process, the City Administration invited aU M.A.I. firms to submit a bid to perform the necessary appraisal services for the City for this specific project. The bid solicitation called for the submission of a proposal stating length of time necessary to perform the work and estimated appraisal fee. A separate appraisal for each lot is required. The following firms responded to the solicitation for proposal and are available for this assignment: M.A.I. APPRAISERS FEE QUOTED $14,000 14,000 18,000 20,000 23,200 24,700 25,500 32,700 34,250 Leonard A. Bisz Edward M. Waronker Eugene A. Shaw Hedg-Peth & Gallagher, Inc. Earle A. Giddens E. Roger Budny & Associates, Inc. Dixon and Friedman, Inc. J. Mark Quinlivan Delahanty and Associates, Inc. ADMINISTRA TION RECOMMENDA nON: TIME TO COMPLETE 10 days to 3 weeks estimated - 60 days not more than - 90 days estimated - 4 weeks estimated - 90 days within - 60 days approximately - 6 to 8 weeks estimated - 60 days estimated - 60 days It is recommended that the City Commission authorize the City Manager to award a contract for appraisal services for the properties involved in the expansion and reopening of the South Beach Elementary School to Leonard A. Bisz, M.A.I., and Edward M. Waronker, M.A.I., in the amount of $28,000. Funding to accomplish this work is appropriated in the South Beach Elementary School Land Acquisition Project. RWP:WHH:blb Attachment ~ ~~~ 7,r; lib, 24 AGENDA ITEM c-k q- 3- &/~ DATE .. ,-' .01...... F'OORTl4 ST1e66T I~ 't . It II Lu " , " ~ .. " J4 I "I ~ .., ~ I; :.1 ...J ,I ., "/ ,. I ,,' 11 I ;.j , . I '8 7 I , " " .,. I f3 0Ii l " .,,,,,,~.. . . !' IJ STJ't4Zk'I j ".Ii , ,. J I! ',I , , i . f ,'j ;1 : 'I : I . .' .,. ~ ," ,. " ~ '..;.i - . .. . " &,-} ....'...' .' '.' ," .. , :' ''''.. '. .r' .:: ;..;,(,. :t. : )').' It , . ... rJ .. ;~, :~~ , . . ,. 'II' .' -'"r - . ,\. ," '" 25 . '. ..' \ '