QD-51 Washington Ave widening I 6'Q'1 CIl :> .... 1-4 CIlal 1-4 .... 1-4 ::l CIl t7'~ Cl) !:l ~ CIl "U 1-4 CIl !:l !:l 0 ........ CIl ~ .. :3 !:l CIl . :> ~ !:l o "tlU ..-l 00 !:l0 1-41' <....t o E-l Z ~ ~ E-l ~ ~ OUIT.ClAlM DIID RAMeo FORM B Q D 'tJ;. SO/, I . 4';) I ~tk I 3392PG 772 This Quit. Claim llttd, E~,t'culed "lis b -tA.. day o{ r r July , A. D. IQ 87 ,")' c:c cr: - JoAnn Sawitz > e:: C': r-..: Ui lirs' par')', '0 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation u"lose posloffice address is 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 ~ .c- o. ,:::- second parly: (Wh.rrvu ,,~d h.,cin Ih. term. "'inl part,," and .....cnnd part," .hall inrlud. .inoulal and plural, hein, Jella' fl'prrwnlativl'J, and ."i~nl of indi,'iduall, and .hr IUCcl'IoSOn and .IIi!ft. of co:-po.a.ions. _'h"f'\orr Ihr contral to admiu or lequire.,) WUntssdh, T'lal "Ie said (irsl parly, for and in consideralion of "Ie sum of S 10.00 in hand paid by "IC said second parly, Ihe rpceipt wherpof is hpreby ac~nour'edged, does 'Iert'b)' remille, re- lea.~c and quil.claim unlo ,he said second par'y forever, all the right, ti,le. interes', claim and demand u,'lich ,he said firs' por'y has in and 10 ,he following described '01. piece or parcel o{ 'and. siluale, l)'ing and being in ,he Coun'y of Dade SI(~de of Florida , to-wil: c::c -... ::v C-l.) ~ CD CO U1 ~ A portion of Lots 1 and 2, Block 51, OCEAN BEACH ADDITION NO.3, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 2, at Page 81, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Begin at the Northwest corner of Lot 2, thence run Southerly along the West line of Lot 2, for 26.27 feet; thence run Southeasterly a distance of 66.81 feet, more or less, to a point in the Easterly line of Lot 1; thence run Northeasterly along the the Easterly line of Lot 1 for 41.28 feet to the Northea t corner of Lot 1; thence run Westerly along the North line of Lots 1 and 2, 74.45 feet, more or less to the point of Beginning. Subject to restrictions, reservations, and easements of record and taxes for thel year 1987 and all subsequent years. I "'" '" '" I Rf,OORDE1J IN T~ F\.OR\;l~"UKU~ tilt. Of DADE COLIN , EC~RD VEl\\flED ..T'l71"\:: R .J ABD P 'BRh'l....lJL> RI01 CIRcun COUR1 CllR!<. the some logelher wilh all and singular thc appurlenances Ihereunlo he'ongi or in an)'wise apperlaining, and all Ihe cslale, righl. liI'e, inleresl, lien, equily and claim whal- soel'er of Ihe said firs' par'y. eilher in lour or equi'y, 10 Ihe only proper use. bene/il and behoof of ,he !laid second party forever. In : ilntss <<fhcrtof, The said firsl part)' has firs' Q Signe , signed and sealed ,hese presenls the day and year ,~muumm.u.:uuuu~#~~~~'~'"u~u:uumum: .uuu..uuuumum.uuuJ.J~umu.. uuumuuummmuumuuuumummUuuumu } STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE I HEREBY CERTIFY Ihat on Ihis dar, btCore me, an offieer duly authoriud in the State aCoresaid and in the Cou nty aCOIe~aid to lale ac1no",It'csmenu, persona II)' appearr-d J oAnn Saw it z to me known to be the person described in and who oceuled the COlcgoing instrument and bdore me that she cxeeuled the same. she arlmo",lcdsed WITl\ESS m)' hand and official seal in County and Stale last aCoTl'said this 6 +~ car of ,.,~,~,.?!'!.~.,.;;;~:"",::,:::;... .~ :'r ..I'~. I.... t... /..... ' ..... .. ~ t) .......,... f."',-: '. "- t~ o .J : \" \! (, :? : r: ...~, '. Ihe July A, D.19 87. ~0'^RY P~BLIC SlATE Of FLORIDA MY C~M~lSS}('N EXP. ~UG. 5,1990 601;~W TERU c.oHERAL INS. U1W. c.: '. c::. ,.I ..., .....~ This lw/nmILII/ p"fllTrd hy: AdJras ARNOLD M. WEINER, City Attorney 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 .,' .' <... ,J- Q) >0'1 ..-lC"'l Q)~.-l ~OC"'l ..-l C"'l ::l ~ C"Q) 1Il -I-l tll JJ;lS::"t:l Q)..-l ..u ~ ~ 0 Q) S::.-l s:: 0 ~ ..-l..-l Q)-I-l :3S::,.c: Q) t.l . > tll - s:: Q) ....,o~ "t:lU .-l ..-l 00 13 S::O tll ~,.... ..-l <.-l~ .. o H ~ ~ ~ ~ 19B7 AUG 25 PM 4: 4 I 8 7 Ii 3 2 9 8 5 6 ~tk I 3392PG 77 r 'artialltekalle of tUortgage !inow ~ll ~en' ~u 'mlteee 'resents: WHEREAS, Irwin Sawitz, as Trustee by Indenture of Mortgage bearing date the 28th day of June .nd recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for the County of Dc,de State of Florida, in Official Records Book 11832 , Page 1767 , mortgaged unto Joe's Stone Crabs, Inc. and assigns, mortgagee , the premises therein particularly described, to secure the payment of the sum of Six Hundred Sixty Three Thousand and ----------00/100 ($663,000.00) with interest as therein mentioned: PARTIAL RItLItA.1t 0.. MORTOAOIt I.Y CORPORATIONI RAMCO "ORM ., , mortgagor , A.D. 1983 , Dollars, AND WHEREAS, the said mortgagor has requested the said mortgagee to release the premises hereinafter described, being part of said mortgaged premises, from the lien and operation of said Mortgage: NOW THEREFORE; KNOW YE, That the said mortgagee as well in consideration of the premises as of the sum of Ten and --------------- 00/100---------------($10.00)---------------- dollars, to it paid by the said mortgagor at the time of the execution hereof, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowfedged, does remise, release, quit- daim, exonerate and discharge from the lien and operation of said mortgage unto the said mortgagor Irwin Sawitz, as Trustee and his heirs and assigns, all that piece, parcel or trad of land, being a part of the premises conveyed by said mortgage, to-wit: A portion of Lots 1 and 2, Block 51, OCEAN BEACH ADDITION NO.3, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 2, at Page 81, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Begin at the Northwest corner of Lot 2, thence run Southerly along the West line of Lot 2, for 26.27 feet; thence run Southeasterly a distance of 66.81 feet, more or less, to a point in the Easterly line of Lot 1; thence run Northeasterly along t3~ Easterly line of Lot 1 for 41.28 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 1; thence run Westerly along the North line of Lots 1 and 2, 74.45 feet, more or less to the point of Beginning. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, with the appurtenances, unto the said mortgpgor a db' s heirs anet assigns forever, freed, exonerated and discharged of and from the lien ~ sal~ mortgage, and every part thereof; Provided always, nevertheless, that nothing herein contained shall in anywise impair, alter or diminish the effed, lien or incum- brance of the aforesaid Mortgage on the remaining part of said mortgaged premises not hereby released therefrom, or any of the rights and remedies of the holder thereof, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said mortgagee has sed these presents to be executed in its name, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, by its prop officer thereunto duly authorized, this 24th day of August A.D.19 87 S. Vi . d . d' h f ~ Ign . , .a" Ivere In t e presence 0 : or rate Seal) ~~ - . .........~.......................................m.... .m.....m:mmm .... ",.IR I~WITSk V~ Presid oCf\r,,~1 F(f;ORl':t \!\~ " ..J r,roonoro III " vf\.c""O;l, - < 0; Ofl,OE CC,UNll, ." Anested bYf"~ '" "~ ~ \ rORn '.J"t.t:\\t[f) ~~ \\(.' ,- "Ri"" 'l) r,~i~,::' .~ Secretary r.!cHl:r1:; ~~'l:\;n t.= '..~"f . ....... .... .. .... ... ... .... ... ... .. c\ l\i\ ., I ~ Jitaif of (!)ountu of Florida Dade ~ ~erebt! ClIertift!. that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State and County aforesaid to take acknowledgements, personally appeared Irwin Sawitz and Jo Anne Sawitz well known to me 10 be the Vice- President and secret'a.r~:' "':1, respectively of the corporation partially releasing the mortgage described in Ihe foregoing~!l'i;~,n\e"!t,; ,.~~ tIi~' ih,y severally acknowledged executing Ihe same in the presence of two subscribing wilnesses freely a"d'v.oluni~rily uiKfela~lhority duly vesled in them by said corpo- ration and thai the seal affixed therelo is Ihe true corporat~'~6'.~f ,.id ~TPd~~lion, J: ;BIiln... my h..d .od ollid.1 ...1 ,. .he CO""Y .od s.~': ;.~ .. '., d ,,~>~l? ~~ ~'Y~Uqust · "Y 81 '~'" J"~ : ,/l)~, /'III' IWlflllI/OII p"p"ml by: Arnold M. Weiner, '~U~,i~~,:, .~,,', ' _\lIAR, U8LIC STATE OF FlORIDA 'I ~ ,\tUrn,\ 1700 Convent ion Center MY COMMISSION EXP. FEB 15,1991 ,', M;,~m; 'R"'~t'h ...., n...i rl~ ":1.":1.1 ":I.Q BONUED THRU GENERAL INS. UNO, ':' \ l},? t~\ ClJ :> 'M 0'\ ClJ)..l('l') )..lCl...-l 0.-( ('I') :l)..l('l') C"ClJ III .j.J III ~!:l~ ClJo.-( "u )..l )..l 0 ClJ!:l..-l !:lo~ 0.-(0.-( ClJ.j.J .. ~!:l.c: ClJ (J . :> III ~!:l ClJ OJ:Q ~U ..-I 0.-( 00 a !:lO III )..l...... 0.-( <...-l~ o Eo! Z r:r: ~ Eo! ~ ~ 1987 MG 25 PM 4: 4 I ::;: b! <t' b /U I 16 /' 87R329859 21 .AlIANTY DUD "OM INDIVIDUAL 10 COlPOlA110N RAMCO FORM 34 ~[k I 339ZPG 776 This 1ttarranty llttd Made Ihe day of IRWIN SAWITZ, individually and as trustee hereinafter called Ihe granlor, 10 municipal CITY OF MIAMI BEACH a /corporation existing under Ihe laws of Ihe State of Florida address at 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, hereinafter called Ihe grantee: July A. D. 1987 Ly , wilh iI. permanenl po,'office FLorida 33139 (Wherever wed herein the lerms "Ifllnlor" and "v.anlee" Include all the par1ies to dUs I__nt ..d the bei", lesa! repraeotatives and auiSDS of indiv.duab, and the successon ..d _iSDS of CIOrpOfalioDS) UilntSstlh: That Ihe granlor, for and in consideralion oflhe .um of S 10.00 . valuable considerations, receipt whereof is hereby aclmowleclged, hereby granl., bargairu. .ells, mises, J'lileases, conveys and confirms unlo Ihe granlee. alllhal cerlain land .iluale in Dade Counly, Florida, viz: and olher alieru, re- A portion of Lots 1 and 2, Block 51, OCEAN BEACH ADDITION NO.3, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 2, at Page 81, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Begin at the Northwest corner of Lot 2, thence run Southerly along the West line of Lot 2, for 26.27 feet; thence run Southeasterly a distance of 66.81 feet, more or less, to a point in the Easterly line of Lot 1; thence run Northeasterly along the Easterly line of Lot 1 for 41.28 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 1; thence run Westerly along the North line of Lots 1 and 2, 74.45 feet, more or less to the point of Beginning. Subject to restrictions, reservations, and easements of record and taxes for the year 1987 and all subsequent years. Grantor warrants and represents that 'the above described property is not now and has never been his homestead. Jogtthtr with all Ihe tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances Ihereto Lelonging or in any- wise apperlaining. To )tallt and to Jtold, the same in fee simple forever. Rnd the grantor hereby covenants wilh said grantee that the grantor is lawfully .eized of .aid land in fee simple; that the granlor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey .aid i.&nd; Ihat lhe grantor hereby fully warrants the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; and that said land is free 0 f all encumbrances, except taxes accruing subsequent to December 31, 19~~ 2/31!: i.6 / _Oocumentll)' Stlmps Colled&d . SURTAX Documentary stamps Collecte4 $ - Dade County Dade County , Richard p, Brio er RiC".>.rd p, Br r Clerk ir 't Co Clerk, Clr & RWOh~j~',":-, Ih (lr ~ l;~~.'~_ :; ~,L':~lJ" tJv' OF l'M:[ cnl!TY, Itr!"". '" REC9ri{1 \I~:k:r I~O By RICHI'l.RD P, BFl. N'tG:r CLERK CiRCUIT CO JRI first above I ned. sealed and delivered"in Irwin Sawitz, individually and . e.g.. -t.ru-st ee,.,... .,..', '."..""." ....., '..',............ "., STATE OF VERJ."10NT, COUNTY OF ~ I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an oHicer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared Irwin Sawitz, individually and pS trustee to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and before me that he executed the same, ~ r....ESS my hand and oHicial seal in the County, an State last aforesaid this rr · A D 19 g7. he acknowledged 8Q,. day of " _mWliJ~_mmm_mm.m Tl1iJ /1IJlrumml prepared hy: Address ARNOLD M.WEINER, City Attorney 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 ;' 0~ 4 J 8 I I ~ 'n .. ~~,e .. ~I"''''' ~ [J,~ U ..; .~~ 46.i:: .r&? QD::U Ql :>0"1 ..-I C""l Qll-l..... 1-l~C""l ..-I C""l ;j I-l C"Ql CIl ~ III lZ-lS::"tl Ql..-l "u I-l I-l 0 QlS::.-I S::O~ ..-1..-1 Ql ~ .. ~s::..c:: Ql u . :> III ~ s:: Ql OJ:Q "tlU .-I ..-I 00 13 S::O III I-l..... ..-I <.....~ o E-l Z ~ ~ lZ-l p:: J l!. J J ~I> .. co ~i= c ' u :I Q. =: 1'''' .J~1 WAllANTV DUD STATUTOIV F. S, 619,02 Ism /tUG 25 F'14 4: 4 I ihis jndtnlurt~ ~tk I 3392PG 770 87n329855 \4 RAMCO FORM 4l1r CORRECTIVE DEED (Wherever used herein the terms "fint parly" and "second parry" .han include linlfular and plural, hei... lellal represe!1tatives, a-:,d .'liRna of individuals, and the succes.u.n and ..iSftl of corporations, wherever the context 10 admlls or n-qu'reI,) Made Illis 24th drlY 0/ August BETWEEN Joe's Stone Dade A. D, 19 87 of the Counly of Crabs, Inc., a Florida corporation , in the State of Florida , part y of the first part, and Irwin Sawitz, as Trustee of t'le Cowlly of Dade in the State of Florida whose post of lice address is part Y 227 Biscayne Street, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 of tile second parI, Uitntssdh, That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and nO/lOO ($10.00)--------------------------____________________----Dolk~, it in hand paid by the said part Y of the second part. the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl- edged. ha s granted. bargained, and sold to the said part y of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, and being in the County of Dade Stale of Florida . to-wit: A portion of Lots 1 and 2, Block 51, OCEAN BEACH ADDITION NO.3, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 2, at Page 81, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Begin at the Northwest corner or lot 2, thence run Southerly along the West line of Lot 2, for 26.27 feet; thence run Southeasterly a distance of 66.81 feet more or less, to a point in the Easterly line of Lot 1, thence run Northeasterly along the Easterly line of Lot 1 for 41.28 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 1 thence run Westerly along the North line of Lots 1 and 2, 74.45 feet, more or less to the point of Beginning. This conveyance is subject to taxes for the year 1983 and thereafter and conditions, restrictions, limitations and easements of record. This deed is being corrected to add corrective language to the legal description of the deed recorded at O.R. Book 11832 at Page 1759. And the said part Y of the first part does hereby fully warrant the title to said krid. and will defend the same against the kwful claims of all persons whomsoever. In 'ItIitness ltIhtrtof, The said part y of the first part ha s hand and seal the day and year first above written. hereunto set its CRABS, { ..........--....-..-.................---...----...---...---..--................................... ...........................................................................................' .,- -,.., ,.- -" -" _., "--" -.""" ,..".,..'....."....., "..' '..,..""",.".'",_.,. ,..- } I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared , Irwin Sawitz and Jo Anne Sawitz as Vice-President and Secretary, respectively of Joe's Stone Crabs, Inc. to me known to be the person sdescribed in and who executed the foregoing instrument and they acknowledged ""1.(, ~ before me that they executed the same" ,', WITNESS my hand and official seal in .:''lhf. '&\If1ty and State st aforesaid this :1 ~ ' day of August A, D, 19 87.' -~ ,~...,"'", ,.......~(' \1f{ L '1 . ,I '.1": - > :8~O~:cD~E~DM~T~H~R;U~;GE:;:::'\::~;~~:; - ',l.;~ 0.'.. l..~ .. i ~;. \ r- ". . : ~....' : I . ~. ". ',,,,~. "It .... ,.. Arnold::;~~~,.~~~~';~::~~uire Ci ty Att6t-~y, :..,\,:"., 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Thir Instrument prepared hy: Address fFlt'''l RECOIIUI I!fUIIl'" 1Il0DROeo I" ~y ft(jlllD", Of MoE COO ' RECD~O VERIfiED nrrt!{Er. +ca.J\RD t', lL 1\1 r,1.fl\K CIRCUIT COllltT