Warranty Deed I J r;-.Q() ~J- - 75Rl 119 '15 SEP lOAM !O' . 2. I . " 3 U. ~{/ ",in....1 rflr to..,...".' Tille (;..oroI11y FUI1(i, Orlon.lo, Fln,ill. This instrument was preparell by: ~U: 9103 PC 493 LLOYO L. RUSKIN, ESQ. 407 Lincoln Road IUIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 Warranty laeed (STATUTORY FORM - SECTION 689.02 F.S.l milts .3ht~Ptdltrp, ~Iaue this 16th day of September CAROLYN KASSIN, an tmremarried widow, of tile COllnty of Dade , State of Florida M:>ISES 00l'BART and SILVIA roI'BARl', his wife, whose post olRc~ lu.ldress is 1330 N. Biscayne Point Road, Miami Beach 19 75 , iilrtltlrrn , grantor-, ami 01 till> COllllty of Dade , State of Florida . grantee-. JIIUttpssrU,. That said gmntor, for und in 'consideration of the sum of ------------------ TEN ($10.00) OOLtARS, and for other good and vci.1able considerations ~ :11111 otllt'l' good ami valuahlt' considemtlolls to said grantor in humlpaid hy said gralltec, till' n!l'l'ipt wll('l't'of is 11t'1'1.'h\' at'kllowll'd$!;l:'d, hits gl'ltntl'll. hargnhled nnd sold to the !!aid grnntl'e, uml grantee's heirs and assign!! foren'l', the fol- lowillg dl'scril)('d laud, sihmte, lying and being in Dade County, Florida, to-wit: IDt One (1), and the West Thirty (30)Fed:of IDt 'lWo (2), Block 'tWelve (12), BISCAYNE POINT, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 14 at Page 35, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; together with all improvanents thereon. Rlr.D~O{O 1M OlJlr.IAl .1'C.MO~ : Of li"'v~ Il'\Jfn.. nOR'etA. ,<<FU;:!) ':fP,..FO StJBJEJ:T ro: Taxes for the year 1975 and subsequent years; fUCIIAIW 1'.11lUNKF:R. l:U,RI\ CIRCUH (;OURI _.-.... Condi tions, restrictions, easanents, limi tat ions of reoord, if any, ccmron 1:0 the subdivision: and zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach and Dade County, Florida. First trortgage in favor of WASHnnroN FEDERAL SAVIN3S AND LOAN ASSOCIATION having a principal balance of $17,447.07, which theGrantees herein asstnre and agree to pay. Purchase ~ney Seoond ~rtgage. in favor of the Grant:or in the sun of $14,700.00. ali(I saiu gralltor docs 1H.'It'hy fully warrant the. title to said land, amI will defend the same against the lawful dailll~ of all persons whomsoever. . - "Grantor" ami "grantee" are used for singular or plural, as context requires. 1ht DthtpsS mlyrrpuf, Grantor has hereunto set grantor's hand and seal the day ami year first above written. Si~II~/ ' ~e.'~Lod ",,,I <I"livJ"d~ ;':;?'~ ,,' ,/ / "..!;t../ ( .. ,J )-"~/ ~ ,:<:< /fL.<< .-F' r 't~Jaual.yt'Kis~~'~~I..fw~-(S""'1 .\.'~d{~__J~.1- _ (Senl) - _u. H _ -. ... "-"-;-1);]""- ~.., .' . . r':'- .. .--1 ~l; ( , . 'I ~ I - . ~.'..:. ~ \. . ........./,. ('(,'~'1 ~.~: ,'\ = :: h ~.'.t.~.fP; F l 0 ~ A ~:.:; '~.J ~t'l T A X_ \,. -!'...'_.__~~I~, ~__ ..... ~~~~';~. se; 18'15 I ~ J O. 8 0 -- o:r" P.!t., -- ~ ...."..1__ ,,,)j,...-----. = (Seal) ( Senl ) STATE OF FIDRIDA COUNTY OF DADE I IIEHEBY. CEHTIFY that on thi~ day hpf'm~ mf'. an officer duly qualified to. take acknowledgments, personally appt..Ut.d CAroLYN KASSIN, an tmremarried widow, to lIIe kllown to he the pt>rson uesl.'rihcd in ami who executed the foregoing instrument and 1111' tllllt SIll' t'xeclIt('t1 tht' 5ame. WITNESS my haml all(llIlIicial seal in tlac County ami State last I~f(~said this 19 75. . .{-'?<~ . .,' , '-7~o(.Z~/ ~ . ..- ~ly comlllission expires: ' . I (ll!'lJ' acknowledgl'll hl'fon' 16th da~Y Septenber, , /) '. . ;";.-4d' . i.-, , __ d.:.C4ZI:t.. . , , . otary Pu'~~ 1. . I: .1 C' r.. {.) , ,. 'I't;J ."1' .< :-:-'~l.. =-/\-:'1-7F-;'; ;::~"- r"L I)RTt).r.~: I, ~~ ,.,.- '.''\r'''' f'" I.~-) I~~;~\ i.tJ y- -H~' .' . .J.. ,:'_~;~!-. ~..: . i; I'L cr 1.i:.'/HIIJE I:. . :., .\ I .. - fH';I.d&~"~ 1'35 00 I \'J:: := SEP 18'15 V-'J L~.ll. . 'D ::= 1'9 .' ~, , '.""':,:.1 ._'-- t- '. ,- " . . .. ...., r -.., ( . 7 ~ ...,......