File Ref. #001
City Manager's Office
Interoffice Memorandum
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Patricia Walker
Finance Director
Date: October 1 0, 1997
Jose Garcia-Pedrosa
City Manager
Subject: Flood Insurance Dis ount for Miami Beach Property Owners
It has become clear to me that, despite our earlier press release and one or two media notes following
that release, our property owners have not been adequately informed about the flood insurance
discount to which they are entitled beginning October 1, 1997.
Those discounts will affect 33,022 current policy holders and save them approximately $840,000
annually. All this is a result of the fact that our City Community Rating System was upgraded from
a Class 9 to a Class 8 as a result of an application made by the Building Department.
Accordingly, I am attaching a copy of the Press Release and would appreciate your reproducing it
and including it, effective immediately, with all water bills going out. In the case of condo
associations, please add a request that copies be made available to individual property owners.
Thank you.
c: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
Sergio Rodriguez, Deputy City Manager
Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager
Joe Pinon, Assistant City Manager
Harry Mavrogenes, Assistant City Manager
Richard Bender, Executive Assistant to the City Manager
Ronnie Singer, Special Assistant to the City Manager
Robert Parcher, City Clerk
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For Immediate Release
Date: September 30, 1997
Contact: Nannette Rodriguez
Phone: 305-673-7575
-- As a Result of City's CRS Rating --
Miami Beach h The City of Miami Beach's rating in the Community Rating System (CRS) of the National
Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) has been upgraded from a Class 9 to a Class 8 and approved by the Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). As a result, City of Miami Beach Property owners are entitled to
a 10 percent discount on flood insurance policies issued or renewed on or after October 1, 1997. This translates
into approximately $840,000 annual discount for 33,022 current flood insurance policy holders within the City
of Miami Beach.
The upgraded rating will remain valid for a period of five years until the next verification visit by FEMA. The
savings on flood insurance premiums for the residents of Miami Beach would total far over $4,200,000 for this
rating period, considering the addition of new flood insurance policies for all new developments that have not
been completed.
On October 31, 1995, the administration instructed the Building Department in initiate the application process
for participation in the Community Rating System. Subsequently, the Building Department staff planned,
organized and implemented all activities that were required to achieve a Class 8 rating in the CRS program.
The Building Department also initiated an ongoing public awareness campaign as part of the requirements for
participation in the Community Rating System of the National Flood Insurance Program.
For more information on flood zones, contact the City of Miami Beach Building Department at 673-7000, ext
6708,6770 or 6801. In addition, the Miami-Dade Public Library, Miami Beach branch, 2100 Collins A venue,
provides flood protection information and maintains copies of Miami Beach Flood Insurance Rate Maps.
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Call 673-7575NOICE to request material in accessible format, sign language interpreter (5 days in
advance), or information on access for persons with disabilities.
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A 1990 census claimed that out of
39,330 registered voters in MiaIrii Beach,
13,688 are of Hispanic origin - about 35
percent. Non-Hispanic voters. mean-
while, amounted to 23,523 - about 65
percent. Yet Hispanics amount to more
than half of the beach's total population.
The group will listen to this issue as
well as other concerns Hispanic Miami
Beach residents may have at a public
symposium held at the First Floor
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committee, said one important issue is
how Hispanics feel about their status -
not just in the community, but in gov-
"Everyone should get out and vote -
especially the Hispanic community,"
said Brazlavsky. "The Hispanic commu-
nity feels there is no representation in
the commission. Hopefully in this
[upcoming] election, with so many
Spanish candidates, we will get a
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ago. The committee sat with each of the
candidates - both Hispanic and non-
Hispanic - for 15 minutes and asked
them questions dealing with both city
and Hispanic issues.
Lillian Lopez. vice-chairwoman of the
group, said the recommendations they
made to the city truly helped in the final
decision for both positions.
"All the candidates were qualified,
but we all agreed with Garcia-Pedrosa
Miami Beach property
owners entitled to
flood insurance
Property owners in Miami Beach who
received or renewed new flood insur-
ance policies after Oct. 1, 1997 are enti-
tled to a 10 percent discount on their
This news comes after the City of
Miami Beach announced its rating in the
Community Rating System of the
National Flood Insurance Program had
been upgraded from Class 9 to a Class 8
and approved by Federal Emergency
Management Agency.
As a result, City of Miami Beach
property owners are entitled to the 10
percent discount.
This translates into approximately
$840/000 annual discount for 33,022 cur-
. rent flood" insurance policy holderS'
within the City of Miami Beach.
The upgraded rating will remain
valid for a period of five years until the
next verification visit by FEMA. The
savings on flood insurance premiums
for the residents of Miami Beach would
total far over $4.2 million for this rating
period. considering the addition of new
flood insurance policies for all new
developments that have not been com-
On Oct. 31, 1995. the administration
instructed the Building Department to
initiate the application process for par-
ticipation in the Community Rating
System. Subsequently, the Building
Department staff planned, organized
and implemented all activities that were
.. required to achieve a Class 8 rating in
the CRS program. The Building
Department also initiated an ongoing
public awareness campaign as part of
the requirements for participation in the
Community Rating System of the
National Flood Insurance Program.
national support organization for con-
dominium board members, managers
and industry professionals, planned for
Oct. 23 through Oct. 25.
Condominium and homeowner asso-
ciation board members and profession-
als will converge at Registry Resort &
Spa. in Weston. for three days of educa-
tional seminars and a golf tournament.
There will be sessions for condomini-
um board members and managers,
attorneys, accountants, builders and
Classes include: Insuring Community
Associations witl, Difficult Exposure;
Communications For and Witll tile
Accountant; Managing Conflict; Making
Meetings Matter; and Replacement
Reserves, Evall/ation and Funding.
CAI also will offer several manage-
ment courses on Oct. 20 and Oct. 21 for
community association managers
studying to achieve the designation of
professional community association
manager. Full registration is $500 for
CAI members, $200 for CAI homeowner
category members, $650 for nonmem-
bers. For more information. call (954)
Cokeroft named
parade director
The City of North Miami has retained
Orange Bowl Parade producer Gene
Cokeroft as parade director for the 22nd
Annual WinterNational Thanksgiving
Day Par.olde.
"Gene Cokeroft will bring our parade
to a more professional, exciting level,"
said Jean Fountain, City of North Miami
director of parks and recreation.
Cokcroft was a full time employee of
the Orange Bowl Committee from 1978
to 19971 and continues as an indepen-
dent consultant/producer of the Orange
major concert halls and theaters allover
the U.S., including Carnegie Hall
He is a certified music judge for
S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A.' (Barbershop Harmony
"SOCifity) 'events.
The 22nd Annual WinterNational