File Ref. #003 10-21-97 ,04:25 PM FROM CMNI CHEMISTS-~IAMI ~o 305 673 7782 ot1i- OCT tlll'97 JI) I V'VlltrI )hMK . Yi:<<1t 'CItJt) ~ ~ ,1tHJ Cer~ified Mail & Return Receipt #Z-366-125-954 Ms. Vivien Himes 1120 - 7th Street Apt. 1 Miami Reach. Florida 33139 Via Faxes & Let~er October 21, 1997 (Contains three pages) Home TAl! 305 673-1209 Ofc. Fa~1 305 674-9414 City ot Miami Beach Mayor Seymour Gelber 1700 Convention Canter Drive 4th Floor Miami BeaCh, Flor1aa 33139 Tel: 305 673-7030 Fax: 305 673-7096 Re: Urgent Notice to City of Miami Beach Officials TOI Seymour Gelber City Commissioners Jose Garcia-Pedrosa Murray Dubbin Robert Parcher Mayor Fax; 673-7096 Eisenberg, Gottlieb, Kasain, L1e~man, Pearlson, Shapiro City Manager Cit.y Attorney City Clel"k Fax: 673-77B2(Delivarqd) Fax; 673-7002 Fax: 1573-7254 URGENT NOTICE TO ALL CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICIALS: (Request that this letter be officially read and recorded during the Commission Meetinq on Tuesday October 21, 1997.) Please be informed that it ie hig~lr recommended that the City Of Miami Beach Commission delay the vote scheduled for today regarding The Year 2000 Compr~hensiv~ Plan. There are numerous vQry relevant reasons for this request. Very briefly stated, they are; (1) The citizens of this municipality have not had sufficient time to consider the numerous axtremaly important issues inVOlved; nor have they been properly informed by our city ot'flcla1.s. Please Nota: The advisement statement "Inquiries may he directed to the Planning, Design and Historic Pl"eeervaLion DivIsion at 673-7550. II !~._~~!~y_ untrue! Absolutely no information vas available at that telephone nUmber or department; nor could any other department in the city provide any information. (2) The City Clel"~'s O~~1ce did not receive a copy of the new ordinance until Wednesday October 15, 199t at 4:31P.M.. The Agenda was not available ~t th~t time. (The new ordin- ance was made available only after two days of persistent telephone calls by me.) Cont'd. 3 10-21-97 .04:25 PM FROM CMNI CHEMISTS-~IAMI ~o 305 673 7782 )IJ0 .. <.. - 2 - Mayor Gelber 10-21-97 (3) It is impossible for the pUblic to resAarch the matt@r, or to do any proper rQ~Qarch in the Ci~y Clerk's Office, 8$ the ci~y code book and the ci~y ordlnanceB are serlou~lY out or order ana incomplete. This has been true for years. (4) Due ~o ~he for~hcoming city-vide elections (November 4th, and possible run-orr electIun Nuvember 13th), those inVOlved with the pOlitical process, and their volunteers, are unable at this time to even remotQly famili~ri7.p. themsQlvQ~ with the issues1 as they are entirely too bu~y preparing for the up- coming election. (5) Many people are unawarQ that thP-Yp. is to be a City Commission Meeting on Tuesday Oc~ober 21st, as theoe meeting5 are uBually held the rirst and thi~d We~ne5day (TIQ1 Tues~ay) Of the month. (6) Coinciding; also scheduled for Tnesday October 21st, between 7PM to 9PM, is a very ~mportant and well attended eeminar, which i~ only conducted once a year, and sponsored by the Miami Beach Commission on the Status of Women. The topic this year is domestic violence: "HOPE FOR GENERATIONS: Ending ~he Cyale of Violence.", ~ith numerous professional person~ and city employees in attendance. It would be impossible for anyone ~o attend the city Commieoion Meeting and the seminar eimultaneau81y. Due to these very briefly stated factora. (not to mention other unstated considerations), it. is p.nrnestly requeatp-d that this particular vo~e be put off until a later date; possibly December 3rd (Wednesday), Q~ another date during the month at Decembe~ 1997. I~ remains to be seen whether this city's officials will display a genuine sense of respect for the citizens of this city, and reset the vote for The Year 2000 Comprehensive Plan for a later date. I thank you for your attention to this ma~~er. Sincerely, vivien Himes Enel: (a) Newspaper Notice, dated: October 14, 1997 (TueQday) (b) Newspaper Notice, dated! October 19, 1997 (Sunday) 10-21-97,04:25 PM FROM CMNI CHEUISTS-)JIAMI ~o 305 673 7782 ?iJ] - 3 - a ,. -.' ..:ifHEHSW.o' T ~- 1 \.'. ~;::~. .~: ;.anOPII"~ ~ .... . ll. r::' "'( __....uelllldDfO :~.;/\;::,::~,..~.. ....~ . ','Ii H.... ... , .. " ,":.: .,.." : .... ' " ,~ ". , ".n:"::), ,~~=,Y:::::-MlPIAN .1986 EVALUATIONANPAJi..-,uSAL. ,. H' i":" . ,/'! ~~,"~ ..!.REPORT (lMl .the Fiey'OfMiami BOBCh propOG(!$ to adnpt ttm fOllowing Ordinance t().. lItnt!lttd-ttnr"Chy'8 comprehensive Plan based on ~harfplf. recommel\dild within the City of Miami BRch Comprehensive pJan E~41uation 4nd ....pprniSll! ,Report (EARl: . . " J....., . J-.... ...._ 'h. ~.....,' ... ',. . "'.' An -ordll'l'3l1te~ the Mayw and CIty c01lUni.<i~ionor the C"uy...oC l\-1i4m!. ':B~tb, FlQdc1a.Mopling'Amendments U) ,go~llf oS Miami ~ Year, ~.c.:.Om~fWv..e "Plan. entitled .sugge$ledlS9lSBA&- ~ed .';e.me,!1dm.'lO:.nte City ot.MIami Beach Year 2000 Comprelum~ .l'l~, ~_~' ~ Chaqges Becomrpended WIthin dle,.Qiy pC.Mii.d( .~ ~996~~~Il?n.3l1d ApplaJ8a1RePOri~iWUi.tll~ifnj'illO:a1ti .!Uf~tfpq ,egSubmJt tJle 'Adop~~ AiJ1endnienu ,and ~l OtJ~~: Required . ~menis to the Stare Dr florida Departl11entu~ ~JDlDW1ity Main .a~d '0 Other Mfectccl.:$tare a.w Lata! ,\g~ t:~tlngth.. Cit.y ^4n\1n1Slrsl!PO. l~..\ PUbU5h ,(he A. " 'II' ~~mems;'rroY1dlnl~ ;;~rablll~ ~ tor a,aepeal.ri .;1 _Providmg~r.~sn'ectiveOatc.'." . '" . .'.1 , ~ :~~lJc 'R" ,'. . i:QIt. the ~ pO~ OEi'nan<:ewill beheld by!JM ~) ~~~ ,tp~qtYofMiamiBe .oQ,1\IeIClut.~21.1 ~~~~:r1j3:tL:u berlO~i1oOr' C~ry ~I, _II.' ','L..,J.',. ~j. .-" .,' ".. ,~ purpo.;. ~:"public hearing i$ to ~.., amendrMnTll ,. . ~i)1Ic:lWJ1lI~ J/OmpclI\ents of d)eClcr~ Cem~ PIIo's '. .,~. 11: '~..~~b"ctivel iand .poUd,c: Future t,and'OsfJ ~1emtft~'1 ~ ~o~ Bement_ M... ""it Bl4Im.nt:~ Aviatiol'und. Relate" FUlJif,.. Ho~n8.'&1.ment: TnfrA!ltnJdUre: Mrtltary. S4IW'IJt ,~4, w~,~ and Poc.ble W"." €o~nJCo8ItaI ZOne . . ~~~ :~...nt;Rec~MiDl1 ~!Md ..Open. srace Elrmrnt:. .~~e~"'. ~fd.nat~Qn BI'lMlJtl.(:api~' Improftmeftt:. I ~ Eliriiefit: and HJi&artc: Prcs.e.-vation. PJement. Fallowint ,he !,P~';:MadA",~ City COmmiS51on"lill'~.. Mt@rminationuto' I . \'h'.'1~t~' ~JstenCy m the Comp~hie . Plan _ncludinc the \' ~.~po.ed ~~es ,~$e<l Gh'the 1996.IWl and wilJ. vote onwhdher to i .,~J* ~lft~'p'....d. ch~~1I to l~ ~t~ ~f J<Iori~l\PeParrm~nr ~f C&Jffilumft~*n'S iand toother affected SfMA and locahgenclu at ' amendments to the Cityls Compreh~81ve Plan. ui di recle I at ' '",' :. .. ,. ,:. ,: :.':::=O~r t~ =~(J:ir:~ :n:s'\;::~=~~ttj" ; Ct~lon. C!'O the. ~ity Celk., 17OQ...ConvenUQA~" o,tve,.l $I , . flf:JOfo'Cft)' Hi& '~l ~adl, .Ft0ri4a :JaU9. COpie$ Of .....Ii\'alua.,oa: 8Ild ~pp~~ aeport ('P.AR), Inchl<Ung t~e prop0se4 ~p.JlIflW . PIa. u 4~.ndJll'n._, t8 and tl,Ie or41nanc.e are a.vaJlable for pu ~lIc. . Inspection d~ ~Gtmal bUst~ "!lOurs in the pfIJOoS of the. ,PlaImlne ~gn and Historic ~tfon ~()n. 2~tl~'J <<;;I&Y. ~~ Thj~,otltht. ~.~yt)e. commued It mls Dleettng Uft,o~~_el~anees,a(fcll~o~:1egal notice would not b., . pftWldeki' "; . ". .. . . . , . ' - .. . .' :", .llQ,unnantitj ~ ~.OUI5, F1a..Stat..1he Cirv bere~~me ~1~d1M:,' ~J,C3~:;a~i:=:rl:==,=,:"1 ~\l_ ,~teoord oIthe~~ IS m-.wIUdln,aIllUnchIdn . the. testimony Iftd evidence L1pon wtlJd1_ liit;nIl$ to be bIDed. 1bis mJCke .~. ~t ~.~t by me Qty_ me IntllJduWoll .or admis,ion 01 cth~~b'.~~lcv.m,t ~~.ftIlr~'k.,,~.aJ)"" or..p~~n~l~eal~by'- . . ., . . .,' 1n .ccotdlllll$lW!th th~ 'An\8fIaM wi1ft-. D(!l8ibIll~e" ~ 01 litO, J)elSonf I n~ spC'Clal accomrnodarton~I1'pazUalp"'. ui.mJl. proc:ecidin. ,,,"14,:. ii-OtIfCJelk's OGtCIIIIO laW, \hmfoUr (-4) days prior t/J the. '.~ . . (3OS) 613.7411 Cor lml.tanct; II hearing i.Jnpalred. t .ttse f .: .' ~~~.:~:~:~8001 ~S~~~771 rm~l or (~_~.9~~.8 .0 (Vob). , 1&1 ExpeI1s':ctiScq$$ ;! If'!:. . 'b'" .~ ";'4;women,a use .:: , 'at free'seminar As part of Dotnatic VioJedce Awareness mouth. the Miami Beach Commission 011 the Status , of Womell is bot. ti'&:e:". ;= III titled, "Hope for . .'1 . Endinllhe Cycle of VioleBCe." ., tiC " COlmty Court.. Judge ~fh- IBloom, who makes her rubnp . 'out of the Mia.mi Beach coo rt-., . house. will serve as mO<kliatot.' Guest speUen incl\lde. _~U'j ~eed. head Of' lIIIJ)QJIa.etCKJ ~, lence Unit of 1M Miami BeaCh- I Police Department, and domes.- \ tic violence survi~()r.t:",~r~~I,Ie" A,S. HolyfiOkl. .'.. ..- ,..".'. ., ,. " Tbcfree ~.iHX."_l'.' " p.m. Tu~.,lIle;',MW' I Beach St &~ 111Mb::. I toriUDI, 22n...\' . . ".,..ve:":"~' For inati:,. -.", ~~ Sharon Kftoslep~al' 86'1-09il."'~'~( ~Spea'kerS'to discuss j' lwomen.andyjo1ence .. . The Miami ikacii Commission:' ~ on the StatusofWamen ~sents' ~ ioj'HOPE FOR GENERA nONS: Endina the Cycle or Violence,'- ~ The presentation will include' ~ gue'lt speakers Dr. Waller F~ lambert. DlediMI director of the )!' Child Protection Team; Loll . Reed from tbe' Domestic Vio- lencr: Unit or the Miami Beach Police [)eJ)artmeiu and Norvelle : A.S. Holyneld~r( ,survivor of. . dome!':tic violence. There will . ,also be a !;peciaJ presentalion bY, hhe Child AsuyltPrevention jPfOjCd. The evenf happens from . ~o 9 p.m. TU~Y at the Miami" ... aCb HIett U ItOtlum. 223. prairie Ave. For mprf: infq,rml- . . tion. l~lI, (.9+-3"5~ )