File Ref. #005
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111 N.W. 1. STREET
MIAMI, FLORIDA 33128-1964
TELEPHONE: (305) 37~
FAX: 375-3068
November 4, 1997
Commissioner Neisen O. Kasdin
Geiger, Kasdin, HeUer, Kuperstein, Chames & Well
1428 BrickeD Avenue, 6th Floor
Miami, Florida 33131
Dear Commissioner Kasdin,
Attached please find the Performing Arts Center Trust Attendance Policy adopted by the Trust at their
December 13, 1994 board meeting and which became effective January 1, 1995. This Policy has been
previously provided to all PACT board members.
Please note that this Policy requires us to notify you that the PACT attendance record indicates that you
have five total absences out of eleven regular meetings scheduled for 1997. This letter is to remind you
that the Attendance Policy adopted by the PACT requires a Trust vote on whether to remove members
from the board who have been absent from more than half of all regular meetings in a twelve month
period. If you incur a sixth absence, you will be notified of the date at which this required vote will be
taken by the Trust.
The next regular meeting of the Performing Arts Center Trust is Tuesday, November 18, 1997 at 8:00
AM in the Miami Art Museum, 101 West Flagler Street, Auditorium. A special meeting of the
Performing Arts Center Trust is scheduled for 8:00 AM on Tuesday, November 12, 1997, location to be
determined. If you have any questions, please call Sue Camp, Francine Andersen or me at (305)
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Micbael Spring, Executive ~ ~
Metro-Dade Cultural Affairs Council
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cc: Parker D. Thomson, President and Members, Performing Arts Center Trust, Inc.
Jose Garcia-Pedrosa, City Manager, City of Miami Beach
Robert Parcher, City Cl~ City of Miami Beach
Performing Arts Center Trust, Inc.
In order to more clearly define and implement an attendance policy for the Perfonning Arts Center Trust as set
forth in the Articles of Incorporation, section 5.10. Attendance Requirements, the Perfonning Arts Center Trust
adopted the following ATIENDANCE POLICY at their December 13, 1994 Board meeting, to be effective
beginning January 1, 1995:
Catelories of Absences. There shall be two categories of absences for Directors:
1. Excused Absences are those submitted in writing by the absent member in advance of the regularly
scheduled meeting and approved by an affirmative vote of a majority of all Directors at that meeting,
Allowable reasons that may constitute an excused absence are limited to: illness; travel out-of-town; and
coverage of other Board business on behalf of the Performing Arts Center Trust.
2. Unexcused Absences are those not submitted in writing in advance of the regularly scheduled meeting, not
covered by an allowable reason and/or not approved by an affirmative vote of a majority of Directors at
that meeting.
Violations of Attendance Requirements. Failure to attend a regularly scheduled meeting is defined as an absence,
A Director is in violation of attendance requirements if
1. He or she has three consecutive unexcused absences.
2. He or she has excused and/or unexcused absences for more than half of all regular meetings in a twelve
month period.
Term, The term covered by the twelve-month period stipulated in the Attendance Requirements and this Policy
shall be the calendar year, January 1 through December 31 of each year.
Notification and Board Action. The Secretary shall instruct PACT staff to notify a Director, that Director's
appointing authority and the PACT President when that Director is within one absence of violating the attendance
requirements as set forth in the Articles of Incorporation and as further defined in this Attendance Policy.
Violations of the Attendance Requirements and this Policy shall be reported by the Secretary to the President and
the Board at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting and the Board must vote regarding the removal of that
Director at that same meeting.
The following is an excerpt from the PACT's Articles of Incorporation:
"5.10. Attendance Requirements
The Secretary shall maintain a record of attendance of the Directors at regularly scheduled Board
meetings. At any time the Secretary finds that a Director has failed to attend three consecutive regularly scheduled
meetings or half of all regular meetings in a twelve month period (a Director shall be deemed absent for this
purpose if he or she is not present for at least three-quarters of the meeting), the Secretary shall so advise the
President and the Board. The Directors (other than the member reported for such failure to attend meetings) may
remove such non-attending member from the Board by the affirmative vote of a majority of all such Directors other
than the non-attending member. "
1/1/97 - 12/3 1/97
(12 month period - 11 regular meetings)
Meeting Number: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * 10 11
1/14 2/11 3/11 418 5/13 6IJ 7/29 9/16 10/14 11/12 11/18 12/9 2 or more 3 or more Total # of more than
consecutive consecuti ve Absences half
NAME Un-excused Un-excused Total
Stanley H. Arkin P P P P P P P P E * 1
Michael A Benages p p p p p P A P E * 2
Stuart L Blumberg p p E P P E P P P * 2
Sonia Bwini P P P P P P A P P * 1
AI Cardenas P P P A P P P E P * 2
Henry T. Courtney nla nla nla E P A E E E * 5
Laura de Ona P E P P P P P E P * 2
i Cornelia Dozier nla P A A P P A P A * 4
I T, Willard Fair p p p p p p p P E * I
I James Herron p p p p p p p p p * 0
Robert B. Ingram P P P P P E P A E * 3
Fred N. Joseph E P P P P P P P P * 1
i Betsy Kaplan p p p P E P P P P * 1
:'>leisen Kasdin A A P P A A P P A * 5
Eleanor Kluger p p p p p p P E P * 1
I Helen L. Kohen p E P P P P P P P * 1
i Julian H. Kreeger p p p p p p p p p * 0
L Stanley Levine E p p p p p p p p * 1
i Juan P Loumiet E p P E P P P P E * 3
Florene Nichols p P P P P P P P P * 0
Manuel Ochoa p p P A E P E P A * 4
I Parker D. Thomson P P P E P P P E P * 2
! Richard W. Tobin P P P P E P E P P * 2
, Sheila Turkiewicz p p E P E P E nla nla nla nla n/a 3
Sidney Weisburd p p p p P A P P P * 1
, Judy Weiser p p p p P E P P P * 1
i Thomasina Williams p E P E P A E A A * ./ 6 ,/
David L. Wilson P A P P P A P A P * 3
* Not a Regularly Scheduled Meeting