File Ref. #007 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH (f)()7-lU()Q 1'( 1'1'17 ~ . 141M1",#l- http:\\cI.mlaml-buch.f1.us November 13, 1997 91 NOV \ 1 PM \: 23 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE TeI.phon.I73-7010 Facslmll.173-7712 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Mr. Dean J. Grandin Historic Preservation and Urban Design Director 1 700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 RE: Appeal of DRB File No, 9333J 1110 Lincoln Road - Asia de Cuba Dear Mr, Grandin: In reference to the above noted matter, please be advised that I, in my capacity as City Manager, am hereby appealing the October 7, 1997, decision of the Joint Design Review/Historic Preservation Board regarding Design Review File No. 9333J to the Historic Preservation Special Master, Specifically, I would request that the Historic Preservation Special Master review the roof-top portion of the project and remand the matter back to the Joint Design Review/Historic Preservation Board for further consideration. First, with regard to the proposed outdoor roof-top dining area, I believe that the Joint Board did not base its decision on substantial competent evidence in that proper documentation relating to exterior furniture, fixtures and service stands, and sufficient documentation with regard to the visibility of the physical elements of the proposed roof-top dining area including the perimeter rails, stairtower and canopy structure was not presented to the Board, Furthermore, said physical features, in and of themselves, as well as the proposed alterations to the existing contributing structure in order to facilitate the proposed outdoor restaurant use, (i.e., new perimeter railings) are not compatible with the low-scale residential fabric of the area to the immediate south of the subject property and would detract from the appearance and character of the subject building. Finally, I do not believe that substantial competent evidence was presented to show that the project satisfies Design Review criteria No.6, which states that "the proposed Structure indicates a sensitivity to and is compatible with the environment and adjacent Structures, and enhances the appearance of the surrounding properties", and criteria No.7, which states that "the design and layout of Buildings shall be reviewed so as to provide an efficient arrangement of land uses and that particular attention '5 November 13, 1997 Page Two shall be given to safety, crime prevention and fire protection, relationship to the surroundin9 nei9hborhood. impact on contiguous and adjacent Buildings and lands, pedestrian sight lines and view corridors", In this regard, the design, appearance and visibility of the physical elements of the proposed outdoor roof-top restaurant have the appearance of a "night-club" and have the potential to greatly detract from and negativley impact the surrounding neighborhood. Please prepare all of the necessary documentation for this appeal hearing and coordinate with the City Clerk's office to schedule a hearing before the Special Master within the parameters as setforth under the Zoning Ordinance. JOSE GARCIA-PEDROSA City Manager F:\PLAN\$ALL \CM _ RESP\9333-APP. WPD cc: S, Rodriguez H. Mavrogenes D. Grub Freiser R. Parcher T, Mooney W. Cary ORB File #9333J L. Dougherty B. Zyscovich '-J q 1 t /lhb/11 , .j ''"' I ! "/\11 .}....( f ,(' LlJ ' -+{, t, ~ ! . ,! , (~!, ( -' It\.- , . ! !I , (. .. 1 A)(" '- t.' i,oI... ,. \\\-w.fn l)p-, ~~S~1 --:p &'lL- ~lL. ~u-~ t , ~ \.ALVlvi it-J l Iv\. 'IV <> '1 ~ .e... sd.ul ul.. ^ ~~l\ ~~~ \,\;k; ~~ '-l~~ , It r ~ ~ ~. ~ + ...c.e.\ tre -e.. t () C A U ~ ~ + ~ 1 "S ... 1 'll I . ~, 5 fa~5 M,-.~.h,-\ --&, , ~ , RECE\VE.O CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 1 NO\J 20 M~ \Q~ \ 2 PLANNING, DESIGN & HISTORIC PRESERVATION DIVISIO~ _' CE To: ROBERT PARCHER, CITY CLE~r\ . From: DEAN J. GRANDIN, Jr., HIST~ESERVATION AND URBAN DESIGN DIRECTORClfl Date: November 14, 1997 ffi Subject: Appeal of DRB File No. 9333J 1110 Lincoln Road - Asia de Cuba Attached, please find correspondence from the City Manager, pertaining to the above noted matter. As you may be aware, the City Manager may appeal a decision of the Joint Design Review/Historic Preservation Board to the Special Master appointed by the City Commission, in accordance with Subsection 19 of the Zoning Ordinance. Specifically, the Zoning Ordinance stipulates the appeal shall be in writing and submitted to the Historic Preservation and Urban Design Director within twenty (20) days of the date on which the Board reached a decision on an application. The Ordinance further prescribes that within thirty (30) days of receipt of this appeal, which was November 13, 1997, the Historic Preservation and Urban Design Director shall submit the appeal to the Special Master who shall set a date and time for hearing the appeal. The notice requirements for the hearing shall be identical to the notice requirements for the original decision upon which the appeal is based, which consist of the following advertising provisions: 1. Not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the public hearing date, a description of the request, and the time and place of such hearing shall be posted on the property on a sign of no less than 11" x 17". 2. Not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the public hearing date, a description of the request, and the time and place of such hearing shall be advertised in a paper of general paid circulation in the municipality. 3. Not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the public hearing date, a description of the request, and the time and place of such hearing shall be given by mail to the owners of record of land lying within 375 feet of property. As this is a matter which is administered by the Clerk's office, the Legal Department will continue to handle the notice requirements. In this regard, attached, please find November 14, 1997 Page Two one (1) set of mailing labels for the owners of record of land lying within 375 feet of property, in order to satisfy the mail notice requirements. In reference to the posting requirement, please forward one (1) copy of the notice for this hearing, when it is ready, to Tom Mooney of my staff so that it may be properly posted. The verbatim transcript of the Joint Board hearing for this application has been ordered from a Court Reporting Service and we expect to receive it within a reasonable period of time, In view of the time constraints vis-a-vis the holiday season, it may be advisable to set a hearing date for some time right after the beginning of the new year. Please advise when a hearing date has been set, so Division staff and the Administration may mark their calendars accordingly. If you have any further questions with regard to this matter please contact me. DJG:TRM F:\PLAN\$ALL \G EN CORR\I NTEROFF\DG-ASIA2. WPD Enclosure cc: J. Garcia-Pedrosa S. Rodriguez H, Mavrogenes D. Grub Frieser D. Turner DRB File #9,333J ,',\ '-:, F' V) !. \ \ \ .\. >, I '\ ,i\ .. . I I [; ( \ ",; ;.~~' ',..