File Ref. #013 or~ - No0 2,(0 r 14f4fl (ct~ 30, CONFIDENTIAL - EXEMPT FROM PUBLIC RECORDS CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MEMORANDUM November 26, 1997 TO: ~obert Parcher, City Clerk Mavrogenes, Assistant City ManageJ~ Dumas, Redevelopment coordinato;J!(/i/~ Harry S. VIA: FROM: Marla S. SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR RESEARCH OF APPROVAL DATES AND ORDINANCES/RESOLUTIONS RELATING TO REDEVELOPMENT PLANS, COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLANS AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS FROM 1973-1997 IN THE SOUTH POINTE REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT On Friday, November 21, 1997, I attended a meeting with City Attorney Murray Dubbin and members of his staff to discuss pending litigation relating to Portofino, At that meeting, the need to research the above delineated information was identified. Mr. Dubbin and I spoke with Dorothy Merante, Assistant City Clerk, who indicated a search could be undertaken. It is my understanding that she will return to the office on Monday, December 1st and we are requesting your authorization for her to proceed with this research. (1) Specifically, in terms of a redevelopment plan for South pointe, we believe the initial plan was approved in the mid-1970's. A copy of this plan and formal adoption, including any later amendments, needs to be provided as part of this request. There may, in fact, be a later version of the redevelopment plan which was adopted in the late 1970's. The South Shore Revitalization Strategy, dated in 1983 and adopted in 1984, is considered to be the regulating document currently in place. We need a copy of the approving action to confirm that this plan is, indeed, the official redevelopment plan for the area. We are not aware of any amendments being adopted. Please advise if your search indicates otherwise. I I,Ll J\ (2) With regard to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Dean Grandin has indicated to me that the first comp plan was adopted in 1980, prior to the requirement implemented in 1989 by State Statute. It is my understanding that we adopted a comprehensive plan in 1989 to comply with this requirement, but in 1992, were required to re- adopt it, due to noticing technicalities. The 1992 plan was amended in 1994, and approved by Department of Community Affairs in 1996, Copies of all official actions relating to these documents need to be provided. (3) There are at least four development agreements in place in the South pointe area: (a) the 1984 South Pointe Development Agreement; (b) the 1986 SSDI Development Agreement; (c) the 1989 Cobb Development Agreement; and (d) the 1995 Portofino Development Agreement. Basically, the research should focus on the approvals for the 1984 South Pointe Development Agreement and the 1986 SSDI Development Agreement. Copies of approval actions for the 1984 South Pointe DA and the 1986 SSDI DA are required. If, in your research, any other development agreements are identified, we need to be advised, c: Murray H. Dubbin, City Attorney Lawrence A, Levy, First Assistant City Attorney Dean Grandin, Director Planning & Zoning Dorothy Merante, Assistant City Clerk , CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Interoffice Memorandum lQ To: Marla Dumas Redevelopmen(J_u ...rdina. tor Doroth~ Meran .r~ Asst. CIty Cler . Date: December 5, 1997 From: Subject: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCYIREQUEST FOR RESEARCH MATERIALS Please find attached 2 sets of photocopied history cards regarding the above request. As I mentioned to you in our telephone conversation, the files indicated on the enclosed copies are stored off premises. Ordinances and resolutions are retained in this building. (Please let me know which records are needed for your further review, ) attachments: 2 sets u~ R. Parcher, City Clerk Lt I \ d;' ) -"-..., I). j" -+rl, , ."-/~, /' ( 1 ~ ,~1 ~ xd! I .'\) ~'-\ I . " I \~).. I.L \ 'II," (--. . /r ,'1". j / I V f\~_:~\~ r1'\.~~ ,) \:) I .~ f .,,.1, e /l (' h L ( :... ,4 ...._..~ -. 'I. . -' SOUTH SHORE AREA REVITALIZATION 1 B Meeting Date Res. 73-14082 call ing publ ic h~aring on 9~5/7~ to consider six months' construction moratorium In So. Beach, Councilman Weinstein asked the Adminis- tration be prepared to submit development plan for area at time of hearing. Mayor Hall reiterated re- quest the Administration submit ideas re: ad valoram tax reI ief for owners of property affected by mora tor i um. 8/8/73 Res. 73-14107 adopted imposing six months' con- struction moratorium in So. Beach; 6th St, on North, Atlantic Ocean on east, U,S.Gov't. Cut on South and Biscayno Bay on west; during this perio4.,'loCity Council will consider the adoption of a compr,hensive development plan, 9/5/73 SOUTH SHORE AREA REVITALIZATION 2 Meeting Date Report on So, Shore redevelopment plans, re- quested by Dr. Haber deferred. to be re- scheduled by City Mgr. 9/19/73 Request by architect Morris Ross, on behalf of Hebrew Home for Aged, for relief from building moratorium for South Beach, for construction of 5 story add'n. located at Collins & 3rd deferred to 11/7/73, Cnuncil asked written opinions from City Atty, and City Mgr. as to whether this facil ity would be covered by "hospital and hospital related bu i 1 dings" exempt ion. 10/17/73 ... SOUTH SHORE AREA REVITALIZATION 3 Meeting Date 9~lic hearing called for 3/6/74 to consider day extension of existing six-months' construction moratorium in South Beach (6th St. on north, Atlantic Ocean on east, U,S.Govt. Cut on south and Biscayne Bay on west, 2/20/74 South Shore Redevelopment Plan to be presented by Planning and Zoning Director on 3/6/74. 2/2017lf Councilman Meyerson suggested consideration of creation of South Beach Redevelopment Authority, which would be semi-autonomous for purpose of taking action for future' Council planning and rebuilding of South Beach.2/20/74 SOUTH .SHORE AREA REVITALIZATION 4 Date Meet i ng Hearing to consider extending bldg. moratorium on south beach, south of 6th St. for add'l. 90 days. Res. 74-14299 extends same. 3/6/74 Re: discussion of proposal by Planning Bd. and Technical Committee to hold workshop to discuss creation of a South Shore redevelopment area and a redevelopment authority, City Mgr. re- quested to arrange workshop meeting. Workshops - In response to Councilman Sahl's request for another workshop session, Dr. Haber suggested delaying unti I Mr. Toal completes written rept. requested at last session,5/20/74, City M9~. requested to schedule workshop Soon as report completed. 4/17/74 6/5/74 ... , 4..., " SOUTH SHORE AREA REVITALIZATION (cont'd) is not required. Workshop meeting with M,B, Chamber of Com- merce re: South Shore Redevelopment Plan scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 19, 1974 at 4:00 p,m. 9 Date 12/11174: Discussion of South Shore Redevelopment Area 1/8/75 proposal - (Memo #4940, report from City Mgr,), Discussion held, Mayor Rosen requested City Mgr. & City Atty, to develop a Ilskeleton'l plan for a South Shore Re- development Authority for submission at 2/5/75 meeting. V.M. Meyerson requested he be furnished with SOUTH SHORE AREA REVITALIZATION (cont I d) the various options in redevelopment; legal ramifications; and the proposal for redevelop- ment of the area through zoning as was once suggested by the Planning Dept. City Atty, again requested to furnish applicable State law to members of Council. City Mgr, to arrange additional workshop session at end of month, 10 Date 1/8/75 Presentation of Tentative Plan for South Shore Redevelopment Authority. Requested by Mayor Harold Rosen on 1/8/75. Tentatively deferred to 2/19/75, with direction that City Mgr. attempt to arrange a special meeting prior to this date, 2/5/75 SOUTH SHORE AREA REVITALIZATION ;;;:n-. ~ ..' '-'~ 11 Date Discussion of creation of South Beach Redevelopment area. Res. #75-14624 adopted, declaring South Beach Area to be alibI ighted area" and declaring necessity of the rehabil itation, conser- vation and redevelopment of South Beach Area, City Atty. to review ord. pre- sented by M.B. Chamber of Commerce and distribute copies of ord. to Council with comments and recommendations. City Mgr. indicated he would solicit proposals from Urban Planners for presentation to Council. To be placed on March 12. 1975 agenda for further consideration by Council. 2/19175 " 1 f. f !. I BIDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH Re~Jlution No. 76-14961 adopted, creating Miami Beach Redevelop- ment Agency (note: by this action Ad Hoc South Shore Redevelopment Committee dissolved) Members appointed: James J, McDonnell, chairman Stephen Muss, Vice chairman Irwin Sawitz David Klevens Max Serchuck (For names of members of Ad Hoc South Committee see card I isted for Ad Hoc Committee) Date 2-17-76 ( Shore Redevelopment\ South Shore Redev. " REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY. MIAMI BEACH 4A Date 4/19/76 Messrs. Murray Dubbin, Michael Katz and Steve Siskind appeared on behalf of Agency. Discus- sion held with respect to events taking place following meeting in Mayor Rosen's office with City Atty. and interested principals. City Atty's draft of revised agreement reviewed. Amendments to agreement as proposed by Agency reviewed. City Atty. recommended against approval of amendments. Res. as proposed by Agency reviewed and amended, to delete references to "private funds", At con- clusion of 3 hr. discussion, Res. #76-15020 adopt- ~ implementing Redevelopment Agency; allocating and reserving Federa~ and other funds for plan- ning purposes; authorizing execution of a contract between City of MB and Wurster, Bernardi & Emmons, ! I . { j i ~ ,i II REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH 23 Date 1/5/77 Chairman submitted proposed Redevelopment Plan, together with five appendices, which were order- ed filed with the records of the meeting. Res. #77-15233 adopted, accepting del ivery of the Plan of the MB Redevelopment Authority, in ac- cordance with Sec. 163-360 of Fla, Statutes and referring said plan to MB Planning Commission for purpose of determining whether it is in ac- cordance with the general plan for development of the City; Planning Commission to furnish such report to Council within 30 days, failing that time schedule, Counci I may, on its own, call a public hearing, Councilman Dr, Wikler submitted five recommendations for inclusion in the plan (transcription furnished to all affected '. . 1,1 '. " '. ',I , " .,.,..,.."t:.;.."r,:~....,~,.'\' '. <;.,".~,,.;..<,,.. "";"".(l~.,.i"~:"'{~.I,}/..I"}')fjj:.~~~~!tit;~f.t~}'!1-~~ ' '. " ~..; '~""'_4",...t~",,"._.__..._~,_o::...:...-A,,,,,,,__~_._~""'~"'Lj~-- I. al ..c::'J. Jo."' .' REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (continued) parties) for review by the Agency and the Plan- ning Commission, Councilman Meyerson requested City Atty's opinion, in writing, as to whether recommendations may be included, Chairman pre- sented request for $51,000 to continue operation of the Agency through Feb. 28, 1977, during which time period all required hearings are planned. City Atty. reviewed matter and concluded that this is a situtation where the Council could l.egitimately find that an emergency exists; that the budget had expired; that none is pre- sently in existence; that to continue the work of the Agency pending the period of formulating a budget to meet the requirements of the law, the Agency can be funded to the extent of 24 Date 1/5/77 . . , REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (continued) hearing before their issuance, and require a vote of the people. 26 Date would not 1/5/77 1/19/77 Atty. for M,B, Redevelopment Agency appeared and advised that the tentative hearing scheduled by Council for 2/9/77, will not satisfy required timetable. Discussion held, and first required hearing was scheduled for Thursda~b.17,1977, at 4:00 p.rn" to consider the recommedations of MB Planning Commission as to its determination whether the redevelopment plan is in accordance wit:, general plan for development of City. Second hearing to give all interested citizens an oppor- tunity to be heard, scheduled for Wed. Feb. 23,1977, at 10:00 a,m, In response to remarks of Mr. Milton Gordon, made earl ier in meeting, that the Agency's REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (cont i nued) members must comply with State requirements for financial disclosure, Mr, Dubbin advised t~e Agency has directed him to immediately submit this question to State's Commission on Ethics for a rul i ng. 27 Date 1/19/77 Memo #61 70, all terms to expire David Klevens Stephen Muss Max Serchuk present members reappointed, 2/17/78. James J. McDonnell IrwinSawitz 2/2/77 Planning Brd. report of motion adopted 1/31/77, 2/2/77 finding that plan presented by MB Redevelopment ... -".~"._'--- -~.... '-'" -- ..~._'. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (continued) Agency does conform with City of Miami Beach as a in record. 28 ~ general plan for the whole. Report placed l C ,,-d }/J.177 _~ ~t...::t --,-,-~ a If Appearance of Mr. James McDonnell, Chairman of 3/2/77 MB Redevelopment Agency, to present budget and request appropriation for agency operation for month of March, 1977. Res. #77-15283 adopted, approving the "Redevelopment plan for South Beach Redevelopment project", as amended. Appropriation of $16, 175.00 from Public Works Title I I Funds, for operatio~ of the Agency for the month of March, 1977, approved, (NOT ON AGENDA) Appearance by M.B. Redevelopment 3/16/77 II REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH Appearance of Mr, James McDonnell, Chairman of MB Redevelopment Agency to discuss empowering resolution regarding the Agency Plan, and to present budget of the Agency. Deferred to con- tinued meeting to be held on Wednesday, March 30, 1977, at 4:00 p.m. Messrs. Murray Dubbin and Jim McDonnell ap- peared. Fol lowing discussion, Res. #77-15283 adopted by Council on March 2, 1977, was amend- ed as fo 11 ows: -r, To provide that in the event the Agency seeks judicial review and does not prevail, the grievantsl court costs, including reason- able counsel fees as adjudged by the Court, REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (continued) shall be payable by the Agency. 2. Paragraph reading "A party who files a grievance will sign an agreement to be bound by the decision of the Grievance Boardl', and adding the following words to the end of the sentence beginning "Upon hearing.....decision of such board", "sub- ject to the right of either party to seek judicial review for departure from the plan, this resolution, or otherwise essential re- quirements of law", Res. #77-15291 adopted. A motion to increase the membership of the Grievance Brd. from 3 to 4, failed of passage. Council authorized reallocation of $445,000 CD funds from the 1st and 2nd year CD allocations. 30 Date 3/24/77 3130/77 31 Date 3/30/77 ~. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (continued) Funding on a pre-audit basis of up to $82,500 for April and May, 1977. Prior to end of this period Redevelopment Agency to submit final budget and contracts, where needed, to Council. Chairman Jim McDonnell advised that the bound- ary lines of the Redevelopment area would cover the area as originally established by the Coun- cil; that a proposed straightening of 6th St. at the easterly end would not take place and that only the area South of 6th St. would stay in the area of redevelopment. (Appendix H of Exhibit A) Counc! 1 then reaffirmed that the redevelopment area IS that which is prescribed by Res. #75-14624 (which established the blighted area as envisioned by the Community Redevelopment Act of 1969). 3/30/77 32 Date /I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (continued) Manager advised that Mr. Siskind's contract ex- pired July 15, 1977; that pending HUD's clari- fication of certain questions pertaining to use of C/D funds with respect to planning and imple- mentation of the development plan, HUD has ad- vised the City they will not approve an extension or a new contract; and that the matter will be placed or: the Aug. 3, 1977 agenda for considera- tion, Hea r i i1g ;1": I d and conc I uded. Second of two public :1E:2rings on Planning Brd, recommenda- tion re: proposed amendment to Zoning Ord, #1891, to create R-U "Redevelopment Use" Zoning District, (1st hearing 7/12/77). REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (continued) Pro osed ord. amended rior to first reading. Ord. passe on Irst rea lng, earlng an second reading scheduled for 8/17/77, at 2:30 ~, Hearing called 8/17/77, at 2:00 p.m. to consider amendIng ~outn ~nore Kedevelopmenr Plan to 1) make provision therein that the Agency will provide 750 low and moderate income housing units in the Target area, exclusive of the existing facilities, To consider amending S, Shore Redevelopment Plan to provide for Agency's provision of 750 low and moderate income units in target area, exclusive of existing facilities' and to require that funds will be set aside'by REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (cont i nued) the Agency to guarantee adequate financial provisions for relocated persons. Hearing held and concluded. *Res. #77-15413 adopted, amending Res, #77-15283, in accordance with the resolution of the M,B, Redevelopment Agency to include a provision that the Agency will provide within the project 750 units of permanent subsidized low and moderate income housing for the elderly at sites selected and in the manner determined by the Agency. Such housing to be financed out of tax increment revenues or a~y method the Agency determines to be most feasible; providing a schedule of implementation of low and moderate income housing; providing that the Agency shall be 42 Date 7/27/77 8/3/77 43 Date 8/3/77 8/17/77 44 Date 8/17/77 " REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (cont i nued) responsible to pay for or reimburse the City for the reasonable cost of moving the police station and pub lie works fac i lit i es. 2, I n accordance with the resolution of the Development Agency, City Council passed on first reading an ord. to provide for the establishment of a redevelopment trust fund. Second and Final reading scheduled for 9/7/77 at 2:00 p.m. City Mgr. and City Atty. to meet with Agency representatives to review this ord. and to submit report and recommendation, City Mgr, advised Council that he could not recom- mend approval of Agency's recommendations; also indicating that in his opinion the Agency should be disbanded and the duties assumed by City. He cited possible effect on City's financing and REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (cont i nued) zoning powers from these actions, authorizes Redevelopment Agency to Metro-Dade Co. for recertification amended, ~':Res, a I so apply to of Plan as Amendment to Zoning Ord, #1891, to create. RU (Redevelopment Use) Zoning District, (1st reading 8/3/77). Hearing on second reading held and concluded. Ord. #77-2099 adopted as amende~, The amendments adopted prior to final reading Were clarifications of two amend- ments made on the first reading of ord.- re- establishing City's zoning powers (See, 2A); and providing that in event an unsuccessful appl icant for Site Plan approval prevails in REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (cont i nued) seeking judicial review of Agency's Brd. ad- verse decision, the applicant shall be en- titled to recover his court costs and reason- able atty's fees. (See, 22-9(10)(c). The fol- lowing proposed amendments offered by Council- man Dr, Wikler FAilED to receive seconds: l)That the Ord. be amended to provide that Re- development Use Zoning be given only for Phase 1A,lB & 1C of Plan being Parcels A,B, C, X, Y and Zl of Project Boundary and land Use Plan included as Exhibit A. 2)That existing CMS Redevelopment Agency be dissolved and that powers and authorities thereof be vested in City Council of CMB; that Agency be recreated by having only 45 Date 8/17/77 46 Date 8/17/77 8/17/77 47 Date 8/17/77 " REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (cant i nued) approved on April 6, 1977, Hearing held and concluded. Ord. #77-2104 adopted, as amended prior to second reading, amending Chapter 2 of City Code to establish a Redevelopment Trust Fund (re: S. Shore Re- development) pursuant to Florida Statutes, Chapter 163 (Yst reading 8/17/77). Council- man Weinstein referred to Finance Director's report and said that in view of possible pro- blems brought to Council's attention, he is requesting Administration to direct same to Legislative committees involved, for their review and solution, and further requested a progress report in this regard. He urged 49 Date 8/17/77 917/77 t 1 r l i .. ,. " REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH Mr. Joseph Dei Santi appeared on behalf of Redevelopment Agency to request Dade Co. Brd. of Commissioners to waive required six-week period between first and second reading for ordinance providing for and establishing a Redevelopment Trust Fund pursuant to provisions of Florida Statutes, Sec. 163.387. Matter de- ferred to Feb. 1, 1978. Administration req~t- ed to furnish Commission with copies of Metro's ordinance, and to notify the Chairman and Atty. for Agency to be present at next meeting. (See Metro) Chairman McDonnell presented Agency progress report. Res. #78~15535-adopted, approving in REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (continued) principle, a policy which would,subject to ap- propriate procedures being developed by the Administration, City Atty. and Agency, provide for the Agency to eventually assume responsi- bility relating to the Marina development. Res. #78-15536 adopted, avthoriz~ng application to be made to the State of Florida for lease of the bay bottom land for the Marina in Meloy Channel. (See M.B. MARINA) Mayor Haber requested that appointments to the Agency be scheduled for Feb. 15, 1978. Commissioner Dr. Wikler requested City Atty. to develop ground rules relative to method of making appointments. S4 Date 1 /mTf8 2/1/78 SS Date 2/1/78 2/1/78 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (cont i nued) Agency and Stephen Siskind until 1/1/79. Memo #6959, hearing called for 9/6/78, at 2:30 p.m., for application of developmental approval for implementation of S. Shore Re- development project. City Clerk to notify Division of State Planning and S. Fla. Re- gional Planning Council of hearing. Hearing held and concluded re: application for development approval for implementation of S. Shore Redevelopment Project (called 6/28/78). Res. #78-15705 adopted, authorizing issuance of Development Order, based upon the Redevelop- ment"Agency's response to the conditions as ---' . -_....__.__ ___.___ __ __,__ ~.. uo .___ .__.. ..__ _ _._ REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY. MIAMI BEACH (conti nued) identified by the S. Florida Regional Planning Council. Administration authorized to notify the Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission, the S. Florida Regional Planning Council, and M.B. Redevelopment Agency of the Commission's action. Memo #7098, Urban Development Action Grant Application submission, hearing held and con- cluded. Res. #78-15721 adopted, authorizing City Mgr. to execute application for $11,777,435 Federal UDAG funds for use in con- junction with S. Shore Redevelopment Plan. (See Urban Development Action Grant) 65 Date 617 /78 6/28178 9/6/78 66 Date 9/6178 9/20/78 " REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (continued) for Commission's consideration on Jan. 17, 1979. 71 Date I 1/3/79 : A resolution of City Commission of eMB amend- 1/17/79 ing the development order for Development of Regional Impact granted to Miami Beach Redevelop- ment Agency by amending resolution No. 78-15705 passed and adopted Sept. 6, 1978. Deferred to Feb. 7, 1979, to give Commission an opportunity to review proposed changes. Memo #7335, Res, #79-15828 adopted, amending 2/7/79 the development order for Development of Re- gional Impact granted to M. B. Redevelopment Agency by amending Res. #78-15705 passed and adopted, Sept. 6, 1978. Commissioner Friedman REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY. MIAMI BEACH (continued) requested Administration to submit a report on relocation plan, particularly as it relates to phasing of housing construction and relocation required by developer construction and question of whether eligible residents may request and receive early benefits. Report requested for March 7, 1979, Memo #7381, Res. #79-15849 adopted,declaring that to the extent that the M. B. Redevelopment Agency obligates itself on notes to the South- east First National Bank of Miami for the ex- clusive purpose of constructing the M.B. Marina, that the City will, if and in the event the Agency is discontinued, disbanded or dissolved, 72 Date 217179 317179 " REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH Memo #7386, South Shore Relocation Plan, deferred to March 21, 1979 meeting. Memo #7386, dated 3/7/79, South Shore Relo- cation Plan (deferred from 3/7/79 meeting), Deferred to 4/4/79 at request of Commissioner Friedman. Memo #7407, amendments to Redevelopment Plan for South Beach Redevelopment Project and rules and regulations governing relocation payments. Discussion held re: Commission meeting date. 4/18/79 meeting rescheduled to 4/25/79 due to Passover hol idays. Hearing scheduled for 4/25/79 at 3:30 p,m. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH Hearing held and concluded. Res. #79-15886 adoptea re: amendments to M. B. Redevelopment Plan Project and rules and regulations govern- i ng re 1 oca t i on payments. (Ca 11 ed by Commi ss ion 3/21/79) Memo #7467, See resolution for com- plete title. Res, #79-15887 adopted, as amended. (Last sentence of Sec. 3 deleted prior to passage of resolution), re: relating to M.B. Redevelop- ment Agency, reaffirming determination of existence of a blighted area within CMB, re- declaring need for a Community Redevelopment Agency, and reaffirming creation of M.B. Rede- velopment Agency. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH A resolution of C't C . izing and directi~gYMa~~~/~~~o2.of CMB author- execute a deed ( Ity Clerk to to and made a copy of which is attached here- ing to M B R ~art hereof as exhibit "N') grant- , . e evelopment Agency f ment purposes that. or redevelop- as designated on M ~or~'~n of I parcels A, C and D amended wh i ch' " d e eve opment P I an as tween Alton Rd's ownhe by eMB, all located be- , on t e east Bis west, Fifth St (M A h ' cayne Bay on the , ac rt ur Causeway) h and Government Cut on th h on t e north May 16, 1979 meet' e sout, Deferred to Ing at request of City Atty, 74 Date 317179 3/21179 3/21179 75 Date 4/25/79 4/25/79 76 Date 4/25/79 '. " II RtDtVElOPMENT AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH Memo #7492, appointments deferred to 5/16/79. Res, #79-15917 adopted, as amended, authorizing and directing Mayor and City Clerk to execute a deed ( a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof as exhibit "A") granting to M.B. Redevelopment Agency for redevelopment purposes that portion of Parcels A, C and D as designated on M.B. Redevelopment Plan as amended which is owned by C, M,B., all located between Alton Rd, on the east, Biscayne Bay on the west, 5th St, (MacArthur Causeway) on the north and Government Cut on the south. (Requested by M,B. Redevelopment Agency) (Deferred from 4/25/79) 11 Date 5/2179 5/16179 1/ '. " ~tDEVtlOPMtNT AGtNCY MIAMI BEACH (continued) . of all ordinances in confl'. . for an effective date No~ct, a~d providing to 1/2/80. ,reac ed - deferred AMemo #7903, request of M B Redevelo gency and S Sh 0 .' pment ~ra~sferDo: CityO~:nde~:~~~7~:dc~~c::~~:is , ,& In Redevelopment Ian Dubbin atty a d b P . Mr. Murray gethe '. . , n mem ers of Agency to- r with Mr, Earl Worsham Master'Devel appeared and reviewed cha ' oper, with nges ma de by Agency respect to Redevelopment Plan' , wi th ' I n compliance requests previously made by M ayor and ~tDEVElOPMENT AGENCY. MIAMI BEACH (cont i nued) Commissioners. Discussion ensued from 5:00 p.m, to 11:00 p.m., with regard to Agency's request for transfer of City-owned land to Redevelopment Agency. At the conclusion of discussion, motion for adoption of resolution authorizing transfer of title of portions of Parcels A, C and D to Redevelopment Agency failed of passage by a vote of 3 to 4, Commissioners Weinstein, Falk and Friedman voting in favor, and Mayor Meyerson, V.M. Wikler and Commissioners Mendelson and Daoud opposed. (NOTE: City Attorney Robert Shevin advised commissioner Mendelson he may vote on land transfer - page 139) A6 Date 12/19179 12/19/79 M Date 12/19179 II REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH Request of V~M. Dr. Simon Wik1er,toe~a~f an external audit made or the actlvlfl M.B. Redevelopment Agency since its inception. Not reached - deferred to 1/2/80. Request of Commissioner Mel Mendelson to discuss hiring of consultants for S. Beach Redevelopment Project. Not reached - deferred to 1/2/80, SPECIAL COMMISSION MEETING - RE: Deeding City land to Redevelopment Agency. A motion to reconsider action taken on Dec. 19, 1979, regardIng request of M.B. Redevelopment Agency ~tOtVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (continued) and South Shore Developers, concerning transfer of City-owned land described as parcels A, C, and D in Redevelopment Plan, carried. Res. #79-16136 adopted, authorizing execution of deed granting to M.B, Redevelopment Agency, for redeyelopment purposes, that portion of parcels, A,C, and D as designated on M. B. Redevelopment Plan as amended, which is owned by City of M. B., all located between Alton Rd., on the east, Biscayne Bay on the west, Fifth St. (MacArthur Causeway) on the north, and Government Cut Ion south. S8 Date 1 i7T9179 12/19179 12/21179 ~~ Date \ 1 I ;, i ! ~. } i 12/21/79 i " " R~OrVELOPMENT AND/O~ AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (continued) Dec, 19\ 1979) Not reached - deferred to 1/1a/80} 92 Date 1/2/80 Request of Mayor Murray Meyerson for referen- 1/2/80 dum on S. Beach Redevelopment for March 11, 1980 Presidential Preference Primary. Motion for referendum vote on redevelopment project, carried. Motion to approve Alternative D language for ballot question, failed of passage. Motion to approve Alternative A lanquaqe for question, carried. Res. #80-16150 adopted, as amended. (See Elections, Special Elections) H REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (continued) 1974, Housing, Low-Cost, Air Rights) 100 Date 3/14/80 Results of election canvassed by Commissioners 3/19/80 Friedman and Mendelson, and City Clerk, serving as a Canvassing Committee, Res. #80-16220 adopted, declaring results of Special Elections held March 11, 1980 to be as follows: QUESTION NO 1 approved: in favor of Redevelop- ment Plan for South Beach area as same presently exists and with amendments thereto recommended by M.B. Redevelopment Agency. (See Elections, Special Election - March 11, 1980) 1 I r ~ ! i r ; j " REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH Mem9 #8112~ follo~iQg ap.QQ;ntments ~adel' term expires FeD. 15, 1::;~3, 19l:S4 respective y: Norman Braman - reappointed - City Commission Irwin Sawitz II - City Commission 101 Date 3/19/80 Memo #8162, Res. #80-16248 adopted, determining 4/9/80 need for Land and Water Conservation Grant Funds for use in conjunction with S. Shore Redevelop- ment Plan of C.M.B., authorizing and directing City Mgr. to execute grant application and pro- cess same with U. S. Dept. of Interior's Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service and with Florida's Dept. of Natural Resources, empowering City Mgr. to execute and submit supplements, amendments and supporting data to said application; ----~. ----_.~.-----_..--- . - ------- - -.--- . ~- ---..--.----------------- ___ ._~ _.__~.~... _____-_____ 0-_----- _'.__ ___ REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (cont i nued) certifying that City will comply with assur- ances required of all LAWCON recipients by U. S. Dept. of Interior and stating intent of City to enter into an agreement with M,B. Rede- velopment Agency for administration of said LAWCON Grant Funds. (See U. S. Government, Florida, State of) - - -.-_._--~ ---., 102 Date 4/9/80 Res. #80-16249 adopted, requesting M.B. 4/9/80 Redevelopment Agency to reconsider and rescind pay raise approved for its Planning Director Steve Siskind, on April 8, 1980, to correlate its administrative activities regarding personnel, budget, etc. with City Administration. 'I I'. lLEDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (cont i nued) 114 Date - held as indicated by him. 6/18/80 .~Uv:#I/~t7 Memo #8389, lcearinq scheduled for Aug. 20, 1980, 8/6/80 at 7:00 p.m., re: resolution amending Revised-- Redevelopment Plan for S. Beach Redevelopment PrOject, dated Apri I 25, 1979, regarding guaran- tees of Relocation Plan; income to C.M.B. from Project Area; Agency payment for p.W. and Police Relocation; canal system requirements; access to Waterfront; condominium conversion; disposal of City property; participation in increased values; purchase price of cOnveyed land; terms and condi- tions of sales; as recommended by Brd. of Com- missioners. of M.B. Redevelopment Agency Res. #80-3. I . .I J j f , ~tDEVElOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH '. 114A Date - SPECIAL MEETING CALLED ON JUNE 18, 1980 RE: MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY. 6/25/80 Mr. Stephen Muss appeared and outlined status of negotiations and next steps to be taken. Com- missioner Mendelson's motion to disband Redevelo~_ ment Agency, failed of-Passaqe=by a vote of 2-4. Transcript to be furnsihed by City Clerk. , REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (conti nued) 115 Date (requested by Mayor Murray Meyerson). Admini- stration requested to have copies of proposed resolution available for public perusal in Agency office and City Clerk's office. Mr. Stephen Muss, representing Redevelopment Agency, appeared and presented report. No action taken. 8/6/80 8120/80 Memo #8389, hearing held and concluded. A resolution of City Commission of C.M.B amend- ing Revised Redevelopment Plan for S. Beach Redevelopment Project, dated April 25, 1979, regarding guarantees of relocation plan; 8120/80 REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (continued) 116 Date income to C.M.B. from project area; agency payment for P. W. and Police relocation; canal system requirements; access to waterfront; condominium conversion; disposal of city property; participation in increased values; purchase price of conveyed land; terms and conditions of sales; as recommended by Brd. of Commissioners of M.B. Redevelopment Agency Res. #80-3. (Requested by Mayor Murray Meyerson) Action deferred to 9/3/80. 8/20/80 --.., .~,'.....-....~,. ~;_...... ~ "'",,- "",~..,- --,..' ...... ....'.. ........1. ,. . ." '__' ~'....., ..,. .' REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY. MIAMI BEACH 117 Date 9/3/80 Mr. Herbert Kay, Executive Director of the Agency, appeared and responded to a list of q~es~ions which had been submitted by Com- miSSioner Mendelson. Commissioner Mendelson reported, during morning session that he had been denied a copy of the Agency:s audit report a~d M~, K~y advised copies were being made for' distribution. Later in meeting copies were furnished to all members of the'Commission. Memo #8389, resolution of City Commission of C.M.B. amending Revised Redevelopment Plan for S. Beau~ Redevelopment Project, dated April 25, 1979,..... lRedevelopment Agency Executive Director Herbert Kay appeared and requested 9/3/80 118 Date ... REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY. MIAMI BEACH (conti nued) deferral to 9/24/80 due to fact that Agency's bond counsel had expressed concerns regarding language of proposed plan changes and will be submitting a letter detailing those concerns after reviewing with underwriters. Matter deferred to 9/24/80 at 2:30 p.m. Time Certain. Mayor Meyerson asked Mr. Kay to notify Admini- stration, press, and himself when any negotia- tions will be held with developers and to sub- mit a copy of Agency's audit report to Admini- stration for review. Commissioner Weinstein asked Agency to furnish Administration and mem- bers of Commission with a copy of their bond counsell s correspondence. (See related item 9/3/80 REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (continued) R-3A, prior entry, this date) 119 Date 9/3/80 Memo #8389, and proposed resolution amending the revised Redevelopment plan dated 4/25/79. as to guarantees of relocation plan; income to City from project area; Agency payment for P~lb. Wks. and police relocation; cancal system requirements; access to waterfront; condominium conversion; disposal of City property; participation in in- creased land values; purchase price of conveyed land' terms and conditions of sales, as recom- mend~d by Agency in their Reso. #80-3. (Public hearing held and concluded 8/20/80). Deferred to 10/16/80 at 2:30 p.m. Time Certain. Agency 9/24/80 REDEVELOPMENt AND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH 120 (continued) Attorney Murray Dubbin appeared and made a state- ment concerning the comments of the bond attorneys. City Attorney recommended deferral to enable the Legal Dept. and the Administration to review and to be prepared with recommendations. 9/24/80 During discussion of refugee situation in South Beach area (R-lC), Comm. Mendelson stated that the MacArthur Hotel, 711 5th St.. was originally scheduled for demoli- tion and replacement by a new hotel. but because of Redevelopment, this did not take place, and the build- ing had recently been used to house refugees after it had been condemned, 9/24/80 .... .. ..... I REDEVELOP:IENT Ai'-JD/OR AGENCY, NIA1'11 BEACH 121 Paae .:...:::= . ~. ; I Discussion held on request of Cornm, Mendelson for Agencv audit, Agency was asked to furnish the City with a copy of its 1979 activity report and financial statement as required by State Statute, No action taken. 9/24/80 '':' Discussion held on request of Cornm, Mendelson concerning Reso. Nos. 79-15849, 79-15945 and 78-15535, relating to the Agency and the Marina, No action taken. 9/24/80 ~ j , I I Brief discussion held re: possible need for an alternative redevelopment plan for So, Beach area if bonds not validated, No action taken, '.. .\ .', ":.' ..'\.''(. "!' 't.;'" .,\'. '" ':.'~ ", \;' '-"-, ,,",.; . ' ., ~ REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH 122 Date 10/15/80 Memo #8389, reo proposed resolution amending revised plan dated 4/25/79 concerning seven segments of the project plan, . City Attorney advised there has been no meeting of the mind with the bond counsel and the Agency's attorney. Mayor Meyerson designated Commissioner Weinstein and himself to meet with the City Attorney and other interested parties to attempt to bring this matter to a conclusion, and the Admin. was directed to remove this item from the agenda until that time. LTC 60-80 - Status of So. Bch, redevelopment _ deferred to 12/3/80, 3:00 p,m. Time Certain, V,M. Mendelson requested that Admin, inform Red, Agcy. of date & time matter will be heard. 11/19/80 REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH 123 ; DA TE J l2/3/8q j ! i ) . \ i i { ~ f f 12/3/80 t- " i 1 f Status of S. Bch, Redevelopment; Mr. Irwin Sawitz, M.B, Red. Agcy. Chairman appeared & rendered oral report. V-M Mendelson's motion declaring the Comm, to be the Red. Agcy, failed of passage. Mayor Meyerson asked that the Agcy develop a time frame as to how long they will delay further actions awaiting Supreme Court decision & present to Comm. so it will be able to make a determination as to possible alternatives to be followed. Comm. Falk advised that City could gain rev. from completion of marina, citing need for dock space during boat show, & she urged that steps be taken to complete facility sufficiently to enable 124 1 Date I 12/3/80 ! l !" , \ . . & ~ REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, 'MIAMI BEACH (cont'd.) such use, C. Mgr. & C. Atty, directed to rev: & submit recommendations at 12/17/80 mtg. relat1ng to who would oper. marina, costs of completion, who would receive income therefrom, etc. & to wk. wiRed. Agcy. in developing their rep.; Admin, also requested to provide history of marina development. (see MIAMI BEACH MARINA) C. Mgr. advised that consideration is being given 1/7/81 to bldg a new police station predicated on reimburse- ment to City by Red. Agcy, & that the Admin. will.be making recommendations in the near futu:e.on fund1ng sources & poss. location of the ne~ fac1~1ty, He . . further stated that funding for th1s pro], may requ1re , a bond issue. V,M. Mendelson urged that a new ~. ( I j .' . , I , .~ ." ,i REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (Continued) Res, 81-16567 adopted as amended, granting per- mission to Red, Agcy to do necessary filling or creating lands waterward of mean high water line adjacent to ME Marina in Meloy Channel in connection w/Agency application for permit to conduct activities in waters of St. of Fla., subj, to approval of DER & US Army Corps of Engrs, Res. 81-16568 adopted, approving rec. for amend- ments to Red, Plan pursuant to prior actions of Agcy, & City, as more particularly described in Agcy's Res, 80-3 dtd 4/22/80, excluding Amendment 5 (appr,wing amendments 1-4 & 6-11). Amendment 5 as rec'd by Agcy per their Res, 81-2, deferr~d for further consideration & deliberation, 128 2~~~/81 I f 1 . i J ~------"-~----~--_.....--------- .....~... REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH 129 Date Memo 8840, re, new Pol, Station; Admin. directed 3/04/81 to negotiate agreement wiRed. Agcy requiring payment to City of full value of old pol, station & muni- cipal court site upon Agcy acquiring that propt, (see ELECTIONS, COUNTY COURT [METOR], POLICE DEPT.) Request of V.M. Mendelson to discuss rep. of land 3/4/81 sale by MB Red. Agcy, not reached - deferred to 3/18/81. C.A. Plan Att, Memo 8904, adoption of Red. Agcy rec, of Red, Amend. #5 regarding payment to City. Red. Agcy Murray Dubbin appeared & urged adoption, Discussion held; further (continued) 3/18/8 " -_..-,~ .'. ";-"-';-" ~,".' "- '. ,.... J'.J"__'~".rt.. -; "".-' ." ..~. '-~~_'_.'"" '-. _."'- .-..........:.t-~..._ _~-!'.:-.- .'-.- _-.4'.::--.'.........,"...::J:.:.:.._ . ..:....;.:!:.~~":l...J:.:;;,. REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (Continued) consideration deferred to 3/25/81 continued Comm. Daoud asked Admin. to determine poss, liabilities if developers decide project is longer financially feasible, He also asked to distribute Rouse Corp. feasibility study as it is available, 130 Date 3/18/81 mtg, City no Admin, as soon Request of V.M. Mendelson to discuss rep, of land 3/18/81 sale by M.B, Red. Agcy, withdrawn from agenda, Hrg, called for Wed., 3/25/81 at 2 p,m, to consider 3/18/81 ME Red. Agcy's application for 1981 UDAG Grant Funds. Mems, of Agcy & its staff were requested to be present for discussion of this matter as well as ", \ ; , r ,. ". ti .;' " ,. . . , " ) :~ : " . , \ t /I i'~ ~.~ 'I J . ; ;' . .f~ .; I REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH 133 , Date (Cont'd) 3/18/81 that C, Mgr. & C, Att, submit a tep, of steps . required to redevelop the area if study is neg~t1ve. Red, Agcy Chm, Irwin Sawitz, advised that h: w111 notify Admin, & Comm. when the developers w111 come bef, Agcy & he invited them to attend that mtg, Mayor Meyerson suggested that the Ag~y request prospective developers to be prepared.to g1ve Comm. a firm financial commitment at that t1me. . . g execution of 81-16617 adopted, author1z1n . Res. R d Agcy & MB Hous1ng lease agreement bet. MB e . t f Rebecca . W font Park wes 0 ^uthor1ty for ater r . City will maintain pk, agreement stat1ng 'f Towers, /H sing Authority 1 pursuant to agreement w ou 4/1/81 REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (Cont'd) Red. Agcy ceases to exist. Agreement term - 25 years; rental rate - $1 per year; Agency (City if Agcy ceases to exist) to maintain 24-hour security of premises. Res. 81-16618 adopted, authorizing C. Mgr. to apply for a $150,000 FL Rec. Dev. Assist. Program Grant for the Water- front Park, (see FLORIDA STATE OF, HOUSING AUTHORITY) 134 Date 4/1/81 Request of V.M, Mendelson for discussion of proposed 4/1/81 ME Red. Agcy Bond Issue. Mems. of Comm. reiterated request that Agcy keep Admin. & Comm. abreast of all developments regarding project as they evolve, Corom, Wikler asked C, Att, to research poss. of !/ REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (Cont'd) Agcy. mtg, when Rouse Corp, feasibility study will be presented, Request of ME Red, Agcy, for approval of approp, of funds for MB Red, Trust Fund. Agcy. Chm, IrWin Sawitz appeared, recited brief hist. of project, & explained purpose & source of requested funding & what it will be used for. Res. 81-16629 adopted, allocating $167,768 to Red. Trust Fund. frm, City's Contingency Fund, representing the incremental tax rev. collected by City as a result of incrs. in propt, tax rolls in Red. area for yrs, 1977, '78 & '79; the 1980 increment of $330,813 is to be allocated in the 1981-82 budget & payabl~ in Oct., 1981. NOTE: ME Red. Agcy ._'. .-. . -"-~- -- .-' ........,.....- - REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (Cont'd) Res. #81-8 adopting rules & regulations con- cerning admin. of Red, Trust Fund w/Statement of Indebtedness Instructions & Form , attached for record purposes. Motion by Comm. Simon Wikler for an ord, to have 5/6/81 all powers & responsibilities of the ME Redevelop- ment Agency revert to the Comm. which would then act as the Redevelopment Agency. Conun, Wik1er gave oral rep, delineating bases for his proposing such ord. & requested that vote be deferred to 6/3/81 to allow time for comments on his statement. Listed speakers heard, The Admin. was instructed to, 1) obtain the rep. filed 5/6/81 withe ME Redevelopment Agency by Rouse & Co, & provide copies to the 136 Date 4/15/81 4/15/81 i # f. ~ . i f J I t I , 137 Date 4/15/81 i ! . .~ ~ , ~ , :, ;\ . i .~ ~~ J.t: ' ., I REDEVELOPMENT Ai~D/OR AGENCY ~MIAMI BEACH Request of Corom, Mendelson for discussion of "attrition" and the MB Red, Agcy plan. Conun, Mendelson touched upon this subject, but did not elaborate. 139 Date 5/20/81 Request of Corom, Mendelson for discussion of alt, 6/3/81 plan for So. Shore Redevelopment. Corom. Mendelson reviewed his Proposed Action Program & requested a workshop & continuation of this mtg. to Wed., 6/10/81. Later in discussion, a motion to schedule a workshop w/Redevelopment Agcy. as soon as practical, failed of passage, II REDEVELOP}ffiNTAND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH 140' Date 6/3/81 Motion by carom, Simon Wikler for ord. to have all powers & responsibilities of MB Redevelopment Agcy, revert to C, Corom, which would then act as the Redevelopment Agcy. carom, Wik1er read a prepared statement citing his reasons for City to take over Redevelopment functions, & citing his displeasure w/certain actions of Agcy, Discussion held. carom, Wik1er's motion that C. carom. declare itself to be Redevelopment Agcy" subj, to all assets & liabilities, imposed or incurred, failed of passage by a vote of 2 to 5 _ Cornms, Mendelson & Wikler voting in favor. Motion to reaffirm Corom, support of redevelopment of South Shore area through present redevelopment plan, carried by a vote of 4 to 3 - VM Kaplan & Coroms, Daoud, Fa1k & Weinstein voting in favor. Carom. ;: ~ \ . ~' j t f \ . 1/ ~:' " ,) , , .1 .' '" f,. \" .,,~ i :,i ~.\ J~ IT $ # REDEVElOP~IENT ,\..\JD/OR ,\GE::JCY, :-IL\u'[l BEACH 1':'':' Date 7/15/31 Request of Anne Steinberg to discuss relocation of persons from So. Bcb. Redevelopment area, not reached - deferred to 9/2/81. Request of VN \{21ter [(apLm Eor status report on 7/15/31 Sa. Bch. Redevelopment Project. James J. McDonnell, Chm. - ::Je\.J' Hope Committee & Joseph ::Jevel. Pres. - :lB Chamber of Corrnnerce appeared & presented their 7/9/81 proposal for methods of funding & accelerating Phases I & II of the Redevelopment Plan. Discussion held. Admin. & C. Att. directed to review & docu- ment possible funding sources & methods of securing a possible 51 million loan to the Redevelopment Agcy. by the City for the specific ,/ } 11 I~' 'Iot, I ,:{~ .~, r' ' ;rJ 'j~ 1" ~. i.~ I '. ,.'1 ", ~. _'\ .,; I " ~.. '~t ': j...~ RED EVElOP~'IENT (I.-Onc'd) purpose of generating bonding capacity for ;~qUisition of properties in order to. proceed with . ase II of the Plan, and to submit a reoort which lS t . 1 d ' o lnc u e alt. plans to facilitate proaress w/Phase II. 0 ..... '" Request of $1,000,000 appropriation for ~rn Redevelopment project, C. Ngr. reviewed discussion at 7/15/81 Corrnn. mtg. regarding pro- posed sources of funding to accelerate Phases 1 and 2 of the Redevelopment Plan, and advised that he was awaiting the C, Att's opinion as to legality of such use of these funds, Deferred to 9/16/81. C, Att, to submit written report, C. Mgr, to submit recommendations, 9/2/81 :'l', , . . 1 " ~, ) " REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH Rep, by Redevelopment Agency. Agency memo Stephen Muss appeared & gave status rep. of project. Dis- cussion held. Admin, & Agency to meet w/mems. of Comm. to rev. proposed amendments to plan, possibly through a series of workshops, in an effort to get redevelopment underway by end of year, Admin. was directed, during this same period, to make preparations to be in a position to take over Agency function in event such negotiations fail to produce satisfactory results. 148 Date ~ 9/16/81:. ! I Memo 9246, request for $1,000,000 for ME Redevelop- 9/16/81 ment project; withdrawn at request of Chamber of Commerce & New Hope Committee. " REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCYt MIAMI BEACH 161 Date ME Redevelopment Agcy. Chm. Irwin Sawitz appeared, 2/17/82 pres'd. propOsed Plan chgs., & requested that Comm. approve chgs, in prin, so they can be pres'd. to Co, Comm. for approval & ret'd, to City Comm. for consid- eration at pub. hrg, Dissenting Agcy, member, Norman Braman, appeared & urged that Comm. req. successful bidder to post bond to ins. their perf. Discussion held, Comm. approved proposed Plan chgs. in concept. Comm. Weinstein cautioned Agcy. & Admin. to seek addnl. safeguards to protect City. (see METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY) Mayor's proposed Ad Hoc Task Force on Redevelopment 2/17/82 on Redevelopment, not reached - deferred to 3/3/82. (q~e _ MAYO~_' S ~ ~Qf_ TASK. fO~9EO~ :REDEYE~9:pl1ENT) II REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY,MIAMI BEACH 163 i Date' 3/17/82, ! Atts. Brian Bilsen & Murray Dubbin appeared, rep'g. MB Redevelopment Agcy., gave status rep. of recent developments & plans, replied to ques. from members of Comm., & requested that Comm. schedule a pub. hrg. to adopt amdts. to Redevelopment Plan as approved in concept by Comm. on 2/17/82, such hrg. to be scheduled aft. Metro. Dade Co's 4/6/82 hrg. on those amdts. Hrg. scheduled for 4/12/82 at 9:30 a.m. Comm. From- berg requested that Agcy provide Commissioners a sketch of marina area showing area to be retained by City (Agcy). Att. Dubbin advised he would also provide Comm. a copy of proposed mgt. agreement. Mayor Ciment requested that the pkg. to be provided by Agcy to Comm. bef, 4/12/82 hrg" incl. a comparison listing of faci- lities to be const~ucted under pre~. & p~oposed , -"!' REDEVELOPMENT A~m/OR AGENCY~MIAMI'BEACH 165, I Date: 4/6/82 . Memo 204-82, appts. deferred to 5/5/82 pending com- pletion of Agcy's current negotiations & Comm. action after 4/21/82 pub. hrg. Mayor's proposed Ad Hoc Task Force on Redevelopment, 4/6/82 not reached - deferred to 4/21/82. (see MAYOR'S AD HOC TASK FORCE ON REDEVELOPMENT) At request of ME Redevelopment Agcy, pub. hrg. to 4/6/82 consider proposed amdts. to Redevelopment Plan, heretofore scheduled for Mon., 4/12/82 at 9:30 a.m., was rescheduled for 4/21/82 at 4 p.m. ., AND lOR . AGENCY , MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT _ C has sched- Ch. Dep. C. Att. advised that Co. omm. PI uled req'd. hrg. on amdts. to Redevelopmentant~~i_ for 5/4/82 instead of 4/20/82, as had been COt ted & that it will be necessary to cont. ~ y ~:mm'~ scheduled hrg. from 4/21/82 to 5/5/82'k Shet ' 'llhavetobetaena advised that formal act~on w~ TY) 4/21/82 mtg. (see METROPOLITAN DADE COUN 166 Date 4/19/82 1 4/21/82 d dts to Redeve op- Consider propose am d b'y Redevelopment Pub, hrg, to ose f S Shore as prop t request of ment plan or o. for 5/5/82 at 5 p,m. a Agcy, rescheduled Agcy, I REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH k fan Redevelopment, Mayor's proposed ad hoc tas orce , ( deferred to 5/5/82 at request of Mayor C~ment. see MAYOR'S AD HOC TASK FORCE ON REDEVELOPMENT) Hrg. to consider proposed amdts. to Redevelopment Plan for So, Shore as proposed by ME Re?evelo~ment Agcy held & concluded. Agcy. Chm. Irw~n Saw~tz & , . B' B'lzen appeared & re- atts. Murray Dubb~n & r~an ~ sponded to ques. posed by Comm. Res. 82-l7004-A adopted, directing Agcy to provide that requ:sts for bids shall contain a provision to req. b~dder to fund rnin, of $10,000,000 in subsidies to sr. cits. residing in 750 subsidized units, in addn. tOf other relocation plan benefits; if, & to e~tent 0 , any subsidies other than relocation benef~ts from .167 f Date t 4/2Jjg2.j , .~ 5/5/82 - "-, " ~ , ". " 'REDEVELOPMENT AND lOR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (Cont'd) other sources are obtained for such units, the amt. of such subsidy shall be cr'd. against such $10,000,000; & that best effort will be made to se- cure perm. funding from Fed. Govt. Res. 82-17005 adopted, approving amd'd. restated plan as approved by Metro Dade Co. on 5/4/82. C. Att. directed to prepare amdt. to Ch. 2, Art. VIB, Div. 2, ~2-72,3 to provide that City's tax increment appropriation shall cant. only until 12/15/82, for placement on 5/19/82 agenda for 1st reading. (see HOUSING _ LOW COST, METRO. DADE CO.) Mayor's proposed Ad Hoc Task Force on Redev~lop- ment, not reached - deferred to 5/19/82. (see MAYOR'S AD aoc TASK JORCE ON REDEYELO?~NT) 168 \ Date i 5/5/81 I ~ I I 5/5/821 " .~ , ',' 'I" ", ". "r' .' ,-.. ....';> .....,J REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH I 169 i Date f 5/19/82 i t f ~ Comr. Singer requested addn. to Agenda of rep, on ME Redevelopment Agcy's invitation to bid so ques, as to 5/5/82 Comm, action reo provision for $10,000,000 in subsidies to residents to be relocated to the 750 subsidized units, may be clarified, Item not reached - def, to 6/2/82. (LTC U43-1982 _ Agency Invitation to Bid filed w/meeting records), C, Att, Memo 357-82, ord. amdg. Code Art. VIB 6/2/82 (ME Redevelopment Ord.); amdg. ~2-72.2 to provide for exclusion of tax increment appropriations on debt serv,; amdg. ~2-72.3 to provide that City's tax increment appropriation shall cant. until 12/15/82; passed on 1st reading. Hrg, & 2nd reading scheduled for 6/16/82 commencing at 2 p.m. ; ~ ~ ! ~ I ~ j f "'I ~1 .\ .', :j :~EDEVELOPHENT . AND /O'R . AGENCY, HIAHI BEACH 170' Date 6/2/'82 Rep, on clarification of Res. 82-17004-A req'g, $10,000,000 min. guarantee for 750 subsidized units in Redevelopment. Res. 82-17031 adopted, cont'g, provision that no portion of $10,000,000 shall be refunded to developer until completion of req'd, subsidy of 750 units, except that any portion of such $10,000,000 may be used to meet said subsidy obligations. Prior to above action, Max Serchuk appeared as an indiv. member of Redevelopment Agcy & urged that the $10,000,000 be dep'd, in escrow & retained until all 750 units are completed, rather than merely being set aside & dec'd, pro rata as units are built. Discussion held. C. Atty gave opinion that at this point, proposed res, is the most that could be done to ins. '''' ~ REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, MIMiI BEACH (Cont'd) provision of the 750 subsidized housing units, 171 Date 6/2/82 C. Atty. Hemo 357-82, ord. amdg. Code Art. VIB 6/16/82 (t-m Redevelopment Ord.); amdg. ~2-72.2 to provide for exclusion of tax increment appropriations on debt serv.; amdg, ~2-72.3 to provide that City's tax increment appropriation shall cont. until 12/15/82. Hrg. held & concluded. Atty. Andrew Moriber, rep'g. ME Redevelopment Agcy, requested inclusion of addnl. language in last paragraph of ~2 of proposed ord. to read "City's tax increment appropriation shall cont. only until 12/15/82, un- less further extended by ord. of C. Comm." Action on ord. def. to 7/7/82 pending rev, of requested "' .... REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, 1'1IA1-1I BEACH (Cont'd) arndt, by C. Atty. & C. Mgr. & rect, of opinion from bond counsel as to its impact on City, 172 Date 6/16/~ Atty Andrew Moriber, rep'g ME Redevelopment Agcy, 6/16/82 advised that Agcy's prebid conf. is scheduled for 6/17/82 at noon at Agcy hdqrs. & that bids are due 8/15/82. He requested that Comm, schedule 2 pub. hrgs, (on 7/7/82 & 7/21/82) to consider amdg. Zoning ORd. to extend ,time per. during which no new const. will be permitted in Project area, to provide Agcy opportunity to rev, bids & draft an intelligent amdt. to Zoning Ord, to provide for chgs, in the amd'd, restated Redevelopment Plan as approved 5/5/82 by Comm. Re~. 82-17044 ..: , EDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY HIAMI BEACH Cont'd) , dopted, calling hrgs. for 7/7/82 at 6 /21/82 at 2 p.m, & p.m. to consider amdg. ~22-15 of ~~i/~g Ord. 1891 to provide that for per, of yrs. from date of passage of RU ' is (/ Zonlng r07~ct8 17/77), no new const. would be permitted J area. (amdt. would extend prohibit' lr~ 2/17/83; pres. provision for 5-yr perl0~0 <plre 8/17/82). (see ZONING) '. 173 Date 6/16/~ Atty Hemo 448-82 ord d' ) I ,. am g Code Art. VIB .ecevelopment Ord.) ~2-72 2 . ' i ' to provlde for ex- ~~,o~ ~~_~;x3in~reme~t ~ppropriations on debt . . t at Clty s tax increment a ro . tlon shall cont. until 12/15/82 A pp prla- . tty, Andrew 7/7/82 I .... .. ......', ',. ',' ... ',' ...._,- ,"',". ",".. .. ',' ,....." ,p......- ........".. ", REDEVELOPMENT k1D/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (Cont'd) Moriber, rep'g Redevelopment Agcy, submitted memo dtd. 7/7/82 from Agcy Gen. Counsel Murray H, Dubbin & requested removal of word "next" from phrase "City's next fiscal yr." in proposed amdt. to ~2-72.3. Action def. to 7/21/82, Atty Moriber to wk. w/C. Mgr. & C~ty to draft acceptable memo of understanding as to appropriate wording reo when sum will be appropriated to fund. Comr. Daoud requested that Agcy memo be pres. at 7/21/82 mtg, to give rep. of project, Memo 449-82, Planning Bd. recommendation on Zoning Ord, amdt. re, ~22-15. rehabilitation, reps" & new const. in Redevelopment Use D~st. Hrg. held & -\ 174, Date i, 7/7/82' " i 7/7/82( , , i I __.__J REDEVELOPMENT ANO/O'R' AGENCY; 'HIAM! 'BEACH . 175ji (Cont'd) Date concluded. Atty. Andrew Moriber appeared, rep'g. 7/7~i ME Redevelopment Agcy. Ord. amd'g Zoning Ord. 1891 i ~22-15 by extending through 2/17/83, limitations I on development in project area not in conformity I w/Redeve10pment Plan contained in said Sec., passed i on 1st. reading. Erg. & 2nd reading scheduled for i 7/21/82 at 2 p.m. Comr, Daoud requested that Agcy memo be pres. at 7/21/82 mtg. to give rep. of project. (see PLANNING COMMISSION, ZONING, BUILDING FREEZE) Ad Hoc Committee on Redevelopment, not reached - 7/7/82 def. to 7/21/82. (see MAYOR'S AD HOC TASK FORCE ~REDEVELOPMENT) .- . ...... .... ----., 'REDEVELOPMENTAND/OR'ACENCY; 'MIAMI'BBACH Memo 449-82, hrg. held & concluded. Ord. 82-2325 adopted as amd'd, amd'g ~22-15 of Compo Zoning Ord. 1891 by extending through 11/18/83, limi- tations on development not in conformity w/Redevelopment Plan contained in said sec.; to become effective 7/31/82. Atty Andrew Moriber appeared rep'g MB Redevelopment Agcy. Mayor Ciment asked Mr. Moriber to relay to Agcy mems, his anticipated appt, of an Ad Hoc Task Force on Redevelopment & his request that if there is no successful bidder, that Agcy assist com, in formu- lating an alt. zoning program & plan for area, Comr, Daoud requested that Admin. begin monitoring Agcy. & related events so per. status reps, can be given; furthermore, to keep prop. owners of 176 Date 7/21/82 II REn~~E~OPMENTAND/OR'AGENCY~MIAMIBEACH (Cont'd) to provide that City's tax increment appropriation shall continue until 12/15/82.' Item def, pending agreement by C, Mgr., C. Att. & Agcy atty as to proposed wording of ord. Item to be p1'd. on 8/18/82 agenda; Agcy atty to be pres. Res. 82-17070 adopted, auth'g. creation of 7-mem. Mayor's Ad Hoc Task Force on Redevelopment to advise Mayor & Comrs. on MB Redevelopment Agcy's plan for implementation of redevelopment in $, Bch. area & advisability of seeking alt. plans should no satisfactory bid be reed,; 1st mtg, of Com. not to be held bef. 8/18/82. Mayor Ciment apptd. Arthur H, Courshon, George Goldbloom, Ronald Molko, (Co~t'd) REDEVELOPMENT' AN / .. . . (Cont'd) D OR AGENCY ; MIAMI 'BEACH Gerald D. Ross (see MAYOR'S AD' & Robert L, Turchin HOC TASK FORCE ON RE to Task Force. LTC DEVELOPMENT) 110-1982 ' Boston C ' ]t. proposal of Rou S B h orp./Travelstead f se CO./First m~ntCA. Atty Murray Dubbi~r red;velopment of gcy, requested d f ,rep g. ME Redevelop- rep. On bid propos ~ to 9/1/82 as to A C?mm, Voted to d fal & ~ecommendation on b'~cyS Tlme Certai ~ actlon until 9/1/82 1, monitor al1n.h In lnterim, C, Mgr & C at 11 a,m, . p ases of n ... . Atty to sesslons w/bidde egotlatlons, incl' accordingly rs, & to keep Comm ap .g. wk. . ' prlsed 178. t. Date 7/21/82\ I : 7/21/82 ; f. ~ 179 Date 7/21/82 8/18/82 I , '.' l t I. I r /I REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (Cont'd) & City, & he requested that matter be def, to 9/1/82. Item def. to 9/1/82 at 11 a.m. Time Certain. 181 Date 8/18/82 Appearance of Redevelopment Agcy reo bid proposals. 9/1/82 Redevelopment Agcy. memo Stephen Muss distr'd. to Comm., copies of ltr. addressed to Gideon Kellermann, Exec. Dir. of ME Redevelopment Agcy. dtd. 9/1/82 & signed by Rouse Co./First Boston Corp./G. Ware Travelstead development team, & advised that Agcy had designated them as the developers. Comm. detd. that C,A" C, Mgr" Agcy reps, & atts., & developers would prepare in written form, a proposal for a mini-development plan utilizing Parcels A,C, & D (City-owned prop. on west side of Alton REDEVELOPMENT AND lOR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (Cont'd) ) h' h could Rd bet 5th St. & Biscayne Bay gen. , w 1C co~ceiv~bly be underway bef. 12/15/82. When the agreement is finalized, Mayor or C. Mgril will call asp, mtg. for action on same. A points raised by Comm. reo document to be taken into acct. 182 Date 9/1/82 Memo 493-82 CA Memo 448-82, ord. amdg. A~t. ,~IB , ) ~2 72 2 -o-p~ov'de of Code (Redevelopment Ord. , ~ - . ~ : : . nt appropr1at10ns for the exclusion of tax ~creme - on debt serv.' & amdg. ~2-72.3 to provide tha: , .' hall cont1nue City's tax increment appropr1at10n s until 12/15/82; not reached - def. to sp. mtg. (to be called per above entry) 9/1/82 REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR .. - AGENCY, MIAMI.' BEACH Memo 600-82 d" , request f W' S~SC~~S ~ feasible & ;ork~~iiam D. Seymour to I. laml Beach area M e plan to develop th p an & displayed ' r. Seymour pres'd e Suggested h renderings of Sa ' proposed Ad Hoc Task e pres. plan to Planni me. Mayor Ciment MISCELLANEOUsFor~: On Redevelopmentng Bd(, & Mayor's , J.'UiYOR'S . see "s" REDEVELOPMENT, PLANNIN AD HOC TASK FORCE ON G COMMISSION) 183 Date 9/15/82- Memo 613-82 , analysis of Team Suggests should b .elements Redevelopment a?reement. Mayor C" e lncl'd. in deSignation tlatio & lment rep t d ns requested . or e of recent enable 1) reps. Ofa~;~on he def.for 1 wk.n~~o- to obtain approval Ofst B?ston Corp./Rouse Co. revlsed proposal b h" Y t elr 9/15/82 REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY , MIAMI BEACH II - , (Cont' d) negotiations by indiv. mems. of Comm., w/persons seeking to do business w/City. C. Att. requested to inc. into res. a request for clarification of "Exec. Session" mtgs. (see SUNSHINE LAW) 188 Date 9/29/82 Status rep. on redevelopment (cont'd fro 9/29/82 10/6/82 mtg.). Discussion reo employment of consultant reo proposed Rouse/First Boston/Travelstead contr. & contingency plans in event no bid is acptd, Mayor Ciment outlined proposal offered via phone conversation 10/6/82. C. Mgr. & C. Att. auth'd. to employ legal consultant(s) to advise City on issues reo redevelopment, cost not to exceed $10,000; consultant(s) to be divorced fro politi- cal scene. Comm. adopted policy that fut. REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (Cont'd) proposals fro prospective developer be submitted in writing to Redevelopment Agcy. for considera- tion & submission w/recomrnendation to Comm.; con- sultant(s) to rev. written proposal & submit recommendation to Comrn. Agcy Exec. Admin. Gideon Kellermann gave status rep. of progress reo pro- posed constr. of 150 subsidized housing units at 6th St. & Michigan Ave. Admin. to immediately attempt to aid in obtaining HUD ins. for project so project can proceed. Comr. Fromberg requested Mr. Kellermann or his rep. pres. status reps. on project at all fut. Comm. mtgs. C. Mgr. & C. Att. auth'd. to hire planning consultant to rev. plans, aid in Comm. rev. & aid Planning Dept. in developing alt. rezoning plans for S. Bch. (Cbnfd) 189 i Date! 10/6/82 REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, MI.AMI BEACH (Cont'd) area. C. Mgr. directed to meet w/consultant(s), w/Ad Hoc Task Force on Redevelopment a.s.a,p. in effort to develop conceptual plan for zoning of parcels A, C, & D & sep. plan for redevelopment of bal. of S, Bch, area, plans to be submitted to Comm. for consideration at 11/17/82 mtg. Res. 82-17150 adopted, calling pub. hrgs. for 11/3/82 at 2:30 p.m. & 11/17/82 at 2:30 p.m. to consider amdg, ~22-l5 of Zoning Ord. 1891 so as to extend the limitation on development in Project area not in conformity w/Redevelopment Plan contained in said section until 3/31/83 (currently to expire 11/18/82). (see ZONING, U.S. GOVT., HOUSING - LOW COST, MAYOR'S AD HOC TASK FORCE ON REDEVELOPMENT) 190 ! Date, 10/6/82 ' , REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH Memo 723-82 , request of William Seymour to d' cuss a plan for S Sh lS- S 0, ore Redevelopment Mr eymour presented 1 Ma . . 1 , Mr. Se ou p.an. yor Clment suggested ym r pres. hlS plan to Mayor's Ad H Task Force on Red 1 oc & recommendatio ~vecopment for its consideration TA n 0 omm, (see MAYOR'S AD HOC SK FORCE ON REDEVELOPMENT) Mrmo 725-82 for d ' request of MB Redevelopment Aacy or.. amdg. ~22-lS of Zoning Ord. 1891 ob extendlng the l' . t . ' y conformitv lml atlons on development not in J w/Redevelopment Plan contained (cont'd) 191 Date t 11/3/82 . i 11/3/82 \ 'l,,~ .1 ~ t, ri I' I ..j I , j REDEVELOPMENT ANn/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH - ~ (Cont'd) in said section fr, 11/18/82 to 3/31/83, Hrg, held & concluded, Ord. as amd'd to extend limitations through 2/22/83, passed on 1st reading. Hrg. & 2nd reading scheduled for 11/17/82 at 2 p,m. Mayor Ciment invited mems. of pub. to attend Mayor's Ad Hoc Task Force on Redevelopment mtg. on 11/lS/82 at 9:30 a.m., & requested Redevelopment Agcy reps. be pres. to discuss zoning aspects of plan, & that City's legal consultant also attend. Comm, requested Planning Bd, consider creation of Interim Development Control (In:) Dist, at their next mtg, & submit rep. & recommendation. C, Mgr. to schedule Comm. workshop mtg, w/City's legal consultant next wk. NOTE: Workshop scheduled -- ~ 192 Date 11/3/82 i I ,-I . j ,1.1 ',j .... \. ~,. ~; "'-. " " t . ~, . ' , . ... " :~.\ ", .' ~ '"" "~'. , '1 ~~' ~'. ." ~ ~ _I .'$"..'''- t,"'I' - REDEVELOPHENT AND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (Cont'd) for Wednesday, 11/10/82, at 10:30 a.m. Comr. Dr. Haber requested C. Att. direct memo to Planning Dept. & Planning Bd., delineating their legal responsibilities reo matters being initiated for consideration independent of Comm. action/ direction. (see ZONING, PLANNING COMMISSION, MAYOR'S AD HOC TASK FORCE ON REDEVELOPMENT, WORKSHOP SESSIONS) Discussion on hiring sp. counsel reo Redevelop- 11/3/82 ment. C. Att, gave rep, of efforts made to locate qualified legal consultant(s). He requested Comm. ratify retention of Robert Freilich as sp. counsel reo zoning, plans, etc., & Carl Hoffman as sp. counsel re, contr, negotiations, et~. Discussion held, C. Att. requested 't:. 193 Date 11/3/82 REDEVELOPHENT AND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (Cont'd) removal of $10,000 ceiling imposed 10/6/82 for servs. to be rendered, as he had budgeted funds available. Corom, voted to incr. ceiling to $25,000, w/C. Att. to provide periodic reps, on expenditures for servs. of consultant(s) whose sel, is to be at his discretion. 194 Date 11/3/82 Memo 745-82 Rev., applications & subjs. to be con- 11/17/82 sidered by Planning Bd., 12/21/82 - scheduling of item reo creation of Interim Development Control (IDC) zoning classification for 12/21/82, Conro. requested Bd. schedule hrg. on or bef. 12/10/82 to consider same, so rep, & recommendation would be available for Comm. consideration at its 12/15/82 mtg. NOTE: Planning Dir, advised hrg, has been set for ,. REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (Cont'd) 12/7/82, (see ZONING, PLANNING CO~lliISSION) 195 Date 11/17/82 Rev. Memo 725-82, request of MB Redevelopment 11/17/82 Agcy for ord, amdg. ~22-15 of Zoning Ord. 1891, by extending the limitations on development not in conformity w/Redevelopment Plan contained in said section fro 11/18/82 to 2/22/83 or until time when an Interim Development Ord. is adopted, whichever sooner. Hrg. held & concluded, Ord, 82-2349 adopted, as amd'd, Rep. of Admin, to be pres. at Redevelopment bid opening scheduied' for 12/~?, & imdtly obtain copies of bids submitted, to be distr'd, to C, Att., sp. counsel Robert Freilich, & Comm, Res. 82-17195 adopted, calling pub. hrg, for 12/15/82 at 5 p.m, to consider REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (Cont'd) amdg. Zoning Ord, 1891 to create an Interim Development Control (IDC) zoning classification & providing for application of an IDC dist. to the Redevelopment Project area. (see ZONING) 196 Date 11/17/82 LTC 143-1982, discussion of correspondence fro 11/17/82 Dept. of Army, Corps of Engrs, reo No. Jetty Pier, Admin, to take action to cor, problems det'd. in 9/27/82 ltr. fro Army Corps of Engrs. (see V,S, GOVERNMENT) Memo 765-82, need for imdt. action on development 11/17/82 of S. Shore Pk. Atty Andrew Moriber, rep'g ME Redevelopment Agcy, submitted 11/17/82 memo fro Agcy Exec. Dir, Gideon Kellermann reo var. alts. for funding of pk. development, Res. (cont'd) , .. .:.., I REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY ~ MIAMI BEACH Memo 822-82, Planning Bd. rep. & recommendation on amd'g, Zoning Ord. to provide for Interim Development Ord, in RU (Redevelopment Use) Dist. Sp. Counsel Robert Freilich rev'd proposed ord. & steps to be taken to allow area to be developed. Hrg. held & cont'd. to 12/17/82 at 9:30 a.m. (see ZONING, PLANNING COMMISSION) -..,. 198 , Date 12/15/82 REDEVELorh~NT'AND/OR AGENCY~ MIAMI BEACH 199 Date Rev, Memo 822-82, Planning Bd. rep. & recommenda- 12/17/82 tion re, proposed ID district ord, Memo 824-82, rep. fro Mayor's Ad Hoc Com. on Planned Area De- velopment for So. Shore. Com. members & consult- ants Dr, Robt, H, Freilich & Carl K. Hoffmann rec- ommended adoption of ord. w/Planning Bd's amdts. Hrg. held & concluded. Proposed ord. amd'd. to incl. 3 Planning Bd. amdts. Ord, as amd'd., amdg. Zoning Ord, 1891 delg. ~22 RU Redevelopment Use dist. & eliminating designation on dist. map; adopting new ~22 ID Interim Development dist. & mapping on dist. map; providing duration of dist. procedure for ID use approval, etc" ~~ssed on 1st l:'~ading, Hrg. & 2nd reading scheduled for 1/5/83 at 5:00 p.~~ Jorge Perez, Pres. - Related ~ 200 REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH (cont'd.) Date Housing Corp. of Fla., pres'd. renderings of pro- 12/17/82 posed const. of 150 units of ~8 subsidized housing at 6th St. & Mich. Ave. Admin, directed to sched- ule jt. mtg. of Ad Hoc Com./consu1taqts/P1anning Bd. for presentation of plans, w/rep. to be 'submitted for 1/19/83 mtg. Developer to attempt to obtain, fro U.S. Dept. of HUD, time ext, for notification of project's status. ~es. 82-17222 adopt~g, ex- pressing intent & policies as to redevelopment proj- ect; auth'g. Admin. to carry out & effectuate poli- cies & intent & to coordinate redevelopment programs & efforts with other govtl, entities, R~s_~8Z=),IZ4~ .a~9Eted~ authg, agreement w/Freilich & Leitner, P,C., for legal & related cons, servs, , incl, subcontr. w/Carl K. Hoffmann; authg. appropriation of: ... REDEVELOPMENT'ANO/OR'AGENCY~ . MIAMI BEACH 201 (cont'd.) 1) $ Date . Up to 150,000 fro Red. Agcy. funds for Part A 12/17/82 of agre~mcnt (12/20/82 - 6/15/83). 2) City's share of tax lncrement funds from Project area for Part B (6/16/83 - 12/31/83), 3) Unexpended tax increment funds fro Project area for Part C (1/1/84 . com 1 t' ) R - project pelon. _~~2-172.2L~cLQQj:.gd declaring Comm. to be M,B. Red. Agcy.; designating Chmn V-Ch & Secy. (see AD HOC COMMITTEE,ON PLANNED AREAm~E~ VELOPMENT, HOUSING - LOW COST, PLANNING COMMISSION, U.S, GOVERNMENT, ZONING), . Memo 18-83, ord. amdg. Zoning Ord. 1891, deleting 1/5/83 ~22-RU Redevelopment Use Dist, & eliminating its designation on Zoning Dist. Map; & adopting new ~22 ID-Interim Development Dist. & pl'g same REDEVELop~rnNT AND/OR AGENCY, MIAJII BEACH (Cont'd) on Zoning Dist. Map. Hrg. held & concluded. Atty Alvin Cassel, rep'g Related Housing, Inc., pres'd, reques t to amd. proposed ord" providing for excep- tion of any subsidized housing project which has recd. condl. approval by US Dept. of HUD on or bef, ord, adoption. Proposed ord. so amd'd by addn, of ~22-7D. Ord. 83-2355 adopted, as amd'd, to become effective 1/15/83. Res. 83-17232 adopted, pledging City assistance to Related Housing, Inc. to implement its ISO-unit subsidized housing project approved by HUD, Admin. directed to cooperate fully w/Re1ated Housing w/in next 2 wks. in effort to det. most appropriate site for project, to work w/HDD if any time ext. becomes necessary, & to call asp. mtg. if Corom, approval is needed 202 Date 1/5/83 ... ~ ..,", , " REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH Memo 142-83, Res, 83-17285 adopted approving sub-contract agmt. between Freilich & Leitner,PC, and Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc, for planning svcs. for completion of revised redevelop- ment plan for So. Bch. Redev. Area; fee $50,000; plan to be completed by 6/15/83, (see PLANNING CONSULTANT) 208 Date 3/2/83 , , ::R~pl:VELCP-MtNr &lol(~ACtNCvtMfAMrP;1S^-ct-t . 210 DX~ - '1f?; .3 -. Memo 2I1:.&.3,--4/r2lS.3 AgendaiteI'i1s-for-PlarV C-5H Bd.: 1) Status rep. Prelim. Land Use Concept for ; So. Shore P AD project; 2) Hrg. re app lie a tion for ~ ID use approval for expan. of Joe's Stone Crab i Rest.; 3) Hrg. re application for ID use approval by l H L &: L Con st. Co. for 56-unit residential bldg. at ! 2nd &: Jefferson. (see JOE'S STONE CRAB 1 REST AURANT, PLANNING COMMISSION, ZONING) 4/6/83 R-ll C RDA meeting sched. for 5/18/83 will be held 5/17/83, due to religious holiday. (see COMMISSION MEETING) , , REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY. M.B. 226 Date (Cont'd) 6/15/83 Redevelopment Act of 1969, Sec. 163.357, FL RlE Statutes (1979); not reached - def'd to 7/6/83. 6/15/83 R8E Memo 398 -83, highlights of marina lease. Res. 83-17385 adOPted. auth'g. execution of 30-yr. Lease Agreement w/Carner-Mason Associates, Ltd., for the constr. &: mgt. of a marina &: dry storage facility in the So. Shore Redevelopment area, (see mtg. file records for more details) sub j. to recto of written commitment fro Heller Mtge. Co. accepting lease, &: incl'g. provision by City of a Statement of Ownership &: Encumbrances. Subst:::.ntiJ.1 constr. must take ~I. before 8/25/83 227 . . '/OR AGENCY~ M~B. EDEVELOPMENT AND t tate (Cont'd) b 5/30/84. Final lease agrt~::m., 6/15/83 and comple~e~mJts) to be sent to ~e~~ ~hore RSE (w/appro/;; Atty David Nevel, r~p g) b'ected to by 6/22. (2 d ranked fIrm 0 J Marina Jt. Vent~re ~ w/Carner-Mason, C'ty's entering mto a ea~e llowing bidder to chg. . i . of law 10 a . d te ~ alleging v iol~ tion. after final sub miSSiOn a. j an unresponsive bid _ 5.5. Minc Corp., I Archie Brafford, Pres. str of marina. Mayor submitted proposal ~r ~~~on ~f bid at this time out I C'ment declare? su mil M.B. MARINA (Known t i order &. not time.ly. see of 5 th Shore Mar lOa) as ou " , , 231 REDEVELOPMENT &/OR AGENCY~ M~B~ Date - 7/6/83 R-8E Memo 452-83,- L D. Use request to allow constr. of So. Shore Marina approved subject to approvals &: conditions as to detailed site plan, detailed landscape plan, architectural plans for upland facilities, and set back restrictions per Plan. Bd's rec'dation as amd'd. Adm. to submit status repts. t Comm. Weinstein requested that City immed. 1 vacate all structures to be demolished &: start j removal &: that Adm. expedite devel. of upland properties (parcels A, C. &: D). (see MIAMI BEACH MARINA - known as South Shore Marina, PLANNING COMMISSION) I ! , 235 REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, M.B. Qili 9/21/83 R:-7C Memo 578-83, Res. 83-17478 adopted, auth'g execution of Admin. Agreement for MB Redevelopment Agcy to manage, direct, supervise, & coordinate 6/24/83 Lease Agreement bet. city & Carner-Mason Assocs., Ltd.; consideration fr. Lease Agreement to be allocated to Agcy for lease and contr. admin. & other redevelopment servs. w/in the redevelopment area; Agreement term - 10 yrs. (see MIAMI BEACH MARINA) 9/21/83 R-7E Res. 83-17480 adopted, agreeing to retain the westerly 2' of the lots along Alton Rd. ~D~r.OPMEN't ANn/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BrACH 236 Date (Cont'd) 9/21/83 from 5thStieet to'So. of Biscayne St. so R:-7E that any new development could not interfere w/MB Marina access bet. the piers. (see MIAMI BEACH MARINA) 10/5/83 C-7A Memo 643-84, Planning Bd. items scheduled for Oct., 1983 mtgs. (for info only): 10/12/83 sp. mtg.: So. Shore Revitalization Plan review. (See PLANNING COMMISSION) 10/5/83 R-8C Memo 646-83, ME marina, Phase II, site plan review, MP-36. Messrs. Stephen Carner & MD~r.OPMEm ANn/O~A~NCY I MIAMI ~rACH 237 Date ' '(Cent' d) 10/5/83 Irwin MCl.son,.&their.atty Harold Rosen, R-8C appeared. Arch. Lester C. Pancoast also appeared to explain their site plan. City's Prop. & Lease Mgt. Dir. William Harrison appeared to explain diffs. in Carner-Mason proposed site plan & orig. layout guidelines incl1d in City's RFP. (see mtg. file recs. for details of differences) CAtty advised she had not had an opportunity to rev. the proposed site plan withe bid documents to det. if diffs. constitutes substantial chg. Due to lateness of hour & other cOIm\itments of Corom., item def. to 10/19/83 at 10 a.m. - (Cont'd on next card) '-, ".- ,,,,~~,,,",,,,,,._-, ...,,-......--..... ....,....-....., R:eDEVELOP~NT AND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH 240 Date 10/19/83 R-lB 10/19/83 R-3A (Cont'd) to any quests reo financing or pvt. placement memo associated w/development of the marina. Mrs. Freifelder appeared & submitted letter containing addnl quests reo Marina lease. C Mgr & CAtty to investigate & submit written responses to quests bef. 11/2/83 mtg. (see "F" MISC., MB MARINA) Rev. Memo 646-83, MB Marina - Phase II site plan review, MP-36. Admin. recommended marina pier arrangement should follow 2nd "llt. layout, eliminating 1 pier & rearr\nging boat mix size & location to REDEVELOPMElNi' AND/OR AGENCY', MIAMI BEACH 241 Date (Cont'd) 10/19/83 incr. maneuvering facto~ ft. 1.75 to 2.4 R-3A (incr. public safety)~ also, straightening of piers should be approved as requested by developer~ further, marina core facility, bay-walk, & pkg. area layout should be fol'd as outlined in RFP along w/Planning Dept' s recommendations. Stephen Carner, partner of Carner-Mason Assocs., Ltd., responded to quests fro Corom. Admin's recommendation approved, incl 'g stipulations as detailed in CAtty's opinion (see pgs. 22-24 of Action Summary) (see MIAMI BEACH MARINA) ... 242 REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY', MIAMI BEACH Date 10/19/83 R-7A Memo 681-83, Res. 93-17514 adopted, trans- mitting copies of the So. Shore Revitaliza- tion Strategy Plan and 11 modifications p~o- posed by Planning Dept. (see Planning Dir's' 10/12/83 memo to Planning Bd. for details of modifications) to St. of Fl, Dept. of Community Affairs~ So. FL Regional Planning Council~ the Dade Co. Planning Dept~ & to such other local govts. that have filed requests for copies of same for rev. & written comment in accordance withe Local Govt. Compo Planning Act of 1975, FL Statutes ~163. 3161 Et Seq. Planning Dir. :REDEVELOP~NT AND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH 243 Date 10/19/83 R-7A 10/19/83 R-8E (Cont'd) Sandy Youkilis & Martin Leitner of Freilich & Leitner (planning consultants) appeared in support of res. adoption. (see FLORIDA, STATE OF, ZONING, METRO DADE CO.) Memo 687-83, request of John A. Ritter, atty to discuss settlement of H. L. & L. Constr., Inc. lawsuit against the City, pertaining to 901 2nd Street. Mr. Rittter requested MB n~"'''''''''''''''''",nnl- l\/1f"!'" lO/lQ/Al nit'H"!Il!';!';ion on ,.... , -...':.. I ~o~tOPMEN~'ANO/on AG~NCY, MIAMI B~CH 244 Date ' {Cont'd) 10/19/83 sion of time to beginconstr. due to time R-8E lapse fr. pending litigation. Comm. ap- proved modified Stipulation of Settlement for 39 units max., w/C Atty's stipulations (see mtg. file records for details), & 90- day time extension. (see SUITS AGAINST THE CITY, ZONING) 11/9/83 C-7A Memo 716-83, Planning Bd. items for 11/29/83 mtg. (for info only): 1. Hrg. on proposed Zoning Ord. arndt. to extend I.D. District for max. 6 mos. fro current 1/15/84 expiration. (cont'd on next card) REiYE'i,mtOP~N'!' . ANO/Ot{ 'A(;~NC~ i 'M!AMI . SEACH Date . {Cont'd) 11/9/83' 2. Consultants' Freilich & C-7A tation of preliminary new zoning for nevitalization Project. No opposition voiced to Admin's recommendation to auth. Planning Bd. to initiate zoning amdtS. pursuant to CAtty's opinion on 916-1 of Zoning Ord. (see PLANNING COMMISSION, ZONING) ~45 Leitner's presen- draft of proposed South Shore 11/16/83 R-3M Res. 83-17554 adopted, amdg. Res. 82-17224 dec1ar ing the newly-elected Comm. to be the Redevelopment Agency, pursuant to the authority of the Comm. Redevelopment Act of REiYE'\mLOp~m ' AN010~ .' A(;~NC~ i MIAM!' SEACH ' ~4 G Date ' '(Cont'd) 11/16/83' 1969, Sec. '163~357,.Ft Statutes (H79): R-3AA designating Malcolm H. Fromberg as Chm., Alex Daoud as Vice-Chm., & Elaine Matthews as Secretary of the Agency. Executive nir. & Executive Counsel of Agency to remain Mr. Parkins & Mrs. Dougherty respectively. 11/16/83 R-3A Memo 762-83 Rev'd, hsg. concerns. Corom. maintained intent to seek Goodman Terr. demolition to permit So. Shore Redevelop- ment. Admin./Hsg. Auth. to dev. plan to address issue. our. dis., Hsg. Auth. mems appeared. Mayor Fromberg requested Hsg. Auth. Exec. Dir. Murray Gilman to submit ,/ RED~Lop~mNT AND/O~ AC~NCYI Date (Cont'd) 11/16/83 rep. reo length R-3A Goodman Terr. HOUS ING AUTH.) 12/7/83 C-7A 12/7/83 R-8F M!A.'vl! 9~CH ~47 of time ea. tenant lived in (see HOUSING - LOW COST, Memo 783-83, subjs. bef. Planning Bd. in 12/83 mtgs. (for info only) : 12/28/83 workshop: Discussion reo proposed permanent zoning for So. Shore Redevelopment Project area. (see PLANNING COMM., ZONING) Memo 804-83, Res. 83-17582 adopted, calling hrgs. on 12/21/83 & 1/4/84, at 5 p.m., to consider Planning Bd's recommendation for REDEVELOPMENT AND/O~ ACENCY, M.B. 248 Date 12/7/83 R-8F 12/21/83 R-3G (Cont'd) adoption of an ord. amdg. Zoning Ord. 1891, Sec. 22-5, to extend duration of ID Interim Development Distr. fro 1 yr. to max. of 18 months fro its effective date. (see PL&~ING COMMISSION, ZONING) Memo 839-83, report & recommendation of Planning ad. on ord. to amd. zoning Ord. 922, Interim Development (ID) District in order to extend the duration of the ID Zoning Dist. for max. per. of 6 mos.; hrg. held & concluded. Ord. extending Distr ict fro 1 yr. to per. not to exceed 18 mos. fro ; 'I ~. }' I, I : 'tll~ 1\ I . i t. "I ,. Oi t ~I iI ",o.-i ..j N: .,,1,1, \~ t '{ , :" II REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, M.B. Date 1/4/84 R-8B 1/13/84 R-3B 252 Memo 11-84, Res. $4-17612 adopted, calling hrgs. for 2/1/84 and 2/15/84, both commencing at 5 p.m., to consider adoption of proposed ord. amdg. ME Compo Plan by incorporating therein the So. Shore Revitalization Strategy, and to consider the same document as an amdt. to the City's adopted So. Shore Redevelopment Plan. (see COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLA..~) Memo 839-83, hrg. held & concluded reo ord. amdg. Ord. 1891 by modifying 922-5 extending duration of the ID - Interim Development Distr. fro 1 yr. to 18 mos. (fr. 1/15/84 to , ~ f I i I l ! \ "., ,'I : f. t ,\-: '. ; ~ l J\ " ., I O. . ( Jl /,'\ I'J~ ~ ,I I.:} 'a it! ;~~ " MO~LOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, M. B. Date 2/1/84 R-3G 255 Memo 69-84, hrg. held & concluded reo ord. adopting the So. Shore Revitalization Strategy Plan as an arndt. to the redevelop- ment element of the City's Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the Local Govt. Comprehen- sive Planning Act of 1975, & as a modifica- tion to the Community Redevelopment Plan for So. Shore, pursuant to the Community Redevelopment Act, as arnd'd to incl., 1) Planning Bd's recommended modifications B, C, & D; 2) Planning Dept's 12 recommended modifications; and 3) Supplemental Reloca- tion Statement, passed on 1st reading. Hrg. & 2nd reading scheduled for 2/15/84 at REOEVEtOPMEN'I' AND/OR AGENCY, M.B. 2SEi Dat~ (Cont'd) 2/1/84 5 p.m. City's legal/planning consultant R-3G Robert H. Freilich appeared in support of amd'd ord. adoption. (see COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN, PLANNING COMMISSION) 2/1/84 R-10A CAtty Memo 82-84, settlement of So. Shore Developers, Inc. et al. vs. CMB & MB Redevelopment Agcy, approved in concept. Admin. auth'd to proceed w/settlement negotiations outlined by C Atty. Land to be appraised, constr. timetable to be provided, & competitive negotiations on prop. disposi- tion to be taken into acct. as suggested by Comr. Grenald. Ci ty' SIegal/planning con- REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, M.B. 257 ~ (Cont'd) 2/1/84 sultant for redevelopment, Robert H. R-10A Freilich and James Glass (sp. Counsel rep 'g MB Redevelopment Agcy) appeared in support of Atty's recommendation. William A. Freidlander, atty rep'g Cheezem Development Corp. also appeared & explained bases for his client becoming involved in case. (see M.B. MARINA, SUITS AGAINST THE CITY) 2/1/84 S.c. 2/15/84 C-7A The Redevelopment Agency formally changed name of South Beach area to South Pointe. Memo 100-84, subjs. bef. Planning Bd. for 2/28/84 mtg. (for info only): (cont'd) I REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, M.B. Date 2/15/84 C-7A (Cont'd) 1) Temporary sales/office bldg. Interim Dev. Use application (dog track prop.) 2) 139 Meridian Ave. apt. renovation LD. Use application. 3) So. Shore zoning. (see PL&~ING COMM., ZONING) 2/15/84 R-3G Memo 69-84, hrg. held & concluded on ord. adopting the So. Shore Revitalization Strategy as an amdt. to the Redevelopment element of the City's Comprehensive Plan, pursuant to the Local Govt. Comprehensive Planning Act of 1975, and as a modification to the Corom. Redevelopment Plan for So. .......-... -,~"'__-~_,~~"I'\:;;.:;"l""'<,--;:-_"\~-;rl"'-:-~~-'-, REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, M.B. 259 Date (Cont'd) 2/15/84 Shore, pursuant to the Comrn. Redevelopment R-3G Act. Ord. 84-2403 adopted, to become effective 2/25/84 (ord. incls. Planning Bd's r ecomrnended mods. B, C, and D (excl ' g A); planning Dept's 12 mods.; and Suppl. Reloca- tion Statement). Robert H. Freilich & Martin L. Leitner of Freilich & Leitner, P.C. (City's legal/planning consultant for Redevelopment) and Chr istopher Macey of Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. (consulting engrs/planners) appeared, & responded to quests fro Corom. (see PL&~ING COMM., COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN) -,~p:-""~-r~''''''''-~~~--~'~ .... - ,- "-."--"'-~. ,",,""r.-.",..~-,'-:"':"'" - ...".! ~ . .: ...,' .":'. ~:~- ';:" , '. '.,', 'y~ . ~~,. ., " w ,,9,: " f:-( ~. ~ I" '. ,-.. 258 I l t. i I ;. f.~'. ( \~.~ " ,/ '1 '\ il, ,,~l It )~l 'f i . ; REDEvgLOP~Nr ANn/OR AC~NC~I M.n. Dat~ 1/11/a4 R-9E 281 M~mo 446-e4, Res. e4-17796 adopt~d, calling hrgs for 9/5/84 and 9/19/94, both at 5 p.m., to consider Planning Bd' s recommendation on a proposed amdt. to the Zoning Ord., creating Performance Std. Zoning for South pointe. (see PLANNING COMM., ZONING, SOUTH POINTE) 7/11/84 R-I0C CAtty Memo 443-84A, litigation status up- date. Rep. on fol. cases submitted for info only; no action required or taken: 1. So. Shore Developers, Inc. v. Redevelopment Agcy - City not pay Agcy indebtedness to SSDI; CMB/M.B. liable to Agcy owed ",~"" ~. REDEV~LOPMENr AND/OR AGENC~I M.a. 282 oat~ (Contld) 1/11/94 SSOI damag~s and SS6I has option rts. R-I0C to parcels A, C, and D which must be exercised by l2/27/B4 at specified option price. 2. Waterfront Developers, Inc. v. CMB/M.B. Redevelopment Agcy/Carner-Mason Assocs. - City prevailed in challenge to Mar ina bidding procedures. (see CITY ATTORNEY LITIGATION UPDATES, M.B. MARINA) 7/11/84 R-I1D In response to inquiry fro Mayor Fromberg, Metro Dade Co. Commissioner James Redford advised a rep. on the County's Tax Increment ... REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, M.B. Date (Cont'd) 7/11/84 Financing will be forthcoming & R-11D keep the City apprised of (see METRO DADE CO.) 2A3 they will developments. 9/5/84 R-31 Memo 540-84, Planning Bd rep & recommenda- tion on proposed amdt. to the Zoning Ord. creating Perf. Std. zoning for So. Pointe. Hrg. held & concluded; Robert H. Freilich of Freilich, Leitner & Carlisle (redevelop- ment legal/planning consultant) reviewed. addns/chgs to proposed ord. Ord., as amd'd, passed on 1st reading. Hrg & 2nd reading scheduled for 9/19/84 at 5 p.m. In interim, consultant to meet w/area prop. owners in -- ...-.~ ._--~..,. .......-..--.....'''- -", ..",J REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY M B ~ (Cont'd) , " 2A4 9/5/84 eff t R-3r or, to ansa quests. (Ord. deletes Inter 1m Development D' LD. - Perf. Std Dist wi t:st. & creates P.s. _ dist. map.) Gl~~n JO~ etndant chgs in zoning velopment Corp d ,ns on, Vp - Cheezem De- t ., a VIsed Cheez h o construct their ro' em as agreed track prop I' P ,Ject on the former dog . , n complIance /th of this ord. as amd'd and w e provisions shortly. (see PLANNIN~ will get underway ZONING) COMM, so. POINTE PK, 9/5/84 R-7C Memo 552-84 Res 84 execution ~f . -17633 adopted, auth'g a sOvereignt lease w/State of FL Y submerged land , Dept. of Natural ... , v;':", " REOevEtO~MENrr MID/OR AG~NCY I M.S. ~A1 Oate (Cont'd) '9/19784 Memo 607-94, Res. 94-17962 adopted, approv- R-7C in concept, Cheezem - So. pointe Development Agreement as amd'd during 9/19/84 M.B. Redevelopment Agcy mtgi subj. to CAtty's approval of final form w/in 20 days. Prior to above, Cheezem Dev. Corp. reps. explained project plans to public. (see SOUTH POINTE) 9/19/84 R-8E Memo 610-84, Res. 84-17865 adopted, calling pub. hrg for 10/3/84 at 3 p.m. to consider vacating Inlet Blvd. & Collins Ave. south of Biscayne St. to accommodate the Cheezem development of the dog track prop. (see VACATION OF ALLEYS & STREETS, SOUTH POINTE) ...._:....... .. , . REDEVELOPMENT AND lOR AGENCY~ M;B. Date 9/19/84 R-3J 287A Rev. Memo 540-84, amdg. Zoning Ord. 1891, creating Perf. Std. Zoning for South Pointe. Hrg. held & concluded; Ord. 84-2439 adopted, as amd'd, by deleting Sec. 22, ID - Interim Development Dist. Map, and making other necessary chgs. to bring Ord. into conformance w/new perm. zoning; adopting new Sec. 22 titled PS - Perf. Std. Dist. & mapping same on Zoning Dist. Map to reg. development/redevelopment in conformity w/So. Shore Revitalization Strategy; to become effective 10/19/84. (see ZONING, SOUTH POINTE) 1/ ~~~ R:EOEVEtOr-MENT ANO lOR AG~CY, M. a · Date 12/19/94 R-7C.1 Memo 851-84, So. pointe corridor studies. Res. 84-17962 adopted, extending pro legal/ planning servs. contr. term (2nd amdt.) w/Freilich, Leitner & Carlisle, P.C. to 1/1/84 thru 7/1/85, limiting activities to $25,000 for involvement in So. pointe Rede- velopment project Corridor Studies prepara- tion & requiring wr itten approval beL under tak ing addnl. wor k, incr 'g Con tr . amt. by up to $100,000 (to be funded fro Bond Anticipation Notes for $9.8 million So. pointe Infrastructure Bond Iss.) to pay subcontractors, requiring Consultant to maintain control of subconsultants' contrs. REDEVEtOr-MENTANO/OR AGENC't, M.a. 2~4 Date (Cont'd) 12/19/94 so fe~s are noe ~xceeded. (see SOUTH - R~7C.1 POINTE) 12/19/84 R-7C.2 Memo 851-84, Res. 84-17963 adopted, approv- ing certain subcontracts for So. pointe Re- development Project Corridor Studies devel- opment, economics, and finance, urban design and land use planning, redevelopment tech- niques and project mktg., to be funded fr. bond Anticipation Notes for $9.8 million So. pointe Infrastructure Bond Issue; Halcyon Ltd. fixed base fee - $40,000, w/$7,OOO max. for reimbursable out-of-pKt. expenses; Goodkin Research Corp. fixedoase fee - 1 j t l I . 1 " \ " ~~6 M.1h. REDEVSLO~MENT AND/OR AGENC1, Date ~ 1./2~/SS' R-7E 3/6/85 R-3G Memo 57-95, Res. 95-179$1 adopted, calling hrg. for 3/6/85 @ 2:30 p.m. to consider terminating the amd' d Development Order for the development of regional impact for the old So. shore Redevelopment plan. (see SOUTH POINTE) Memo 168-85, pub. hrg. held and concluded; Res. 85-18035 adopted, terminating the Amd'd Development order for Development of Region- al Impact for the so. Shore Redevelopment plan, granted to the ME Redevelopment Agcy by Res. 78-15705 on 9/6/78 and amd'd by ReS. \' 79-15828 on 2/7/79. .. , , .'1; , " .\' , ;,. ,.' " ( , . \' ,~ 'h ,~ ~'..:'. '~' ~, < {' ;1 l ,\~ J~ "'.~.' ~ ~i II REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, M.B. Qili (Cont:d) . . . & Ln. Assn. that Cheezem 5/15785 fr'o C1.ty Fed. .svgs. defective default under R-llC wi1~ not b~ l.n tan~y extending the closing the1.r' comm1.tmen( SOUTH POINTE) date to 7/14. see 300 6/12185 R-7A 353 85 So Shore Developers, Memo -, . (SSDI) Stipulatio~ & Ordef;tion held; quests ra1.sed. 6/14/85. Inc. Discussion de r. to 6/14/85 R-1A Sh e Developers, Inc. Memo 353-85, So.. or &: Order. Discussion (SSDI) Stipulat1.0n "ng & 85-18099 adopted, approv1. , held. Res. "1 tion & Order, as amd d accepting the St1.PU a REDEVELOPMENT ANO/OR AGENCY, M.B. 301 Oate (Cant 'd) 6/14/85 and auth'g Mayor to sign said Order. Res. R-7A 85-18100 adopted, auth'g CMB to convey to MB Redevelopment Agcy, 2 parcels of land on ei ther side of Rebecca and Hope Towers, and the orig. MB Marina site referred to in the Stipulation and Order of SSDI. NOTE: Similar res's accepting & auth 'g execution of Stipulation and Order as amd'd, and accepting land conveyance fr. Ci ty, adopted by MB Redevelopemnt Aqcy this date. (see M.B. MARINA) ,t~ ~~ ~) ,\\ . ,~ lJl ,i~ :i f !"~ ,r " 6/26/85 R-7D Rev. Memo 381-85, Res. 85-18114 adopted, amdg the FY 1984/85 budget fr. $65,288,876 II REDEVELOPMENr AND/OR AGENCY', M.B. 30G Date (Cont'd) 11/20/85 Ord. 1891 reo 1) creation of C-PS4 Coml R-8D Intensive Phased Bayside Mixed Use Dist 2) excluding certain parcel (Upland ~~ina ~rop.) fr. (MIl) Mun. Use Dist. & incl. same 1~ C-PS4 Coml. Intensive Phased Bayside M1xed Use Dist. 3) (MO) Municipal Use Dist. regs, 4) Design Rev. Bd. regs, & 5) Transf. of Dev. Rights regs. (see ZONING) Mt16-86, SSDI/Upland Marina Property zoning amdts. Negotiated res. of issues reviewed' SSDI advised 3rd party costs stipulated t~ be $3,.563,000. Rt86-l8390 adopted, auth'g execut10n of Development Agreement as arnd'd. 3/5/86 R-3A REDevELopMeNr ANO/O~ AG~NCY, M.B. 301 Date (Cant' d) 3/5/86 Ord. #86-2501 adopted, as amd'd, amd~ Compo R-3A Zoning Ord. 1891, creating c-PS4 Coml. Intensive phased Bayside Mixed use Zoning Dist. (For details of arndts., see mtg. file records.) (see M.B. MARINA, ZONING) 3/19/86 C-4C Res. auth. execution of dev. & pkg. agree- ment and arndt. of contr. of sale w/So. Shore Dev. Inc. (SSDI) re upland marina prop., w/drawn by Mgr. (Ri86-l8390 adopted 3/5/86). (see M.B. MARINA, ZONING) 3/19/86 C-4D Ri86-l8403 adopted, auth. amdt. to 1/28/85 agreement wJ'MB Redevelopment Agcy. pro- - -lmoev~L6l?ME~itANb/OR -AGgNC'{;- M~B- ;-- -- - ' - ..". - .. "3M Date (Cont'd) 3/19/86 viding for reimbursement of overhead c-4D expenses to city for svcs. & annl renewal of agreement. Term: 2/1/86 - 1/31/87. 10/1/86 C-4B.13 Mi645-86, Ri86-l86l5 adopted, agreement w/MB Redevelopment Agcy., for funding of So. pointe Co-Dev. project. (see HOUSING & COMM. DEV. ACT OF 1974) 11/5/86 C-4B Res. arndg. agreement w/MB Redevelopment Agcy to incl adoption of Scope B of Sec. 1; w/drawn by Admin. 1 l , I