File Ref. #014 .A.a& ........ ........_ j)(yG r 11 0(<(-:;: {~~-' ( c wJt.Jt...3 0) MiIlllUJ.. Dl2N9G T4t= .. l')wmt'ber 3. lW7 I'rca: h'.j!d: I!Iected 0fBciaIs and EJection Sr.Mdule The Bldonl Depar1meIIt is updatIna tile Local GovemIDIm otJidall lilt 1br aD ~es and the 1998 B1ccdor1 S~c. PIeI8e muflun chat the idmDatiOJ) HMd b your ~ is aaa. Additioaa1Jy, it ~ bo bclpfbl it yau could provide US with the qualitJag Ma fbr your next IObeduled 1Dl"';~ eIecdoa P1Iut k ibis Ihect to 3'15-2525 (Fax) witk III)' cotRCtions or with COJ6mation that die inImnatim listed i. acantI by 5 11' ~. Decabar 4I:h. If you baYo any quBiOllS pertaiDiDa to this reqtIIIt pJeue csontII::t ... Dayte JodrW1ez. or Malia AgoJta It 37S-4381. ThInk YOU fix' your assistace ill tblIlIIIdter. rbe ~on IIstedIJ GOmP. V/ I have lJlBdo eoueclbw om" fOIlowida meet. Q'k-.f~. UaDdpal Clerk IY! 'f(r1 Date S(;S(;Sl~61 I ~ 0 I ~O:vl l6. V ~aa 12/03/97 14:18 "305 375 1036 MID ELECTIONS 2 JaJ 001/002 METROPOUTAN DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ RECEIVED Oft'ICEOP'l'DS'UPERVISOROJJ'ELECTIONS ~1 o~e -3 P" 3.361-- Suite 1910 lllN.W,lstStreet CITY CLEHK'S OffiCE Miami,a 33128-1962 STIPIIEN P. CLARK CENTER Jl:w. M.... AdcI.-..: P.O. Box. 012241 Miami,FL 33101-2241 To; Date: December 3, 1997 J'rom: Subject: Elected Officials and Election Schedule The Elections Department is updatin,a the Local Government Officials list for all municipalities and the 1998 Election Schedule. Please confirm that the information listed for your municipality is cmrect. Additionally, it would be helpfbl if you could provide us with the qualifying dates for your next scheduled municipal election. Please fix this sheet to 375-2525 (Fax) with any corrections or with confirmation that the information listed is accurate by S p~ ThursdaY. December 4th. If you have any questions pertaining to this request please contact me, Dayse Rodriguez. or Maria Acosta at 375-4382. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. The Infonnation fisted is correct. V I have made corrections on the following sheet. Q~f~ Municipal Clerk /v! 'If 71 Date 12/03/97 14:19 tt305 375 1036 MID ELECTIONS 2 LOCAL GOVERKNT OFFICIALS AS OF 12/03/97 iJ 002/002 KIAIII SBACK 1700 CcnTention Center Dr Miami geach, FL 33139 UL: 673-7411 NIIT ELBCTIO!: 11/02/99 BOOI CLOSING: 10/04/99 GatJIIJ c:l.A"C.i I q .. " Milyor:................................... . lei Bell Ita sdin. . . .. . .. . .. .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . 2. 00 I COlllllissioDer: I...............,.......... .Jose SlIith............................. 1.<<'0 I CODllllissioner: 11......... ............... ..David Dermer......... .......... ........ ....00 t C01lllllinioner: III..........,............. . laney LieblDan................... ..... .. 1'\ q, COllllllissioner: IV......................... . Simon Cruz...... ..... ................ .. \ '\~'l Collllllissioner: V.................,......... Susan Gottlieb.. ... .. ...... .. .. ... .. . .. l "'{qqColllllliuioner: VI.......,................. . Marti!1 Shapiro......................... Clerk:.....,.....,..........,...,........ .iobert Parcber................. ...... .. Manager:................................ ..Jose Garcia-Pedrosa.......,............ At tOlney: . .. ... .. .. . . . .. .. . .. . . .. .. .. . .. .. )tutray DUb!lin........ .. . . .. .. . . . .. .. .. . Chiaf of POlioQ:..........,.....,....... ..iicha~d Jl;ueto. ..... ... .. ...... .... . .. Phone 613.7030 673~ 7030 673-7030 "3-7030 673.7030 673-1030 673-7030 673-741: 673.7010 613.7.70 '73-792S Pax !Jo. ~~.l, 4 w\ ~ iA ~: ~r 7 I 8') 9 J I 0 ) 19 q ~ 12/03/97 GS/lca LocOff :?age 1 of 10