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File Ref. #025
/ttf.;l tJ 1J-- JA-N t I IfrJ' CITY OF MIAMI BEACH m Interoffice Memorandum To: Robert Parcher City Clerk Judith M. Ford r)4' Procurement Director Date: December 23, 1997 From: Subject: Purchasing Report Sorted by Minority Codes The attached report is submitted in response to Mr. Victor Diaz' request to the City Manager. I have the backup materials for this report, which shows the individual vendors included in each category. The top section of the report reflects payments made against purchase orders and standing orders, and the bottom section reflects payments made against Direct Payment (DP) forms. It should be noted that the classification of Other indicates those vendors who have still not completed a vendor application for the City. These vendors will be inactivated at the end of this year, and no further purchase will be made from them until they provide the required information. Please advise if any further information is required regarding minority participation in the City of Miami Beach procurement process. jf c: Jose Garcia-Pedrosa, City Manager Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager Ci ~ ~ .~ % '-- . C"' r rV ~ (,.) .~. ;;:.. -0 <P ~ ~c.a ~ s:- c; \.D r" f: \purch \$all\judy\memos \minority .rep -v ;0 rn C> rn "2. ~ ~ ::Eeno:r::r:OJOJOJ~~::E < ::Eeno:r::r:OJOJOJ~~::E m I os:-qi5~~~~S:H;=i -l oS:-lCi5~~~~S:H;=i Z s:~ffi"'tl~()()()gJc:r: 0 s:~ffi"'tl~()()()gJc:r: 0 ~ ~r-;;o~-^~~' mz -l ~r-;;o~-^~~' mz 0 0 Zco ~~ :r:"'TIz::!o ~ Z Z() --l ;;0 ~ r- eo -~ :r:"'TIz-O ~ m OC ()"'tl Ci5mo~() en OC ()"'tl Ci5mo~() r I ::E~ "'tlS:j>Zo ::E~ "'tlS:j>Zo ZZ ~~zoo zZ ~~zoo mm ~m::Em mm ~m::Em ~ o~ () zen o~ () zen ~ 0 "'tl "'tl 0 ~ (fl "'tl ~ (fl "'tl W 0"> 0"> ~ W ~ f\.) (J1 ....... .w ~"'TI 0, 00<" tn '".!>. '0-:'-'000 ..... -<-< ~ -...JO">O">N 0"> s: -1>0 OO(oWOO">CJ1 00 s:m 0lf\.)r\J....... W .w :-l .-1>0 ())CJ)01 CJ).............. 01"""'-"" .(0 -lu5 tn <:0 ""....J 0<:0 CJ1w<:O..... 00 ~ .0 0,<:0 '".!>. mrvmrvtn W W W -I>oONOO W(OO">W CJ1 -I>oNCJ1OOOOO">O<.OCJ1 0 <0 ~?,~=,,"~~~N(J) 0"> W OOOWO-...JO">-I>oN-I>oOCJ1 0"> -...J-...J-I>oOOO-l>oCJ1N <:n -...J WNlDNlDlD:""WNoN 0 .....NNOOONOOOW CJ1 oo.....O<.O(ON(O<.OOOoo ~(J)~~~O~~~O~ oo.....W.....ooooooN . O">-...JW. . . . . . W ~ ~~~mggg8gg~ o. . . -I>oWOooo' (O~c5)tO">OO-l>o""'O">O;j 0 0 "U "'tl 0 (fl ~ "'tl (fl "U ~ N (fl 0"> W ~ ..... NWOOW W ~"'TI <:0 <000...... <:0 -< ..... '".!>..Nrvo, rv -<-< N CJ1-1>ow..... 00 s: -1>0 OOO-...JNOO CJ1 00 s:m .00 ..............O~ .N .0"> :-l 0 _I\.,) _-Ja ~....... _CD _w _-..J .00 ~ -l<.e5 N <omOtnN.-I>o -1>0 0 ""....J O">WO">-I>oN(o-I>o 00 -1>0 00 c.nc.nOf\.)f\.)...... -...J W W N-I>oNOON(o-...J -1>0 CJ1 O">WCJ10-l>o.....0CJ10 <0 -...J WW.....O"> N(OW 0(00 0"> <:n www<:nowooo 0"> N :....:....i:x>Ni:x>~~o~o~ 0"> W(O-I>o.....ONOOOO-...J -...J W-I>oOO-...J-I>oCJ1O">O-...Jow () O-l>o~~~~~~~o2l ..............w.......oooooo....... ~ .....CJ1oooo. . . . . . CJ1 ~ 0 ~~~k'.lg~g~gg~ ~~~~=~gg~g~ 0 "'TI s: j> 0 "'tl s: "U 0 co ~ (fl ~ (fl ~ W "U ~ .CJ1 -...J -...J .0 N W (0-1>0 .0 ~"'TI W ......J:!t.~ tn CJ1 '"....J 0 00-""'" -...J () ..... .......O>-...JJ::lo ..... s: CJ1 CJ1OO<.O N -1>0 N s:;;l ::I: ..... I\.,)-..,Je,n.......-l. N :-l -...J (OWO">-I>o-l>oCJ1 ..... ..... -l<.e5 0, o<,,<oo,OCJ1 -1>0 CJ1 0, m<"<,,mtn""....Jw <" ""....J CJ1 0 O-...JCJ1N(OO -...J -...J CJ1 OO-...JN(oO">O">-I>o 00 0 :-..J ~~<O<O~=""~~~ -...J !'> .....O">O">O">WCJ1(OOooOW CJ1 .....O">WNWNOOO m ..... i:11~<:nNi:11:""i:x>olDoi:11 -...J W-...JCJ1NNNOOOOO"> -1>0 -I>oWCJ1 0-1>0 00 00""'0(0 ~~(5)~~~~~~~~ (o<.Ow.....oooooow . . NW. . . . . . CJ1 ~ ~~~~~gggggg 000' . 0000.....0. WWg~.....ooOO-l>oOg 0 0 "'tl ~ "'tl 0 (fl "U ~ ..... ..... ~ "'tl CJ1 0"> .00 ~ .00 O1W......cn ..... ~"'TI --1>0 Olo,...... -< ..... in -....... '" :... <0 ~ ()) ....... 0) '" CJ1 s: (0 O">N(oOO W W -1>0 s:;;l v.> CJ'1 UJ ()) -\. .00 .00 :-l CJ1 O">O-...JN-...J-...J .-...J .0"> -l<.e5 ~ o,<,,'".!>.<om -...J W 0"> (0 '".!>. o,<,,'".!>.'".!>.<,,:'" CJ1 W 0"> (OOO-l>oN W 00 W <.0 0"> ...... CD...... f\.) f\.) W 0 00 ="" O">NO">O">CJ10000.....-I>o ?' W-...J.....-...J(00"> oowo(O 0 wi:11wi:x><:nooo:....~N i:11olD~NNooWoo CJ1 NCJ1.....<.ONOOOO">OO 0"> WOOOCJ1CJ1CJ100CJ10CJ1 ~~~~~~~~~~k'.l WO">N.....OOOOOON N. W N. . . . . . -1>0 ~tl~el~ggg~g:::J . -1>0' . 000000' ~ ~-...JtelNOOOOOOO~ 0 0 "U ~ "'tl 0 "'tl (fl "'tl (fl -1>0 ..... ..... (fl .00 -...J .(0 ~ .0"> .......wm-..J -...J ~"'TI W N-I>om 00 CJ1 rvtn""....J<" ~ s:;;l N N-I>oO">-...J ..... (0 s: -1>0 O">NO">CJ1 ..... W 0.....-1>00"> -...J -1>000 :-l .CJ1 O(OCJ1CJ1WO"> .......... ..... -l<.e5 '".!>. Co~~:- -...JW rvo N oo,m<"o<" <o""....J<" -...J -...J -...JNCJ1CJ1 WW-I>o (0 0"> -...J (...)f\J01CO.......-.j CJ1 ..... N ..... WN(ONO-...JOOONW W ow.......('O').......~OO<D01..J:a. W :....i:11i:11<:noNooo~:.... w ~<OCn~o66o~:'-N -...J oo-...J-...JWOooOOOW..... 0 NWO">(ONOOOONO">N ~N~~OO~~~~~ N-...JW.....oooooo..... W. -I>oCJ1. . . . . . CJ1 -1>0 OOi:11-1>o 000""'000 . W. . ONOOOO' <f. WCJ1-...J<.Oooo.....owN ~N~~.....-I>oOOOO~