File Ref. #015 l I 1 ; I 1 I I I I I I I I I 11/19/97, 15: 07 'C'3053752525 0/( /){'C. S?"I-:J _ ItJ 001 .-. ,--.,' ,. ~ -- IJ ~'-d.ll /' /' ::.! 1/ ( ~ Ie' ) t_/:.~ ',-/' ) / liD ELECTIONS 1 ~IVI$~ 0(:1""1' ~nNS' OPlNIQ~ , or CIIc approval 01' objection of an il51lc, wbK:b upcqdilUnl is DOC COJlcrollcd by, coordiJUUd wldl. or DIldo \IPOIl wDS\llcadon wilb. any eadJdaIo. politi~ c:aramiucc., or .at of suda cudidate Of committee. As to die maximam lIDount for coaCribaOODS by . aingJo individual to politic8l puUea. Section 106.08(1), Florida StaDI...., provides that die conttiblllion limiu in tballCCtion do not apply to politic:aI parties, Tberefon::. tbc aQlQUOl p individual may QJlltribute 10 a politica1 pllrt)' U uulimiam. Finally. you ask whether the SSO.ooo cap on contributions a ellldidate may accepI ftom national, state. and county executive cnmmin_s of 8 political party. pursuant to Section 106.08, Florida Stab*S, IS ameudcd by Qapter 91-107. Laws offlorida. places a cap on Ibc aurqatc contributions of alllsvcls eX the party executive committee or provides a cap for conUibutions ot each level or dJc party. Seedon II of Chapfa' 91wlff1. Laws of Florida. .mod' other tbings. amends Section 106.08. Aorida Statutes. to provide that I I [A] alndi"-'. may not aa:apl c:oatributionl from lllliouaJ, Scaro, and COIlDty CXCC1Idvc ~UOC$ of a politi..-:a1 party, which c:onllibuliou ill .. ~e =xceod $50.000.... (Bmpbasis addecI.) Tbis laD.... provides ad agrepte UD01ID1 far all levels of the plIIty, Tberefore. if the utiona11eveJ of die part) COD~ $50.000 to a CUlWdate. tho ~I'djdate would 1101 be able to acx:ept furtber colltributiODS from d1e party at any lncL , .. ;- ,j j , m'JMMARY :, \: . i ~ A group of pcrsoP$ may form a poUtical committee punuaut to Section 106.03, Florida Statutes, or a committee of CODIiDUOUI cDstencc plll1Ullllt to S~dOP 106.04, Florida swu&c&. fer tbc: ~ of t>>ringmg alJwt th~ o1"uoa ot a .pc QUldidatQ to . ~\I~ or Iou tba c;vwtywido office. no diroot coatribulioDB of such . ,,^"'ft\ittu ro ~~ic!lte. Of cnmll'llifteeS it limited to $1.000 uader present law: effective Januuy 1. 1 9921UCb limit will be SSOO. However. there is 110 1imi1adou OIl dae amount or indcpcndcnt ~di~ which may be made by a commiaae. 'Ibere also is DO limit on CODaibulioDS aD iDdividual may mate to a eouDly poU~ party executive CODDIlittee. 1bo Sso.OOO cap on conlribldiODS a caad.idldO may KCCpt from aadOGal. swo. or county eQCUtive c::ommiUces ot. poIitical}Wl1 is an apregatlS amouoL .1 '; :~ DE '1..0'7 - Odober Zl, 1"1 CALCULATION OF LATE DAYS UNDER AUTOMATIC FINE PROVISIONS ~ONS 106.04(8) AND 106.0'1(8), FoS. To: Honomble DtwtJtlty R""lu. S~1Vi30r of &ctions. Pinellas CountY. JI S ~"" Streit. Clurwater, Florillil 34616-5190 Prfptmd b1: Divisitm of E18ctiolU 1bit is in response to ~ Ieuflr of September 10. 1991. wherein you request an opinion from the Division or BlectiOJl.l. Y C)U an tile PiHUas COQllty Supervisor of Elections aDd are requcsliDg an opinion COIIccmiDglbe Florida E1cctioa Code, tbo division bas aulhority under SeeliGD 106.23(2). Florida Statutes, to issue thisopiniOD. ' -- , - -'- You ask: L 11/19/9~ 15:08 U3053752525 MID ELECTIONS 1 DtymTON Oil pi pt""1'tnN~' OPlNIONS IIow arc the Dumber of 1ar.c days dctcrnUood under tile Jate ~ automatic fiH poYiIiOll$ of Cbapter 106, Florio. SblUtas, wIleD a eampaip treaSurer's ft!IlCll1. is Jail: and a fiM must be assessed? It is b OpWOI1 of the division thallbe caleuladOll of lato days bcpus on me dlIy alter the campa1p ueasum', repott Is due, Includiq weekends and hoUdays, and coatioua and incllldel tho day of tho pOf1mark. courier r<<:cipt, or ~ of mailin8. whichevor is earlier. Section 106.07(8), Florida Stuutes, pzovides a per day fine for la!e reports of political colDJl1iUees and candidates. Section 106.04(8). Florida SWUte5. Kts forth the applicable fine provilioDS fot late repc;$ of commiuces of continuoUS exi5tcDCC. 1be fine provisions of these lWO scc;tloDS are substantiaU)' the am~. Section 106.01(8), Floridil Statutos, providca in pat; (8)(a) Any candida&e or pOlitical commiuee failing to file a report on (be designated due d8 sba1I be IUbject to a fine as provided in parapph (b) far each lata day.... (b) ...1bc ft1ing offtc;cr shaD dctermiPc Ibc amount of tho fine due hued upoll die carno.t of tho followiq: 1. WIn cho Ieport is actually received by such officer. 2. WbeD the rqJOIt is postmarked. 3. WbeD Ibc c:eniflc:atc of mailin8ls dilled. 4. Wb;n d1c receipt from M _rablishod ooun.r cOqlAllY is dated. Though the first day on which the fine is to bc,m is not spcQficaJly stItcd ill the llWDte, the division aDd the Florida E18dioDS Commission have ~onsnecl tbe sb1tU1C to mean that the late days. accruing on the day after the dIIe date. The statute provides that the acc:ruiD, of JIbs days wlU contin~ undJ tbe cartier of when the repon is acmally ~ved. when the report i$ poa1DHlfkcd, whcn . (:IOrti.ficalO of mailiDs is cIated. or wbe.ll the rccoipt hili U occab1ished courier ~d\paIlY is dared. Therefore. it is tbc opinioa of the division that lbe accruing of late days wntinues, includiDQ holidays and weebnds, up to IIJd iDcludiua tbe earlier of tile above-referenced dateS. for example. if a report was requlrcd 10 be filed on the first of Ibc mODth IDd was received on the lmIth, bearing" poaunark dated gp the fifth of 1ho.lAontb, b late dar- WO\Sld ioc1udc &be lOCoad. dmd, fourth, and fifth day& of the month. Therefore. the nsport is four days lata. 5llJ\fMARY It is the opinion gf the division that the ~OD of late pya begins o. the day after the caJDP8isn treasweI" I report ia due, iDcludiDS weekends and boliday., ud continues aud includes the day of the post:mark, courier receipt. or cetti&ate of mailing, whicbev,er is earlier, DE 91.. - October t, 1991 U'It ASSJi'..~~MENT ON DUES AND INTEREST SECl10NS 106.04(1)(b) AND (4)(b)1., :r.8. To: MI. J,tJIIM S. Ward, Pruidal. Cirhens lor Rt4S0nab~ Growth, POll OJfite Box 442. 8<<0. RQIOII, Florida j'4Z9-0442 .r. '. ., P,.~ptU,d by: DiviJilm if EI<<rioIU 176 ~002 '- I I I I I I I t .~